• last year
00:00Let us pray.
00:11Our Father in heaven, we are grateful to You, O God.
00:16This morning, we will learn, we will listen,
00:23we will reflect on Your commandments.
00:27Your commandments, God, can lead us to know You and Your desires in our lives.
00:35Thank You, God.
00:37We believe that Your divine power, God, continues to help and guide us
00:43so that we are ready to do and listen to Your commandments.
00:50Thank You for all the powers that are not from God.
00:54In the name of Jesus Christ, we confess and we believe that God's power dominates us.
01:01This is our prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
01:11Dear God, this morning, we are together to learn God's commandments.
01:25We will learn about the salt of the world.
01:31Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself. I am Trivena from GKA Terenggale.
01:39Maybe I have been to this place several times to join Al-Mahrumswami
01:45to exchange gifts, there are certain invitations and praise God.
01:51Now, I can stand here to deliver the truth of God's commandments
01:59which is believed by the synod here.
02:02Dear God, we will open in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 8, verses 42 to 50.
02:20Ladies and gentlemen, I will read in verses 49 to 50.
02:29God's commandment is,
02:32For every man shall be salted with fire.
02:36Salt is good indeed, but if it becomes bland,
02:42how can you make it salty?
02:46Let it be that you always have salt in you,
02:51and always live in peace with one another.
03:03Beloved brethren,
03:07In the Gospel of Mark,
03:16salt is something that must be possessed by every child of God.
03:30Even in the Gospel of Matthew, it is said that you are the salt of the world.
03:40This is something that is very important in every life of God's children.
03:49Dear brethren, if we look at salt, every human needs it.
03:57Salt is very important in our lives.
04:03Salt is very much needed by all of us.
04:08Dear brethren, especially all of us,
04:13salt has never been separated from our hands.
04:20Every day, every time we cook,
04:26it is very much needed to give a taste,
04:32to give a taste or something that makes what we eat delicious.
04:44This is a mother, every mother, every one of us.
04:51If we eat, there is no salt,
04:55except for certain sick people.
04:59Salt is very much needed.
05:02But we who are old, in health, salt must be reduced.
05:08This is the truth of God.
05:14Salt is very much needed.
05:21In the Gospel of Mark,
05:27which was written by Your Highness Mark in 1955-1965,
05:37how Jesus gave a teaching that is so realistic,
05:53which is needed by every human being.
05:58That we, when people believe,
06:07their faith is strengthened.
06:11In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus gives strength,
06:16strengthens the foundation of faith to the believers at that time.
06:22Why is that?
06:24Because the believers at that time,
06:29they were very strange.
06:34They were even killed by an evil emperor.
06:45The brethren given by God,
06:49if we contemplate in God's words,
06:59that the function of salt in our life,
07:07salt is to give something delicious,
07:12a delicious taste.
07:15And also as an antiseptic,
07:23to hold,
07:26so that the meat we salt does not become rotten.
07:37I remember when I was a child,
07:41there was a fish called Pindang Kendil.
07:48It was in Tuban area, very famous.
07:53The fish was put in a pot,
07:56so that it lasts, then salt was put in.
08:00Now it's very rare, we find it.
08:04So, the function of salt is to not
08:08make the meat rotten.
08:13Salt is so that the fish is not rotten,
08:18so it can't be eaten.
08:21So the fish in the pot, made in Tuban area,
08:26it can be eaten for a long time,
08:31because of salt.
08:37the brethren given by God,
08:40in the old covenant,
08:46salt is very important in worship,
08:56to offer the meat in a good way.
09:01If in Imam Mat Fasal 2,
09:04verse 13, it is said,
09:07and every time you offer,
09:14which is a sacrifice,
09:17you must put salt,
09:19do not ignore the salt of your nature,
09:23from your sacrifice,
09:26every time you offer,
09:29you must put salt.
