Bakugan Battle Planet Episode 41

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This is a Remix from the Original Seasons of Bakugan Battle Brawlers, we go on almost a basic story line about Dan and his friends called the "AWESOME ONES" who found the Bakugan and do Awesome Battles and they Face some Strong Brawlers that were born before the Occurrence happened THE GREAT COLLISION, so now the Awesome Ones fought alongside with the Bakugan to protect and help people from Danger. Especially their Most Dangerous FOE TIKO he was once a Golden Bakugan of the Bakugan Council, but a Nasty Virus the V-VIRUS has CORUPTTED HIM. So, it's up to Dan and his team to save both Earth and VESTROIA HOME TO THE BAKUGAN. I really like this Awesome Series like from the Original Bakugan Series deals with evolutions 4 the season 1 and i love it and i've learn their evolution enters (Hyper Stage) then (Titan Stage) & finally (MAXIMUS STAGE)

First Episode Released: December 31, 2018

Last Episode Released: February 9, 2020


00:00Bakugan brawl! It's a big brawl! Bakugan! Bakugan brawl! It's for it all!
00:05Bakugan brawl! Standing tall! We're the awesome ones!
00:08Powers in our hands! Take a stand! Saving everyone!
00:11Bakugan brawl! It's a big brawl! Bakugan! Bakugan brawl! It's for it all!
00:16Bakugan brawl! Bakugan! Bakugan!
00:19Easy does it. Don't blow it Danny boy. Come on.
00:31I really should have framed that shot better.
00:41Hey, what exactly is going on in here?
00:44I thought you came to tell me about how your work on the connectors is coming.
00:47But you're just lounging around.
00:49Oh yeah, I beat another level.
00:53I love these writers.
00:55No, I can't believe I deleted that scene.
01:00This isn't a playground or a clubhouse for you kids, understand?
01:03Would you just hurry up and give me your report?
01:10Stop that!
01:18I think this is working.
01:23We agree. Benton must be infected with the V-Virus.
01:27Hm. With the way Perravian grew suspicious of us, that seems to be the case for sure.
01:33We have all noticed that Benton's been acting really bizarre lately.
01:37But we have no proof, do we?
01:40Then it's up to us to get that proof.
01:44Right. If we want him to reveal his true nature, we need to control the situation.
01:49For sure. But how can we?
01:52That'll be easy, you guys.
01:54We'll disobey him and get him really, really annoyed.
01:57And then he'll try to give us the V-Virus so he can make us listen to him.
02:03Okay, that's the plan.
02:10Nice throw, Winton.
02:12Even nicer catch there, Dan.
02:14Hey, cut it out!
02:16Over here.
02:22Send it. Send it back.
02:23Stop playing and give your report right this instant!
02:28Lightning, come here, boy!
02:38Sorry. Are you okay there, Benton?
02:43I'm just fine.
02:46Eating something sweet will calm me down.
02:49Sharing time!
02:54Here you go, guys!
03:00Give those back right now!
03:05Okay, now you're in trouble!
03:07Calm down, pal. It's just some sweets, right?
03:10Sweets are nothing to get angry over, my man.
03:13You're so weird!
03:16I am not weird, Winton!
03:18Benton, it is odd to suddenly start liking sweets when you didn't before.
03:23No, it's not!
03:29A lot of other strange stuff has been going on too, Benton.
03:34Why are you having us set up the core cell connectors all over the world?
03:38Someone who understands Vestroia's ecosystem as well as you do would never get us to do that.
03:44Stop talking!
03:46And you, of all people, should have known that isolating the core cells using those connectors would be bad for Vestroia.
03:53And for the Bakugan.
03:55I said stop talking!
03:57You lied to us and told us to do the exact opposite of what was right.
04:00So explain yourself, Benton!
04:02Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
04:04Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!
04:09I will not allow you to defy me, so just do as you're told!
04:14Hear me?!
04:17So there you go. We are dealing with the V-Virus here.
04:21Then let's deal!
04:25We'll turn you back to normal right now!
