The Billionaire's Masquerade 5

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The Billionaire's Masquerade
00:00Remember that true strength is not physical, it comes from the belief that you are worth
00:15Alright guys, that's class, nice work.
00:25So what's the latest on the STD super spreader?
00:28I tried to call him, but Mr. Chlamydia blocked my number.
00:32Who knows how many other women he's done this to.
00:35So I was thinking maybe it's time to go by his place and confront him in person.
00:42What's holding you back?
00:43Andre's no regular guy, Shelby.
00:46He's got a bro pack.
00:47These men are like wolves with mutton.
00:50Let's go.
00:51We'll face this douchebag together.