• last year
00:00But be grateful to God, in the past you were a sinner, but now you have obediently obeyed the teachings that have been given to you.
00:19I say this in a human way because of your weakness.
00:24Because of the same reason, you have given up your body members as a slave of corruption and immorality that leads you to immorality.
00:35Therefore, now you have to give up your body members as a slave of truth that leads you to guidance.
00:44And what did you take away from it? All of it makes you feel ashamed now because all of it is death.
01:14Because the sin is death, but the grace of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our God.
01:27The theme of independence in the context of Indonesia's 79 years of independence, ladies and gentlemen.
01:41We should be happy because we are liberated from the sin of death and we are liberated to be servants of God.
01:52Ladies and gentlemen, I remember an event when I was a child, I was still sitting in 3rd grade.
02:07In the vicinity of our house, which is a police station, because my father was a police officer.
02:18There was a person who had a mental disorder, which is now called a person with a mental disorder, ODGC.
02:28That person was very disturbing to the society because he could suddenly get angry, beat people.
02:40Therefore, the family could not control him, so he was handcuffed.
02:54I was sitting in 3rd grade, around 1979-1978.
03:08Now, a person with a mental disorder can no longer be handcuffed.
03:15Later we will confirm to Mrs. Hendrina that the community of mental doctors has declared that such people are not allowed.
03:30But in my childhood, the most effective way to control a person was handcuffed.
03:37The family made a piece of wood and handcuffed his legs.
03:46Just because his legs were handcuffed, his hands worked.
03:52He could open all the chains and cut the wood, so he let go again.
03:58He could chase children, chase people, anyone he saw who became a trauma in the past, he could beat people.
04:08In the anxiety of the community, the family and the local people asked, which at that time my father was in charge of security,
04:18asked to arrest and bring him back.
04:24And my father managed to catch him because he was an expert in catching people.
04:30Now he is no longer handcuffed with his legs, but with his hands.
04:35I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, he was handcuffed.
04:40I read a reference now, what happens to a person who is handcuffed?
04:48His legs will shrink over time.
04:53Including his hands will shrink because there is no stimulation.
05:01There is no stimulus to move. So, over time, his hands shrink.
05:07And over time, he can let go. He let go again because his hands shrink.
05:11But the family already knew, that's why it was made in that way.
05:16When it looks smaller, the handcuffs are tightened.
05:20The handcuffs are tightened.
05:23But what's more serious, what happens if you are handcuffed continuously,
05:28a person who already has that kind of mentality, he will shrink more and more.
05:37And over time, his mind will stop and he can die.
05:43I still remember the person who was handcuffed.
05:47Not long after that, both his legs and hands were handcuffed.
05:52He died, ladies and gentlemen.
05:55That's the result of handcuffing to humans.
06:00What does this story have to do with the story we read today about freedom?
06:08Paul repeatedly said in the book of Romans, you are imprisoned by sin.
06:15You are handcuffed in sin.
06:19There must be a solution.
06:23Because if you read the book of Romans carefully,
06:27it is repeatedly mentioned what is the result of sin?
06:31What is the result of sin? It is death.
06:38Which was mentioned by Paul in Romans 6 verse 23.
06:43When we are shackled by sin,
06:47over time,
06:50our hands, our mind, our heart, our desire, our heart shrink more and more until we die.
07:00Sin is death, ladies and gentlemen.
07:05That is the danger and cruelty of sin.
07:10In the first part, Paul said that we are freed from the sin of death.
07:19We, the believers, are under the law of charity.
07:24And no longer under the law of Torah.
07:28That does not make us invite us to enlarge our hearts.
07:33Oh, because we are under the law of charity, no longer under the law of Torah, we are free to commit sin.
07:40That is not what is meant.
07:44Sin is no longer our master.
07:48Sin no longer has power over us.
07:51We are no longer shackled by sin.
07:54We are no longer a child of sin.
07:59We have been turned to the servant of Christ, the servant of truth.
08:06Therefore, there are only two possibilities for a Christian,
08:10who becomes the master of truth or sin, ladies and gentlemen.
08:17Let us understand a little bit the meaning of the word upah.
