Стани Богат 5 Епизод 34 (2024)

  • last month


00:00[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪
00:25As every good day at this time,
00:27a greeting from the National Treasury,
00:29preserving the most interesting issues in the country.
00:32In fact, this is the only bank that gives money without return,
00:36only against a personal card and a few correct answers.
00:39It's time for the treasury, get rich!
00:43[♪ Applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
00:45Tonight we continue our game with Martin Marinov,
00:48his father Dmitar is here.
00:51Marto, this evening we will discover the show
00:54with the question for 1000 leva.
00:56Ladies and gentlemen, Martin Marinov
00:58starts his show, get rich for the second time today.
01:01[♪ Applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
01:05[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
01:07If yesterday there were easy questions for Rubina Nikoli,
01:10princesses and all you hungry warriors,
01:14today the questions will be more difficult, definitely.
01:18And I want to ask you whether we will conclude the sum of 1000 leva.
01:21No, we will not conclude.
01:23Let's play.
01:27Which Bulgarian king's reign is called the Golden Age?
01:35Boris I,
01:37Boris III,
01:40Simeon I,
01:42or Simeon II?
01:45I recognize that it is during the reign of Simeon,
01:49King Simeon.
01:53What is the pressure?
01:55That there are two kings?
01:57Yes, but...
01:59First and second?
02:01It is logical that King Simeon I,
02:03so I will mark the answer C,
02:05Simeon I.
02:07Let's see.
02:09Let's see.
02:13A correct answer.
02:15[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
02:17[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
02:19[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
02:21[♪ Music and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
02:23The Golden Age is due to the development of the library,
02:26Preslav is the capital,
02:28then the Bulgarian school was founded,
02:32Simeon the Great.
02:38will we conclude the sum of 1500 leva?
02:40No, let's continue.
02:42What is your strategy in this regard?
02:44When will you conclude?
02:46When the Jokers finish?
02:50I'm asking.
02:52No, I will conclude at a slightly higher sum.
02:54We are chasing a specific sum.
02:58Okay, here's the question.
03:01Which Marvel superhero
03:03is a titan,
03:05armed with the stones of infinity
03:07and in love with the goddess of death?
03:09There is a smile here,
03:11which means you know the correct answer.
03:13I guess so.
03:15Say it.
03:19Who are Thanos' daughters?
03:23one of them,
03:25and the other,
03:29Let's see.
03:31Doctor Doom,
03:37and Galactus.
03:41Shall we play?
03:43Yes, let's mark the answer.
03:45It's Thanos.
03:47Let's see.
03:49Absolutely correct answer.
03:59Which Marvel superhero
04:01is a titan,
04:03armed with the stones of infinity
04:05and in love with the goddess of death?
04:07One of the most powerful
04:09and destructive heroes.
04:11He's crazy,
04:13but he's also a conceptualist.
04:15His inner good intentions
04:17are driving him.
04:19But that's not true.
04:21He's trying to kill his daughters.
04:23Which actor plays Thanos?
04:25I'm not sure about the actor.
04:27Maybe you don't know
04:29who plays Thanos
04:31in Bukovlak.
04:33You'll see, because there's a whole movie
04:35I don't know if he'll play him,
04:37but there's a whole movie
04:39about Thanos
04:41when he was young.
04:43Marvel is ready
04:45with the development of their heroes.
04:47I'll watch it.
04:49The actor is George Brolin.
04:51Here you'll play for 2000 leva.
04:53Is it OK to conclude?
04:57To Groningen
04:59that's a few tickets.
05:01We'll pay you the way.
05:05Or a new video card.
05:07Is it that expensive?
05:09A little bit more.
05:11Let's conclude the sum of 2000.
05:13A logical decision.
05:15Make sure
05:17to breathe easier.
05:19Here's the next question.
05:21How many stars
05:23are depicted on each
05:25of the coins
05:27from 1 to 50?
