The Billionaire 's Masquerade

  • last month


00:00I knew something must have happened.
00:30Pierce, I need you to use all your connections to find out what Cece and Margot Trudeau did to Shelby yesterday.
00:38Because of them, my wife is divorcing me.
00:42It's five in the morning.
00:44You have an hour.
00:51How did Cece get the money to buy the entire Rampart Drive building?
00:54She and Margot Trudeau are using the Trudeau mansion as collateral.
00:58Stupid. Good for us, bad for them.
01:01And the property title?
01:03Still in escrow. The title hasn't been transferred yet.
01:06Make sure it is. Your name.
01:09You're about to be the proud owner of a mid-rise building on Rampart Drive.
01:13Oh, goody, goody.
01:19Talk to me, McSwain.
01:20I showed the fake guards in lockup Cece Trudeau's mugshot.
01:24You're right. She's the one who hired them to rough up your wife. How'd you know?
01:28Had her M.O. written all over it.
01:30I take it the kid gloves her off this time?
01:32Oh, yeah. Cece Trudeau thinks she's untouchable.
01:35Let's show her just how wrong she is.
01:45I'm glad you finally came to your senses, Shelby.
01:48I definitely have.
01:53I'm your campaign manager, not some hired muscle.
01:56Here's what I think about your agreement.
02:01Did you see that? Did you see that? She chose me, man. She chose me.
02:06Well, hell, looks like she did.
02:09You fucking bitch!
02:12That's her cue.
02:14Say goodbye to your gym, Shelby. You're going to lose everything.
02:18You know, at least I still have my self-respect, which is more than I can say for you.
02:22Don't be hasty, Cece. She's basically a man. You'll get hurt.
02:26I will find a way to reclaim what is rightfully mine, but I will never agree to your demands.
02:32Reclaim what's yours?
02:35You're never going to step foot in your precious gym ever again.
02:38That will be difficult to enforce since I now own the building.
02:42Who the hell are you?
02:44Pierce Durant, the new owner of 222 Rampart Drive.
02:52Your deal fell out of escrow. I swooped in and bought it.
02:57That's impossible. I own it.
03:00Let me spell this out in a way that even an imbecile will understand.
03:03I outbid you. The building is mine. Now scram.
03:08I'm Emma.
03:10Mr. Do, I want to ensure you that your lease is secure.
03:15The only change will be a 40% rent reduction.
03:18That's unbelievable. Are you sure you can afford that?
03:23Oh, yeah.
03:25Thank you, Mr. Durant.
03:27The gym means a lot to the women in this community.
03:36Cece Trudeau, you're under arrest for extortion.
03:39The fake guards identified you as the one who paid them to attack Shelby Trudeau.
03:43Okay, well, that was last week. You can't arrest me now.
03:48We most certainly can, and this time the charges won't be dropped.
03:51You can't arrest me now.
03:53We most certainly can, and this time the charges won't be dropped.
03:56No, no, no. You can't take my girl.
04:00I'm coming after you. I'm never going to forget this when I get out.
04:12Zara, call everyone. Valkyrie Fight Club is back in business.
04:22Well, aren't you going to go over there?
04:27You are the one that orchestrated this whole thing.
04:30No, it's her victory. I merely did what a husband should do to ensure happiness.
04:37That's my reward.
04:39That is some wild shit you just spouted.
04:41This girl is seriously causing you to lose it, Griff.
04:44You worry too much.
04:46And you don't worry enough. We have a campaign to win.
04:48And you're ten points behind LaRoche in all the latest polls.
04:51What are you driving at?
04:53Tell Shelby who you are.
04:55The voters need to know who your wife is, and we need to be able to shape the narrative.
04:59You wait too long, and Neville LaRoche is going to find out and beat us to it.
05:04Okay. I'll tell her.
05:07I just... I need a few more days of just me with her.
05:12Then I'll confess everything.
05:24That's Shelby Trudeau, owner of the Valkyrie Fight Club.
05:28Pretty girl.
05:30So who's she screwing?
05:32Duran or Roy?
05:34I don't know, sir.
05:36That luncheon was so boring, Neville.
05:39Those stuck-up twats kept going on and on about their precious lineages dating back to the Mayflower.
05:48Not everyone's by trash like you, Isabel.
