• last year
Spike Island, situada en la costa de Irlanda, es famosa por su turbulenta historia y sus impresionantes paisajes, pero detrás de su fachada de tranquilidad, se esconde un pasado lleno de oscuridad y misterio. Este documental, titulado Spike Island: Destino de Terror, te llevará a explorar una de las islas más aterradoras y enigmáticas del mundo, donde el miedo y lo sobrenatural parecen entrelazarse en cada rincón.

La isla, que en su día fue utilizada como una prisión, ha sido escenario de incontables relatos de horror. Desde espectros de prisioneros que aún vagan por las ruinas hasta inquietantes sonidos que emanan de sus muros, Spike Island se ha ganado la reputación de ser uno de los lugares más embrujados de Europa. A lo largo de los años, este destino ha atraído a cazadores de fantasmas, historiadores y turistas en busca de una experiencia única, pero pocos están preparados para los horrores que aguardan en su interior.

En este documental, profundizamos en las historias reales que rodean a Spike Island. Con entrevistas exclusivas a personas que han tenido experiencias aterradoras en la isla, y análisis detallados de los fenómenos paranormales, este viaje te pondrá los pelos de punta. Además de los eventos sobrenaturales, exploraremos el lado histórico de la isla, desde su época como fortaleza militar hasta su transformación en una cárcel de máxima seguridad.

Uno de los momentos más oscuros de la historia de Spike Island fue su uso como prisión durante la Gran Hambruna Irlandesa en el siglo XIX. Miles de prisioneros fueron encarcelados en condiciones inhumanas, muchos de los cuales nunca lograron salir con vida. Estas almas en pena, según muchos creen, aún rondan la isla, alimentando las leyendas de fantasmas que rodean este lugar maldito. Con cámaras nocturnas y tecnología de última generación, nuestro equipo se adentrará en las áreas más espeluznantes para documentar cualquier actividad paranormal.

El documental también analiza cómo la cultura popular ha perpetuado la fama de Spike Island como un destino turístico de terror. Desde apariciones en series de televisión hasta documentales previos, el mito de la isla ha crecido con el tiempo, atrayendo cada vez más visitantes que buscan una aventura escalofriante. Pero más allá del entretenimiento, Spike Island: Destino de Terror se esfuerza por separar los hechos históricos de las leyendas, brindando a los espectadores una comprensión más profunda de lo que realmente sucedió en esta inquietante isla.

Si eres un amante del terror y las historias sobrenaturales, este documental te cautivará desde el primer minuto. Desde las imágenes impactantes de la abandonada prisión hasta los testimonios sobrecogedores de quienes han sentido la presencia de algo más allá de este mundo, Spike Island: Destino de Terror te llevará al borde de tus emociones, desafiándote a cuestionar qué es real y qué no lo es.

Prepárate para un viaje que no podrás olvidar. ¿Te atreverías a visitar Spike Island después
00:00This is our last stop in Ireland, for 14 hours of pure terror.
00:07This is a thousand times worse than Alcatraz.
00:11There's something up there!
00:12Guys, come on!
00:13What's going on?
00:14If something goes wrong, and things could go wrong...
00:18...you won't get any help.
00:20And for all the gold in the world, I'd stay here just for one night.
00:26Uncle, please, listen to him.
00:28I hope you sleep well tonight.
00:30If the Spike Island is fulfilled, you'll never sleep well again.
00:37My name is Dakota Layden.
00:39I'm leading my sister and my two best friends on a journey
00:42to explore the most enchanted abandoned places in the United States.
00:46Oh, my God!
00:50No, no!
00:53Come on, come on, come on!
00:54I'm panicking.
00:55I'm trying to figure out how terror affects our relationship with the paranormal.
01:00Each night, we split up to sleep alone.
01:03The trick is, only one of us knows where we're going.
01:10Horror Destination
01:16230 kilometers to Cork Harbor.
01:26Well, we are still in the beautiful and incredible country of Ireland.
01:33The rest of the team is touring the castle of Blarney right now,
01:37and they're doing equilibrium tours to kiss the world-famous stone of Blarney.
01:44And the legend says that if you bend over and kiss the stone of Blarney,
01:49you will receive the gift of the word.
01:52I wonder what will happen to you.
01:54I don't want that.
01:59Okay, okay.
02:03Come on, Chelsea.
02:04You can do it, Chels!
02:07All right, I got you.
02:11Good job, guys.