05:45Intuitively it says
05:49maybe the answer is 12,
05:51because I associate it
05:54with Europe,
05:56with the European flag,
05:58and it has 12 stars.
06:02I haven't looked
06:04at the coins,
06:06but I guess...
06:16I'll take the risk
06:18with the answer D, 12.
06:20We'll play without the joker.
06:22Let's see.
06:24So, how are you
06:26with the coins?
06:28I don't know, seriously.
06:30Do you have hundreds in your pocket?
06:32I can't find them.
06:34Keep going!
06:46Your logic was absolutely
06:50You have 12 stars
06:52on the European Union,
06:54even though
06:56we'll soon retire the coins
06:58and the lions,
07:00they did a good job.
07:02When do you think
07:04the Bulgarian lion was introduced?
07:06Bulgaria joined the European Union
07:08in 2007.
07:10Did we have lions then?
07:12We did, but...
07:14Did your father have lions
07:16when he was born?
07:21Bukovac, keep going!
07:23You can find everything!
07:25The correct answer is
07:31Here we'll play...
07:35You're breathing
07:37the air.
07:39Let's see the question
07:41with 3000 levs.
07:45Which planet
07:47doesn't have its own
07:49natural companion?
07:51This is
07:55This is Jupiter.
07:57This is Venus.
07:59Or this is
08:05There are three,
08:07but one is missing.
08:13I'm familiar with Jupiter's moons,
08:15so I can give it back as an answer.
08:17How many are those moons?
08:19I don't know
08:21the exact number,
08:23I'm not sure.
08:27Neptune is
08:29an exoplanet.
08:33A giant.
08:35An ex...
08:37What? An exoplanet?
08:39An exoplanet.
08:41An exoplanet?
08:44It's one of the four
08:46male planets, while
08:48Mars and Venus are
08:52I don't know.
08:54I'm hesitating between Mars and Venus.
09:00I think I've heard about Venus.
09:02I've heard that
09:04it might have
09:06moons like Mars.
09:10That's why I'm pointing to Mars.
09:12Is that so?
09:20Let's be safe
09:22and use the joker
09:24to convince my friend.
09:26Convince your friend?
09:28This is your decision, right?
09:30One of the other jokers?
09:32Yes, it's my decision.
09:34Let's use this joker
09:36and see
09:38which friends Marto has prepared.
09:40Is he here?
09:42Yes, he is.
09:44This is Stamenov from Pleven,
09:46Kolio Marinov from Pleven
09:48and Stanimir Doichev from Stara Zagora.
09:50Of course Kolio is your friend.
09:52That's right.
09:54What is he doing?
09:56Who are we looking for?
09:58We are looking for Kolio Marinov from Pleven.
10:00He is a computer engineer.
10:02A computer engineer.
10:18Are you looking for Kolio?
10:22Kolio, hi, Niki Kanchev,
10:24stay rich.
10:28Is everything alright?
10:30You sound like someone
10:32who is looking for you
10:34to give you 5,000 LB.
10:36Everything is alright.
10:39I will give you 3,000 LB.
10:41I need a little help.
10:43He knows a lot about the issue,
10:45but you can confirm
10:47or deny what he will tell you
10:49or use all
10:51the available means.
10:5330 seconds, Marto, now.
10:55Which planet
10:57does not have
10:59its own natural companion?
11:03Jupiter, Venus
11:05or Neptune?
11:09I pointed
11:11to Mars.
11:13What do you think?
11:17Can you repeat the answers?
11:19Mars, Jupiter, Venus,
11:21Neptune. 4 seconds.
11:29As we heard from him,
11:31let's mark the answer.
11:35Do you trust him?
11:37It differs a lot from your version.
11:39You were ready to play with Mars.
11:41That's true,
11:43but my brother is also
11:45a fan of
11:47celestial bodies.
11:49He watches a lot of popular
11:51TV shows and movies
11:53and I trust him.
11:55Final answer?