08:23Sin is death.
08:25The word upah, ladies and gentlemen, in its original language is result.
08:31In what context Paul speaks about upah or the result of the sin?
08:37This refers to the payment given to a priest for his service after he worked in the military.
08:51So, people who are in the working system, they must receive upah, must receive salary.
09:02Just like us who work in a company, in a store, anywhere.
09:07Our work result, after we work for one month, three months, one year, we get salary, ladies and gentlemen.
09:16So, if we say we work for sin, then we will receive what we deserve from that sin itself.
09:29The upah of sin is received by a sinner from what he deserves to receive.
09:37Because he has worked for sin all his life.
09:41Because he is under the control of sin.
09:44And he has lived in sin.
09:47And sin is a violation.
09:50Sin is rebellion.
09:52Sin is anarchy towards God.
09:55And sin is a violation from God.
09:58When he commits sin, then his upah, whether he wants it or not, his upah is...
10:06Upah is...
10:09Master Paul said in verse 23, the upah of sin is death.
10:19Ladies and gentlemen, let's pay attention to the word death there.
10:24Death in verse 23.
10:27That is eternal death.
10:32That is in contrast with eternal life.
10:37Eternal death that is mentioned here is the second death.
10:43All of us, we will die for the first time after we stop breathing in this world.
10:54But for those who don't believe in Christ, they will experience the second death.
11:02What is that? After Christ comes for the second time, there will be judgment.
11:08If they don't believe, if they don't believe in God, then they will be thrown into hell.
11:16That is called the second death or eternal death.
11:20And that is what Paul mentioned here.
11:24The upah of sin is eternal death or the second death.
11:29So, let's see here ladies and gentlemen, what is it?
11:33Sin opens the way to eternal death.
11:39Eternal death engulfs all human life when they fall into sin.
11:48For us, because of sin, the first death will surely follow and can't be avoided by anyone.
11:59So, sin and death are one package ladies and gentlemen.
12:06Now, what is done by Christ for us for the upah of sin?
12:15Ladies and gentlemen, when Christ dies, our sin debt certificate, which is very heavy and cruel, is canceled and erased by Christ.
12:33Let's read Colossians 2 verse 14.
12:37Colossians 2 verse 14.
12:50L.A.I. gives the title of the 6th chapter, which is the fulfillment of life in Christ.
12:56Then we read the connection with today's verse 14.
13:00By erasing the debt certificate, which is threatened by certain laws and threatened us.
13:10And it is denied by doing it on the cross.
13:19Wow, ladies and gentlemen.
13:23Our debt certificate, the sin debt certificate that contains debts, is heavy.
13:33So, ladies and gentlemen, since we were born, we have sinned.
13:37All of our sin debt is recorded there.
13:42Including God's forgiveness for that sin debt.
13:49That's very heavy.
13:53Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever been in debt?
13:56Have you? What kind of debt?
14:00Is there any agreement with the debtor? Yes.
14:03Yes. At least, what's the agreement? You have to pay it next month.
14:10You can pay it.
14:15But if you want to borrow money from debt collector, do you know what debt collector is?
14:20What's the term for debt collector?
14:23The debtor. What's it called?
14:26What's it called?
14:29If you want to borrow money from a debtor, if the rate drops, there's a lease agreement.
14:38If you can't pay it, what do you replace it with?
14:43If the debt is big, that's why the amount is taken by the debt collector.
14:51You can ride a motorbike.
14:54If it's bigger, your house will be confiscated. If you can't afford it, you have to pay it.
15:01Have you ever been in debt in your village?
15:05Debt of teflon, cooking utensils.
15:10When you borrow money from the debtor, whether it's direct or indirect, there's a legal agreement.
15:21If you don't pay it, it will be a burden on you.
15:28If we have a debt, we try to pay it. And maybe it can be settled.
15:38And if you credit a motorbike and it's settled, on the last day, what do you say?
15:45Ah, my debt is settled. After it's settled, I borrow another credit.
15:52Paul's problem here is debt of sin.
15:56Since we were born until today, all debts are recorded.
16:01All our sins are recorded, which we can't hide and it's all open to God.
