Shattering the Veil The Rise of Iranian women - by William Ranieri

  • 2 months ago
A collection of interviews with activists and victims of the Islamic Regime of Iran, "Shattering the Veil" delves into the current situation, focusing on the Women's Life Freedom Movement and advocating for the international recognition of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. The documentary premiered in Brighton in November 2023. Since then, the situation in Iran has worsened, and the international community remains increasingly disconnected from the reality of a country that seeks change but struggles to achieve it.
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William Ranieri
00:00In 2022, the death of Mahasa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was arrested not wearing a hijab,
00:10sparked protests in Iran.
00:15The protests quickly spread, and soon women from all walks of life were taken to the streets
00:20to demand change.
00:25They were tired of living under a repressive regime that denied them their basic rights,
00:30including the right to choose what to wear.
00:35The protests were met in a heavy-handed response from the government, but the women preserved.
00:40They shattered the veil of oppression, showed the world that it would not be silenced.
00:45The Women Like Freedom movement is a sign of hope for a more-than-just-equal future
00:50in Iran, and it's an inspiration to women around the world.
00:56In this documentary, I met activists based in the UK, artists, and victims of the regime
01:01who share their stories and thoughts about the unstoppable women-led uprising.
01:09I hope that by sharing the stories, we can shed light on the situation in Iran and inspire
01:13people around the world to stand up for human rights.
01:41We have a glorious revolution in Iran in 1979, which established the Islamic Republic.
01:48It is a theocratic dictatorship that has failed to implement any aspect of human rights.
01:55We have no political freedom, we have no social freedom, we have no media freedom.
02:01We are, at the moment, after 44 years of this theocratic dictatorship, have faced over 120
02:09odd thousand executions, most of them political.
02:13The economy is on the verge of implosion due to endemic, deep-rooted corruption and mismanagement.
02:20And more worryingly, our environment is on the verge of an irreversible collapse, and
02:24that again is down to, although the Islamic Republic will insist that it's to do with
02:29climate change, it in reality is down to mismanagement and theft and corruption once again.
02:39It was a huge mistake.
02:42A usurping government has taken over Iran in 1979 without people understanding what's
02:49going to happen.
02:51But to get rid of that brutal regime was extremely challenging, and they tried every single avenue
02:59through tolerance, hope, but they faced execution, incarceration, torture, and all manner of
03:08inhumane behaviour, and in the end, they came to the conclusion that this regime is
03:15beyond repair, is beyond reform, and they said the only way to have a decent life and
03:22get our country back is to overthrow the Islamic Republic.
03:29I came to the UK at the age of 11, but when I was young, I remember going to school.
03:34I used to be, as a seven-year-old, was forced to wear, cover my hair, and I do remember
03:40always my, I have, my hair used to, as it is now, used to drop out, and it always shows,
03:47and I used to get all the time told off because I had straight hair and it would just flick
03:53Like, it was like a taboo to have a flick-out hair coming through, and I had to always push
03:58it back, and I would get told off, disciplined at school for misbehaving because my hijab
04:05wasn't worn properly, and this was a, I was a seven, eight-year-old girl.
04:10So when I came to this country, I could instantly smell freedom because I could just know the
04:18difference between not having to force, to wear something that you didn't wish to wear.
04:28I mean, over 100 years ago, Iran had a constitutional revolution.
04:40That was when nobody in Middle East was wanting such a thing.
04:46Iran has experienced a lot during the Pahlavis.
04:49Pahlavis have modernized Iran to a very, very high standard, very high level.
04:56But unfortunately, again, for historical reasons, because of what we were before, because what
05:03our neighborhood was the communist Russia and the influence of them, again, I tell you,
05:10this is a history book.
05:12I have to tell you for hours and hours to tell you the gist of it.
05:16But the women were free before the revolution.
05:20I was actually about to ask, you've been there during the transition.
05:24What was like Iran before?
05:26You know, before I was as I am now.
05:30I mean, I went to education, university, work, nothing was different.
05:37I mean, in 70s, Iran, women's situation in Iran was, I mean, you may not believe it,
05:45but in many ways, we were ahead of some Western countries.
05:49Iran had women, if they wanted to go to work, they had, I mean, American women don't have
05:54maternity leave.
05:55We had maternity leave.
05:57We had childcare, free childcare in Iran.