04:34We've got this vaccine, I'll take care of the V-Virus from the medical lab!
04:50Thank goodness for the vaccine!
04:53We are definitely lucky that they gave us some of it for sure.
04:58Now Benton will be okay.
05:16Did the vaccine not work on him?
05:19There's no vaccine in here. It's empty, fools!
05:23What do you mean, empty?
05:25And not just this one, I destroyed the entire vaccine stock!
05:30What... what are you anyway?
05:33My name is...
05:39Tico has taken over Benton!
05:43What does that even mean?
05:45I did see a strange mark on Benton's neck.
05:49You're saying the mark on his neck is Tico?!
05:51Tico has transferred himself into Benton!
06:16I was planning on keeping you all uninfected by the V-Virus while you did my work,
06:21in order to fool the Golden Bakugan, but that plan must change.
06:25It seems you realized what was happening far sooner than expected.
06:32Is this happening? Has Benton been...
06:35I don't want to believe it, but...
06:37Neither do I. This is very bad.
06:40It's beyond bad.
06:41My original plan got derailed, but I'll just turn you into my puppets with the V-Virus.
06:47Right here and now.
06:51Dan, time to battle!
06:54I... I know it.
07:09This is where I wipe you out completely!
07:18Fourteen Cyclone!
07:24Last time we battled, I was so surprised seeing Hydranoid that I didn't notice, but look there!
07:32Benton's controlling his Bakugan without using a device!
07:36You're right, Shun!
07:38That must be Tico's power!
07:43Now what?
07:45Focus, Dan!
07:47We have to do something!
07:55Draco, no!
07:58I'm fine.
08:02Right now we need to defeat the opponent in front of us, Hydranoid.
08:06Dan, this is a Bakugan battle!
08:11I'm sorry, Draco. I'm blowing it!
08:15Don't apologize. This battle isn't over yet.
08:18You with me?
08:24We've got the power to take Hydranoid down!
08:34Iris Super Evolution!
08:48Titan Draco!
08:53We're up, guys!
08:57Bakugan brawl!
09:01Bakugan brawl!
09:17Aqua Evolution Slime!
09:21This is evolution!
09:24Hyper Trunks!
09:28Chaos Evolution Hyper Pegatrix!
09:34Aquos Evolution Hyper Hydris!
09:39Darkers Evolution Hyper Alpha!
09:51We will defeat Hydranoid!
09:54And we will defeat you as well!
09:56Hear me, Tico?
10:00I'm happy to take you on all at once!
10:04I'm happy to take you on all at once!
10:11At least that's what I want to do, but...
10:23A smoke screen!
10:25This human brain has determined that battling you all here is not a wise move.
10:29So this battle will not take place now!
10:33But it will later!
10:36Draco! Pegatrix!
10:45They're gone!
10:48They ran away?
10:50I wonder why they decided to do that.
10:53What are we supposed to do now, exactly?
11:03I guess that depends on what Tico's next move is.
11:21I can't believe Tico has taken over Benton!
11:35We really need to help the guy.
11:38Yeah, we will get the real Benton back.
11:49It's creepy being here.
11:51Coming in this way is sure to get us spotted by security.
12:00See what I mean?
12:10Why didn't you come in the regular way?
12:13We couldn't get through the front door since we don't have our IDs anymore.
12:17And making an appointment would be a hassle.
12:20In the end, we figured this was the fastest way to see you.
12:23And that turned out to be true, am I right?
12:26Oh, yeah.
12:27As always, young brawlers, you come up with the most ridiculous ideas.
12:31We kinda need to talk.
12:34It's about Benton.
12:36Your brother is in real trouble.
12:40So Benton was...
12:44...taken over by Tico?
12:47I wanted to tell you right away.
12:49I know you two don't get along, but, you know...
12:52He is your family.
12:57So do you have any ideas at all?
12:59Some way to get Benton back to normal?
13:01A.A. Animus has been researching Bakugan from the start.
13:05And you're still constantly collecting info on Bakugan from around the world, isn't that right?
