Powerpoint Animation Tutorial Motion Graphic Cartoon Eye

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00:00Les yeux sont la voie vers la sœur d'une personne.
00:04Ou au moins c'est ce que Google me dit quand je l'écris dans la barre de recherche.
00:16Les scientifiques ont prouvé beaucoup de choses au cours des années.
00:19Comme l'électricité, l'évolution, la théorie du Big Bang.
00:23Les scientifiques ont découvert ça.
00:25Oui, la science !
00:26Mais qu'est-ce que la science a à faire avec cette vidéo ?
00:28Je ne sais pas.
00:29Peut-être qu'on va faire de la science et apprendre des choses en regardant les yeux de l'observateur.
00:33Donc voici une liste de je ne sais pas combien.
00:35En aucun ordre particulier.
00:36C'est parti !
00:39Non, non.
00:40On ne peut pas l'utiliser.
00:41C'est en copie.
00:43Passons à la liste.
00:45La première sur cette liste est Brooke.
00:47De One Piece.
00:48Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi il n'a pas d'yeux sur cette liste.
00:51Parce que c'est ma liste ! Je peux faire ce que je veux !
00:54Mais je voulais juste le mettre sur cette liste,
00:55parce qu'il aime reconnaître qu'il est un squelette et qu'il n'a pas de pièces humaines.
01:00Si les squelettes avaient des yeux !
01:10Souriant, gentil, agréable, empathique.
01:13Qu'est-ce qu'on ne peut pas aimer de lui ?
01:14Nia Teppelin, de Gurren Lagann.
01:16Ses yeux parlent pour sa personnalité.
01:18Elles sont brillantes, colorées, et elle a des pupilles qui ressemblent à une croix.
01:22Parfaites pour démêler votre vampire.
01:25Reviens !
01:26Sors de chez moi, toi, sale stupide.
01:29Malgré le fait que ses pupilles ne soient pas des croix,
01:30elles sont en fait à l'air de fleurs,
01:32ce qui est bien plus important que ce que tu penses à ses yeux.
01:36Elles ont un style naturel.
01:37Elles ne sont pas trop pourrir.
01:38La manière dont son design correspond à sa personnalité.
01:41Ses yeux sont parfaits pour s'adapter à sa personnalité.
01:51Now you know a person with eyes called the mystical eyes of death perception is gonna
01:55have some pretty cool looking eyes.
01:57Ryouki Shiki has these eyes, they see the death of all things.
02:01Now I don't have these eyes.
02:03But I can see she's dead.
02:04And I can spot the culprit.
02:07It's this dog.
02:08Are you gonna stop him?
02:11He's getting away.
02:12He's fleeing the crime scene.
02:14The blood is on his hands.
02:15He got away.
02:16Good job.
02:17Nancy Drew, I don't know.
02:20But she's a badass chick from a badass show.
02:23The Garden of Sinners is the show.
02:26Just in case you were wondering.
02:34If you've noticed something, it's that all characters on this list so far, aside from
02:38Brooke, but you know, we don't have any eyes.
02:42There's been a female character.
02:44It's something that I noticed.
02:45There are a lot more female characters with unique eyes rather than males.
02:49So here's a male character, Shichika from Katana Gatari.
02:55Sometimes it's the simple things that can be appreciated.
02:58All the characters in this show have roughly the same eye design.
03:01It's not about how colorful or unique the eye is.
03:03It's about being different than the normal.
03:06And Shichika is different.
03:08She's a character in the show that revolves around swords, but doesn't use any.
03:12I don't know about you, but that's a pretty bold move.
03:15I'm just saying.
03:16You don't want to get Indiana Jones'd or nothing.
03:19But the eye designs in this show are very simple that just don't throw a bunch of colors
03:23in your face.
03:25It's too much.
03:33Now I've never been one to be scared of something based on how they look.
03:37It's how they react.
03:38What they do.
03:39Why they do it.
03:40But for some reason, Sunako just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
03:43She looks like one of those twins who will stand at the end of a long, dark hallway just
03:46to scare you.
03:47Uh, yeah, no thank you.