05:53It doesn't wonder how you overcame your low-class origins and gained my interest.
06:01That wasn't your interest, darling. That was your cock.
06:04Touche, my dear.
06:06Why are you looking at a picture of her?
06:09Do you know Shelby Trudeau?
06:11Well, she went by Michelle in high school. But yeah, that's her.
06:16She was a star athlete with an annoying habit of defending every loser in school.
06:21From bullies like you, per se.
06:25Oh, that is unfortunate.
06:28You'll have to work that much harder for when you two reconnect.
06:32No, no.
06:34I mean your new bestie, Isabel.
06:36Baby, no.
06:44It's cooling off. We should go inside.
06:47Just a few more minutes.
06:50I can't remember the last time I let myself just be.
06:57I think it was when my parents were still together.
07:00Before the divorce, the cheating, while I'm getting sick.
07:05I was carefree then.
07:07I joined the army after, but that was just another rollercoaster.
07:11It's kind of hard to chill when you're deep in hostile territory, cutting off weapon supply routes.
07:17I'm glad you feel safe here.
07:21It's not the place, it's the person.
07:24I feel like I've known you forever.
07:32Shelby, I have to tell you something.
07:42I guess I can wait one more day.
07:50Our most sought after place at Valkyrie is our women's self-defense kickboxing.
07:57Sign me up.
08:00Oh shit, Isabel.
08:02The girl who made my life and everyone else's a living hell in high school.
08:05What sneaky BS is she up to?
08:08Oh my gosh, Michelle, is it you?
08:11I go by Shelby now.
08:13You look amazing.
08:15Michelle, Shelby, and I go way back.
08:19Gosh, what a small world.
08:22Well, for our membership we offer weekly and monthly subscriptions.
08:26How about I pay up front for three years?
08:29And I'll be sure to tell all my friends to join.
08:32You know, if you're really serious about this, you'll have to lose the bling before class.
08:40I was a mean girl in high school, and I'm really ashamed of it.
08:44What you've built here is so empowering.
08:48If I had had something like this growing up, then maybe I would have found the courage to stop my pa from all the horrible things he did to me and Ma.
08:59Shelby, can we start over?
09:01Would you let me try to make it right?
09:15This is so awesome.
09:17How about lunch?
09:19I'm free to grab a bite right now.
09:21We can catch up.
09:25Let me grab my bag.
09:32Griffin Roy has made criminal justice reform the heart of his campaign.
09:36He's pro-union and has a five-point plan to improve workplace safety regulations.
09:44No, no, not you.
09:46I gotta call you back.
09:56LaRose knows about Shelby.
09:58He sent Isabelle on it.
09:59Look, here's her Instagram.
10:03What the fuck?
10:05LaRose's oppo research must have tagged her.
10:07Look, we just lost control of the narrative, Griffin.
10:10Screw the narrative, it's a trap.
10:12They've got my wife.
10:19I thought this was supposed to be a quick bite.
10:22I have a business to run, you know.
10:24You haven't changed a bit since high school.
10:26So dedicated.
10:27I've always admired that about you.
10:31Alright, cut the crap, Izzy.
10:33Others might buy your ladylike act,
10:35but I know you're still the same vicious bully inside.
10:39You didn't come to my gym by accident.
10:41What's your angle?
10:43Neville asked me to befriend you.
10:45I don't want to be here,
10:47so I can just add that to the list of reasons
10:49why I fucking loathe you.
10:51What's my angle, Shelby?
10:53The complete and utter destruction of Griffin Roy.
10:56And if I can take you down with him,
10:58all the better.
11:05Shelby, listen to me.
11:07The press are on their way.
11:09I don't have time to explain, but I fucked up.
11:11You have to get out of that restaurant.
11:16Too late to run.
11:18My hubby's here.
11:20Leaving so soon, Ms. Trudeau?
11:22Or should I say,
11:24Mrs. Roy?
11:28Come on, Shelby, pick up!
11:30Let me know you get out of there!
11:33Who the hell are you?
11:37Neville LaRoche.
11:39I understand why your husband probably never mentioned me,
11:41seeing as how there's so much he hasn't told you.
11:43Please, sit down.
11:45Isabelle was supposed to keep you company
11:47until after I arrived.
11:49No matter.