11:59Let's see. One person watches a lot
12:01and I can't believe
12:03that one of your sons says
12:05the other son says something else. Where are you?
12:07I'm in infinity.
12:11No way!
12:13There is no such answer.
12:15Let's hope that
12:17his brother didn't let him down.
12:19I sincerely hope, Marto,
12:21that he won't fall into infinity
12:23after the computer says whether the answer
12:25is true with the help of his brother Kolyo.
12:27Stay in orbit. We'll be right back
12:29after the commercials.
12:35Hello, my dear viewers,
12:37you are rich on BTV.
12:39It's time to test
12:41a young student of 20 years,
12:43Martin Marinov
12:45from Plemen,
12:47a student in Netherlands,
12:49in Groningen.
12:51He plays in our show.
12:53We asked him
12:55and he did it.
12:57My mistake is real
12:59because Martin Marinov
13:01is a student
13:04and because Martin
13:06didn't know, he asked his brother Kolyo
13:08and we have a father, Dimitar.
13:10It's a complicated combination.
13:12Which planet doesn't have a natural companion?
13:14Mars, Jupiter, Neptune or Venus?
13:16Kolyo, do you have a connection?
13:18A wife?
13:22Not for now.
13:26Because there is a lady here.
13:30Can she stay without a companion?
13:32There is no way.
13:34There is no way.
13:36It can't be true.
13:38Women always have their companions.
13:40And Mercury
13:42is close to Venus.
13:44The others?
13:46Jupiter? Yes, they call them
13:48the Galilean moons.
13:50I think they are over 40.
13:52Neptune? You have Triton.
13:54Mars? You have
13:56Phobos and Deimos.
13:58Then the true answer is Venus.
14:00Why do you keep going up?
14:10Explain this to me.
14:12How big is this game?
14:14Why do you keep going up?
14:16Why am I right?
14:18Mercury was close to Venus,
14:20but somehow, for millions of years,
14:22because of the gravity,
14:24it goes away.
14:26Like in life, people are separated.
14:29You are doing very well,
14:31and so are your brothers.
14:33Otherwise, you can go wrong.
14:35Call the jokers.
14:37We are playing for 5,000 EUR, ladies and gentlemen.
14:39Let's see the question.
14:45Which famous scientist
14:47and naturopath
14:49is related to the trip
14:51from the ship Beagle to Patagonia?
14:53David Livingston,
14:55Carl Linnaeus,
14:57Charles Darwin,
14:59or Michael Lomonosov?
15:11I won't give
15:13four answers.
15:15I've only heard about Charles Darwin
15:17and Michael Lomonosov.
15:19As for Michael Lomonosov,
15:21Charles Darwin
15:23is the scientist
15:25who proved
15:27the evolution
15:29of man,
15:31after which
15:33he led
15:35many countries
15:37to explore
15:39and research
15:43to confirm
15:45his theory.
15:47Yes, that's what I've heard.
15:49Darwin's theory.
15:53Did he travel?
15:55A lot.
15:57He explored
15:59very far countries.
16:01OK. Lomonosov
16:03said so.
16:05I've heard about him,
16:07but I have memories
16:09of what he did.
16:11David Livingston
16:13and Carl Linnaeus.
16:15I don't have any idea
16:17what they do.
16:23I think
16:25I'll use the joker
16:27to help the audience.
16:29OK, we'll invite
16:31your father here.
16:33That's your decision.
16:35So, let's hear it!
16:43What do you think, my friend?
16:45What would you recommend him?
16:47What did you hear about him?
16:49For Michael Lomonosov,
16:51I know he's a Russian scientist.
16:53For David Livingston
16:55I have some
17:01and I've seen him more recently,
17:03the Bulgarian expedition
17:05with the professor
17:07Pimpire Fejigono
17:09on the Livingston Island
17:11which is connected
17:13to Pentagonia,
17:17if I'm not mistaken.
