The Billionaire's Masquerade 1

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The Billionaire's Masquerade
00:00I'm bored.
00:12According to Mr. Trudeau's will, your eldest daughter, Miss Shelby Trudeau, must be married
00:19by five o'clock today, or she loses her inheritance.
00:23That unladied-like girl is not my daughter.
00:26Bad enough I'm her stepmother.
00:28Hi, and hello.
00:30We want Shelby to know show.
00:31That's the way we get everything.
00:45I'm Sergeant Shelby Trudeau.
00:47I'm here to claim my inheritance.
00:48Well, look who it is, the prodigal sister, and dressed in your old uniform.
00:55Still trying to play hero.
00:57I'm in the Army Reserve now, CC.
00:59I was doing weekend drills with my unit.
01:02The will, please.
01:03Ooh, the Army Reserve.
01:07Should have just died in the field like a good little soldier.
01:10No one would have missed you.
01:11Shut your trap before I shut it for you.