11:50We'll do this the less genteel way if we must.
11:55Both of these men are retired Navy SEALs.
11:58I've heard a lot about your fighting skills,
12:01so I came prepared.
12:08What's this about?
12:11What's this about?
12:13I spoke to your stepmother.
12:15I'll go.
12:17She had quite the story to tell.
12:19It seems Roy has led you to believe
12:21that he's some bond on the streets.
12:24When actually,
12:26he's just about one of the wealthiest men in the state.
12:29I can't believe you fell for that.
12:31Not so smart now, are you, Shelby?
12:35You're lying.
12:37You are Roy's secret bride.
12:39A woman he is so ashamed of,
12:41he would hide the marriage for the rest of the world.
12:44When the press arrives,
12:45you will share your story of betrayal
12:47with the voters of Louisiana
12:49so that they may know
12:51what kind of man Roy really is.
13:04I got you.
13:06Let me go.
13:08Shelby, please.
13:10Why did you keep your marriage a secret?
13:12The voters have a right to know.
13:13What else are you hiding?
13:15You son of a bitch.
13:17Oh, now, Roy.
13:19Don't blame others for your own stupid mistakes.
13:34Shelby, please, hear me out.
13:36Don't shell me.
13:38I got all of your charm.
13:40It's just a lie.
13:41I never meant
13:43to let it get this far.
13:45I planned on coming clean.
13:47More lies, Gryffin Roy?
13:49I was going to tell you today.
13:53Why didn't you just tell me
13:55you were a billionaire from the start?
13:57Did you actually think
13:59I'd come after you for your money?
14:01That was always a possibility.
14:03Get away from my house.
14:05This is technically
14:07my home.
14:09How's hitting my ass?
14:11I never want to see you again.
14:21Congressional candidate Gryffin Roy
14:23has a secret bride.
14:25Our reporter is...
14:41Can I get a sip of that?
15:12This is private property.
15:14Which I own.
15:18Pierce Durand owns this building.
15:20He works for me.
15:22Then I'll move.
15:24I don't want to owe you anything.
15:42Oh, Shelby, Shelby,
15:44come out, would you please?
15:48I wake up in the morning
15:50and reach for you,
15:52but you're not there.
16:01I can't breathe
16:03at the thought of losing you.
16:06Mr. Roy,
16:08do you think she'll ever forgive you?
16:10You're ridiculous.
16:12You do know that, don't you?
16:14Oh, Shelby, Shelby,
16:16don't leave me hanging.
16:18What are you doing?
16:20You're supposed to turn it on.
16:24I got it from a pawn shop.
16:26It's broken.
16:28Guy totally scammed me.
16:30You are beyond ridiculous.
16:32Please, Shelby,
16:34I didn't say
16:36what I wanted to say.
16:37I didn't say
16:39what I wanted to before.
16:41Just give me a chance to explain.
16:47Come in, you fool.
16:49I'll come in on my own.
16:55You have two minutes.
17:03Growing up
17:05as a Roy
17:07no one ever liked me for me.
17:10It's always been about
17:12the money,
17:14the excess.
17:18at a moment
17:20three years ago
17:22where someone did
17:24like me
17:26for me,
17:28they had no idea who I was
17:30and I just remember
17:32how free
17:34it felt.
17:35So when I met you
17:37and I felt that spark
17:39I've been searching for
17:41I didn't think.
17:43I just
17:45fucking left.
17:47Why wait so long to tell me?
17:49I've never
17:51gone into enemy territory
17:53to cut off weapons supply routes.
17:55I boxed in prep school.
17:59you got that right.
18:01But otherwise
18:03I've always been more of
18:06and I've done well as a lawyer
18:08but I did not
18:10earn those billions.
18:12I inherited them
18:18of dickheads.
18:20When you meet a girl
18:21it's a total package.
18:23You just want to be her total package too.
18:26You really are ridiculous.
18:29You know, I have laughed more
18:31with you in the past two weeks
18:32than I have in my entire life.
18:34I'm way too serious, Griffin.
18:36Sometimes I forget how to let go.
18:39But with you, every day is fun.
18:42So, does that mean you forgive me?
18:45I'm thinking about it.
18:51You think too much.
18:53Time for make-up sex.
18:58So, that's make-up sex.
