Sturm der Liebe 4262 folge

  • last month
05:01But Christoph says she's doing well.
05:03Oh, I have to hang up.
05:04Say hello to Laura and Alexander for me.
05:06And of course, you too, your Otto.
05:08And yes, I'll do it. See you later.
05:10Ciao, my darling.
05:11Yes, please.
05:14I'm sorry for the disturbance, Mr. Saalfeld,
05:17but I have a surprise for you.
05:20Yes, then show it to me.
05:31That's a Cuvée Royale d'Orée.
05:37Year 1981.
05:39Yes, after the bottle that her deceased wife gave him
05:43unfortunately broke.
05:46There are only a few of those in the world.
05:49How did you manage to get it?
05:51At an online auction.
05:54And you took a deep dive, right?
05:57To be honest,
05:59Mr. Brandes auctioned it.
06:01He did?
06:03Then he probably did it for you.
06:05He wanted to help me make up for the damage.
06:09Mr. Saalfeld,
06:11I know you don't like him very much,
06:12and also that he made big mistakes in the past,
06:16but he really makes an effort.
06:20Yes, obviously.
06:23Maybe you could give him another chance?
06:31The Cuvée Royale d'Orée
06:44Is that him?
06:46And he was in your jacket?
06:49That means we did go with the bottle.
06:52And do you know where the bottle is now?
06:54Mr. Sonnbichler spoke to the police.
06:57They are looking for it.
06:59Oh God.
07:00What did we do that night?
07:02Nicole, do you know that I still can't remember anything?
07:05Me neither.
07:06I hope we didn't drive the shuttle too fast.
07:08No, no, no.
07:09Then we would have had traces of an accident.
07:11I cleaned myself up completely.
07:12I have no fractures, no cuts, no bruises, nothing.
07:16Okay, good.
07:17Then we can at least exclude that.
07:23I'm afraid
07:25I have to report it to Mr. Saalfeld.
07:29The police are already investigating.
07:32Yes, but they will ask unpleasant questions.
07:35And they also want to know why we have no idea where the car is.
07:39And then certain hallucinogenic mushrooms will come into play.
07:43But I can tell you.
07:45Hey, I didn't know I ate something like that.
07:49We will definitely believe that.
07:51But consumption is not punishable.
07:54But ownership and driving a car under the influence of drugs?
07:58You're right.
08:00If that comes out, I might lose my approval.
08:05I could say that I drove.
08:10No, no, that's not an option.
08:12You need your driver's license.
08:13You have to drive in the big market, you have to deliver.
08:15No, no.
08:17Wait a minute.
08:20The key
08:22was in my jacket pocket.
08:25Did I really drive?
08:28You mean we could...
08:30We should talk to Erik and Yvonne, yes?
08:34Oh God, the police are coming.
08:36Okay, okay, watch out.
08:37You're not driving normally.
08:39Don't panic. I'm already doing it.
08:42Oh God.
08:46Okay, okay, okay, okay.
08:47Calm down.
08:49Yes, please.
08:52Ms. Lingenschmidt, I'm so happy to see you.
08:57Hello, Ms. Bergmann.
08:59I wanted to ask you if...
09:01Oh, they look delicious.
09:04My latest creation.
09:07Would you like to try?
09:09Thank you, they look really good, but better not.
09:13I just want to change my diet,
09:14and I wanted to ask you if you might have some tips for me.
09:18Well, it depends on what you want to achieve.
09:22Do you just want to eat healthier?
09:24Yes, of course, but I want to be a little more sporty,
09:27because I'm doing the fitness videos with Lale.
09:30We're going to meet again soon.
09:32And our followers should see that my training is worth it.
09:35Even if I'll probably never look as good as Lale.
09:39Well, it shouldn't really depend on that.
09:42But if it's a challenge to consciously eat healthier, why not?
09:47Why don't you just ask Lale if she's coming up with a diet plan for you?
09:52To be honest, I've never really dealt with this topic,
09:55and I've always just eaten what I like.
09:59Oh, and you don't want to look completely clueless in front of Lale.
10:03That would be so embarrassing.