06:01If women wanted to work, there were all facilities there, but there were no political freedom
06:11as such.
06:12Although the political freedom even then was 10 times better than it is now.
06:16But yes, there was no political freedom and that was the downside of it.
06:22I mean, my family were communists, I mean, they didn't believe in God or anything.
06:26But there were people who were believers, but that didn't prevent them from being modern
06:32or without the hijab or anything.
06:34But majority of people who were rural areas and poorer people from more deprived areas,
06:42they were more religious and they became the force of the revolution.
06:48People don't believe that.
06:49I mean, before, 44 years ago, I mean, why 44 years ago, 50 years ago, 60, 70 years ago,
06:56my mother never wore hijab.
06:58She I have her pictures, we have their pictures.
07:00My mother would, if she was alive, she would have been 100 now maybe.
07:04And my grandparents, I mean, some of the grandparents were also, I mean, not wearing hijab.
07:1170 years of modernization and Iran was in a really wonderful path to become a modern,
07:21industrial, progressive country and democracy would have come, you know.
07:26You still see Iran's influence just even in the heartland of Europe.
07:31It's really, really incredible and prolific, actually.
07:36And once I really saw what the modern people were going through, I felt, I think, ashamed
07:42almost that like so much pain that was hidden, you know, and they don't deserve it.
07:49They have a beautiful culture.
07:52They're just they're thinkers.
07:54They're thinkers by culture.
07:55They're lovers by culture.
08:07It's like watching a film we've watched before in a rerun.
08:12We all know what's happening.
08:13We know the desperate needs of the people.
08:15We know how dire the situation is in Iran.
08:19For example, in the September 2022 uprising, which led to a ongoing revolution, we've had
08:26children as young as eight or nine being shot dead by snipers.
08:30This is a government that kills unarmed civilians.
08:33It kills children and it rapes children with impunity.
08:37The Iranians know what's going on.
08:39Before this revolution in 2022 that started in September 2022, a lot of people in the
08:48West, they didn't know what to think about Iran.
08:52They didn't know many Iranian women.
08:55They thought the women in Iran are all those who are covered up.
09:01But now I think it changed a lot.
09:04It opened the eyes.
09:07And now the world knows how the Iranian women are.
09:14We must rise up.
09:27Sometimes the death of a woman can change the world.
09:31And this time in Iran, it was the last trigger for the people of Iran to go on the streets
09:40and for the Iranians abroad to get united.
10:10People in Iran are chanting, we fight, we fight, we give our life, we get our country back.
10:27My name is Pantaya Modiri.
10:29I'm a journalist and I am an activist.
10:32I'm an activist because that's the least I can do to support the Iranian women and men in Iran.
10:39Without the political unity, you would not be able to defeat a common enemy.
10:45And the most important thing in fighting a common enemy is to put your resources together
10:52and make an orchestrated effort.
10:55Put your differences aside and work together in tandem in order to defeat your enemy, the common enemy.
11:04Otherwise, you won't succeed.
11:06I would say it is only when you're united that your enemies would take you seriously.
11:36Although I don't speak the language fluently, I speak through my music.
11:49When I sing at these protests, at these Iranian events, I want to be the bridge between Iranian people and European people.
11:59Nothing amazing happens without a team, without support for what we want to achieve,
12:08for how big we want this to become, how big it's becoming actually.
12:13We need everyone on our side to beat these Ayatollahs,
12:17to get them out so that we can reclaim Iran and basic human rights back.
12:30This is probably the first woman-led revolution.
12:32It's supported by the Iranian people.
12:34Be under no illusion that this is just the girls in Iran doing this.
12:38They are the interface, they are the power behind this,
12:41but it's supported by the entire Iranian nation from all classes, all backgrounds and all areas in Iran.
12:48Women have been the full force of this revolution.
12:52Women were the initiators of this revolution
12:56because women were under pressure more than anybody,
13:00no matter what religion, what ethnicity, who you're from,
13:04we were equally under pressure from this government.
13:08And they are the ones who started this revolution.
13:11I'm an older generation, but the younger generation have learned from my generation,
13:17their mothers, their grandmothers, and they've learned from them.
13:20And that learning is like a saving account for them.
13:25They never forget that, they use that, their own force of revolution,
13:29and they would never let themselves to be undermined again.
