Mouk - Walking on the moon S02E07 - Cartoon for kids (1)

  • le mois dernier


00:03♪ You can travel all around the world
00:06Riding on your little bicycle
00:09You cross rivers, climb up the mountains
00:12And you meet so many friends
00:17♪ Mouk, mouk!
00:19From Arctic to Canada
00:21To Forest in Alaska
00:23Mouk, mouk!
00:25Can you tell me what you see?
00:28Mouk, mouk!
00:30Exploring Madagascar
00:32And the sand in Sahara
00:34Mouk, mouk!
00:36Tell me, tell me what you see
00:39Tell me, tell me what you see
00:42Tell me, tell me what you see!
00:48Walking on the Moon
00:54That's strange
00:57Did the computer crash or something?
01:03But I'm pretty sure Mouk and Chavapa said they would call us
01:06Well, are Mouk and Chavapa online?
01:09No they're not, and I don't know why
01:11Hi Popo, hi Mita
01:13What are you talking about? They're right there
01:15Hi, where are you?
01:17We're in Turkey with our friend Kedi
01:20Hi Kedi
01:21We would have called you sooner but Chavapa wanted to travel to a faraway place
01:25Aha! A very remote destination
01:28Really? Where's that?
01:30Not so fast, you need to hear the whole story
01:33It all began last night
01:35We were at Kedi's house drinking tea with his parents
01:38We were sitting on rugs they make by hand themselves, using the wool from their sheep
01:44Who would like some tea?
01:45I would!
01:46Me too, I'd love some
01:48How about you Chavapa, would you like some tea?
01:52Oh! Wow! A shooting star!
01:58I saw a shooting star, I saw a shooting star
02:01I saw a shooting star, I saw a shooting star
02:11You asleep? It's not bedtime
02:13No, I'm thinking of the wish I want to make
02:21Hey, I know, that's perfect! I wish to take a trip to the moon!
02:27If you say what your wish is out loud, it won't come true
02:30Oh no, I forgot about that
02:32Your wish couldn't come true anyway
02:34Oh, is that so?
02:36Yeah, why not?
02:39Because going to the moon is impossible
02:41Oh, I wouldn't be so sure, we go there all the time
02:44Hey, to the moon?
02:45That's right, the best wool can be found there
02:48See Mook, it's not impossible
02:50You're pulling my leg, right?
02:52No, not at all
02:53Keddie, what do you say you make Chavapa's wish come true by taking him to the moon tomorrow?
02:58Great idea!
03:01Off to bed then boys and get a good night's sleep, you've got a very long trip ahead of you tomorrow
03:06Whoa! I'm off to bed to get some rest, I can't wait for tomorrow
03:10Goodnight everybody!
03:11Goodnight Chavapa!
03:44Good morning Mook, good morning Anna
03:46Good morning Chavapa
03:47Last night I dreamt I was on the moon
03:49You should have seen me bouncing around
03:51There you go, you went to the moon, your wish came true
03:54Good morning, I'm glad you're up
03:56Chavapa, can you come for a minute?
03:58My dad would like to explain a few things before we go to the moon
04:01Good morning children
04:03Good morning Atta
04:06I know it's a joke, there's no way we're actually going to the moon
04:11Why don't you go change inside?
04:13OK, but I hope it'll fit me
04:15Don't worry, Keddie tried it on and it fitted him just fine
04:19Hey Mook! Mook! Look over there!
04:28What on earth?
04:31Is that a diving suit?
04:33It's my dad's, he found it at a flea market
04:36He said it would be perfect for travelling to the moon
04:39OK, I think we're ready then
04:41Do you want to stay here Mook, or do you want to come with us?
04:44I know you're just pulling my leg but I'll come with you
04:55Hey, wait for me!
04:57You're not in great shape for an astronaut
04:59Yeah well I'd like to see you try riding uphill with this heavy suit on
05:05And it's pretty hot in here!
05:27If we had a rocket ship we could get there faster
05:30That's it!