02:13After barely surviving a night in Loftus Hall,
02:17it's time to go to the second hellish location.
02:21We are going to go to the largest, most beautiful prison,
02:25isolated on its own island.
02:30We've been to the most famous prisons in the United States,
02:34but they say that those are pale in comparison to our next stop.
02:38The property has a horrifying history dating back almost 1,300 years.
02:45The torture here was on a medieval scale,
02:48more barbaric than almost anything we've seen in the United States.
02:52It is estimated that 1,500 men died in its confines.
02:59But as horrible as life was here,
03:01the horror of the ghosts is even worse.
03:04I'm curious to see if the paranormal activity in a foreign prison
03:08is similar to the prisons we've explored in the United States.
03:12Being isolated on an island
03:14will definitely present a new type of fear
03:17that we have yet to explore.
03:20What are you doing up there?
03:22I just kissed a rock.
03:23Did you get the gift of the word?
03:25Now I can keep talking, I'll never get nervous.
03:28You sure you don't want to kiss the rock?
03:30I hope you had fun up there,
03:32because we're about to go through a lot of fear.
03:36So, how was kissing the famous Blarney stone?
03:39It was fun, it was scary.
03:41I think you guys probably need that kiss to get a little bit excited.
03:45Yeah, thank you for putting us in contact with the devil last night.
03:49It was awful.
03:50Loftus Hall was terrifying in every aspect.
03:52The place, the history, and the legend behind it.
03:55That night was horrible.
03:58Oh, shit!
04:07Here we go!
04:14If you guys thought the devil was evil,
04:16it was the warm-up.
04:17The warm-up?
04:18I'm just nervous, really,
04:20so I've got you guys ready.
04:23I've never felt so nervous to take you guys to a place of enchantment.
04:28I'm scared for you guys.
04:29Chelsea, Tanner, open it up.
04:33The island of Spike.
04:37A formidable mountain of toxic gas.
04:40I've never felt so nervous to take you guys to a place of enchantment.
04:45I've never felt so nervous to take you guys to a place of enchantment.
04:49A formidable 42-hectare mound anchored in the second largest natural harbor in the world,
04:55the Spike Island, is a place of nightmares.
05:00Though it is called the Irish Alcatraz,
05:03I think it is a thousand times worse than Alcatraz.
05:08The island has always been shrouded in a halo of mystery.
05:13Nobody knew what was happening on this island.
05:15If you were going to the Irish hell,
05:17your chances of returning were slim.
05:20In the year 635 there was a monastery on the island,
05:24but the British arrived in 1779 and built a fortress.
05:29They turned the entire island into a prison
05:31and there were four prisons over 400 years,
05:34in the 17th century, in 1850, in 1921 and in 2004.
05:40But none as inhuman or lethal
05:42as it was when it was a transport prison in 1840.
05:47Created as a response to an increase in robberies during the Great Famine,
05:51it was originally the last stop for criminals
05:54before they were transported from Ireland to Australia and the Caribbean.
05:59Hungry fathers were sent to prison
06:02because during the famine they had stolen a chicken
06:05and were sentenced to six months in prison or deported.
06:08From the mainland they sent the prisoners who were on the island temporarily
06:12and sent them abroad to populate the British Empire.
06:16The British had 2,000 prisoners here,
06:18so it would have been the largest prison in the world.
06:22In 1851 they sent the most cruel and dangerous prisoners from Ireland here.
06:28They brought together 76 of the worst criminals in Ireland,
06:32the most ruthless, rapists and attackers in the series
06:36who would have been very dangerous men.
06:39The temporary prison was not capable of containing its level of cruelty
06:44and the violence multiplied by ten.
06:48It went from the monks who had been praying for very different reasons
06:53to prisoners who prayed with the hope of seeing another dawn.
06:57The bedlam came to a head in 1856
07:02when three prisoners brutally murdered the al-Qaeda leader William Reddy
07:07by hitting him in the head with an iron bar.
07:12The murder gave rise to the construction of a blockade.
07:16It would be the most similar to hell that any prisoner could experience.
07:21They were dressed in black from head to toe,
07:24covered with a hood with cracks in the eyes to be able to see
07:28and they were chained to the wall.
07:30They had a shackle around their neck and arms.
07:33Chained by the neck and legs.
07:35I'm at a loss for words.
07:37During that period, being sent to Spike Island
07:41was equivalent to a death sentence.