09:36In this old covenant,
09:40it is also said,
09:44that in the sacrifice,
09:47which is offered to the Lord,
09:50in a good house,
09:52salt must be put,
09:55must be put salt,
09:57so that the meat offered
10:00does not become rotten and rotten.
10:04This brethren is an illustration
10:07that man,
10:10human nature,
10:13it must be put salt.
10:20Because man,
10:22human nature,
10:23is rotten,
10:25rotten by sin.
10:34Therefore, in this old covenant,
10:37salt is important.
10:41And in the new covenant,
10:46it is affirmed.
10:49Brethren, if we remember the salt,
10:56which is in the Dead Sea,
11:00Dead Sea, the largest sea.
11:05Brethren, we pay attention,
11:06there is a lot of salt.
11:09The salt content is very high,
11:12so that there is no life at all.
11:17The growth of the sea or any fish,
11:20dead, there is no life.
11:23Maybe the brethren who have been there,
11:26playing there,
11:27maybe they will never drown.
11:31They will never drown.
11:33The salt content is quite high,
11:37so that there is no life in the Dead Sea.
11:43Brethren, what God has given,
11:48in the scripture that Jesus taught
11:51to the believers,
11:54how to be a good salt.
12:00If we remember this,
12:04you are the salt of the world.
12:12You are the salt of the world.
12:17If the salt becomes bland,
12:20how to make it salty?
12:24Brethren, what God has given,
12:28that a good salt
12:31is a salt that is very useful
12:35in every life.
12:39A good salt is a salt that is very useful
12:52to protect the damaged human nature.
12:58I said earlier that
13:01humans are sinful.
13:05Therefore, their life, their character,
13:09whatever it is,
13:11it has been damaged by sin.
13:19Jesus said,
13:21you are the salt.
13:26You are the salt of the world
13:29that has to give a taste,
13:36that has to give an impact,
13:40that has to give a good thing
13:44to the people around us.
13:51Brethren, what God has given,
13:55I believe that the people in this place
13:59are people who have received salt,
14:05people who have been neutralized by salt
14:11so that there is no corruption,
14:16Christ who is in us.
14:21Brethren, what God has given,
14:26salt can straighten a broken heart.
14:33We don't know our every heart
14:37because the heart can't be seen.
14:40We don't know our every feeling
14:43because we can't see
14:47how our heart is.
14:54So, if we are not neutralized by salt,
14:56our heart will be damaged
15:01because the good salt
15:07will lead us
15:12to straighten our heart.
15:18To straighten our heart.
15:22Brethren, this is human nature.
15:25Human nature is easy to fall into sin.
15:30Human nature is easy to be deceived.
15:36Human nature is easy to be weak.
15:41Human nature is easy to be influenced
15:44by sinful things.
15:49But, if our heart has been
15:52neutralized by God's firmness,
15:57then our heart will be straightened
16:00and straightened by His firmness.
16:07What about us?
16:12Our conversation.
16:18Brethren, what God has given,
16:23in the church, in the congregation,
16:26in the church congregation,
16:31there are many things we see.
16:35There are people who fall easily.
16:41Sometimes, we can't see the salt.
16:49Sometimes, we can't taste the salt.
16:55Sometimes, the salt becomes a burden.
17:02But, Jesus emphasized here,
17:06the good salt
17:10is the salt that makes our life
17:15become a blessing for others.
17:22The salt becomes something
17:25that makes others
17:29feel comfortable,
17:36feel good,
17:40feel satisfied in Christ's love.
17:48It doesn't become a rock.
17:57Take care of our heart.
18:00Take care of our heart
18:03to avoid evil.
18:07Brethren, what God has given,
18:10we have to keep the taste and smell of salt
18:17in ourselves.
18:23Our hearts that believe in Christ,
18:30our hearts that belong to Christ,
18:38we have to keep it.
18:42We have to keep it.
18:47For what?
18:48For what?
18:50So that we become the children
18:57who do God's will.