13:12We've done lots of research, but I've never heard of a Bakugan taking over the world.
13:18No one even had any clue a Bakugan, as monstrous as Tico, existed until you encountered him.
13:27Tico once pushed Vestroia, the Bakugan planet, to the brink of destruction.
13:32And now that Vestroia has actually fused together with our planet,
13:36he's back to start a new war.
13:39And now that Tico is back,
13:42And now that Vestroia has actually fused together with our planet,
13:46he's back to spreading the V-Virus and infecting the core cells.
13:50All that while making enemies of the super-powerful golden Bakugan.
13:56If Tico is that powerful and has gained control of Benton's mind,
14:01we may all be in trouble.
14:03Together, they will be a force that will be nearly impossible to stop.
14:10Tico is after the core cells. That's sure to include the core cell here at A.A. Animus.
14:17There's trouble! An intruder is moving the Bakugan control system!
14:23Looks like he's here. And so it begins.
14:41I didn't think he'd come here this soon!
14:44Even all their increased security couldn't stop him!
14:48But it'll still take time for him to infect the core cell!
14:53Then we need to get him quickly!
15:06That's a hydranoid!
15:10Why did he bring the Bakugan control system to the surface?
15:14He's using Benton's mind. He must have some kind of strategy in play.
15:19What are you plotting?
15:22Ah, now that all the players are here, we can begin!
15:26A.A. Animus is about to be mine forever!
15:30Just watch. I've made some minor changes to your systems!
15:49Oh no! They've all become Bakuzan!
15:52I don't get it. How did that core cell get infected with the V-Virus?
15:57You see, your friend Benton was infected by the V-Virus long before I took him over.
16:06So when he used this machine earlier, the V-Virus spread to the core cell, which was convenient to say the least.
16:13Hmm. When we sent that core cell energy into the maze...
16:19I was wondering why you came back from the maze by yourself.
16:25The V-Virus responds to core cells above all else!
16:29Even this human didn't realize it himself!
16:33He was slowly but surely infecting all the core cells one by one, which was perfect!
16:39It helped to spread my V-Virus everywhere!
16:43So you've taken over Benton and Dusk Industries, and now you want to control A.A. Animus and their technology. Is that your plan?
16:51This human's mind is certainly useful to me.
16:55Not on my watch! I won't hand A.A. Animus over to you!
16:58Bakugan brawl!
17:10Let's win this!
17:12Bakugan brawl!
17:16Time to evolve!
17:17Time to evolve!
17:28Virus Super Evolution!
17:37Let's do this, Drago!
17:39Got it!
17:47Sonic Shockwave!
17:57Guess it's our turn!
17:59Here we go!
18:01Sonic Cyclone!
18:05Pegatrix! Drill!
18:15Time to roll!
18:17Double Hydro Blast!
18:22Double Prismatic Force!
18:48Time to evolve!
18:59They're growing back as fast as we can get rid of them!
19:03They really are like zombies!
19:09Venom Vapor, go!
19:12Time to evolve!
19:16Infernal Shield!
19:25Titan Combustion!
19:33Nice job, Drago! We just have to finish off Hydranoid!
19:38And then we deal with Tico!
19:41Got it!
19:42You, Maximus!
19:45When I first awoke on this planet, I lost to you in battle!
19:49I'll never forget that!
20:00And then you defeated my servant as well!
20:09Now that I have the Core Cell powers, I will be the victor in this battle, Maximus!
20:18Does he mean... Drago?
20:22No matter how many times we defeat them, they just keep coming!
20:26If this keeps up...
20:31An airship?
20:33That's... Chargo Ronin!
20:35We battled him one other time!
20:37He's highly skilled!
20:46Return, Apollyon!
20:51You should all get out of here, now!
20:55Everyone, get on Pegatrix!
20:58Trox! Hydras!
21:10We have to retrieve her now!
21:13But Benton is still...
21:19Maximus, you cannot stop me this time!
21:23Dan, come on!
21:25What do we do?
21:27We don't have a choice!
21:37A-A-Animus is... gone!
22:07Thank you for watching!