03:54Her eyes just stare straight into my soul.
03:57And it's weird because that's not who she is.
03:59She's actually a very likable and nice character.
04:02It's not her fault that she looks like a demonic monster who'll drag me to the depths
04:06of the underworld just so she can eat me alive.
04:08In fact, when she was first introduced into the show, she was quite childlike and playful.
04:12But she did like to read books.
04:14Which is scary in its own right.
04:16Never trust anyone who likes to read books.
04:18Especially a kid.
04:19That means they want to know something.
04:21Like the Nazis did.
04:22Oh, oh yeah, she's also from Sheiky.
04:25That's the name of the show.
04:26Am I done talking about this character yet?
04:37The fuck?
04:45The power of absolute obedience.
04:47Now who wouldn't want that?
04:49Lelouch's normal eyes are nothing special.
04:51But when his Geass takes into effect, man, it's like a bird coming right at you.
04:56It's that his eyes actually serve a purpose.
04:59It's not there just to look pretty.
05:02It gives you that feeling of the power that Lelouch actually holds.
05:05Now I imagine if I had this power, I wouldn't use it very well.
05:08And I'm not talking about like, I will become the ruler of the world or anything like that.
05:13I'm talking about useless things.
05:15Like me being too lazy and saying something like, hey, go make me a sandwich or something.
05:18That is of course unless I had to be more like Lelouch and say it like, I, Lelouch V.
05:22Bretagne, command you to go make me a sandwich.
05:26But yeah, Lelouch really pulls off that whole Geass look.
05:29It would just look weird on anyone else really.
05:31And with such a unique character, it easily made him a choice for this list.
05:35No Game No Life
05:41No Game No Life?
05:42More like More Games, More Life.
05:44Because games are better than the real world.
05:46What am I supposed to do?
05:47Go outside and get bitten by a bunch of bugs?
05:48Yeah, no thank you.
05:49Stay inside and fight a giant golden chicken?
05:51Yes please.
05:52You can't fight a real life chicken.
05:53That's abuse.
05:54You want me to play sports?
05:55There you go.
05:57Now I'm healthy.
05:58Anyway, back to the character.
05:59No Game No Life is honestly one of my favorite color palettes that I've seen.
06:01Everything is just so bright and colorful that sometimes it just hurts my eyes.
06:05And with such a colorful series, it was bound to happen that at least one character
06:08had eyes that really just popped.
06:10And I decided to go with Jibril, yet another character that seems to have crossed in her
06:15Very popular with the animators.
06:16Though it's not permanent like Nia's, hers only happens when she does things like cast
06:20magic and such.
06:21So I don't know if it's just the entire color palette of the show or what.
06:24But I like it.
06:25No Game No Life
06:31One of the first things you think of when you get asked about an anime eye is going
06:35to be the Sharingan from Naruto.
06:37But there's just so many different eye designs that I couldn't pick just one from the series,
06:41so I just went with all of them.
06:42Back when I was younger, there weren't too many animes on TV.
06:45I remember seeing shows like Zatch Bell, Bobobobobobo, One Piece, and Naruto all on Toonami, before
06:51it went away, eventually to return.
06:53And the Sharingan in Naruto was something that I was always trying to mimic.
06:59That's not possible.
07:00And it was one of my favorite powers that I saw.
07:03The Sharingan is possibly the most useful of the eyes that could have possibly emerged
07:06from an anime.
07:07There's just so many different variations and such that you can't help but just acknowledge
07:10that they are some of the best eyes in anime, whether you like the show or not.
07:14And anytime an eye bleeds, it just makes me uneasy.
07:16It's not a pleasant sight for me to see, but the important thing to know is that the eyes
07:20are great.
07:21Oh yeah, and like I said in the beginning of the video, these are in no particular order,
07:25so you can just place these wherever you want, or add your own, since there are literally
07:29billions of eyeballs in anime.
07:59Hey, thank you for watching this video, if you enjoyed it, then check out some other
08:24videos that I made.
08:25And if you enjoy those, then make sure to subscribe for more, and I'll see you in the
08:28next one.
08:29Ciao !