19:06Brethren, if we know,
19:09if the salt is broken,
19:15I don't know who here have a broken salt.
19:20You don't, right?
19:22The salt must be salty.
19:24And we always keep it in our kitchen.
19:28Brethren, if there's no salt when we cook,
19:32it makes us feel like we have to go out to find salt.
19:38Something that is very important.
19:42Let us keep the salt and keep it.
19:49So, as a mother,
19:51in the kitchen, we have to be careful
19:57to have salt.
20:01Because it's very necessary.
20:07people who are lazy,
20:12if the salt is broken and lazy,
20:16it means people who rebel against Christianity
20:20and lose their heart.
20:25This is what God doesn't want.
20:31To be a lazy salt.
20:36To be a broken salt.
20:39Other than being thrown away.
20:44Brethren, this has meaning.
20:49People who are lazy,
20:54whose salt is not salty anymore.
20:58This is a broken person.
21:06It means their personal relationship with God is broken.
21:15There are also arrogant people.
21:20They have no mercy to despise others.
21:28They don't have a strong relationship with God.
21:36Even though they live in the middle of the church.
21:45Even though they live in the middle of the circle of people who believe in God.
21:51People who believe in Christ,
21:56but, quote,
22:00people who rebel.
22:02Brethren, in the old covenant,
22:05people who rebel against God,
22:08their punishment is death.
22:12Their punishment is death.
22:14Their punishment is death.
22:19People who rebel against Christianity.
22:24Christianity is the truth of God's covenant in our lives.
22:31Those are the people whose salt is no longer salty.
22:45Brethren, those who are loved by God,
22:52they don't worship themselves as a living worship.
22:59If we pay attention in Romans 12, verse 1.
23:10Worship ourselves as a living worship.
23:18They have no mercy.
23:29I talked about the impact of COVID-19.
23:35The impact of COVID-19,
23:38until now, it's really amazing.
23:43If it's here, it wouldn't be here.
23:45In Terenggala, it's a small city.
23:49There are some congregations,
23:52because of the impact of COVID-19,
23:58they don't want to gather together.
24:02They don't want to gather together.
24:05They still have a fear.
24:10They always suspect one another.
24:14Why? Because they are afraid of the virus.
24:18I don't know what virus it is.
24:21Because these women, one of them is almost 70 years old.
24:29Especially in the early days of COVID-19,
24:34when her son came back from Surabaya,
24:39his father drove him,
24:42until he was about to enter Telung Agung,
24:46Telung Agung Akir, Terenggala.
24:50It was a total accident.
24:53A total accident.
24:56And he,
25:02his name is,
25:04I don't know, Paul,
25:07he died at that moment.
25:11So, his father became stressed.
25:16Especially the impact of COVID-19,
25:19he felt guilty.
25:25So, his wife couldn't go to church.
25:28She had to do this to other people.
25:32She was always suspicious, afraid, and all kinds of things.
25:38Ladies and gentlemen, if we go there,
25:47we are still afraid of COVID-19.
25:51Even though COVID-19 doesn't exist anymore.
25:53Ladies and gentlemen, fear is a different kind of fear.
26:01Finally, he had a little salt.
26:08Let's go to church to be a statue.
26:14It's useless.
26:17To be a Christian,
26:18to be a Christian,
26:20you have to ask questions one by one.
26:23There's no way out.
26:25Why is that?
26:27Because they don't know the nature.
26:32They limit their hearts to open
26:38the truth of God's word
26:41that is conveyed by every servant.
26:44Salt becomes a slave.
26:51So, I just pray at home.
26:57I just read the Bible at home.
27:02Ladies and gentlemen, this becomes a slave.
27:05And finally, he doesn't believe in the truth of God's word.
27:14He is a sloth.
27:22A real sloth.
27:26Maybe he's sick.
27:29He doesn't want to gather.