13:33What's happening in Iran right now is the first time in the history of modern civilizations.
13:39Women in a country are not trying to gain women's rights,
13:43they're trying to gain human rights for the whole of the country.
13:47And by doing so, they're trying to change an actual regime,
13:51not to bring a new law and reform.
13:54They're actually trying to change the regime of Iran,
13:57and that's something that's never happened before.
13:59But this female-led revolution is being fully supported by the men in Iran,
14:03and that's why it's fruitful, and that's why it's reaching its goal.
14:07But we have to be patient.
14:09Women led this. Thankfully, men followed,
14:12and have been amazing in supporting women in this movement.
14:16But yeah, not to sound sexist, but women started this.
14:34The Iranian women make themselves heard by going on the streets.
14:38That's the most important strategy that they can have.
14:43Because when they are on the streets, everybody will hear them.
14:48It has, of course, a lot of risks for them,
14:51but unfortunately, freedom is not easy to get.
14:57You have to fight for it, and they're fighting for it,
15:00with their blood, with their eyes, and with their body.
15:05In Britain, there's a protest every day about something.
15:14We have so much freedom, but in Iran, when you protest,
15:18you could literally die that day.
15:20The young people of Iran understood that the only way to succeed
15:24and overthrow this brutal regime, this dictatorship,
15:28I mean, it's beyond dictatorship, is to be united and to be one voice.
15:34And they are one voice.
15:36Women, life, freedom is the voice of Iranian young people.
15:42After 44 years of division and going nowhere,
15:48the only other option is unity.
15:51And it's powerful.
15:53It's not quick, and it's not easy, and it's not painless,
15:57but they've been divided for so long,
16:00they've been fighting for so long,
16:03and it just kept them going in circles.
16:06And they really took a step back and understood each other's potential.
16:12A generation has changed.
16:14We are living in an information era.
16:17So the Iranian women and the young generation,
16:21who are not much different from the generation that we are having here in the West,
16:26so they know how to make themselves heard.
16:31Luckily, the social media has changed everything already.
16:35I think Iranian women are and always have been so powerful,
16:41but they've been oppressed for so long.
16:44As soon as the murder of Massa Amini was publicised,
16:49and with the power of social media as well, by the way,
16:54people finally started to speak out more, started to lose their fear.
16:58Iranian women have always been brave and have always led a lot of fights.
17:05But the Islamic regime always wanted to tell a different story to the world
17:13and wanted to have another story inside Iran.
17:17But the women showed again that they cannot put silence.
17:22A revolution happens when mindset changes.
17:26And no one can put this mindset back anymore.
17:29So it's not a political movement that a monarchist or a social democratic group
17:35wants to overthrow another regime and people are not interested in.
17:39This is to do with humanity.
17:41So if it appeals to your humanity,
17:43if it appeals to your understanding of what a human is,
17:46and it appeals to your sense of freedom,
17:48we've had Italians, Spanish, Germans, French, British, Scottish,
17:52everyone united together to hold the Islamic Republic to account
17:56and to stand with the Iranians back home.
17:59Their parents, the parents of this new generation,
18:03a lot of them were against this regime.
18:06They were just fearful to go on the streets
18:10because that's one of the things that a dictator does.
18:14They spread fear in the society and put people in silence.
18:20But this generation shows that they are fearless.
18:25They say living in the dictatorship is equal to death for them.
18:34So they are ready to sacrifice their life for freedom.
18:40Freedom for Iran! Women, life, freedom!
18:43We want our freedom back to Iran.
18:46Nothing, anything is special.
18:48I spent most of the time against this government,
18:52the Islamic regime in Iran.
18:55Spent lots of time in prison.
18:58I had lots of time spent, I don't know whatever you call it,
19:04not only me, my brother, my mother.
19:09I know there are many people that suffer.
19:13But every individual has a different story to tell.
19:17I don't want to spend lots of time by myself.
19:20I want to protect my people and my country.
19:23Freedom for Iran!
19:26When the Islamic Revolution took place in 1979,
19:31the first thing they did was create the IRGC, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard.
19:35And with that they used those people and ideology to suppress women.
19:3950% of the population forced them to wear a hijab.
19:43And women have been severely impacted on their everyday daily life, restrictions.
19:49They created morality police officers where women are walking in the street.
19:54They need to cover their hair and if not they get prosecuted.