17:21If Martin listens to me,
17:23he can make a joker
17:25from 50 to 50
17:27and we'll see
17:29who will win.
17:31But I'm leaning towards
17:35If you were here,
17:37you would say this.
17:39Yes, I'm linking it
17:41to the professor Pimpire Fejigono.
17:43Good, it sounds logical.
17:45If it's true...
17:47Ok, let's use
17:49the joker 50 to 50.
17:51Let's use the joker 50 to 50.
17:53Ok, thank you.
17:57we'll see what will happen now.
18:01Martin is still
18:03looking for the truth.
18:07the joker 50 to 50
18:09is about to appear
18:11and cut this knot.
18:17Is Livingston gone?
18:19Darwin against
18:23Well, I think
18:25our initial intuition is correct
18:27and let's mark
18:29the answer Charles Darwin.
18:31Let's see.
18:39With the help of this joker
18:41one of the strongest
18:43possible answers is gone.
18:45This is Livingston.
18:47Livingston, the seagull,
18:49even Wicked
18:51have a song about him.
18:53But now
18:55the condition is worse.
18:57The ship is Beagle.
18:59What is Beagle?
19:01I think it's some kind of bird.
19:03You're close.
19:05It's a breed of dog.
19:07What will a bird do?
19:09A ship with...
19:13There is no logic.
19:15The correct answer is Charles Darwin.
19:25The father is clapping
19:27because his son is not listening.
19:33Mitko, bravo.
19:35Bravo, bravo, bravo.
19:39One brother says one thing,
19:41the father another.
19:43And the little one knows
19:45and plays his game.
19:47That's how it should be.
19:49That's how I raised him.
19:55a new question.
19:57Let's see what will happen here, Marto.
19:59I remind you that
20:01money is not safe,
20:03there is a risk of losing it.
20:05That's right.
20:07You make an impression
20:09on the whole of Bulgaria
20:11and set an example.
20:13Let's see.
20:17Which musical instrument
20:19belongs to
20:21the wood spirits?
20:41As an answer,
20:43I think I'll throw it away
20:45because I have seen
20:47quite often that it is
20:49a metal musical instrument.
20:51I don't know if there is
20:53a wood version of it.
20:55But I think
20:57I can throw it away as an answer.
21:03The Waldhorn
21:07I know what it represents.
21:13It is also
21:15made of metal,
21:17as far as I can remember.
21:19So I assume
21:21I can't throw it away
21:23as a potential answer.
21:25And that leaves me with
21:27Trumpet or Trombone.
21:33If I exclude Trumpet,
21:35that leaves me with Trombone.
21:37To be honest,
21:39I am not sure
21:41if I have seen it somewhere
21:43and how it looks.
21:45I think it is similar
21:47to Trumpet
21:53to Clarinet.
21:55I have no idea.
21:59But I think
22:01I'll leave you with
22:03the answer B, Trombone.
22:05Is this your final decision?
22:09Let's see.
22:15So, Smivka,
22:17what do you think?
22:19Tell us your answer.
22:23the gypsy musician
22:25probably doesn't know it.
22:27The Waldhorn.
22:29Listen to your father.
22:31But we don't have musicians
22:33in our band.
22:35We have great people,
22:37Gustav Bukovlak.
22:39You should know from me.
22:41Never listen to your father.
22:43The Waldhorn is not the answer.
22:45Is there one of these
22:47four instruments
22:49that has something wooden?
22:51We are looking for something wooden.
22:53There are three metal ones
22:55and one wooden one.
22:57There is only one wooden one.
23:01I am almost sure
23:03that the trumpet
23:05coming out of it
23:07is wooden.
23:11Maybe the keys are wooden.
23:13The correct answer is
23:17Where you hit it,
23:19where it breaks.
23:23Because of the way
23:25it comes out,
23:27it is present
23:29in the wooden instruments.
23:31The others are copper.
23:33Metal is copper.
23:35The game is excellent.
23:37You deserve the applause
23:39because you decided to take the risk
23:41without knowing the correct answer.