07:44In the worst year, 12% of the prisoners died.
07:48Malnutrition was a serious issue
07:51and they had to work in the quarry in total silence.
07:55A lot of prisoners died as a result of that.
07:58There are still a lot of common graves to discover.
08:04This place has a lot of layers
08:06and it will be difficult to decipher what we will experience tomorrow.
08:10Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?
08:14The most haunted areas include the tunnels
08:19that are under Bastion 3.
08:22The tunnels used to be original solitary confinement cells.
08:26It is very easy to get lost down there.
08:30People say that down there you can hear noises,
08:33you can hear voices,
08:35you can hear chains dragging
08:37and there's something sinister in the tunnels.
08:39It's as if they were staring at you from the darkness,
08:43judging you.
08:44You don't have to turn your back on them.
08:47I'm going to get lost.
08:48I always get lost in the tunnels.
08:50Oh my God.
08:51We're going to spend a lot of time in the tunnels.
08:53They're saying that British soldiers
08:56were shooting at ghost intruders.
09:02Block AB.
09:04These are the most modern cells in the prison of the 80s.
09:08The best way to describe how this block makes you feel is tension.
09:12You feel tension in your shoulders.
09:14You smell something or you hear something and you feel anxiety.
09:18One fellow told me that there was a demon in his cell,
09:21floating over his bed.
09:24Some of Ireland's most famous criminals
09:26were in this building,
09:28including Martin Cahill,
09:30Ireland's Al Capone,
09:32and Brendan O'Donnell,
09:33who murdered a priest, a mother and a child.
09:37In Block AB,
09:39a few entities come together
09:41and form a large shadow,
09:45which is very intimidating
09:47and causes fear and panic.
09:50They come from the periphery
09:52and they rush in front of you.
09:55I've never heard of that.
09:57Is it a thing or is it something that can be in several places at once?
10:01I don't know, but I wouldn't like to find out.
10:04Block A.
10:06During a riot in the 80s,
10:08the prisoners burned it
10:11and it has barely been explored in search of paranormal activity.
10:15We will be the first to go there.
10:17That's scary.
10:18Yes, very scary.
10:20The Punishment Block.
10:22This is where most of the suffering of the prison took place.
10:26They have recorded aggressive F.V.E.
10:28and very mocking.
10:30Not for all the gold in the world
10:32I would stay here alone.
10:34This place is a mess.
10:36Some guards would rather get sick
10:38than take the night shift there.
10:41In the Punishment Block,
10:43there was a whistle just in my ear.
10:49I thought that if I turned,
10:51there would be a guard beside me.
10:55My God.
10:56That is a nightmare.
10:58And how are we going to get there?
11:00We will leave the caravan tomorrow
11:02and we will go by ferry to the island
11:05and the ferry will wait for us
11:07until the next morning.
11:09We will be trapped.
11:10Of course.
11:11They will be prisoners for one night.
11:13If something goes wrong,
11:15and things could go wrong,
11:17they will not receive help.
11:19Sounds dangerous.
11:20Dude, I'm like shaking.
11:22I'm scared.
11:23We can't let anything go wrong.
11:26The secrets of Spike and Cork Island
11:28have been hidden for more than 240 years.
11:31None of the individuals who did not leave the island
11:34could tell their story.
11:36I hope they sleep well the night before,
11:38because if Spike Island is fulfilled,
11:40they may not sleep well again.
11:4725 kilometers to the destination.
11:53I can't believe they're taking us
11:55to a damn island.
11:57This is the most isolated and abandoned place
11:59we've ever been to.
12:00By far.
12:01I think it's bigger.
12:02I'm just curious to see
12:04how it is compared to the prisons
12:06we've been to in America,
12:08and if the centuries of history of this place
12:10will have an effect on paranormal activity.
12:12Maybe that will increase the energy
12:14in the building.
12:16Don't you feel in your stomach
12:18that this is a bad idea?
12:20This is also a test for me.
12:22I'm playing with it.
12:24It's that simple.
12:26You have to bet everything or nothing.
12:28Everything we've lived on this trip
12:30has brought us to this point.
12:32This is a recipe for disaster.
12:37What the hell, man?
12:39Oh, my God.
12:40Look at it.
12:43Wow, this is real.
12:45Where are we going?
12:48I can't believe it.
12:50You're a lunatic, Dakota.
12:52Here we go.
12:55Say goodbye to the caravan.
12:57I don't know if I'm dizzy or just very nervous.