16:07Even if you forget your sin, God will never forget that sin. He remembers everything.
16:13And according to the agreement of that debt, sometimes the devil often demands us to repent.
16:20He has to die, go to hell, because of that debt of sin.
16:27Here comes Christ.
16:31Christ comes for what? And for what? To die at the cross.
16:37The verse clearly says, when he was nailed at the cross, all debts of sin were paid by his death.
16:54Do you know what Jesus Christ shouted when he was nailed?
16:59What was the last shout?
17:02What was the last shout of Jesus?
17:04What was the last shout?
17:06It's done.
17:09What's done?
17:12In Greek, it means, it's done.
17:19All debts of sin were paid.
17:24His death bears every sin we've done throughout our lives.
17:32And when those debts of sin were paid and his blood was shed,
17:40it was announced to the devil, to the whole universe, if you read the Bible.
17:47The devil will no longer be able to touch us.
17:54He will no longer preach to us, because that punishment has been canceled.
18:01And his replacement is eternal life.
18:09We are set free from debts of sin.
18:14Amen, ladies and gentlemen.
18:17Our debts of sin have been paid by Christ.
18:22But if you still have credit, you have to pay it.
18:26Don't say it's Christ who pays it.
18:29Pay your debts to your brothers and sisters.
18:32Don't forget that.
18:34Christ doesn't erase your debts of sin.
18:38What God erases is your debts of sin.
18:41Therefore, we have to fight against sin, ladies and gentlemen.
18:46Because we have been set free from debts of sin.
18:49Don't add more debts.
18:51The writer said, if you have praised the goodness of Christ and you deliberately commit sin,
18:59the writer said, it's as if you have kissed Christ for the second time.
19:06And that's impossible.
19:09Therefore, we have to fight against sin, ladies and gentlemen.
19:13One time, a friend of mine, a lecturer in Pontianak, ladies and gentlemen, said to me.
19:26In his personal testimony to me.
19:30Before he went to school in Lugia, he was heavily involved in drugs.
19:38You know, right?
19:40Then he was able to fight freely and didn't want to use drugs anymore.
19:47But all his blood was poisoned by drugs.
19:52At times, people with similar experience wanted to take it again.
19:56So he could feel the pleasure of this world.
20:02When he was interviewed, he admitted that he used drugs.
20:06He never used drugs.
20:08But he promised he wouldn't do it again.
20:11As long as he was in seminary.
20:15First semester, second semester, first year is over.
20:18Second year is over.
20:20Third year is over.
20:22Fourth year is over.
20:24He fought and was able to get rid of drugs.
20:26But he wanted to finish it last.
20:28Because he had to finish his thesis.
20:31We know if a student wants to finish his thesis, it's like a huge mountain hitting his head.
20:38So he couldn't think of what to write.
20:42He was stressed.
20:45Because he couldn't write anything.
20:48While he had a deadline to write his thesis.
20:51So he remembered his past.
20:53Wow, my past was just a little.
20:56I will enjoy it.
20:57I will live happily.
21:02Coincidentally, his friend sent him a text.
21:06Come on, do you still want it?
21:09This is just a little. It's free.
21:12His friend sent it to his dormitory.
21:14He accepted it and put it in his drawer.
21:19There was a time when he was stressed.
21:22He thought, if I take just a little, it's a sign of happiness for my life.
21:28He kept fighting. Do you want it or not?
21:32I'm your son. I'm your servant. Do you want it or not?
21:35In the end, he faced drugs with Alkitab.
21:43He exploded.
21:44Drugs are good. Alkitab is good too.
21:51Yes, God. What should I do?
21:55He prayed for that.
21:58God, there's food in front of me.
22:02He had to choose Alkitab.
22:06In the end, he threw away the drugs.
22:09He burned it all.
22:11Ladies and gentlemen.
22:14As a Christian, as a son of God.
22:16Remember, we're still struggling to live in holiness and purity.
22:21But we have to choose.
22:24Choose what's right.
22:27Because we've been freed from that sin.
22:31The second point, ladies and gentlemen.
22:33The second point, the meaning of independence.