27:31If a sloth doesn't want to gather, he will be lost.
27:35If a fish doesn't want to gather, it will die.
27:39Ladies and gentlemen, we should be grateful to God.
27:43We can still gather together.
27:47We can praise God together.
27:50We can enjoy God's presence together.
27:54This is a new power.
27:58As children of God,
28:01there must be a new power together.
28:07So that we can still have dignity.
28:13That is in us.
28:23Beloved brothers and sisters,
28:26if you still have salt and keep it,
28:32where we have a close relationship with Christ.
28:39As Christians, as believers,
28:47we must have a close relationship with God.
28:55If not,
28:58we don't have a new power as children of God.
29:03Beloved brothers and sisters,
29:08in our place, on Wednesday,
29:15usually on Wednesday,
29:19I turn it into a prayer meeting.
29:26So, we pray in the church,
29:31then we pray.
29:36For almost a year,
29:39we pray together.
29:43Maybe it's the first time.
29:46What is it?
29:48What is happening now?
29:51If they don't come, it's a problem.
29:53I don't argue.
29:56Even though there are 10 or 12 people come,
30:04in the prayer, they experience a miracle from God.
30:14I don't think they are witnesses.
30:20Through a close relationship with God,
30:24because of the prayer,
30:27we can receive a miracle.
30:31Not only pray for ourselves,
30:34but also for others, for God's work.
30:38It makes us,
30:41oh, we are experiencing this.
30:44Let's pray.
30:47In the prayer,
30:50there are our brothers and sisters who need us to come there.
30:55This is something that has an extraordinary impact.
31:02Then after praying,
31:05both for the group of people who need to be prayed with,
31:11also the group for God's work.
31:16Finally, what happened?
31:19God's firmness.
31:22The experience of Al-Kitab.
31:25We do it.
31:28So, we really plant the truth of God's firmness.
31:36Even though it's a simple form.
31:39I took it from Heidelberg's book.
31:43Brothers and sisters,
31:44there are questions that can be understood.
31:47Oh, maybe there are two questions in this book.
31:51Or one question, then we multiply it based on God's firmness.
31:58Finally, they said, yes.
32:02If we have a prayer group,
32:05and like this, we discuss the truth of God's firmness,
32:08brothers and sisters, we become stronger.
32:11We get to know God more personally.
32:16So, our foundation of Christianity becomes stronger,
32:23and becomes a blessing for others.
32:28This is it.
32:31Because we become salt.
32:36If it's not like this,
32:38we won't know God's firmness.
32:44Why? If it's only one way,
32:47we can't ask and all kinds of things.
32:50This is what I experienced in the prayer group.
32:58Even though the first one was Pastoria family,
33:01maybe Tessa was there.
33:05Even though in the beginning, we only prayed.
33:11Why? We keep the salt in ourselves.
33:19Really, brothers and sisters,
33:22there's a new power from God.
33:25Becomes a blessing for others,
33:28a caretaker for others.
33:31Even though the form is simple,
33:34we want to do everything.
33:39Brothers and sisters, the church generation in Terenggala,
33:43especially the young generation,
33:46if nowadays,
33:49many people go to the city to study,
33:53musicians are left alone.
33:56Usually, music is complete.
34:01There's drums,
34:04now it's only the drums.
34:09The young generation is left in high school, high school,
34:14one or two people.
34:17For the young generation, so they won't lose their salt,
34:22on Sunday, after the worship,
34:25worship until 9 AM,
34:29on Sunday at 10 AM,
34:34So, the young generation, from 6th grade,
34:371st grade to high school, there are some kids,
34:41as fat as a mouse,
34:47Brothers and sisters, it turns out,
34:50they are very active to ask,
34:55based on catechization books,
34:57catechization books from synod.
35:02They are happy until 2 PM,
35:05sometimes more than 12 PM, they are tired.
35:09They are thirsty
35:14for the truth of God.