05:31If we had a rocket ship we could get there faster
05:34That's exactly where we're headed, to the rocket ship
05:37A rocket ship?
05:38You didn't think we'd go all the way to the moon on our bikes did you?
05:55We're going to need some equipment for our trip to the moon
05:58Jabba pa, can you pick up a piece of white fabric from this shop?
06:03As for you Mook, could you find us a stick about this size?
06:06Meanwhile I'll go find my uncle the sheep herder
06:09Let's all meet in front of the store in one hour, OK?
06:11OK, see you in an hour
06:15Is anybody here?
06:17May I help you young man?
06:19Well, I need fabric that's...
06:22You're in luck, I've got fabric in all sorts of colours
06:25Blue, red, yellow, brown
06:28Actually, I just need fabric that's...
06:31And I also have fabric with stripes, pasty, polka dot, herringbone
06:35No, no, the fabric I'm looking for is just...
06:37If you don't like those I have plenty more
06:39ginghams, argyles, checkers, jacquard, brocade...
06:43No, no, no, I just want plain white fabric
07:00I'm ready, I found the stick
07:02And I found the fabric
07:04Now I'd like to know what it's for
07:06The first thing you do when you set foot on the moon is to plant a flag
07:11It's a tradition, but the salesman was right, white is a little too plain
07:15But I can fix that, I'm going to draw a picture of myself on the flag
07:20Let's see, to draw a chalupa you start by making a big round circle like this
07:27Hey, why did you make your head so huge? You could have left some room for me
07:31And what about our bikes? There's no space left
07:34It's my drawing and I know exactly what I'm doing
07:39Anyway, for your information I'm going to set foot on the moon first
07:43You actually think we're going to the moon for real?
07:46Of course I do
07:47Good morning
07:50So kids, are you ready for our trip to the moon?
07:53Yeah, we sure are! So you're taking us to the rocket ship?
07:56That's right
07:58The sheep aren't coming with us, are they?
08:00Sure they are, that's where they all live
08:14Oh, see, even the sheep are ready for take-off
08:21Here we are! Welcome to Cappadocia
08:31It's amazing!
08:33It looks just like my dream!
08:37I get it! It's not really the moon, it just looks like it!
08:41It really does, huh?
08:42Yes, it does!
08:44I get it! It's not really the moon, it just looks like it!
08:48It really does, huh?
08:50You have me fooled Keddie, and so did you Chavapa
08:53Did you know from the beginning?
08:55No, not at first, I only found out this morning
08:58But even so, I wasn't expecting this
09:01I never dreamed it could be so incredible
09:07You're about to witness an amazing event, the very first Chavapa on the moon
09:12Greetings earthlings!
09:27Calling the earth, calling the earth, do you read me?
09:30We read you loud and clear
09:32What are your first impressions?
09:34Well, I can't begin to tell you how amazing it feels to be standing on the moon's surface
09:40Wait, what's that I hear? The inhabitants of the moon?
09:43Yes, though it may sound surprising, it appears the moon is inhabited by a friendly flock of sheep
09:49That is indeed an amazing discovery
09:52I will now proceed to take my first steps
10:01And now follow me, I have another surprise for you
10:06The rocket ship!
10:08It looks like a real rocket ship
10:10That's funny, I think it looks like a house with doors and windows
10:13Our ancestors lived here long ago, they carved entire villages out of rock
10:18Now my uncle used to sit as a barn for his sheep
10:21So kids, are you ready for a trip in the rocket ship?
10:25Take your seats, the crew's expecting you
10:29Ha ha ha!
10:34Buckle up everybody, prepare for take off!
10:375, 4, 3, 2, 1...
10:43What an exciting adventure!
10:45Doesn't it look just like the moon?
10:47Oh yeah, it really does!
10:49Hey, where's Chapapa?
10:51Oh he's not far, he's still playing with the sheep
10:54Even on the moon, he has his head in the clouds!
11:24Translation by Jean La Flute