10:06Well, you should avoid carbohydrates in the evening.
10:10So, no pasta and no bread?
10:15Okay, and a smoothie for breakfast?
10:20It always depends on what's in it.
10:22Smoothies can be hidden sugar drops,
10:24and you should also keep your fingers away from desserts.
10:29But you just showed me how disciplined you can be.
10:34It's good that he was so nice to you, isn't it?
10:38Yes, but...
10:40I don't know.
10:42What is it?
10:44What does he expect from me?
10:46I can't just forgive him for locking me up in the cellar,
10:50and how he treated me, just because he was nice to me once.
10:53No, you don't have to forgive him at all.
10:55But at least you can talk to him.
11:00He's proud of me.
11:03He told me earlier...
11:06He never told me that.
11:08I've always wanted to hear it from him.
11:11Wow, maybe he really has changed.
11:17he hugged me.
11:19Theo, that could be a new beginning for both of you.
11:24Yes, maybe.
11:31And... what's next?
11:36I don't know.
11:38He wants to meet me, but...
11:41I think that's a bit too much for me.
11:43Because you're afraid of being disappointed again?
11:48On the other hand,
11:50I never find out if he really has changed.
11:54I could be there at the meeting, if you want.
12:00Shall we invite him to dinner?
12:03To our house?
12:23So you feel like the conversations with your psychologist
12:26help you to process the situation with Daman?
12:29It was definitely the right decision to come here.
12:32Thank you for making all of this possible.
12:35Lexi, not at all.
12:37Let's talk later. I'll be with the yoga group right away.
12:40Yes, of course.
12:41Have fun doing yoga, and...
12:43I love you.
12:44I love you, too.
12:48Ah, good afternoon, Mr. Licht.
12:49Mr. Seinfeld.
12:51Compliment. This is really a great hotel.
12:54I understand why Theo likes to work here so much.
12:56Then you've spoken to him already?
12:59Yes, just briefly.
13:01Well, he's on duty right now.
13:03Yes, yes, of course.
13:05I tried to make an appointment with him for later, but somehow...
13:09somehow he just ignored me.
13:12I imagined things a bit differently, you know?
13:15So you don't have the best relationship at the moment?
13:21No, unfortunately not.
13:24But that's why I'm here.
13:26So we can get things going.
13:29Yes, that's good.
13:32Ah, then...
13:34I hope you'll be able to do it.
13:36Yes, I will.
13:39Besides, I have a surprise for Theo.
13:49Yes, hello.
13:54Let's go.
13:59If it doesn't work out today, we can do it another day with my students.
14:02No, no, it works out perfectly.
14:06Are you sure? Is everything okay?
14:07Yes, everything's fine.
14:09And you?
14:13It's because of the thing with Philipp and the wine, right?
14:18He wanted to do something good again.
14:20And an expensive drop is enough?
14:23And then it's forgiven and forgotten that he lied to you for months?
14:25No, of course not.
14:27But you know why he's doing this?
14:31Oh, come on, Anna.
14:32He's trying to wrap you up again.
14:33And you let him wrap you up again.
14:34Don't let him wrap me up.
14:36It was just a nice gesture from Philipp, that's all.
14:39And how I deal with it is my business.
14:47I don't mind either.
14:52What's on today?
14:55One of the most important things on a stool
14:59that you should never be ashamed of.
15:01What would that be?
15:02You can go in three times.
15:06I'll do that with my left hand.
15:09And you?
15:10I'll watch you.
15:16You're doing very, very well.
15:17Thank you very much.
15:18You're welcome.
15:19You look great.
15:25So we were good with the shuttle, too.
15:28All that's left of Lisandro is to admit what happened.
15:32Michael, we all don't know where the shuttle left off.
15:36The police are looking for it.
15:37Yes, and if they find it, it's just a matter of time before they come for us.
15:41But how are they supposed to come for us?
15:45Yes, and then there's a report of theft.
15:48So your things are still there?
15:50That would be the ideal time for you to fully admit that you were driving alone.
15:55Who says I was driving?
15:56Exactly, it could have been any of you.
15:58He had the key in his coat pocket.