35:17So, they,
35:20brothers and sisters, even though the form is simple,
35:23they are strong.
35:24And they are now active.
35:31may you still have salt and keep it.
35:38Brothers and sisters,
35:41keep the salt,
35:44keep the close relationship with Christ in ourselves.
35:51Let our lives
35:55have a close relationship with the grace of God,
36:04which is more than the grace of God given to us.
36:13Brothers and sisters,
36:15we, as children of God,
36:18we, as people who believe in Christ,
36:24we, as the church of God in this place,
36:29be a good and useful salt.
36:37Maybe if we are directly under God,
36:41the spirit of God,
36:44what if God's servant is going out,
36:48or is gambling,
36:50do we still keep
36:52the salt in ourselves?
36:57So that it doesn't run out,
37:00it doesn't become a waste salt,
37:02which is thrown away.
37:05So that it becomes more distant from the presence of God.
37:12Brothers and sisters,
37:15we begin to plant,
37:17not begin,
37:20we plant the church in our place,
37:27to continue to give food,
37:33to continue to be a salt,
37:37to continue to be a useful thing for others.
37:43Brothers and sisters,
37:46this is not easy,
37:49but let's do it.
37:52We, as children of God,
37:54as people who believe in Christ,
37:58we must really,
38:01that we, as children of God,
38:06as people who believe in Christ,
38:09we must have a heart that sees beyond.
38:18It means, as children of God,
38:22we must continue to be God's witnesses.
38:27It is said,
38:29be a messenger of God.
38:35It means, a messenger in our life.
38:39Be a witness of Christ in our life.
38:44This is very important.
38:47We, as the church of God in this place,
38:50and especially,
38:53we must prevent others from committing sin.
39:01It means to believe in Christ.
39:03Beloved brothers and sisters,
39:07if we, as Christians in this place,
39:11let's do it.
39:14Not only messengers,
39:17sorry, not only messengers,
39:23not only the messengers,
39:27not only the priests,
39:30but all of us,
39:33everyone who believes in Him.
39:38Let's be God's witnesses.
39:43Prevent our brethren,
39:46prevent others from committing sin.
39:50It means,
39:52so that they can receive the salvation from God.
39:59Salvation for their lives.
40:03So that they won't be in the kingdom of death.
40:14How about our lives, brethren?
40:19How about our lives?
40:22How about our lives?
40:25So that we can be a blessing for them.
40:32Have we really done it?
40:38Have we really become the salt,
40:42which is lifted by Christ?
40:45Have our lives, as Christians,
40:49been useful for them?
40:53Sometimes, being a Christian can be a nuisance.
40:58But let's, brethren,
41:00let's remember the truth of God's promise.
41:04Let's remember the truth of God's promise.
41:09So that we can correct ourselves.
41:15Have I really become the salt in ourselves?
41:19Have I really become the salt in ourselves?
41:27So that we can be useful,
41:30not only for ourselves,
41:32not only for the church,
41:35not only for the family,
41:37but also for the world,
41:39for our environment.
41:42Because this is what God wants in our lives.
41:50Brethren, let's remember the truth of God's promise.
41:59I won't talk any longer.
42:04But let's learn together to be brave.
42:09There are many shortcomings,
42:12but if we really become a wise person,
42:16become a self-aware person,
42:19become a person who always ponders the truth of God's promise,
42:25I believe,
42:27we will be useful salt for others.
42:40Let's pray.
42:45Our Father in heaven,
42:47we are grateful to You, God,
42:51this morning.
42:53We believe that Your servant
42:56stopped conveying the truth of Your promise.
43:01God, Your Spirit perfected it for each of us.
43:05And we believe that the truth of Your promise,
43:09can lead us to know You better.
43:14Thank You, God.
43:17You bless every one of us who listens to it.
43:21We praise Your name.
43:23This is our prayer,
43:25in the name of Jesus Christ,
43:28who became our savior.