19:04Griffin, it hurts so much
19:06thinking we were over.
19:09I never want to feel like that again.
19:12I promise not to let anything
19:14get in between us.
19:22This changes everything.
19:24Elf, thanks for the heads up.
19:26I'd appreciate it if you could
19:27keep it buried for as long as possible.
19:28I'd appreciate it if you could
19:30keep it buried for as long as possible.
19:42I want to stay right here.
19:51Where the hell are you, Griff?
19:53This is DEFCON 1.
19:56Hey, man.
19:57That's all you have to say?
19:59Seriously, that's all you have to say?
20:04Come on.
20:10How could you keep something like this from me?
20:12We've known each other since college.
20:14What are you talking about?
20:16Didn't you get any of my texts or calls?
20:18I must have forgot to charge it.
20:20I had quite a night last night.
20:22Shelby and I made up.
20:24She's forgiven me.
20:25Well, she won't forgive you for this.
20:29You're a goddamn bigamist, Griffin Roy.
20:35Michelle Lane.
20:37I don't even know who that is.
20:39Well, you knew her well enough
20:40to marry her three years ago.
20:42This can't be right.
20:44I got it from a parish clerk.
20:46She's agreed to keep it hush-hush for now.
20:48The ceremony was conducted at a church.
20:50The priest signed and completed
20:52the marriage certificate.
20:53Father Timothy O'Shea.
20:58I now pronounce you man and wife.
21:01Damasco from where to grow.
21:04I finally know her name.
21:10That finally makes sense.
21:12Of course, she wouldn't knowingly
21:13become a bigamist.
21:19What are we going to tell her?
21:21Look, it could still be one big mistake.
21:23I need to talk to that priest.
21:31I have something for you.
21:39I hacked into the parish database.
21:41Griffin Roy is legally married
21:43to both Michelle Lane and Shelby Trudeau.
21:45That's it.
21:47He's finished.
21:49Griffin Roy will be in jail
21:51for bigamy for cocktail hour.
21:53Michelle Lane is Shelby Trudeau.
21:55They're legally married to each other
21:57on two separate occasions.
21:59They just don't know it yet.
22:01That's insane.
22:03Check the date.
22:05They got married the first time
22:06during where to grow.
22:08Roy was obviously publicly intoxicated.
22:10We could use that, ain't we?
22:12Yeah, the romance is already trending.
22:14He made an idiot of himself
22:16with that boombox and voters.
22:18They're just eating it up.
22:21He's catching up on the polls.
22:24Now, Roy unknowingly marries twice
22:27the girl he's been searching for
22:29since Mardi Gras.
22:31This will make them seem like
22:33some baited love story.
22:35This will make them seem like
22:37some baited love story.
22:40We got nothing on him.
22:42Honey, we've got everything we need.
22:45What they don't know
22:47can definitely hurt them.
22:49And right now, to Griffin Roy,
22:51Michelle Lane could be anybody.
22:54You would have given Machiavelli
22:56a run for his money, my dear.
23:02Well, we have a very limited window
23:04to make this work.
23:06We will hit hard,
23:08but fast.
23:13What is she going to say
23:15when they tell her I'm married?
23:18All right, ladies, good job.
23:20That's it for tonight.
23:21Remember, this weekend's Mardi Gras.
23:23Have fun,
23:25but you know what to do
23:27if anybody messes with you.
23:29Nice work.
23:35Yeah, so,
23:37today's class went super well.
23:39Two new students.
23:41They really seem to pick up on a lot of things.
23:43You're everything I've ever wanted.
23:45Everything I didn't even dare to dream.
23:47You're it for me.
23:49I can't lose you.
23:51Griffin, are you okay?
23:56Just some stuff for the campaign.
24:00I want to help.
24:02LaRoche can't win.
24:04He and Isabel are evil.
24:06We're the kind of man that people need.
24:08I can't imagine anyone else but myself.
24:10I'll come by the campaign office tomorrow.
24:12We will plan a siege
24:14that surrounds them from all sides.
24:16That sounds amazing, Cheryl.
24:27I remember the two of you.
24:29You had it, lad.
24:31That special spark.
24:33I don't see it often in couples,
24:35but when I do, it makes an impression.
24:37You must be mistaken.
24:39This woman and I, we met that day.