16:00But that doesn't mean anything.
16:01Eric, if the Magic Mushrooms find out, I'll lose my approval.
16:04Which I'm really sorry about.
16:11So if I take responsibility for this, I'll lose my driver's license.
16:13And then I won't be able to buy and deliver anymore.
16:15But no one wants their baked bananas to be taken by drugs when they find out.
16:20Do you want to...
16:22This isn't serious, is it?
16:26Do you two want one of us to take full responsibility for this?
16:42You're related to Werner Saalfeld, aren't you?
16:47Ah, okay.
16:48And you think he understands that I eat mushrooms in my spare time and then steal cars, or what?
17:07Why are you looking at me like that?
17:11If it turns out that I was the one with the portrait, I'll fly out of here again.
17:23Shame on you.
17:25Yeah, okay. What are we going to do now?
17:36I'll tell you what we're going to do.
17:39We're going into the woods and we're going to burn this key.
17:42And no one will ever lose a word about it again.
17:47Can you two do that?
18:09Mr. Saalfeld, would you like to sit down?
18:11No, no, no, no, no, no. Please stay seated.
18:20Well, I got a bottle of my 1981 Cuvée, which I was very happy about.
18:30That's good.
18:32Anna really went to great lengths to get your wine back.
18:36Well, Mrs. Albers also told me that I owe it to you.
18:42She did?
18:44I can imagine that it wasn't easy, and quite expensive.
18:52Mr. Saalfeld, I have a lot to make up for.
18:55With you, and especially with Anna.
18:58I'm very happy that you have your wine back.
19:02It's an honor to see that you put so much effort into it.
19:06Maybe there's a good reason for that.
19:16If that's the case, then Anna set him free.
19:22She made me a better person.
19:28Unfortunately, I realized that too late.
19:36Could you please let me take this to my room?
19:39With pleasure, Mr. Licht.
19:40Great. Thank you very much.
19:41You're welcome.
19:49I'd like to introduce you to someone.
19:51This is Lale, my girlfriend.
19:55That's a nice surprise.
19:57Why didn't you tell her right away that you were with my son?
20:03I understand.
20:04All right.
20:07Anyway, Lale and I would like to invite you to dinner this afternoon.
20:13Well, only if you have time.
20:15Of course, I'd love to come.
20:17Okay, cool.
20:19I'm looking forward to it.
20:20I'm looking forward to it too.
20:21Me too.
20:22Okay, then I'll write down the address for you.
20:26Can I have a pen and paper?
20:29A little more speed, or we'll never be done here.
20:32Aye, aye, sir!
20:34Come on!
20:38But actually, you can be glad that I'm helping you at all.
20:42Less talking, more working.
20:45Tell me, when did you change from trainee to boss?
20:49Well, I'm supposed to learn how to manage a stable.
20:52I'm sorry about your poor employees.
20:56See you.
20:57See you.
21:00Come on!
21:03You can't do that!
21:22Stop it!
21:38You look like a bird.
21:41You look like a bird.
21:53Is there something you don't like, or are you allergic to something?
21:57Not that I know of.
21:58But don't worry about me.
22:00I'm just happy that we're eating together.
22:03Me too.
22:05Okay, then I'll see you later.
22:08See you later.
22:17Now we just have to think about what we're going to cook.
22:19Do you have an idea?
22:20Maybe something Bavarian or something Turkish?
22:22He said he likes Italian.
22:26But we don't have enough time for our lasagna.
22:28Then we'll just cook a pasta with pesto and a salad.
22:31Okay, great idea.
22:32Okay, then I'll go shopping and you'll come.
22:35I think your dad was really happy about the invitation.
22:38Yes, he likes you.
22:39That's a good condition.
22:41We'll see how it goes.
22:44I think it's funny that he's also called Theodor.
22:47Well, he probably imagined that I would step into his footsteps and continue the family dynasty.
22:53Family dynasty?
22:55Yes, his father was already called Theodor and was a roofer.
22:59No, right?
23:04I'm the only one who's obviously out of style and that's why I'm permanently disappointed.
23:08Don't say that.
23:10Well, well.