23:43If you knew it,
23:45you would have told us.
23:47Marto, 2 000 EUR
23:49is your final achievement.
23:55Good luck!
24:05Now I will introduce you
24:07to a lady who worked
24:09in a psychotherapy clinic in Germany.
24:11She is already here
24:13and has changed the clinic.
24:15She is already in the IT sector.
24:17She dreams of a long cruise
24:19from the sea and oceans,
24:21Svetlana Semergieva.
24:35why did you change?
24:37Germany and Bulgaria
24:39all want to go there,
24:41but you don't want to go back.
24:43Love didn't bring me back.
24:45Tell us.
24:47A month after I came back,
24:49my two children's father
24:51refused to let me go.
24:53So I always
24:55approach this answer
24:57step by step.
24:59Love brought me back to my family.
25:03when did you come to the show?
25:05With a friend of mine,
25:07Elena Gramatikova.
25:09Hello Elena!
25:11What do you do?
25:13I am a librarian.
25:15Before that I was a reporter.
25:17Before that I was a photographer.
25:23Why did you choose this
25:25prestigious profession?
25:29Because being a librarian
25:31is also a great profession.
25:33Do people still go to the library?
25:35Yes, they do.
25:37What do they look for?
25:39They want to read something
25:41by the young people,
25:43by Slavida Klašar.
25:45By the Youtubers?
25:47Yes, all of them.
25:49These are the new times,
25:51we have to deal with them.
25:53Svetlana, deal with them
25:55and with our rules.
25:5715 questions for 100,000 levs,
25:592 safe words,
26:01the first one is 500 levs,
26:03the second one is floating,
26:05and it's up to you.
26:07Three jokers,
26:09help from a friend,
26:11especially if you are a librarian
26:13and it's up to you.
26:15Ladies and gentlemen,
26:17Svetlana Semerđeeva from Asenovgrad
26:19starts her show now.
26:25The first few questions.
26:27Let's see them.
26:29What kind of mail
26:31does not exist?
26:41Or ultrasonic?
26:47Let's see.
26:49Verena Alvora.
26:55Why is there a bottle one,
26:57among the younger Youtubers?
26:59Because of the times,
27:01but I think there are still romantics.
27:03Romantics, especially men.
27:05They sent a love letter
27:07to their lover.
27:09They put it in a bottle
27:11and threw it in the sea.
27:13That's right.
27:15The second question.
27:19Under what tree
27:21did Todorov lie
27:23in the famous Bulgarian folk song?
27:27She lay under
27:31Under a palm tree?
27:33An olive tree?
27:35Or Sequoia?
27:37An olive tree.
27:39Let's see.
27:41Verena Alvora.
27:49The third question.
27:53What is the name
27:55of a small aromatic bag
27:57full of herbs
27:59and aromatic ingredients?
28:01We call it sachet.
28:09Or Tele?
28:11What's the answer?
28:15The answer is sachet.
28:17Let's see.
28:19Yes, sachets are sold
28:21as medicine.
28:23Verena Alvora.
28:27The fourth question.
28:33What is the philosophy
28:35of Hrasta,
28:37the song of Vasco Krpkata
28:39Day after day?
28:41To catch yourself, brother.
28:45To have your own father.
28:49Will we sleep for a while
28:53will we survive sweetly?
28:55Here we mark the answer
28:57D. We will survive sweetly.
28:59Because Hrasta asked the tree
29:01to lie down
29:03so that they can survive
29:05and not be carried away by storms.
29:07Yes, because it's a metaphor.
29:09Verena Alvora is right.
29:17replace the phrase
29:19Hrasta said to the tree.
29:21Get down and lie down low.
29:23You see, a storm is coming.
29:25Come to me and lie down.
29:27No storm is coming.
29:29Here is a question for 500 levs
29:31and the first safe amount.
29:33Let's see.