24:41And you were already finishing
24:43each other's sentences,
24:45dying to tie the knot.
24:47There was no stopping you.
24:49I was drunk.
24:51The man I married knew what he was doing.
24:54I mean, how is this even legal?
24:56New Orleans has a 24-hour waiting period.
24:58Unless the judge waives it.
25:00Son of a bitch.
25:02Who was it?
25:04He was your best man.
25:06You called him Remy.
25:08Remy Calhoun.
25:10That bastard.
25:12No wonder he always had that stupid smirk
25:14on his face whenever I stood before him in court.
25:21I don't care.
25:23I don't care.
25:25We need to know the marriage now.
25:27I love my wife.
25:29You're in a bit of a pickle,
25:31because in my book,
25:33you love Joe, the wife, as well.
25:38Mrs. Riz in your office with Mr. Durand.
25:45Griffin, this is the woman
25:47you've been looking for.
25:49This is Michelle Lane.
25:51Hi, Griffin.
25:53You might not remember me,
25:55but we got married three years ago.
26:02So you've been an escort for seven years.
26:04That's right.
26:06Since high school.
26:08And that really is your toddler?
26:10My baby girl, Fleur.
26:12She has no daddy,
26:14so it'll be good for her.
26:16If I may ask,
26:18how will she pass the DNA test?
26:19That is the least of your worries.
26:21All right, chop-chop.
26:28Now, action.
26:32Hi, Griffin.
26:34You might not remember me,
26:36but we got married three years ago.
26:38It was Mardi Gras.
26:40We were completely wasted,
26:42and we ended up in some church
26:44with an Irish priest.
26:46We had a wild night at the hotel,
26:47and Fleur was the happy accident
26:49nine months later.
26:53It can't be true.
26:55I've never met you in my life.
26:57I mean, you were wearing masks.
26:59Yes, that's right, we were.
27:01By the time I found out I was pregnant,
27:03two months had passed.
27:05I've been trying to find you ever since,
27:07but it wasn't until I saw
27:09one of your ads for Congress
27:11that I recognized your voice.
27:13It was a miracle.
27:15It's too much.
27:17I can't hold it down.
27:20Listen, lady,
27:22I don't know who you're trying to con
27:24with this ad.
27:26Griffin, don't.
27:28But there is no way in hell
27:30that I'm married to you.
27:32What's going on, Griffin?
27:34Is this woman really your wife?
27:38No, she's not.
27:40We don't know.
27:42Which is it?
27:44You are my wife.
27:46I understand this is a lot to take in.
27:49Fleur and I will just go.
27:51I'll have my lawyer reach out.
27:53No, no lawyers.
27:55We don't need to involve any authorities.
27:57This can all be solved
27:59with a simple DNA test.
28:01Pierce, this woman is a fraud.
28:04Griffin, think about it.
28:06She says Fleur is your daughter.
28:08One little test,
28:10and that'll prove if she's lying or not.
28:12We need to know, Griffin.
28:13I need to know.
28:17But I don't want these doubts to fester.
28:19We can rush the DNA results
28:21and get it back in a few hours.
28:23Might I suggest a more private setting?
28:25Less ice.
28:29We can wait back at my house
28:31for the results to come.
28:36We've got him.
28:38You're up.
29:09You good?
29:13Just don't.
29:15Shelby go upstairs?
29:17She fed them snacks
29:19and locked herself in the guest room.
29:23I can't lose her, Pierce.
29:27I won't.
29:37Moment of truth, buddy.
29:46meet your daddy.
29:48I will, of course.
29:50Goodbye for you both,
29:54Fleur doesn't need a checkbook.
29:56She needs a father.
29:59I'm sorry.
30:01I'm sorry.
30:03I'm sorry.
30:05I'm sorry.
30:07I'm sorry.
30:09I'm sorry.
30:11I'm sorry.
30:14I'm sorry.
30:26What do you want?
30:28The guest bedroom is empty.
30:31You and Fleur can stay there.
30:37just don't do this.
30:39Just give me some time.
30:41I can fix it.
30:43This isn't something you fix.
30:45You can't be legally married to two women at the same time
30:48and you have a child with one of them.
30:52We need to get a divorce.
30:57She's right, Griff.
30:59Griffin, you have a daughter now.