23:13You're a jackpot to me anyway.
24:04What if I get caught?
24:06That's way too risky.
24:08Then just throw him away.
24:09No, not just throw him away.
24:11It's much better if he's found.
24:13Then they won't even look for a car thief, right?
24:15Right, but only for a car that has to be found somewhere.
24:31Very professional.
24:32And where do you want to put him?
24:35You're here at the entrance, right?
24:42And what are you doing today?
24:45Yes, I have patients. I have to go to practice.
24:49Then we'll see each other later, okay?
24:54Well then, see you later.
25:02See you later.
25:11Hello, Mr. Sonnwichler.
25:12Theo, what are you doing here?
25:15You're sick.
25:17Uh, yes.
25:20I'm feeling a little better.
25:24You wanted to get your father out of the way, am I right?
25:30I'm sorry I lied.
25:32And why are you still here?
25:35Christoph Saalfeld made it clear to me that I shouldn't hide from my father,
25:38but that I should be able to draw clear lines.
25:41That's good. And that's what you've done now?
25:43Well, at least I intended to.
25:45But then he suddenly said, well, my father,
25:48that he's proud of me.
25:51Yes, that sounds like there's still a second chance for you two.
25:55Uh-huh, he'll even come to lunch with Lalo and me.
25:59That's good. He wanted this expression from me.
26:02May I give it to him now?
26:04Yes, of course.
26:08Hotel Fürstenhof, receptionist Sonnwichler. What can I do for you?
26:12Jan, what time frame did you think?
26:14Mr. Licht!
26:17Is everything alright?
26:19I just started to believe that my father could really change.
26:22What's that?
26:24A training plan for roofer apprentices.
26:27And you think it's for you?
26:29For whom else?
26:31So that was his surprise.
26:35I met him today, and he said he had a surprise for you.
26:39Yes, that fits.
26:41Since I was a little boy, he's been telling me to take over his business.
26:44But that's nothing for you. He should have understood that by now.
26:48Well, it doesn't look like it.
26:53Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere.
26:57Is there something important?
26:59Yes, we're supposed to go to the workout.
27:02Oh, I totally forgot about that.
27:04Okay, that's not a problem.
27:06Do you still have to work?
27:08No, I'll bring the towels to the gym.
27:10Okay, perfect, and then we'll go.
27:12And then I have to go shopping. Theo's father is coming over for lunch.
27:16You also met the guy who helped you get off the elevator?
27:19That was Theo's dad?
27:21He doesn't look like he would know you.
27:23Yes, we hadn't seen each other before.
27:25Anyway, he's coming over for lunch, and the workout won't work.
27:28Sure, I understand.
27:30Okay, okay.
27:31But I can help him with the shopping.
27:33Oh, I can do that.
27:34Or with the carrying. I'm really good at carrying.
27:36Yes, I think so, but...
27:37Oh, I can do that, too. Thanks.
27:39It's the lighter one, unfortunately.
27:40Yes, okay.
27:41Let's go.
27:46We'll just do the workout.
27:48I'll call you when I have time.
27:51And have fun eating.
27:52And with the towels, too.
27:53Yes, I will.
28:19And your wife is still with your family in Lübeck?
28:22Yes, but this afternoon she's coming back.
28:24Oh, how nice!
28:26Is she doing better by now?
28:28Well, at least it was good for her sister and her nieces to be there.
28:33I mean, the thing with Tom, he took it all with him.
28:36Yes, of course.
28:44Oh, my God.
28:45Uh, did something happen?
28:48Um, no.
28:50No, no, I, um...
28:52I just noticed that I forgot something.
28:58My cell phone.
28:59I probably left it at Michael's in the office.
29:02Oh, what do you think?
29:04I left my cell phone everywhere.
29:10I'll go back quickly and get it.
29:12You know what? I'll come with you.
29:14Then I can tell the doctor that Professor Brucherseifer is having an abortion.
29:20That's really not necessary, Mr. Sonnenmichler.
29:22I'm sure you still have a lot to prepare for your wife's arrival.
29:25Yes, a few little things, of course.
29:27Yes, then go ahead and take it easy.