29:35The end of which type of television
29:37in Bulgaria was set
29:39on September 30, 2013?
29:45The end of analog television,
29:53or satellite?
29:55Here we mark the answer
29:57analog television.
29:59Let's see.
30:03From this date all televisions
30:05can really function
30:07only with a decoder.
30:09Verena Alvora, 500 levs.
30:21Let's see how you will
30:23answer the questions.
30:25The first one is for 1000 levs.
30:27Will we finish it?
30:29No, not for now.
30:31Let's see.
30:35How many squares
30:37are there in each
30:39of the falling figures
30:41in the computer game Tetris?
30:45The squares are two.
30:53Or eight?
30:59I've never liked
31:01computer games.
31:03I've never played Tetris.
31:05Let's start with self-confession.
31:13If I start with the name Tetra,
31:15how many squares are there?
31:19If there are two,
31:21it would be D.
31:23Or Dulo.
31:27Yes, yes, D.
31:31Tetris. I don't know why
31:33it's six.
31:35How about eight?
31:41It can't be eight.
31:43Quadro is four.
31:45Or six.
31:47Or 50 to 50.
31:49Let's use 50 to 50.
31:51OK, let's use 50 to 50.
31:53Let the computer enter Svetlana's show
31:55and sort out the situation
31:57from these
32:03Two versus four.
32:05So we mark it as B4.
32:07Let's see.
32:13In our Tetris, unfortunately,
32:15players have only one life.
32:17One wrong move
32:19and you're out of the game.
32:21The truth about Svetlana
32:23comes right after the commercials.
32:37This is Become Rich.
32:39You can always learn something.
32:41By the way, we're talking about
32:43one of the first, the pioneers
32:45of computer games.
32:47The mother and father
32:49of the gaming industry.
32:51A very interesting invention
32:53by Rusnak during the Cold War.
32:55You see, in the conditions
32:57there was a square, a square,
32:59and this is four, in my opinion.
33:01And the Greek Tetris,
33:03Tetra, and this is four.
33:05Verena, answer. Four.
33:11I expect the tension to drop
33:13so I can enjoy the game,
33:15but I hope it doesn't end before that.
33:17Do you like adrenaline?
33:19I'm serious here.
33:21Yes, yes.
33:23Do you have it at the moment?
33:25Oh, in what quantities?
33:29Your style shows
33:31that you would go out
33:33and, I don't know, play football
33:35or climb a mountain or drive a motorcycle.
33:37I still beat you at basketball.
33:39Did I calm you down a bit, Dr. Kanchev?
33:41Thank you very much, Dr. Kanchev.
33:43OK, let's play.
33:45Will you
33:47pay this sum of 1,500 leva?
33:51Let's play.
33:57A mixture of which ingredients
33:59can put out a small fire at home?
34:03Flour and wine.
34:05Soy sauce and honey.
34:09Soda and vinegar.
34:11Or olive oil
34:13and lemon juice.
34:15I would exclude flour and wine
34:17because we have alcohol
34:19and alcohol burns
34:21and will ignite even more fire.
34:25Where is olive oil and lemon juice?
34:27At first glance,
34:29I also conclude it
34:31because olive oil is
34:35The fat also maintains...
34:37The burning.
34:39Yes, the burning.
34:41Soy sauce and honey
34:43sounds absurd to me.
34:49I use it
34:51for cooking,
34:53for seasoning meat.
34:55All of them are used
34:57for cooking.
34:59Yes, that's right.
35:01Soy sauce and honey.
35:03In Sofia, we make pita bread with flour.
35:05What do you do in Zelenovgrad?
35:07With what?
35:09With flour.
35:11We use it for cooking.
35:13Wine is also included in cooking.
35:15Soda and vinegar.
35:17You didn't say anything.
35:19Soda and vinegar.
35:21Soda is the basis.
35:25Soda and vinegar.
35:27I remember
35:29when my grandmother
35:31put soda
35:33in vinegar
35:35and water
35:37to extinguish something.
