Bakugan Battle Planet Episode 32

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This is a Remix from the Original Seasons of Bakugan Battle Brawlers, we go on almost a basic story line about Dan and his friends called the "AWESOME ONES" who found the Bakugan and do Awesome Battles and they Face some Strong Brawlers that were born before the Occurrence happened THE GREAT COLLISION, so now the Awesome Ones fought alongside with the Bakugan to protect and help people from Danger. Especially their Most Dangerous FOE TIKO he was once a Golden Bakugan of the Bakugan Council, but a Nasty Virus the V-VIRUS has CORUPTTED HIM. So, it's up to Dan and his team to save both Earth and VESTROIA HOME TO THE BAKUGAN. I really like this Awesome Series like from the Original Bakugan Series deals with evolutions 4 the season 1 and i love it and i've learn their evolution enters (Hyper Stage) then (Titan Stage) & finally (MAXIMUS STAGE)

First Episode Released: December 31, 2018

Last Episode Released: February 9, 2020


00:00Bakugan brawl! It's a big brawl! Bakugan brawl is for it all!
00:06Bakugan brawl! Standing tall, we're the awesome ones! Powers in our hand, take a stand, saving everyone!
00:11Bakugan brawl! It's a big brawl! Bakugan brawl is for it all!
00:18Bakugan battle!
00:32Where am I?
00:36Who are you?
00:40What is that? What is happening?
00:43No, no, it can't be! This can't be happening!
00:49It's being destroyed!
00:51No, no, no!
01:00What do you mean the island's going to be destroyed?
01:03It's what I saw. And all I can tell you is it will be, if we don't do anything to stop it.
01:09But where would we even start, Drago?
01:12We start by figuring out what could destroy a whole island in the first place.
01:16The big machine we saw yesterday.
01:19You mean the core cell extractor?
01:22That's going to make the core cell overload and blow up the island.
01:27That's the message I received.
01:30A message? From who?
01:32Well, I... I'm not sure.
01:35Shen, what do you think? Shen?
01:38Huh? Um, what now?
01:41What's up with you? You've been acting weird since yesterday.
01:48I'm planning on removing Masato from his current position and replacing him with someone else.
01:54I'd be willing to make that person you.
01:59Hmm, I think the message must have been sent by the core cell.
02:04The Bakugan have gotten messages from a core cell before, right?
02:08If the extractor is doing something strange to the core cell, then it could be reaching out for help from Bakugan.
02:14Didn't you say the Baku cores on the island were acting strange?
02:18Yeah, they seemed so unstable, disappearing when I tried to use one.
02:23Hmm, that seems like a sign there's something wrong with the core cell.
02:27Then Drago is right. If we don't do something, this island's in big trouble.
02:32All I know is the core cell spoke to me. We have to do something.
02:37We'll have to work together to stop this.
02:42Step aside, all of you.
02:44Huh? What?
02:49I'll do this.
02:52It's true! This island is in serious danger.
02:57The extractor is causing abnormalities in the core cell.
03:01This place is going to sink into the sea unless we do something.
03:06And that's why I should stop development on the core cell extractor?
03:12Because a Bakugan had a dream?
03:18You expect me to believe that story? I will not stop any development.
03:23Look, I know it sounds kind of out there, but it's true. I promise you.
03:27Now, Shun, I'm not interested in listening to these stories at all.
03:31Have you decided on what we discussed?
03:40He didn't even believe us for a second!
03:44Should've known being polite wouldn't work.
03:47There must be something else we can do.
03:55It's an earthquake!
03:56What's going on?
03:57Get down!
03:58What is that?
04:02Please stop, Director Emisato!
04:04The extractor isn't complete yet.
04:06The interdimensional tunnel connecting the maze and the surface isn't stabilized.
04:10We simply don't have enough energy!
04:15Stay out of my way!
04:16But it's dangerous!
04:18I know what I'm doing!
04:20First, connect all the circuits.
04:24Safety restraints on!
04:28Watch out!
04:36What's with the lake?
04:42The core cell extractor!