29:30Okay, but only if that's okay with you.
29:35Then I can call the doctor.
29:37Okay, and say hello to your wife.
29:39I will.
29:51Could I please have two white sausages with sweet mustard and two pretzels to take away?
29:55Yes, I'll get it right away.
29:56Great, thank you. I'll wait.
29:58Well, are you fulfilling special requests again?
30:02Hi, I haven't seen you at all.
30:04Uh, yes, the young couple from Tokyo would definitely like to try Bavarian specialties.
30:09And since Mrs. Bergmann can't come out of the office until 12 o'clock,
30:13I thought I'd give them a call.
30:15Uh, yes, the young couple from Tokyo would definitely like to try Bavarian specialties.
30:17And since Mrs. Bergmann can't come out of the office until 12 o'clock,
30:20I thought I'd give them a call.
30:21I understand.
30:24Tell me, Werner Seifeld thanked me for the wine.
30:30Very good.
30:32Why did you tell him that I was behind it?
30:35Because I don't like to adorn myself with other people's mistakes.
30:38But you like to take the mistakes of others on yourself?
30:41The disaster in the wine cellar is on my account.
30:44It's good that Werner Seifeld is grateful to you.
30:47I mean, you didn't have the best stand with him in the end.
30:51Yes, you're right.
30:54I'm sure you can gradually regain your trust.
30:59Maybe, but...
31:07It's okay, Anna.
31:09Vincent also pushed me in earlier and said that I messed it up.
31:14What did he say?
31:17The worst part is...
31:20he's right.
31:31See you.
31:33See you.
31:38Nice push.
31:59Oh, my God.
32:15This is the mailbox of Dr. Michael Niederbüchel.
32:17Please leave a message.
32:19Michael, I found him. The car.
32:22You won't believe it.
32:23You'll have to see for yourself.
32:32Hello, my dear.
32:33That's a coincidence. Thank you.
32:35That's not the fine English way.
32:38You'll like it.
32:40Oh, there's another one with a full body.
32:43Is that possible?
32:44Anna and I had a straw fight.
32:47And it was like it used to be.
32:49Did you have sex?
32:50No, we didn't.
32:52Oh, my God, a straw fight.
32:53It was like throwing straw around.
32:55And then at some point you're so hot.
32:57And then you get closer somehow.
32:59And the sun sparkles in the straw.
33:01And then...
33:02You watch too much Orkan of Passion.
33:04Tornado of Passion?
33:06And I don't think I have to justify myself.
33:09This series has a political background.
33:13Anyway, Anna and I didn't kiss.
33:16Even though I think there's a lot going on between us.
33:19But that's exactly what you have to signal to her.
33:21She just broke up with Philipp.
33:23Yes, quite right.
33:24Cheaters don't have a place in my world.
33:27Especially in love.
33:29Yes, but it's not that simple.
33:31You've held her back for so long.
33:33Now let your hormones run free.
33:36You still love her, don't you?
33:38Of course I still love her.
33:39Well, shouldn't she notice that slowly?
33:45Maybe you're right.
33:47Hey, am I right?
33:49When wasn't I right?
33:51Tell me.
33:52If I really...
33:53Tell me an example where I was wrong.
33:55What is it?
34:01I have to take this call.
34:08I'll get it.
34:19Erik, thank God.
34:21I called Michael and Yvonne, but nobody picked up.
34:24What's going on? What happened?
34:26I found the shuttle.
34:28That's great!
34:30No, it's not.
34:32It's a complete mess, isn't it?
34:33No, but can you come here, please?
34:35I'll send you my location.
34:37Nicole, you stay calm and I'm on my way.
35:01Are you sure the training plan is for you?
35:04He's been telling me all my life
35:06that I should take over his stupid family business.
35:09But he knows that you have no interest in the roof top business.
35:12Then he'll just say, don't act like that.
35:17Then why did he say that he's proud of you?
35:20To pat me softly.
35:25What do I know, Lale?
35:27He's my father. You never know what he's thinking.
35:31Maybe we should cancel the dinner.
35:35Don't you want to talk to him?
35:38What's the point?