19:58And we know what happened to Mahsa Amini with the movement that Women, Life, Freedom started.
20:04She got killed because of not wearing a proper hijab.
20:09I'm a victim of the Islamic Republic regime.
20:34Unfortunately I lost my sister on the flight PS752.
20:39The victims are here.
20:42This is my sister.
20:46Her name is Ghanimat.
20:49She was 36 years old when she was killed on that flight.
20:55It is one of the crimes, only one of the crimes of the IRGC.
21:02They have lots of crimes but it is one of them.
21:06The people of Iran are not recognised as a government.
21:09It's like a mafia and they are using the money to do their terror activities around the world.
21:19And they are not recognised within the 85% of the population inside of Iran.
21:25The reputation of Iran is down the drain.
21:27Internationally everyone recognises us as an unstable pariah,
21:31a revolutionary country exporting extremist religious thoughts.
21:37The revolutionary armed forces of the Islamic Republic,
21:41which is different from the Iranian military.
21:43The Iranian military is charged with the protection and sovereignty of Iran and its waters and borders.
21:49The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the IRGC,
21:53is charged with the sole protection of the theocratic regime in Tehran.
22:02So they do not represent Iran, our borders, our lands,
22:10but they represent a vile barbaric ideology and they are exporting that.
22:15And we have seen the exportation of their arms to Iraq,
22:19the destability they have caused in the Middle East,
22:23the genocide they have created in Syria,
22:26which I think should be regarded as a genocide and a crime against humanity.
22:31I don't recognise them as a government.
22:33I think they have taken the people of Iran hostage with their hostage-taking policy.
22:39They will not last long.
22:42Those people who have still got opportunity to wash their hands from this regime,
22:48they can turn back and support the people of Iran
22:54and be on the right side of the history.
22:56One of their own people said that the Iranian regime has about 7-10% support only.
23:02And this support, most of them are paid agents.
23:06Their livelihood depends on the regime.
23:11I say this, it's like having paedophiles and terrorists inside your home
23:18and allowing them to walk around with your children.
23:22Would you do that? No, you wouldn't.
23:24And by not recognising IRGC as a terrorist organisation,
23:28we're allowing them to use diplomatic channels to enter the UK
23:32and do their terror activities.
23:34What message is this giving to the regime, the IRGC leaders,
23:40when we are not standing strong against them?
23:43Americans send a message to Britain that don't cut the ties with Iran at the moment.
23:49They're not ready.
23:50They give support to Iranian people,
23:52but they don't give enough support to overthrow this regime.
23:58But without the international support, it's difficult.
24:02It may not be impossible, but it's very difficult.
24:05When the international community is ready, the people of Iran are ready.
24:09They've heard them.
24:11Before, they said, we don't want war.
24:13We want change. We want change from within.
24:16Now they say it's impossible.
24:18Change from within is impossible.
24:20And the international community should listen to them,
24:23should listen and see that these people are ready.
24:27And it is in the interest of the international community to free Iran
24:31because a free Iran would be a good friend of the free world,
24:36of the democratic world, of America, Britain, Europe, all these countries.
24:41Our people, our young people, want to live like them,
24:44want to have the same things, you know.
24:46And we can be good friends with them, but would they listen?
24:50I hope they will.
24:51The problem we have is one spit and twice shy.
24:54The Europeans and the Americans have intervened one too many times
24:58in North African and Middle Eastern affairs
25:02without the foresight of what happens next.
25:05For example, we saw the invasion of Iraq in 2003
25:09on a pretext of weapons of mass destruction,
25:12the toppling of the Bass regime and along with it the Saddam Hussein family,
25:17which created a vacuum.
25:19Unfortunately, American armed forces decided to disband the Iraqi armed forces,
25:25especially the Republican guards,
25:27and that set up the paramilitary force and the rest is history.
25:31Thankfully, Iraq is on a better stage now,
25:33but we've seen the failure and continuous failure in Somalia, in Syria and Libya.
25:41The geography of Iran is slightly different,
25:44so a military action or for the West or the democracies to come to our aid
25:51as a military project is going to be very difficult.
25:54The terrain is difficult.
25:56And I don't think a war path is the correct solution for any country.
26:01I think the international community needs to wake up
26:04and listen to what the message of people of Iran is saying.