35:39Strange information.
35:41It seems to be true.
35:43Give it to me.
35:47Except to risk
35:49and mark the answer
35:51soda and vinegar.
35:53Are you going to play?
35:55Yes, I will play with the answer.
35:57Let's see.
35:59When mixing soda and vinegar
36:01carbon dioxide is released,
36:05really extinguishes the flame.
36:07True answer.
36:15Here is the question
36:17for 2000 levs.
36:19Before that, we will conclude it.
36:21No, we have two more jokers.
36:23So, we play.
36:25Let's see the question.
36:29What alcohol
36:31is the main ingredient
36:33in the cocktail
36:35Mai Tai?
36:49I drink
36:51very little alcohol.
36:55No one is perfect.
36:59Mai Tai sounds to me
37:07Or somehow more...
37:11I don't know why
37:13it makes some kind of association
37:15and I'm closer to rum
37:17or gin.
37:23But I think Ellie can help me
37:25because even if she thinks
37:27she won't find the right answer.
37:29She doesn't drink cocktails.
37:31Obviously Ellie drinks.
37:33Let's invite Ellie.
37:35This is your decision.
37:37Elena, order.
37:47Hello, good evening.
37:49What is your favorite cocktail?
37:51The truth is that neither.
37:55I don't drink cocktails.
37:57But here you are
37:59called to help Svetlana
38:01in everything that is.
38:03In connection with the question
38:05how does it sound to you
38:07if you confirm this logic or deny it.
38:09What are you?
38:11Actually, Mai Tai
38:13sounds to me a bit more
38:15oriental, a bit more like
38:17the region of Indonesia,
38:21Malaysia, I don't know.
38:23That's how it sounds to me.
38:25Not Tahiti.
38:29And not so much
38:31like rum in a cocktail.
38:35Neither tequila
38:37or maybe gin.
38:41But vodka
38:43I don't think so.
38:45Maybe gin.
38:47But if it is so
38:49I can't be 100% sure.
38:53From here
38:55Svetlana heard
38:57what Elena said.
38:59You can mark
39:01her version
39:03or yours, I don't know.
39:05Or check everything
39:07with the remaining joker
39:09which is...
39:11You are not sure.
39:13I'm not.
39:17What is your decision?
39:19Let's use the last joker.
39:21We would like to thank
39:23Elena Gramatikova, thank you.
39:31And let's see
39:33the telephone friends
39:35who have prepared
39:37and with whom you talked
39:39to be precise and accurate.
39:41These are the gentlemen
39:43Damjan Borisov from Asenovgrad,
39:45Dejan Spasov from Plovdiv
39:47or Todor Mutavchiev from Asenovgrad.
39:51Relatives? Colleagues?
39:53Damjan Borisov is Elena's husband.
39:55Dejan Spasov from Plovdiv
39:57is the manager of the company
39:59where I work.
40:01Todor Mutavchiev is also
40:03my acquaintance.
40:05But now I wonder
40:07why Todor Mutavchiev is in the restaurant industry
40:09but makes cocktails
40:11and is acquainted with it.
40:13I don't know.
40:15Or should I refer to Dejan Spasov?
40:17He is my boss.
40:19We will get to know each other better.
40:21And there is no need.
40:23I want the whole company to play against us rich.
40:25Let's see if he has prepared
40:27the people.
40:29Okay, let's refer to Dejan Spasov.
40:31Let's refer to Dejan Spasov.
40:33Although at the end of the day
40:35I'm sure he will pay extra.
40:37It's called overtime.
40:39I want at least 5-10 people to wait
40:41and play against us rich.
40:45Are you looking for Dejan Spasov?
40:47On the phone.
40:49Hello, Dejan.
40:51It's a pleasure to meet you.
40:53I hope you stay rich.
40:55The same to me.
40:57Of course, your company is new in Plovdiv.
40:59I will soon call you
41:01to do business.
41:03You always have a suitable idea.