13:02What the hell?
13:04The four of us on that big island.
13:08We're getting close.
13:14This is real.
13:17This is very bad.
13:21Oh, no. The ship is leaving.
13:24For 14 hours of pure terror.
13:29It's official.
13:30It's official.
13:31Here we are.
13:32Here we go.
13:34We've reached our final destination.
13:36Why are you doing this to us, Dakota?
13:40Oh, my God.
13:41My God.
13:42My God.
13:43My God.
13:45I don't know what could be more terrifying than this.
13:48This is going to be a very long night.
13:54We just installed the material room
13:56in one of the abandoned buildings on the property.
13:59I think we should split up.
14:01Chelsea, I'll be going with you to the Punishment Block.
14:05Tanner, Alex, you guys go to Block A, B.
14:08Here we go.
14:09I'd love to go to T and A.
14:11Come on.
14:13Block A, B.
14:14Nothing could go wrong there.
14:15All right.
14:16Let's go.
14:17Bye, guys.
14:18See you later.
14:19See you later.
14:25We're here.
14:38Oh, my God.
14:40That's it.
14:41That's the Punishment Block.
14:43Oh, my God.
14:51This is really scary.
14:54Let's just turn around and see what's going on.
15:01If there's anyone here, can you hear me?
15:03Can you make any noise?
15:08What's going on here?
15:12These are the Punishment Blocks.
15:15This is where they kept the worst criminals in Ireland.
15:19These prisoners were chained to their necks and arms.
15:22They even wore black hoods and they could only see through two cutouts.
15:31A huge spider.
15:33Oh, my God.
15:35That almost went down your head.
15:40Let's get out of here.
15:42Let's go back.
15:44I can't sleep here.
15:53What is this?
15:55I've never seen anything like it.
15:57There's wax candles everywhere.
16:01And then nails that stick out.
16:03What's escaping me?
16:04I don't get it.
16:05It gives me the creeps.
16:06I have no idea.
16:07I don't know what that means.
16:09But that's very weird.
16:14Oh, my God.
16:16Oh, my God.
16:17Oh, my God.
16:18Oh, my God.
16:19Oh, my God.
16:20Oh, my God.
16:21Oh, my God.
16:23Oh, my God.
16:27We've got a few devices.
16:28Do you want me to take out the REM pod capsule and ask a few questions?
16:31Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
16:34In my hand, I've got the REM pod.
16:36This is an antenna capable of detecting electromagnetic fields.
16:40So, if something is close to this antenna, it'll sound an alarm and it'll turn on a light.
16:45Martin Cahill, can you please set off the alarm?
16:50We need to know that you're here, so please turn on the REM pod.
16:55I'm terrified that someone is with us.
17:17That's the temperature. It's detecting a change in the temperature right now.
17:21Someone is standing there.
17:30Who's here with us now?
17:33Can you make a noise in the direction you're at?
17:38Chelsea and I are sitting in one of the second floor punishment cells.
17:43I have the digital recorder in my hand.
17:46It's a device that detects frequencies that our ears can't hear.
17:50I'm going to set this on the ground so I'm not interfering with it or touching it.
17:55Is there someone here with us?
17:59What is your name?
18:02What is your name?
18:05We just asked more than 10 questions without an answer.
18:10I mean, it makes sense if you think about it. This was a silent prison.
18:14That's true. Like even though other people had very aggressive voices in here,
18:18not having a voice does make more sense.
18:26We know that some of the worst of the worst was first,
18:29was locked up here.
18:31Are any of you still here?
18:34We've been trying to get in touch with Martin Cahill and Brendan O'Donnell,
18:39and we haven't been able to do anything.
18:41It's getting late. We should go to the material room and see what phase two is.
18:45All right. Let's go.
18:50How did you get in there? There's activity in there.
18:53I don't want to sleep in there.
18:55Not only is the block scary, but just to be in there is terrifying.
19:01Let's go to the material room, have a drink of water and rest a bit.
19:12What? What? What?
19:15Oh my God! What's going on?
19:17Oh my God! It sounded like an explosion outside.
19:20Yeah, I heard something.
19:21Dude, I saw an explosion. You go.
19:23What the hell?
19:24Take the thermal camera. Take it.
19:26Do you have your camera?
19:27Yeah, I'm recording.
19:28Guys, come on.
19:31Guys, come on.
19:33What's going on?
19:34Guys, we've heard gunshots on the island.
