Bakugan Battle Planet Episode 21

  • 2 months ago
This is a Remix from the Original Seasons of Bakugan Battle Brawlers, we go on almost a basic story line about Dan and his friends called the "AWESOME ONES" who found the Bakugan and do Awesome Battles and they Face some Strong Brawlers that were born before the Occurrence happened THE GREAT COLLISION, so now the Awesome Ones fought alongside with the Bakugan to protect and help people from Danger. Especially their Most Dangerous FOE TIKO he was once a Golden Bakugan of the Bakugan Council, but a Nasty Virus the V-VIRUS has CORUPTTED HIM. So, it's up to Dan and his team to save both Earth and VESTROIA HOME TO THE BAKUGAN. I really like this Awesome Series like from the Original Bakugan Series deals with evolutions 4 the season 1 and i love it and i've learn their evolution enters (Hyper Stage) then (Titan Stage) & finally (MAXIMUS STAGE)

First Episode Released: December 31, 2018

Last Episode Released: February 9, 2020


00:00Bakugan brawl, it's a big brawl! Bakugan brawl is for it all! Battle planet!
00:07Bakugan brawl, standing tall, we're the awesome ones! Powers in our hand, take a stand, saving everyone!
00:12Bakugan brawl, it's a big brawl! Bakugan brawl is for it all! Battle planet!
00:18Bakugan, battle planet!
00:27He's really taking this badly.
00:29Yeah, he's locked himself away.
00:32Yep, Dan won't come out and he's been in there for a while.
00:39And it's not because he's out of toilet paper.
00:42Why? Why can't Drago evolve?
00:46He seems really bummed out.
00:48Is there anything we can do to cheer the guy up?
00:51Uh, I think it might be better to just give him some space.
00:56Good point. Since our Bakugan have already evolved, anything we say would probably only make him feel way worse.
01:04I guess you're right, Wynton.
01:06Dan, are you ever coming out?
01:13Is everything okay in there?
01:19I'm hungry.
01:31If you keep eating like that, you'll make yourself sick. Then you'll end up stuck in the bathroom for real.
01:36Quiet! I have to eat to keep up my strength.
01:44You know, Dan, I have something important to tell you.
01:49What are you talking about?
01:52It's about the evolution thing.
02:01Wait, what's up?
02:04You're looking at the hottest Bakugan team right now, and they're called the Exit Team.
02:11Not only are they strong Bakugan battlers, but they work with their Bakugan to perform rescues and do good deeds for others.
02:18Aren't they just the sweetest?
02:20These model brawlers are true Baku heroes. Stay tuned for more coverage of the cool and kind Exit Team.
02:26Huh? What? You've got to be kidding me!
02:30Whoa, the Exit Team is amazing!
02:32I hope my kid will follow their example.
02:35You guys are so cool!
02:36What is going on here?
02:38Did you see these guys?
02:40Today, the Exit are facing this volcano.
02:43They say they're going to stop it from erupting before anyone is hurt.
02:46This is a dangerous mission, but I'm sure the Exit can make another one of their amazing miracles happen!
02:58Yeah, right? No way!
03:01Those guys never help anyone. They only do stuff for themselves.
03:05They must be up to something. Something really bad.
03:10We need to go stop them, Drago.
03:13Are you sure we shouldn't call Wynton and the others first?
03:18I can handle this alone. I'll do it myself.
03:33A, it's too smoky, and B, I'm super bored.
03:38And three, it stinks.
03:40You just have to deal with it. This is the job.
03:43Yeah, I get that. Doesn't mean I like it.
03:46I still can't believe they're putting so much into this huge production.
03:50That's A.A. Animus for you.
03:55They just went inside.
03:57And they were carrying something, too.
03:59Hey, Drago, what do you think they're up to?
04:01I'm not sure. Dan, look!
04:03Huh? Another opening?
04:11I hope this leads us to where they are.
04:15I'm sure it does.
04:17The sign outside said this cave leads to the very center of the volcano.
04:21I bet we'll find them there.
04:27Oh yeah, it's go time.
04:29Let's find out what they're doing in here.
04:36What is that?
04:41Flap harder, Garganoid!
04:44We need to make it look like this volcano's about to blow.
04:48More to the right, would ya?
04:54Careful, you bug! What do you think would happen if you dropped it?
04:57That was lame.
04:59Aren't you finished yet?
05:02Back off, Magnus. These devices are delicate.
05:05If they don't work, this thing won't blow,
05:07and this whole exercise will be pointless.
