Devin Haney Throws Punch In Skirmish At Southern California Fair | TMZ Sports

  • last month
Check out the video filmed by a patron at the OC Fair in SoCal ... where 25-year-old Haney, who looks to be with a group of friends, fires a left straight at a man who'd seemingly been arguing with the group.
00:00Welcome to TMZ sports. I'm Mike Babcock with my guy as always Mojo Mutadi. Mojo we're going
00:11to start with Devin Haney back fighting except it's not in the boxing ring. It actually happened
00:19to be at a fair in Southern California. So this is a crazy situation Mojo. So the Orange
00:25County Fair going down this week in Southern California and Devin Haney along with some
00:32buddies went to the fair on Thursday night. Mojo when and it's not exactly clear why this
00:39happened but there was an argument that started off as verbal words only and then the fist
00:49started flying the entire ordeal captured on video. Devin Haney Mojo was not just there.
01:19There was Mojo it seems pretty clear you had what looked like one person fighting at least
01:27four guys including Haney who threw punches. You heard a siren go on and that's when Devin Haney
01:34I think smartly wisely started to walk away probably should have just done that to begin
01:40with and never threw a punch. Mojo you heard the cops they were seemingly on the way responding
01:47they ultimately got there the Orange County Sheriff to be exact and now we are told that
01:52they have taken a an assault and a battery police report and they are currently investigating
01:58this and Devin Haney could be in some trouble here Mojo. Oh absolutely he's going to be
02:03in trouble Babcock. The question becomes how much trouble is he going to be in. The whole
02:09thing is right there right in front of us from start to finish and Devin Haney initiating
02:16this thing at least physically of course we don't really know exactly what was said but by
02:21everything we've seen Devin Haney through the first physical strike.
02:26This is going to become a big problem. I mean obviously this is a lawsuit. I mean are we
02:31looking at some jail time. Potentially I don't I don't think so. I don't think enough harm was
02:39inflicted before it goes that route but we are absolutely going to be looking at an exchange
02:44of financial compensation at some point. I mean that's got to be pretty obvious and that is going
02:50to get expensive. I mean this whole thing was just stupid. First of all it's at a fair. There's
02:55families around there. There's kids around it. It's four versus one. So as if the fight itself
03:01wasn't a bad enough look I mean shoot if I'm a champion like Devin Haney has been so much of his
03:07career I'm expecting if I'm throwing a cheap shot or a quick shot when my opponent wasn't expecting
03:13it that I'd expect for that guy to hit the ground and now when you have four people wailing on this
03:18guy and he kind of gets up more or less okay it's not really a good thing for your rep on the street
03:25either in addition to what is going to happen in a court of law. So this whole thing just a bonehead
03:30thing from the start seems so unnecessary and there are absolutely going to be consequences here.
03:37Yeah I agree fully Mojo and and along that same vein of thinking Ryan Garcia who of course was
03:44famously Devin Haney's opponent and much talked about much watched fight in in April that look
03:50Ryan Garcia was great and he beat Devin Haney. We know that the fight was since overturned because
03:56Ryan Garcia tested positive for some banned substances so technically it's a no contest.
04:02We all saw what happened during the fight Ryan Garcia has seen the video of Devin Haney fighting
04:07at the fair and he had this to say he couldn't even drop a civilian also you talked about being
04:14a great role model you really punch someone while your whole team jumps one guy sounds pretty diddy
04:20to me he's making a p-diddy joke there because Devin Haney and Diddy know each other they've got
04:25some sort of relationship nonetheless this is a really bad look Mojo.