41:07We have an idea to use you.
41:09Svetlana is here.
41:11I have a question.
41:13Look, Svetlana.
41:15Read only what you decide.
41:1930 seconds and now.
41:23Maytai cocktail.
41:25What alcohol is the main ingredient
41:27of the Maytai cocktail?
41:29Vodka, rum, gin, tequila.
41:35The cocktail is based on rum,
41:37curacao, modern syrup.
41:39Thank you very much.
41:41Anything else?
41:45Unfortunately, there may be
41:47another option.
41:53You're welcome.
41:59I know what you're going to do
42:01if I get the right answer.
42:03I pressed the wrong key.
42:05What's the answer?
42:07The answer is rum.
42:09Let's see.
42:11We had a classic
42:15Do you think
42:17your friend has the right answer?
42:21We went to Indonesia
42:23and you were right.
42:25The correct answer is rum.
42:27Keep going.
42:35means a lot of good.
42:37It's very popular in the States.
42:39Unfortunately, it's rum.
42:43maybe you don't
42:45need to
42:49You'll leave.
42:51You were overestimating yourself.
42:53Will we finish this sum?
42:55I have 3,000 left.
42:57You'll play for 3,000.
42:59Let's finish it.
43:01It's not necessary to play.
43:03You see the question?
43:05Of course.
43:07Let's see the question for 3,000 LEV.
43:11What is the work of
43:13the famous Swedish writer
43:15Astrid Lindgren?
43:19The Silver Table.
43:25The Endless Tale.
43:29Mili Moi Mio.
43:35grown-up heroes.
43:37Do I need to guess?
43:39Yes, yes.
43:43What is the work of the famous
43:45Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren?
43:47The most famous one is
43:49The Long Slipper by Astrid Lindgren.
43:51I think Ljone Beres's
43:53Emile was also by Astrid Lindgren.
43:57by this,
44:05you follow
44:07my pure female intuition,
44:09she is clearly inclined
44:11to associate the work
44:13with the names of the heroes.
44:17I'm not
44:19the Silver Table.
44:21The Endless Tale
44:23tells me something,
44:25but I'm not related to Astrid Lindgren.
44:29Mili Moi Mio or Matilda.
44:35I'm sure you can help me.
44:39This rum
44:41that we drank
44:43is the bitter rum of victory.
44:45The Silver Table.
44:47No, I came for the game,
44:51as far as I know,
44:53I think I can trust the Six of Spades.
44:55And it leads me to Matilda.
44:57Let's play.
44:59Let's see.
45:09I'm sure the right answer
45:11is on the right side of your screens.
45:13And it starts with M.
45:17versus Mili Moi Mio.
45:19Let's ask
45:21Mrs. Gramatikova
45:23every day among books
45:25what she would suggest here.
45:29I think it's Mili Moi Mio.
45:33Yes, yes,
45:35yes, but no.
45:37But yes, the right answer is Mili Moi Mio.
45:41Very rude logic.
45:43I expected the two girls
45:45to be very famous.
45:47Pipi and Matilda.
45:49Yes, she writes for the board.
45:51She has over 80 books with different names.
45:53She's not always in the lead.
45:55But Matilda is a very popular book
45:57by another great writer,
45:59Roald Dahl.
46:01The Endless Tale
46:03is by Michael Ende.
46:05And the Silver Table
46:07is the fourth book of the order
46:09for Narnia by Casey Lewis.
46:13500 levs.
46:15A lot of adrenaline.
46:17And all the rest.
46:19This was a mix of Svetlana Semergieva's game.
46:21Svetlana, was it at least interesting?
46:23It was very interesting.
46:25500 levs is your score.
46:27It was a pleasure for me.
46:31Drink up.
46:33All the best.
46:43I don't like this moment at all,
46:45but there's no other way.
46:47We're saying goodbye until the next time.
46:49And now it's time for the people
46:51who know more than anyone else.
46:53Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