05:11That's it. Last one.
05:14Okay, then. It's time for us to get out of here.
05:17Good luck with your performance, team.
05:23You'll smoke me.
05:25I'll smoke you.
05:28You'll smoke me.
05:32It's bad, isn't it?
05:34Yep. They're creating this volcano panic themselves.
05:38I see where this is going.
05:43Huh? Who's there?
05:46Dan? Kuzo? What are you doing here?
05:50Hey, Magnus! Are you really planning to make this volcano erupt?
05:54Ha! And what if we are, Kuzo?
05:57Then I'll have to stop you.
05:59Droma Bakugan brawl!
06:15Let's do this, Drago!
06:23Why are you trying to make this volcano erupt?
06:25What are you planning?
06:27That's none of your business.
06:29It's everyone's business if this volcano blows.
06:31Rumor has it that you've all gotten your Bakugan to evolve.
06:36Good. Because I've been waiting a long time for this.
06:40To finish the battle we started.
06:47I've been training just for this chance.
06:50And I even updated my device.
06:52Time to settle the score.
06:54Once and for all now.
07:15Isn't he magnificent?
07:17Okay, Kuzo. Time to reveal Dragonoid's new power.
07:22Um, okay.
07:26Come on, do something.
07:34What's going on?
07:36Don't tell me you can't draw out the power.
07:47What a drag, huh, Nilius?
07:49Thought we'd have a decent battle.
07:51Nova Burst!
08:05Defeating a weakling is meaningless.
08:07Not even fun.
08:15FYI, you should get out of here fast.
08:17If you know what's good for you.
08:21Don't do it!
08:37Get on, Dan!
08:43Go, Drago!
08:48Oh no! Here comes the lava, I can feel it!
08:50We have to stop it!
08:52Yeah, on it!
09:01Shield Ball!
09:08Hang in there, Drago!
09:11I can't hold it any longer!
09:40Nilius! Nova Freeze!
09:52They stopped the eruption in its tracks!
09:56It's a miracle! Magnus has saved so many innocent lives!
10:02A new hero is born!
10:13You're welcome.
10:22Here is the incredibly brave Magnus!
10:25It's just something I have to do.
10:27Selflessly saving others is what I'm about.
10:32They got an award for bravery from the mayor!
10:34I can't believe it! They're on every TV channel!
10:37Really, Dan? Why wouldn't you get us to help you?
10:41I don't know.
10:44That exit team! They made that volcano erupt!
10:49Okay, please tell me you have some evidence of that!
10:52No, the lava destroyed all the evidence!
10:55Then we can't prove anything!
10:57It's too bad, Dan, but it's...
10:59Not fair!
11:00Well, we're just glad you're back safe, Dan!
11:06So not fair!
11:13Next Episode Preview
11:19I'll need a full report!
11:44Good morning, Lightning!
11:53It's past noon!
11:54What? Then I'm up way too early!
11:59So, how did you like last night's bed?
12:01It was great!
12:02I'm glad to hear that!
12:04I'm glad to hear that!
12:05I'm glad to hear that!
12:06I'm glad to hear that!
12:07I'm glad to hear that!
12:08I'm glad to hear that!
12:09I'm glad to hear that!
12:11So, how did you like last night's bed?
12:13Great! Really comfy!
12:16The night before, it was a vacant house.
12:18And before that, we had a park bench for a bed.
12:21Moving around is fine for now, but don't you want to settle on a home soon?
12:25Not until I find the perfect place to sleep.
12:37He just keeps doing sit-ups.
12:39Well, having to be rescued by Magnus was a real blow for him.
12:49On top of that, his Bakugan still hasn't evolved.
12:52No wonder he's upset.
12:54Dan's really down.
12:57This looks like a job for Lightning!
13:00This is my favorite bone!
13:02Chewing on this will cheer you right up!
13:05Go on, give it a chomp!
13:08What's up, Lightning?
13:13You're hungry, right?
13:19It's because Dan and the others can't understand
13:21what's going on in this house,
13:23that's why they're so upset.
13:26It's because Dan and the others can't understand your words, Lightning.
13:31Don't let it get you down, Lightning. Hang in there.
13:34Hooray, food!
13:36He wasn't upset at all!
13:47That smell! I know I've smelt it somewhere before.
13:51Where? Where?
13:54I got it! It's the smell of the maze!
13:58Is the scent coming from nearby?
14:01No, from somewhere further away. Let's go find it!
14:13Hey, Lightning!
14:15What do you think of this week's special burger?
