RPJPN Jadi Panduan Pelaksanaan Pembangunan

  • last month
Rapat Paripurna DPR RI ke 2 masa persidangan I Tahun sidang 2024-2025 menyetujui Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional atau RPJPN 2025-2045 menjadi undang-undang. RPJPN 2025-2045 merupakan usulan inisiatif pemerintah, sebagai pedoman untuk menyusun perangkan pembangunn jangka panjang nasional untuk menuju Indonesia Emas 2045.


00:00The second Paripurna DPR RI meeting, the first session of the 2024-2025 session,
00:11aims to target the National Long-Term Development Plan, or RPJPN, in 2025-2045 as a law.
00:20The RPJPN in 2025-2045 is a government-led initiative
00:26as a guide to arrange the National Long-Term Development Plan for Indonesia in March 2045.
00:33According to the Minister, the National Development Plan, which is also headed by Mr. Nas Soeharto Monu Arfa,
00:40the RPJPN in 2025-2045 will ensure the consistency and consistency of the development plan.
00:48Indonesia must make a comprehensive transformation,
00:51starting from social, economic, and regulatory transformation.
00:57The economic transformation is aimed to boost the productivity of the economic sector,
01:02so that Indonesia becomes a country with high income and out of the middle-income trap.
01:10Therefore, the policies that have been implemented since now cannot be business as usual.
01:15Indonesia must make a comprehensive transformation,
01:18namely social transformation,
01:21aimed to create a prosperous, superior, and competitive human and society.
01:26The economic transformation is aimed to boost the productivity of the economic sector,
01:31so that Indonesia becomes a country with high income and out of the middle-income trap.
01:36The regulatory transformation is aimed to create quality public services
01:42and quality civil society participation in development.
01:47The comprehensive transformation must be supported by the foundation of transformation
01:52to create a conducive condition for transformation,
01:57namely the creation of legal supremacy, stability, and the leadership of Indonesia,
02:02and the preservation of social and cultural integrity.
