Kids Books Read Aloud _ Story About Finding Your Voice & Confidence_HD

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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:00That's not my name!
00:04It was Mirha's first day of school.
00:07In the morning, Baba made her favorite breakfast.
00:11Good morning, Mirha!
00:13Mama kissed Mirha's forehead.
00:16I love you, Mirha!
00:18And Nani waved them goodbye.
00:21Good luck, Mirha!
00:24Mirha had been waiting for months to start school.
00:27She was so excited to learn, to play, and most of all, to make friends.
00:32She shyly stood in front of the class and said,
00:36My name is Mirha.
00:40Mirha thought her name was simple and easy,
00:43but the other kids couldn't say it right.
00:46Hi, Mirha!
00:47Miriam! Hey, Moro!
00:50They stretched out the I until it sounded like an E,
00:54and their R sounded wrong.
00:57Some people even forgot the H.
01:02Even some of her teachers said it wrong.
01:05Is Mina here?
01:07Mirha didn't want to be called Mina for the rest of the year,
01:11but she was too shy to speak up and correct her teacher.
01:17Hayden asked Mirha if he could call her Maya.
01:21He said that would be easier for everyone to say.
01:25She wanted to shout.
01:28That's not my name!
01:31But she didn't.
01:35Mirha's first day hadn't gone how she had imagined at all.
01:40Why can't anyone say my name right?
01:44She wondered sadly.
01:46Mama and Baba and Nani can say it?
01:50Why can't anyone else?
01:55Mirha felt like giving up.
01:58She thought about changing her name to something easier,
02:02something other kids would think was normal.
02:07If she had a different name,
02:09no one would get it wrong when she ordered hot chocolate at a cafe.
02:14Maybe she could finally find a keychain with her name on it.
02:19Maybe she could make some friends.
02:23When she arrived home,
02:25Mirha told Mama about her plan to change her name,
02:29but Mama didn't look happy.
02:32You have a beautiful name, she said.
02:37Mirha means happiness in Arabic, Mama said.
02:41The first time I heard you laugh, I knew that it fit you perfectly.
02:46I know your name is different from your classmates,
02:49but that isn't a bad thing.
02:51It just means that it is unique and special.
02:54Your name is something to be proud of,
02:57and no one can take that away from you.
03:01Mama said Mirha shouldn't change her name for anyone.
03:06If people can remember names like Beethoven and Tchaikovsky and Michelangelo,
03:12they can remember Mirha.
03:14You're right, Mama.
03:16I'm proud of my name, and I love what it means.
03:20I can't wait to tell the whole world that my name is Mirha.
03:25Mirha kept Mama's word close to her
03:28when she went back to school the next day.
03:32My name is Mirha, not Maya, she told Hayden proudly,
03:38and explained how to pronounce it properly.
03:41I'll make sure to say your name right for now on, Mirha, said Hayden.
03:45I'm also really sorry that I hurt your feelings yesterday.
03:49When he asked if they could play together, Mirha smiled.
03:53She just made her first friend at school.
03:58Sometimes people still got it wrong, but that was okay.
04:02Hey, Mirha!
04:03Because now Mirha knew what to say.
04:06That's not the problem.
04:08Mirha knew what to say.
04:10That's not my name!
04:14Now Mirha had so many new friends at school.
04:18They all have unique, beautiful names,
04:21and she always makes sure she says them right.
04:25I like my name because it means little loved one, said Aiko.
04:30Jasper joined in and said he was named after his granddad.
04:34Mirha loved how different they all are,
04:37and she is excited to make even more friends.
04:42Maybe you can be a friend too!
04:45Hi, my name is Mirha.
04:47What's yours?