04:45Now it's time to awaken!
04:57We have to shut that down right now!
04:59Oh, Shun!
05:00I suppose you've come to steal this extractor like you're stealing my job?
05:05I heard your conversation with President Kazami.
05:08I won't let anybody take it!
05:10The extractor is mine!
05:22Guys, leave this battle to me!
05:25I need to settle things with the Kazamis by myself.
05:29Right then.
05:30It's up to you.
05:32Go show them what you've got, Shun!
05:38Bakugan brawl!
05:55Bakugan brawl!
06:00I'll win this battle.
06:02I'll win and stand at the top of the Kazami Empire.
06:05I cannot lose now.
06:08Why is this such a big deal?
06:10You can't understand how hard it is to work to be a success.
06:15My father used to work for the Kazami family.
06:21He had a very important job, but in the end he failed.
06:26My father.
06:29He was fired from the company.
06:32It was pathetic.
06:36I swore to myself I would never be like him.
06:39So I worked incredibly hard.
06:42Day and night.
06:47In order to achieve success.
06:53I will not be a loser like my father.
06:55And you won't take this away from me!
07:04Hydro blade!
07:17It's true. The Baku cores aren't stable.
07:20He won't be able to get Hydrus to evolve at this rate.
07:24You fool. That's never going to work.
07:28Shun! Do not give up.
07:31Don't lose to a clown like him.
07:33You can do this, okay, Shun?
07:36Thanks, you guys.
07:41Misato, I'm glad I left the Kazami family.
07:45What did you say?
07:47Because of that, I've traveled the world and met these wonderful friends.
07:51Misato, being a success at work isn't the goal.
07:55There's so much more to life than that.
08:05Got it!
08:08Aqua Evolution!
08:16Aqua Evolution!
08:25Hyper Hydrus!
08:34Hydro Blast! Now!
08:36Yes, Shun.
08:46Hydro Blast!
08:54Okay, Hydrus. Destroy that extractor right now!
09:00Do you realize what you're about to do to your family?
09:05I just gave you another chance.
09:07Are you sure you want to throw that away?
09:11Father, do you remember when I was little and we'd play Samurai together?
09:16Look at me, Father!
09:17We didn't do it all that often, but it's one of my favorite memories.
09:25I was never worried about being cut off from the Kazami family or the business.
09:32Father, I was worried about being cut off from you.
09:35I was worried about being cut off from you.
09:39Even if we're apart, Father, I will always love you.
09:44Shun, my son.
09:46And that's why I have to continue down my own path!
09:50Double Hydro Blast!
10:04What is that?
10:18Yes! Yes!
10:21Thanks a million, Shun!
10:23We needed an explosive power in order to stabilize the interdimensional tunnel connecting the surface and the core cell to draw out the core cell's energy.
10:32And you know what?
10:34An evolved Bakugan's power is perfect!
10:39This is exactly what I was after.
10:41And you played right into my hands!
10:50Damn, this is just like what I saw in my dream!
10:54Wait, is this what's going to make the island explode?
11:01That's it!
11:03The power I'm after!
11:25Just look at all this energy!
11:27I've completed the core cell extractor at last!
11:32Isn't it beautiful?
11:33That dude's got a warped sense of beauty.
11:36Now it's time to test out this power.
11:40Serpentise, go!
12:00Serpentise is huge!
12:02Like he wasn't annoying enough!
12:08Crush him!
12:10Flash Fly!
12:22I will never lose to anyone now!
12:24No one will be able to come close to my power!
12:29Masato has seriously lost it.
12:31Hey, that energy ball keeps getting bigger!
12:36It looks like the power levels are out of control!
12:54What just happened?
12:55Seems like it was too much energy.
12:57Serpentise's body couldn't handle it all!
13:00This is exactly like Drago's dream!
13:04All personnel, evacuate!
13:06This is a Level 1 emergency! Evacuate immediately!
13:21Sir, the hangar has been damaged.
13:23We're cut off from the airship and all the boats.
13:27Evacuating the island is not possible now.
13:35Is this the end of everything?