35:41If there's no point, we'll just ask him to leave.
35:46I'll personally knock on his door.
35:49I'd like to see that.
35:52The spontaneous straw fight was really funny.
35:55I didn't think it would be so uncomfortable between Vincent and me.
35:59But that he didn't tell me that he and Philipp got into a fight again...
36:04Philipp seemed to get pretty close to his promise.
36:08He was so sad.
36:12After everything that happened, why we broke up,
36:16I shouldn't really care.
36:19I shouldn't really care, but...
36:22But before we move on, I'll give you my heart first.
36:32It's much more precious than all the treasures in this world.
36:49I want you to know that last night...
36:52...was nothing special for me.
36:55For me neither.
36:59On the contrary.
37:04Does that mean...
37:06...both of us?
37:08I think so, yes.
37:11Does that mean...
37:13...both of us?
37:15I think so, yes.
37:19I could change the whole world for you.
37:26How nice of you.
37:28Can I have the jacket?
37:31It smells so good. What's there to eat?
37:35Can we get straight to the point?
37:37What do you mean?
37:39The reason why you're here.
37:42You invited me.
37:44Why did you even come here?
37:51What are you thinking?
37:56Because you want to persuade me to do the rooftop training... I can still run your business.
38:01How did you come up with that?
38:06You had a receptionist print that out for you.
38:09That's for me, right?
38:11As a surprise.
38:13Theo, that's a stupid misunderstanding.
38:17Okay, we'll see about that.
38:19I'm starting a new apprentice next week.
38:22And I wanted to get familiar with the current training plan.
38:25And because I don't like reading on my phone, I had it printed out at the hotel.
38:30I understand that you won't be a rooftop technician anymore.
38:42That's what we should go for.
38:44Take a seat.
38:46Oh God, there you are.
38:48Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a lunch break?
38:53But it looks good, doesn't it?
38:56But there's nothing on it.
38:58No damage, nothing.
39:01We'll just bring it back.
39:03It was very inconspicuous, I'll tell you.
39:05Yes, that's possible.
39:06But what's the problem?
39:08I don't know.
39:09I don't know.
39:10I don't know.
39:11I don't know.
39:12I don't know.
39:13I don't know.
39:14I'll tell you.
39:15Yes, but that's not possible, because Michael made sure that the key was found by chance.
39:20But that's even better.
39:22Then we'll go back to the hotel and give him an anonymous tip.
39:26Take a look.
39:34Now tell me, how can you be so stupid and write his name in there?
39:40Yes, oh.
39:42We have to get rid of this before the car is found.
39:45How do we get in there?
39:48Well, the roof window was a little bit open.
39:51I opened it a little further, but then it somehow blocked.
39:54Yeah, but we won't fit through there.
40:00Maybe we'll open it differently.
40:02No, no, no, no, no way.
40:04That's damage to the roof.
40:05Eric, and that's a crime.
40:07A stolen car with a broken window or with our autographs?
40:32Mr. Brandes still doesn't get cold, does he?
40:37That he's suffering so much under our separation,
40:40and how depressed and sad he was,
40:45I just can't get over it.
40:48But you mustn't forget that he's solely responsible for it.
40:53He got close to you,
40:55he destroyed your relationship with Dr. Ritter,
40:58and all that just to get hold of your inheritance.
41:01Actually, I really don't care how Philip is doing.
41:05But your feelings say otherwise.
41:10Whether I want to or not, I just can't get him out of my head.
41:19It's hard to let go of someone you loved so much.
41:23And above all, it takes time.
41:26You just broke up with him.
41:28I broke up with him first.
41:35And what if it never ends?
41:39What if I never get over Philip?
41:44The salad dressing is fantastic.
41:47Would you like some more?
41:49No, thank you. I'm full.
41:51The pasta was good, too.
41:55I'm glad you have such a nice girlfriend.
41:58She seems to be really good to my son.
42:01That's true.
42:03You've become calmer.
42:06Not as nervous as you used to be.
42:10It seems as if things have developed for the better for you here.
42:16But I'd still like to know why you're here.
42:21you should have read my letter.
42:26All right.
42:28I know you're disappointed.