31:01You're a father and you have to put your child first.
31:05I can't be Margot.
31:07I won't do that to another little girl.
31:10I've spent my whole life
31:12looking for you.
31:16How can I let you go?
31:21Sometimes love isn't enough.
31:27How did you know Shelby would leave me because of the kid?
31:30Shelby's dedicated her life to saving people.
31:33It's not her nature to put herself first.
31:35Oh, you're a scary woman.
31:37I know.
31:43I don't think Shelby would do that.
31:45I know you're being respectful.
31:47It's true.
31:52So this is what it feels like
31:54to have your heart shattered?
32:07I love you.
32:38That's strange.
32:40I thought I heard something.
33:21It's like she was never here.
33:35Hey, mister.
33:37Will you marry me?
33:40She took everything but left this behind.
33:43Message received, Shelby.
33:55What the hell is this?
33:58I know this sounds crazy
34:00and there's no time to explain,
34:02but if you help me, I promise a generous reward
34:04once I get my inheritance.
34:05This place is insane.
34:07The owner must really trust you.
34:13Could it be?
34:24It's her.
34:25It's always been her.
34:29Yeah, it went better than I expected.
34:31Yeah, it went better than I expected.
34:32Yeah, it went better than I expected.
34:34As soon as you saw the forged DNA test,
34:35it was a done deal.
34:37Who is she working for?
34:38How long am I supposed to stay here
34:40while you take care of Shelby?
34:42Give me a name.
34:43Come on, just one name.
34:45Mrs. LaRoche, that's cutting it close.
34:47I want to be long gone
34:48when he finds out she's dead.
34:51Where is Shelby?
34:53Where is my wife?
34:55Where is this boutique?
34:56I don't know what you're talking about.
34:58I will have you put away
34:59for the rest of your life
35:00and your daughter will go up
35:01in a fucking orphanage.
35:03I don't know where she is.
35:05If I knew, I'd tell you, I swear.
35:20What is wrong with me?
35:27Somebody help!
35:30Do you need some water?
35:32Oh, wait.
35:33I see you already had some.
35:35You poisoned me?
35:42Where to begin?
35:45Lingering high school issues, offs.
35:48I'm helping Neville's campaign, duh.
35:51But the real reason,
35:52the one that cuts deep,
35:54is to make Griffin Roy
35:55think he's a bigamist.
35:58By the time he figures out
35:59he married the same woman twice,
36:02he'll have gone missing,
36:03vanished without a trace.
36:07He'll be forced to withdraw from the race.
36:10Later, when an anonymous tip
36:12tells the police where to find your body,
36:14suspicion will follow Griffin
36:15for the rest of his life.
36:17Any political future he may have had
36:19will be as dead as you.
36:23Back up.
36:25Married twice?
36:26Married twice?
36:29Who's the...
36:31the woman and the little girl?
36:34just some cheap whore I hired
36:36to tell your husband
36:37that they've been married
36:38for the past three years.
36:40When really,
36:41it's been you all along.
36:44You've been searching for each other
36:45all this time,
36:47but now he'll never find you.
36:50All right, boys.
36:51She's all yours.
36:56Heh, heh, heh.
36:58I told you I'd get you back.
37:06Ms. Tudor,
37:07why are you here?
37:08My daughter, my...
37:10my baby, she's here.
37:11I'm scared she's gonna do
37:12something terrible.
37:14What do you mean, terrible?
37:15What's going on?
37:16I sold everything
37:18to get her
37:19out on bail,
37:20and you...
37:21what does she do in return?
37:23she's gone crazy.
37:24She's stalking Shelby.
37:26She tailed her
37:27to some...
37:29hotel in the French Quarter.
37:32What hotel?
37:34Excuse me, sir.
37:35My sister's staying here,
37:36but I've forgotten
37:37her room number.
37:38Is Shelby Trudeau?
37:40Sorry, ma'am.
37:41We can't disclose
37:42any guest information.
37:54come out, come out
37:55wherever you are.
38:06Think I'll do it
38:07with my bare hands.
38:08Makes it more personal.
38:12Actually, do me a favor.
38:13Leave a lot of marks
38:14on that face of hers.
38:17Fuck you.
38:18I want people to see
38:19that she's suffered
38:20a lot.