13:39Not yet! This is not over yet!
13:42That's because we're here!
13:44A problem like this is nothing to us!
13:46We'll fix this, just you watch!
13:49Yes, don't give up, everyone!
13:55Come on, team! It's time to stop that weird ball thingy!
13:59Let's do it!
14:00But how do we stop it?
14:03We didn't get that far yet.
14:04I might know a way.
14:06So, what do you got?
14:08What's happening is the extractor is overloading,
14:11so the energy can't be controlled properly.
14:13However, if we can get the energy level back down within the acceptable red zone,
14:18the controls will function again,
14:20and we can cut the link that connects the core cell to the surface.
14:24Really? Cool! Let's do that!
14:27Small problem.
14:28We haven't figured out a way to actually decrease the energy output yet.
14:33That's a problem.
14:35Keep your hands off of that!
14:39That ball of light there?
14:41That's the power I've been searching for, and looks like I finally found it.
14:45Go, Nilius!
14:55He's absorbing the core cell's energy!
15:01The gauge is moving down a tiny bit.
15:04So, this is the power of the core cell.
15:07With this power in me,
15:09I can...
15:17My body feels like it's about to burst!
15:41Nilius! Take us away from here right now!
15:47Listen to me. I know how to bring the extractor's energy level down.
15:52When Nilius took in the extractor's power, the gauge went down.
15:56It looks like Bakugan can absorb the energy!
16:00But taking on that huge amount of energy would make any Bakugan go back to ball form!
16:04Just like Serpentise!
16:07One Bakugan can't do it alone.
16:09But if all of our Bakugan work together, just maybe...
16:13Let's do it. We have to stop that power.
16:15The core cell is suffering.
16:18We can feel its pain.
16:19Please, let us try, Shun.
16:24We got this!
16:25Lend us your strength, everyone!
16:28Sir, please hurry.
16:31You all can go on ahead.
16:32But, sir...
16:34As the head of the entire Kazami Empire,
16:38I have a duty to see this through to the end.
16:45Let's go!
17:08Here we go, everyone!
17:15What's going on?
17:17Why does this hurt me?
17:19The energy is flowing through the Bakugan and into us at the same time!
17:30They will never be able to stop that thing's power!
17:35Return, Lupifion!
17:39Return, Kabo!
17:41Fate Ninja!
17:52Shun! Are we there yet?
17:55No! We need to get this level down further!
18:10Our numbers are dwindling!
18:13Let us give you a hand.
18:18We know why you want to save everyone.
18:20Because we feel the same!
18:22Hang in there, everybody!
18:24I know we can beat this thing!
18:35They evolved!
18:37Amazing! Keep on absorbing the extractor's power and we'll win this!
18:42Those kids are awesome!
18:43The Bakugan are evolved!
19:00So, this is it for me?
19:04My body is...
19:07Looks like we're done, too!
19:11I'm sorry, guys!
19:16It's up to you now, Dan!
19:19Are you okay, Dan?
19:22This is nothing!
19:26Give up already or you're gonna explode!
19:31Trago and I are the ultimate team!
19:34Trago and I are the ultimate partners!
19:38When we work together, there's nothing we cannot do!
19:42Yes! We are the strongest!
19:45Nothing can stop us!
19:59Ready! Turn off the extractor!
20:03Let's do this, Trago!
20:05Okay, Dan!
20:47You saved us and the island! Thank you so much!
20:51So, what happened to Masato?
20:54We're not certain.
21:00Well, thank you for helping to save the island.
21:03I want you to have this.
21:07What is it?
21:08It's called a Mobile Gate.
21:10During our experiments, we discovered a crystal from the Core Cell.
21:14We used it to make this.
21:15With the Mobile Gate, you'll be able to enter the maze from anywhere.
21:20Did he say anywhere?
21:23But why would you give something so important to me?
21:26Earlier, you spoke of a bright future for Bakugan and humans.
21:29It's your destiny to make that future a reality.
21:51I'm certain you can do it.
21:53I know it.
21:55After all, you are my son.