26:08This regime has got no legitimacy inside of Iran.
26:12The only problem is that the international community
26:15is recognizing them as a government is a mistake,
26:18because they will go and people of Iran will remember.
26:21And the international community needs to be on the right side of the history
26:25for the people, for freedom, for democracy.
26:28Democracy isn't just for us living in the UK.
26:32Democracy should be able for others to do that.
26:35Why? We want to live in a democratic world here,
26:39but we don't want others to have the same opportunities.
26:42So these people are calling out for these dictators,
26:46for IRGC to be, you know, with the terror activities.
26:50They are calling them out and we are not recognizing their actions.
26:54No one would like a military warfare from the West.
26:57We certainly do not encourage or even ask for
27:00a Western-style military intervention in Iran.
27:04We are organic. This revolution is Iranian-based by the people.
27:08The only thing we need the West to do is to stop supporting
27:12and standing with the Islamic Republic.
27:15You don't even have to stand and help us, but just stop supporting the regime.
27:19I think the issue is no longer about the women in Iran
27:25or people who are living in Iran.
27:27The danger is now here for us in the West,
27:30here in the UK, in Europe and the world.
27:33I am here to defend our freedom and democracy.
27:39I am here to defend our British values.
27:44I am here for me, for you,
27:49and for all our fellow British citizens.
27:56And I can say in a big frame, all our fellow human beings.
28:0352 days ago, I started this act, I started this hunger strike
28:13with one simple demand.
28:16I asked our government to stand strong in front of the terrorists.
28:24And defend our values.
28:27Stand strong, terrorists, for our safety and security here.
28:32I asked our government to place IRGC, this terrorist organization,
28:40I'm talking about Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,
28:44on the list of terrorist organizations, where they belong.
28:49And stop appeasing them.
28:52Appeasing didn't work for the past 44 years.
28:57And I said to them, it will never work.
29:00As long as we continue with appeasement policy with IRGC,
29:06they will continue with their ways and with their hostage-taking policies.
29:12So we have to change our ways.
29:15The only language they understand is pressure and strong leadership.
29:22And that's why I put myself under this critical situation.
29:28Because I've got to the realization after six months,
29:32talk to our MPs, our responsible people in politics, our leaders,
29:40and have two conferences in UK Parliament focused on prescribing IRGC.
29:48I've got to this realization, talk is not working anymore.
29:53There was a debate back in January with MPs both sides of the House
29:59agreeing that IRGC needs to be prescribed.
30:03And already 90 MPs had written to the Prime Minister in October
30:10calling for IRGC to be put into the list of terrorist organizations.
30:16The officials that sit in these rooms, they don't want to accept
30:22what is going on in Middle East, what is going on in Iran.
30:26But they have to know, they must know that without Islamic regime,
30:33there will be a peace in Middle East, there will be a peace in the world.
30:38And IRGC and Islamic Republic is not dangerous just for Iranian people,
30:45just for women of Iran.
30:47They are doing a lot of terrorist attacks in all the other countries.
30:53We here, Iranian here, even the British people are not safe in this country
31:01because they can do terrorist attacks even out of Iran.
31:06My hunger strike mainly focus on here.
31:10Because today we see the hands of IRGC here in UK.
31:15When our police ask one TV station to shut down
31:20because they couldn't guarantee their safety and security
31:24because of the threat of IRGC's agent in UK,
31:28so that tell us they are here.
31:31Or just look at the report of MI5.
31:3615 attempts of assassination, hostage taking,
31:40only in one year in UK by IRGC's agent.
31:44We had a parliamentary moment in January.
31:47We were so close, but it didn't happen.
31:51And that was the moment when I decided to do something more serious
31:56to give them more awareness.
31:59I don't want to go with the rumors,
32:01but what I heard from politicians like Alicia Keynes,
32:07because she said it in her interviews,
32:09they said Americans are holding us back.
32:13What can I say?
32:17Many dozens of Iranians have been assassinated in Europe and in England.
32:22We've had the Argentinian Buenos Aires bombings,
32:25the Lebanese bombings of the US compounds,
32:28the embassies in Kenya, and the list just goes on and on and on.
32:32On top of that, we've got civilian airliners being shut down,
32:35sea pirates in international waters.
32:37So they've created a pirate army for themselves.
32:42And they're above the law in Iran.
