I’m Just a Kid - Read Aloud_HD

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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:00Hello, friend. I am so excited that you're here for our story time together. I hope after I read this story to you today that it helps you to be encouraged, maybe to feel a little better about the person that you are, and maybe it makes you curious about the world around you. Let's dive in.
00:20All right, my friends. We are going to be reading a very special book called I'm Just a Kid. It's written by Shandell Morris and illustrated by Jarek Tan. Let's see what's inside.
00:44All kids like to play. Everyone knows that. But what you may not know about me is that I love to play puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles, Rubik's cubes, crossword puzzles, 3D puzzles. For some reason, they're all easy for me. Most of the time.
01:04Mom tells me I'm really smart. She even calls me a genius sometimes. And boy, does that make me feel like I'm cool. But when I'm about to finish a puzzle and I find out I'm missing the last piece, I get so frustrated. It's not fair. Where is it?
01:31It makes me want to scream. I can't help it. After all my hard work and now I can't find one little piece. It's nowhere. Oh, dear. His frustration bottled up inside caused a frustration explosion. I think he kicked the table and his puzzle all over the floor because of his feelings.
01:57Mom tries to calm me, but I can't calm down just like that. Maybe if I count to 100 really, really fast.
02:12It didn't work.
02:18It's okay to be upset, Mom says. Let's think about the themes, the things that calm you down.
02:26Hmm. Well, sometimes when I take a walk and come back, it helps me. It even helps me when I take three deep breaths, like eating a pizza and blowing on the pizza. Wait, no, I'm supposed to smell the pizza and then blow on the pizza. Yeah, that's it. In and out. In, out.
02:57I decided to get in my blanket this time. It always makes me feel calm. It reminds me of a little bug in a rug.
03:14Mom hugs me. She cries when I cry. And then she smiles and says, I know it's tough. It's okay.
03:26When he cries, his mom feels the same sadness with him. And she sits right there with him. He's not doing anything wrong by having those big feelings.
03:38She is right by his side as he feels them. And she says, I know it's tough. It's okay.
03:48I am just a kid. I am smart. I am fun. And I have big emotions. But that's me. And that's okay.
04:00Oh, friends, this is such a special page. Will you repeat it after me? Ready?
04:06Ready? I am in control. I am smart. I am fun. I am safe. I am loved. I am brave.
04:32The end. I hope you're encouraged by this story, friends, because you are just a kid, too. And you might have big emotions that happen all the time.
04:47And that's okay. You are exactly the person that you need to be. And if you have a wonderful grownup nearby that can sit with you as you feel those big emotions,
04:58it makes it feel a lot better. Don't forget to ask for help if you feel frustrated like our friend in the story.
05:07I will see you next time. Bye.
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