22:37Independence to be a servant of God or truth as Paul said literally in verse 18.
22:45You're a servant of truth.
22:49And the word servant is the key word in verse 6, verse 15 to 23.
22:56Paul repeated it 8 times. You're a servant.
23:00But there's a contradiction there. Servant of sin or servant of truth.
23:04Of course, the sermon from Paul said, we've been freed from sin so we have to be a servant of truth.
23:13Ladies and gentlemen.
23:15The word servant that Paul used there is dulos.
23:20Dulos means one who is devoted to God, to others.
23:25Without paying attention to his own importance.
23:27He knows he has to devote himself to a new God or whoever he devotes himself to.
23:34In this context, it's Christ, ladies and gentlemen.
23:38The word servant, deo, what does it mean?
23:43It ties.
23:46So, a servant of God is a person who ties himself to Christ.
23:53So, those who tie themselves to Christ must be on the side of truth.
24:02And there's no neutrality here.
24:07It must be to Christ or still to God.
24:13And we know what's the consequence if we're tied to Christ.
24:18And what's the consequence if we're tied to sin.
24:24But ladies and gentlemen, let us realize that we as servants of truth, servants of God, are people who intentionally tie themselves to Christ.
24:39Of course, there's a power from Christ there that precedes us before we tie ourselves to Christ.
24:46Because Christ is the one who ties himself to us.
24:50Because Christ is the one who unites himself to us first.
24:55So, it's possible for us to unite ourselves to Christ.
25:05We no longer live in a dark area.
25:09But live in a bright area. Why?
25:14Because sin no longer dominates us.
25:20So, to be a servant of truth means to give up our whole life to God.
25:27The concrete term from Paul is to give up our whole body.
25:34Are our eyes right?
25:36Are our nose right?
25:38Are our mouth right?
25:39Are our hands right?
25:40Doing everything right according to Christ.
25:46So, giving up our whole body to the language we're using now.
25:55What is it? Integrity.
26:02So, we don't become hypocrites.
26:05We don't become liars.
26:07The truth is not something abstract.
26:19The truth is not something theoretical.
26:23But the truth is reflected in our actions.
26:28Our daily actions.
26:33Have other people seen our life is right or not?
26:37It's a measure in our social life.
26:45Now, how can we call as a free man from sin and as a free man as a servant of God?
27:00If you understand the meaning of freedom,
27:04what word comes out of Paul's mouth?
27:11We pay attention in verse 17, verse 6.
27:21He said,
27:23But be grateful to Christ.
27:29What does it mean?
27:31If I understand that Christ has made me free,
27:36then I will start my life that is so close and intimate with God.
27:45How can we be intimate and relate to God?
27:49One way or another, it's with prayer.
27:55Reading God's word.
27:58In my visit to the congregation, I said,
28:03If we pray a lot to praise and glorify God,
28:08we will lose a lot.
28:12Lose what?
28:14Lose humility.
28:16Lose arrogance.
28:18Lose sin.
28:20Because we are close to God.
28:23In verse 7,
28:26Paul was confused with the sin that he might have committed.
28:32Paul was confused with the sin that he might have committed.
28:41But what Paul did to get out of sin is to get closer to God.
28:51So, verse 17 is the awakening.
28:58Paul proclaimed to himself what God has done to him.
29:06He said, be grateful to God.
29:09That's being close to God.
29:11Being close to God means protecting yourself from the possibility of falling into sin.
29:21Second, let's see,
29:26that to chase after being a free servant and free from sin,
29:33we must be committed to live according to the values of heaven.
29:39Paul said in verse 22,
29:42the purpose of life after being in Christ is salvation.
29:48Salvation, ladies and gentlemen, doesn't come automatically unless we fight for the life of salvation.
29:55I go back to the illustration of a fellow professor.
29:59A fellow professor in his struggle,
30:02whether he wants to enjoy narcotics or alchemy.
30:05It's clear in front of us.
30:08It's not a matter of choice, ladies and gentlemen.
30:11But it's a commandment for the life of salvation.
30:14That's why he chose alchemy for himself, not for narcotics.