42:30But there's no other reason.
42:33My boss said he'd talked to you.
42:36And that Mr. Seinfeld seems to really like you.
42:40That's right.
42:42So what about the surprise you told him about?
42:46I was just about to talk about it.
42:49Not only for you, things have developed for the better.
42:53I, too, have met someone.
43:08I'm happy for you.
43:13But what does that have to do with why you're here?
43:18I made a request to Mrs. Kotsu.
43:21And she said yes.
43:24I came here to invite you to our wedding, my boy.
43:32I'm sure you're looking forward to your first grandchild.
43:36What kind of question is that? Of course I am.
43:39But until then, it'll take a few months.
43:42Is everything okay in Tanzania?
43:44Yes, everything's fine.
43:46And in Fürstenhof?
43:48Anna broke up with Philipp?
43:50That's right.
43:52Do you know anything about it?
43:54Markus, let's talk about it some other time, okay?
43:57I understand. Well then, best wishes to everyone.
44:00You're right. See you.
44:07Mrs. Saalfeld.
44:11Can I help you?
44:13Yes, I'm looking for a good wine for a dinner.
44:18I'll recommend something.
44:20You have a date?
44:24Oh, excuse me.
44:29I don't have a date yet, but I'd like to ask someone.
44:33You can think about who it's about.
44:36Anna Alves?
44:40Isn't that a good idea?
44:42I'd better not interfere.
44:44You're not interfering, you're telling me something out of trust.
44:51Let's put it this way.
44:53I don't think this is the right time for it.
44:58Why is that? Did Anna say anything to you?
45:01Not right now, but...
45:03Please, Mrs. Saalfeld.
45:05I won't tell anyone anything, I promise.
45:08You'd help me a lot.
45:10Is there anything I should know?
45:13I just don't want you to get your hopes up.
45:18Mrs. Alves told me she's still very attached to Mr. Brandes.
45:43Do you want to give it a try?
45:48But maybe you should start.
45:50I still have it in my back, don't I?
45:54Okay, fine. Here, hold this.
46:01Go ahead, robber.
46:15Are you okay?
46:17No, I'm stuck.
46:19Okay, now don't panic.
46:21Take a deep breath.
46:23Don't go forward, don't go back!
46:27Nicole, I'm starting to feel a bit dizzy.
46:30Then just push. Maybe I'll get to the door opener.
46:35Are you sure?
46:37Just push!
46:39Yes, yes.
46:43Like this?
46:45No, you have to hold it a bit tighter.
46:50Yes, push!
46:52Go on!
46:54Yes, like that!
46:56Like this?
46:58A bit more, yes, that's better!
47:00Oh, wait, I can't!
47:02A bit more, yes, that's better!
47:04Oh, wait, I'm giving it my all!
47:06Yes, a bit more!
47:08Yes, that's good!
47:12What's going on here?
47:27What kind of face is that?
47:28I didn't clean my face thoroughly enough.
47:33Vincent, tell me what happened.
47:35I don't understand.
47:37I don't understand.
47:39What is it?
47:41How can you still be so attached to Philipp?
47:44He lied to you and cheated on you.
47:46What else has to happen?
47:49How do you know I'm still attached to him?
47:52Don't you?
47:54Am I imagining it?
47:55Or what?
47:57Don't you want to give him another chance?
47:59I don't understand, Anna!
48:01How naive can you be?
48:03Do you really think you can be happy with Philipp,
48:06after everything that's happened?
48:08How stupid must you be?
48:12How are you going to get to the car keys?
48:15We'll go to the door, you distract him,
48:17and I'll steal the keys.
48:19We've always done that.
48:21But it never worked.
48:22Lately, there's been a change.
48:25What do you mean?
48:27You look like you're in a good mood.
48:29In fact, you're in a good mood.
48:33What do you think about us talking in peace?
48:37You know my motto, Theo.
48:39Less talking, more doing.
48:41I think it's important that we do something together.
48:44Do you have an idea?
48:46I could look for the car.
48:48Where do you want to start?
48:49With the signal of the car key, I could find the car.
48:52You just have to give me the key.