All segments of society essential for achieving energy transition success, says Fadillah

  • last month
The success of Malaysia’s energy transition relies on the active involvement of all segments of the society, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.

He urged young entrepreneurs and innovators to venture into the renewable and new energy sector to support the government’s efforts in accelerating the country’s energy transition agenda.



00:00as I'm a fervent believer that our young people will be the custodians of
00:05tomorrow's sustainable energy landscape. They are the visionaries, the problem
00:12solvers, and agents of change. It is therefore incumbent upon us that those in
00:19position of influence and authority must empower these young minds to seize the
00:26opportunity and guide us to the brighter future for all of us. Ladies and
00:34gentlemen, while Malaysia has historically relied on fossil fuels, we
00:39now recognize the imperative to pivot towards clean energy resolutions. As we
00:45embark on this energy transition journey, it is our duty to ensure that this
00:51endeavor is equitable and inclusive. We acknowledge that this is a generational
00:57challenge, one that may alter perspectives, transform business
01:03practices, and render many jobs obsolete. However, by identifying
01:10transferable skills and implementing comprehensive rescaling and upscaling
01:15initiatives, we can ensure that no one is left behind. To facilitate this
01:22transition effectively, we must engage in focused and intentional training
01:29initiative. The challenges surrounding competency gaps and the impacts on
01:35efficiency and productivity in our industry have been well documented. As
01:42such, we must overhaul our talent development strategies by reconfiguring
01:48a system to promote upscaling and rescaling at every level. This is not
01:54merely about filling positions, but strategically cultivating a sustainable
02:00talent pipeline, particularly amongst our youth. So ladies and gentlemen, as
02:08Malaysia confronts the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving
02:13energy landscape, to fully transition to a greener future, we must cultivate an
02:19energy literate society by understanding energy supply, sources,
02:25consumption patterns, and the environmental implication of each
02:30decision of our choices. Recognizing this need, the Matadi government has
02:36established the Malaysia Energy Literacy Program, or in short MELP, an
02:42initiative aimed at educating our citizens with reliable energy
02:47information and fostering a community of informed decision makers ready to
02:54advocate energy sustainability.
