Jerry Seinfeld Mocks Pro-Palestine Heckler, 'He Solved the Middle East' | TMZ Live

  • 3 months ago
The incident was captured on video by the Australian Jewish Association -- showing JS roast the hell out of a dude in the crowd at his Sydney show Sunday night ... when the guy interrupted Jerry to shout, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."


00:00Jerry Seinfeld has a new co-star in his his comedy shows
00:04It's basically whoever stands up in the crowd to heckle him
00:08It's become a regular thing now and his latest show was down in Australia in Sydney this weekend
00:13And yes, there was another heckler who stood up a protester
00:18And it seems like Jerry's become the lightning bolt now for people protesting the war between Israel and Hamas
00:25Well, he's spoken out and yes, he you know, he knew I think this was gonna happen and now he's leaning into it
00:31I agree with you
00:31I think he definitely knew because he leaned into it like more than he ever has before and was even
00:37Sort of going back and forth with the heckler as security was removing him. Watch this
00:56It's the Jewish community
00:58That's who we have to get
01:00You're the ones doing everything
01:04It's a comedy show you moron
01:06Get out of here
01:14We're all on your side now
01:16Because you have made your point so well
01:18And in the right venue
01:20You've come to the right place
01:22For a political conversation
01:26Just mocking he also said like when it the exchange first started Jerry actually said
01:31They're gonna be punching you in about 30 seconds
01:34So go ahead and get out what you got to say because he knew security was coming
01:38I don't know that they actually punched the guy. Yeah, I I don't think they did Charles
01:42I do think it's very clear though that Jerry has
01:45Changed up how he's dealing with these interruptions if and I know we've talked about this the Duke
01:50Commencement address when some of the students got up Jerry sort of let that happen and he didn't have much of a reaction
01:56I look he's on this big tour
01:58He knows this is going to continue to happen and I don't think he's just not gonna sit there and take it anymore
02:03He's going to jab back and forth with the protesters and and I think that's that's certainly a decision that he's made here
02:09He's not just gonna listen to it. Well, and he's going all over the world and everybody's wondering
02:13Well, why would they do this in Australia? I don't know if you remember but less than a year ago
02:18There was a demonstration in Australia where they were essentially saying kill all the Jews
02:22Yeah, that was like a few months after the October 7th attacks only a few months
02:27Yeah, so it was unsurprising that it happened there. Yeah, but my guess is it's gonna happen at every comedy show and he's
02:36Clearly ready. Yeah, and he's by the way, he
02:40Here's how you know, he was ready for it. He had a joke that was
02:44Written basically for an Australian audience because he referenced Jim Jeffries who's an Australian comedian, right?
02:50And he used him to say like that's why it's ridiculous to be protesting at comedy shows. He said we're just comedians we
02:58Don't have anything to do with what's happening in the Middle East. Although Jerry although although Jerry has taken his stand
03:04he's taken aside, but his point is
03:07Protesting and you may agree or disagree. He's saying protesting at a comedy show
03:13Isn't really doing anything. Here's what?
03:16All done. Here's what I did what he's saying. We're talking about it. And so is everybody else
03:20So for the protest or the protester getting a high profile getting what they were after there
03:25So it does kind of make sense. Yeah. Hi, I'm Mary Bass coming to you today from South Bend, Indiana
03:32I've got to say Jerry Seinfeld's response to the heckler was pure comedic gold
03:37It was classic Seinfeld the way he handled that was fantastic. I'm Jewish. I'm a supporter of Israel and
03:45I wish I were at that show and I think that Jerry is well poised to handle
03:50Anything that comes his way from these hecklers or anyone else