14:18I've had better.
14:20Good dog, you think it's delicious, huh?
14:23Lightning, aren't we supposed to be following the scent of the maze?
14:26Oh, right, right! On it!
14:31Not funny, not funny!
14:34Hey, call me!
14:36Just about deep enough.
14:40How does it smell now?
14:42It's definitely stronger. We're getting close now.
14:46Be careful. We don't know what's waiting ahead.
14:48I'll be fine. I have all of you with me.
14:51Yes, you can trust me to protect you from any opponent.
14:56Same here.
14:58If you want to help me, call me.
15:01I'll be right there.
15:03You can trust me to protect you from any opponent.
15:07Same here.
15:09If you all say so.
15:11What? You won't protect me, Alcor?
15:13I didn't say that.
15:15Are you afraid to say it?
15:17No, I just missed my chance to say it, that's all.
15:22What's that sound?
15:25It's coming from up ahead.
15:28The smell is coming from that thing there.
15:31There you are.
15:32About time you showed up.
15:33Uh-oh, someone's coming.
15:36Quick, let's hide underneath that track.
15:41Let's go over this again.
15:43According to our research, there is another dimension within the Earth called the Maze.
15:47Tell me something I didn't know.
15:49That device over there is connecting our world to it. Understand?
15:53Okay, but why?
15:55Inside the maze is an ultra-high-density energy crystal called the Core Cell.
15:59And Ms. Philomena wants it.
16:01So you're trying to pull that Core Cell thing out of there?
16:04Basically, yes.
16:06They're trying to take the Core Cell.
16:08That's what Dan and the others talked about.
16:10We need to go tell them.
16:12So it's up to you to make sure the area is totally secure.
16:16We won't tolerate any intrusion.
16:19As long as I'm here, not even a dog will get near it.
16:26What's this?
16:30It's just a stinking screw.
16:39You! You're the awesome one's mutt!
16:42I'm not the awesome one's mutt!
16:44You're the awesome one's mutt!
16:46You! You're the awesome one's mutt!
16:49Now that you know about this place, I can't let you go!
16:53Drill Mutt!
16:57Battle time, Lightning!
16:59Yep! Bakugan brawl!
17:08Bakugan brawl!
17:10Bakugan brawl!
17:17You really think you're a match for us, doggie?
17:21Especially after that beating I gave you the last time.
17:27Now let me see. How shall I play with you today, huh, doggie?
17:34How about a little ride around and around and around and around?
17:41Or maybe a game of catch!
17:44Thanks, doggie!
17:50Or maybe a game of tag!
17:52You're it! You're it! You're it!
17:58Are you okay, guys?
18:00We're... we're good!
18:03We can still battle!
18:06Ah, you're trying so hard.
18:09You're trying so hard, but I just don't care!
18:17Darkness Slicer!
18:22Tail sweep!
18:29What'll you do now?
18:32You sad thing!
18:34Stuck with a mangy loser of a dog for a partner!
18:40Why don't you partner with someone who has real talent, like me?
18:46It's true. Lightning's not like other partners.
18:49He's not a human.
18:51Sure, he might be a little lazy and he sleeps all the time,
18:54but there's no partner like him.
18:58He's showing us the world.
19:00We sleep in a different place every night.
19:02He takes us all over town, walking the streets,
19:05meeting the people, seeing the sights.
19:08It's fun! He's always got my back,
19:11and is loyal to the end.
19:13So the only loser around here is you!
19:18You'll regret that, Bark-Breath!
19:20Crush him, Crack-Gelios!
19:30You'll be trampled! Get out of there!
19:32No! I won't back down!
19:35I'm your partner, so I can't run away!
19:38I have to protect...
20:02Got it!
20:06Darkest Evolution!
20:22Hyper Owlcore!
20:25You can't! You can't intimidate us!
20:29Tidal Wave!
20:32Force Reduction!
20:52Double Prism Thunder!
20:59Aquos Shield!
21:21No, it can't be!
21:25I'll remember this!
21:31We won, Owlcore!
21:35We did it together!
21:36You guys ready to go?
21:41Hey, have you tried the Burgerdoyne's newest burger?
21:43You mean the one that uses pizza slices as the bun?
21:46I've never had anything better! Huh?
21:48Oh, Lightning, that dog can fall asleep anywhere!
21:52He's completely zonked out!
21:54It'd be nice to be a dog...
21:57and do nothing all day!
22:05Battle Planet!
22:08Battle Planet!
22:35Battle Planet!