30:21Without a strong commitment from our life,
30:25we won't reach the process of salvation, ladies and gentlemen.
30:33if the term, ladies and gentlemen,
30:38must be Gandul Kustira, Derek Kustira.
30:44Who do you want to walk with?
30:47With yourself or with this world?
30:51You hold the world and hold Christ.
30:56Actually, the theory of getting rid of sin for us has been simplified
31:02only by holding God's firmament, ladies and gentlemen.
31:08Even if we're faced with such a difficult and emergency decision,
31:15only God's firmament will be our pillar.
31:20And third, ladies and gentlemen,
31:23we must support each other in our spiritual journey.
31:29The GKA community in Sabda must support each other.
31:36Must complement each other, must build each other,
31:40must show each other the right path, ladies and gentlemen.
31:45That's what Paul said in Acts 17.
31:48Let's review Acts 17.
31:53That's the last part.
31:56But now, you.
31:59Notice, you, not engkau.
32:02Engkau is one, you are more than one.
32:05It's about community.
32:08What kind of community?
32:10With a sincere heart, obey the teachings that have been passed on to you.
32:16So in that community,
32:18teach each other God's firmament,
32:21share God's firmament with each other.
32:23What's the purpose?
32:25It's not just that we know God's firmament well.
32:28But God's firmament will push us to live in holiness and holiness.
32:33That's what Paul meant.
32:35Keep learning God's firmament.
32:38But especially here, together, ladies and gentlemen.
32:45It allows us to understand.
32:46Oh yes, that holiness,
32:49I got it from my friend who passed on the teachings to me.
32:56Ladies and gentlemen,
32:59Our Christian community, especially GKAB Sabda,
33:03is a place where we push each other, not push each other.
33:09GKAB Sabda for us is a place to help each other.
33:13Help each other.
33:15Not push each other.
33:17So we can live in holiness, ladies and gentlemen.
33:22Paul said, continue teaching in the framework of helping us live in holiness,
33:29a significant spiritual growth.
33:35So we can compare people who live in the forest,
33:40with people who live in the community.
33:44Which one is more mentally developed?
33:47The one who lives alone in the forest or the one who lives in the community?
33:54Come on.
33:56Which one is more mentally developed?
33:59The one who lives alone in the forest or the one who lives in the community?
34:05I can see the answer in your heart, ladies and gentlemen.
34:09The one who lives in the community.
34:12Because it's where we share each other.
34:15In the context of spiritual growth,
34:18don't be alone.
34:21Don't enjoy being alone.
34:24Maybe you enjoy the loneliness and being alone.
34:27But remember, you die slowly there.
34:30You can't always call,
34:33Come on, brothers and sisters. Let's study together.
34:36Come on.
34:38Let's study together.
34:43Because our God doesn't count one mathematically.
34:49He counts three mathematically.
34:52There's Father, Holy Spirit, Trinity and Christ.
34:55They're all three together.
34:57And that's also in the GKB.
35:04That's how we grow in independence.
35:09Let's pray.
35:15Father, in heaven, we are already
35:18liberated in Christ.
35:22Our debt of sin has been paid off.
35:26The biggest debt.
35:28What's left for us today, God,
35:31are we free from sin?
35:35Or are we still free to sin?
35:40In reality, we are children of God.
35:44Believers who follow Christ.
35:47Who declare themselves as followers of Christ.
35:52We ask for the help of the Holy Spirit
35:55to guide our path next.
35:58So we can win.
36:00So we can fight against sin.
36:03So we can fight for ourselves.
36:06And promise to God and people,
36:09we always want to win in trials and tribulations.
36:16Likewise, God, in Christ,
36:19our status is liberated to be true servants.
36:23But what's left for us today is to fight
36:27in integrity, in honesty.
36:32You told us to bind ourselves to you, Christ,
36:35and today we are committed
36:38to always bind ourselves to you, Christ.
36:42Because in Christ, we are free
36:45to do the truth.
36:48Let's pray.
36:50Let's pray for each of us.
36:53Romans 6, verses 15-23.
36:56The revelation from the Holy Spirit
36:59makes us more like you, God.
37:02In the name of Jesus Christ, we are grateful.