38:22Oh, trust me.
38:23She will.
38:25Come on.
38:26Let's get this party started.
38:41Look what you've done.
38:46Pansy-ass slap.
38:49She's stalling,
38:50and you're falling for it.
38:53Can't go to the valet
38:54smelling like a dive bar.
38:56I'll never give you
38:57your car keys.
38:58Shelby has clothes
38:59over there.
39:02I'll take care of me.
39:03You go take care of her.
39:10I found it, Griff.
39:11Shelby Trudeau
39:12changed her name
39:13to Michelle Blaine.
39:14It was after her parents
39:15divorced at her mother's request.
39:17She only returned
39:18to her original name
39:19after her mother
39:20passed three years ago.
39:24It's starting to make sense now.
39:27It was harder on my mom.
39:29She didn't want anything
39:30to do with him,
39:31so I cut him off, too.
39:32Even started using
39:33my mom's maiden name.
39:35She's the one
39:36you've been looking for.
39:37It's been her all this time.
39:39How could it be so blind?
39:41Of course it had to be Shelby.
39:42It had to be her.
39:45My heart knew
39:46what my brain couldn't see.
39:48I got it.
39:49Your girl's in room 801.
39:50Thanks, man.
39:52Now I can go save
39:53the love of my life.
40:00Too much to drink.
40:09Stop right there.
40:16Not so fast.
40:21Griffin fucking Roy.
40:23Finally joined the party.
40:25I'm here for my wife.
40:27Not gonna happen, bro.
40:29What you've done here
40:30is aggravated assault,
40:31but if you leave
40:32this hotel with her,
40:34it's kidnapping.
40:36That is a federal crime.
40:37Don't bring in the FBI.
40:40Someone will have to be around
40:41to identify us.
40:42That sure as hell won't be you.
40:46Did you get all that, Pierce?
40:48Police are on their way.
40:49Hang in there, buddy.
40:52You're not getting out
40:53of here alive, Roy.
41:12Give me my wife back now!
41:20Come on.
41:31Show me.
41:32You all right?
41:50I'm back.
42:07Griff, my God.
42:09Do you need medical attention?
42:10No, but they do.
42:20I guess I renewed my man card.
42:23Sure did, honey.
42:24Fucked him up real good.
42:28Oh, Lord.
42:29Please tell me there's something
42:30other than fatigues
42:31and combat boots in this thing.
42:42You little bitch!
42:44Didn't I say I'd come back here
42:45and settle the score?
42:51That's not Shelby!
42:54Put your hands up
42:55or I can see them.
43:01This is the last one.
43:02Hey, hey, hey.
43:03I want to make a deal.
43:04What do you have to offer up?
43:06Congressman Devil LaRoche.
43:08I'm all ears.
43:16Is it really over?
43:17Yeah, it is.
43:19Griffon, Isabel said something
43:21and I want to believe it, but
43:24three years ago, did we...
43:29You left this.
43:37It's true.
43:40I can't believe I finally found you.
43:43I looked for you
43:44in the face of every woman I ever met.
43:48Why'd you never come back?
44:06It's called a walk of shame,
44:08not a laugh of it.
44:10Mind your own business, Cece.
44:12Look at you, Shelby.
44:13One Mardi Gras hookup
44:14and you think you found
44:15happily ever after.
44:17That's not how life works.
44:19Sure, he may have liked you
44:20with a mask on,
44:21but he's not going to want you
44:22with it all.
44:24Look, you both have
44:25a great memory now,
44:27but you'll look back and
44:29you'll see that you're just
44:30the clueless chick
44:31who didn't know the score.
44:34You'll embarrass yourself
44:35and more importantly,
44:36you'll embarrass him.
44:43I waited in the hotel room
44:44for two days.
44:46I'm sorry I let her get to me,
44:48but to be honest,
44:49what we had seemed
44:50too good to be true.
44:52How often do people
44:53fall in love with someone
44:54without ever seeing their face?
45:00But I did.
45:02I do.
45:04Where do we go from here?
45:06Married twice,
45:07deeply in love,
45:09risked our lives
45:10to save each other.
45:11I'd say we live
45:12happily ever after.
45:17will you?
45:18Yes, Griffin Roy.
45:23I'll always love you.
45:25In this life or the next.