32:44And the economy has collapsed due to the Islamic Republic and its IRGC.
32:49Iranians don't want to go to war.
32:51They said no to war several times.
32:53They don't want more killing.
32:55They don't want more, you know, sort of destruction.
32:58The country is destructed already.
33:00I mean, they sold our country to Russia and China and other,
33:05and they just plundered the wealth of the country.
33:10People have no money in Iran.
33:12We are on the verge of starvation.
33:14Fifty-five percent-plus are under the poverty line,
33:17and they are disgruntled.
33:19It's very ironic for someone to live in a Western democracy
33:23and demand tougher sanctions against my own people,
33:27but we're nearly there.
33:28It will not happen overnight.
33:31No revolution happened overnight.
33:34It will take time.
33:36Another matter which is very important is the international community's support,
33:43and the international community is not quite ready.
33:46We were in front of the Foreign Office in London.
33:51You saw Wahid Beheshti.
33:53Fifty-four days he's been on hunger strike
33:56asking the Foreign Office to put IRGC in their terrorist list,
34:01and they don't accept it.
34:03Once the economy collapses in its entirety,
34:06the Islamic Republic will not have the money to finance their henchmen.
34:10They will not have the money to finance their mercenaries
34:13from Iraq or Syria or Hezbollah of Lebanon.
34:18And that's when the balance will turn.
34:21I will pay the price, whatever it is,
34:25for our freedom and democracy,
34:28for our values and for our safety and security,
34:31and I will go nowhere until we achieve this together for humanity.
34:37How far are you willing to go?
34:39That's a very, very interesting question, but from the wrong person.
34:44You have to ask from the other side of the road.
34:47How long are they willing to carry on appeasing terrorists?
34:52I will go nowhere.
34:54From the day when I said I will stay here and I will pay the price,
34:59whatever it is.
35:01Iran, if changes, will be a wonderful country,
35:05and we hope we invite you to come and see for yourself.
35:09I'm very sorry to being here and protest far away from you guys,
35:14from my country, but we are still here,
35:18and we protect you, we're behind you,
35:20and we support you up to the end of the time,
35:23until Iran gets its freedom.
35:27You do know it's time for you to go.
35:29Get the hell out of my country.
35:34It is true, I might not be inside the beautiful sovereign land of Iran,
35:38but I am fighting for freedom of Iran and all of its people from here
35:43and any other place in this planet.
35:45Woman, life, freedom.
35:47There will be a time that we will see them prosecuted
35:51on the International Human Rights Court,
35:53and the people's voices will be heard.
35:56The Iranian regime should know that they cannot do anything
36:01to stop this generation from wanting freedom.
36:06If you had a message for the Iranian government, write to the camera.
36:10Go Bukhar Khamenei.
36:13Can you translate that?
36:14Eat shit, Khamenei.
36:23For more UN videos visit
36:54Today, shatter this silence.
36:57Act for Iran's future.
36:59Stop all executions.
37:02Join Amnesty Iran and activists urging UN to demand an end to execution,
37:07a tool of political repression.
37:10Expel diplomats.
37:12Sign a petition urging G7 leaders to remove Iranian diplomats
37:17protesting inhuman treason.
37:19Support women's rights.
37:21Write your representatives.
37:23Stand with Iranians in their fight for human rights.
37:27Social media.
37:29Follow advocates' accounts.
37:31Spread the knowledge and support for Iranians men and women.
37:36Share protests.
37:38Amplifying the voice of change.
37:41Share hashtag Mahsa Amini.
37:43Hashtag UN.
37:46Share hashtag Mahsa Amini.
37:48Hashtag Iran protests and more.
37:52Together, break the chain, ignite the change
37:55and light up Iran's path towards a brighter tomorrow.
37:59For women.
38:00For life.
38:01For freedom.
38:15For women.
38:16For freedom.
38:17For women.
38:18For freedom.
38:19For women.
38:20For women.
38:21For freedom.
38:22For women.
38:23For women.
38:24For women.
38:25For women.
38:26For women.
38:27For women.
38:28For women.
38:29For women.
38:30For women.
38:31For women.
38:32For women.
38:33For women.
38:34For women.
38:35For women.
38:36For women.
38:37For women.
38:38For women.
38:39For women.
38:40For women.
38:41For women.
38:42For women.
38:43For women.