19:36It sounded like it was on the island.
19:38We weren't recording.
19:40No, we were here, resting.
19:43What's going on?
19:44What's going on, guys?
19:46It sounded close.
19:47Do you see anything on the thermal camera?
19:50It must have been pretty loud because it's so windy.
19:53And to have heard it...
19:54We're quite far from the coast.
19:56Why would it make so much noise?
19:58It made a lot of noise.
20:10Of course, there's a damn cannon.
20:12Let's see, there's a cannon.
20:13It sounded like there was a war out here.
20:16It was multiple gunshots.
20:19Let's keep quiet and listen for a second.
20:26Oh my God.
20:32Do you see it?
20:33Oh my God.
20:35Did you hear it?
20:36That was very close.
20:39I heard that.
20:40That was a very loud noise.
20:43Holy shit.
20:44Do you see something?
20:45Do you see anything?
20:48I don't see anything.
20:52I don't even know if that was a gunshot.
20:54That sounded like it was bigger than a gunshot.
20:57It sounded like a cannon.
21:09Listen, listen.
21:16Oh my God.
21:24Shut up.
21:25It's like in the woods.
21:26It's just in the woods, just around the corner.
21:36Dude, that was an explosion.
21:38Yeah, it sounded like there was a battle.
21:40I don't know if we should go look for it.
21:42Do you see anything, dude?
21:44What is going on?
21:48That has to be on the island.
21:49There's no way.
21:53What is that?
21:54What is that?
21:55Do you see something?
21:56Wait, there's a person.
21:57What is that?
21:58Is that a person?
21:59What is that?
22:00There's a thermal signal.
22:01Is it moving?
22:07Let's go down there.
22:08Is that it?
22:09What is that?
22:10No, guys.
22:11What are you doing?
22:12I don't think we should go that way.
22:17Oh my God, guys.
22:19It's very strong.
22:21It's not moving.
22:22I see it.
22:23It looks like a signal.
22:24And why was it hot?
22:26Is it an electrical panel?
22:27It's an electrical panel.
22:30There's no one on the island.
22:31There's nothing on the island.
22:33We have no physical evidence of what it was, apart from the sound.
22:37Nothing that we could see with our own eyes.
22:39Just the noise.
22:41Some people had heard British soldiers firing at them.
22:44So maybe that's what we heard.
22:46Some sort of sound.
22:51Oh my God!
22:52Did you hear that?
22:59All right.
23:00We've been out for about half an hour now.
23:03Let's go back to the prison and keep exploring in groups.
23:07Maybe we could go to the tunnels.
23:10I mean, this place was a fort at first.
23:13It would make sense if there were some residual noises.
23:17But something so obtrusive and obvious is confusing.
23:22We haven't had anything like this before.
23:25We have no idea what that was.
23:27But right now, we're going to explore the tunnels.
23:33We're here.
23:35This is...
23:36very bad.
23:43The tunnels used to be used as the original solitary confinement.
23:48These tunnels connect all the buildings on the island.
23:52I'm going to have the ovilus on all the time we're down here.
23:57I hope we remember how to get back.
24:00Dude, this is going to be the worst.
24:03This is...
24:17Oh my gosh.
24:21It's still going.
24:22We could get lost.
24:24I do not want to get lost in the tunnel.
24:36They're so tall.
24:37Watch out.
24:39A big spider.
24:40Right there.
24:41Oh my gosh.
24:43It's still going.
24:46What the hell?
24:48That's where someone was locked up.
24:51You can just tell that we're deep down.
24:54We're looking up.
24:55We're looking up.
24:56We're looking up.
24:57We're looking up.
24:58We're looking up.
24:59We're looking up.
25:00We're looking up.
25:01We're looking up.
25:02We're looking up.
25:03We're looking up.
25:05It's like being scared of heights,
25:08but the other way around.
25:10Scared of being underground.
25:17Is there someone down here?
25:26Oh, Lord.
25:28There's something up there.
25:31What's up?
25:32Something's coming from above.
25:34Something? What?
25:40Chelsea, light up that way.
25:59I pass.
26:02I pass.
26:09What do you think that noise was?
26:12It's like a low echo and it's thunderous.
26:16Guys, I'm thinking that we've heard explosions up here before.
26:22Imagine if we heard it up there, down here.
26:25That's how it sounded.
26:28Well, let's go all the way to the surface,
26:31just to see if we can hear any noise outside.
26:35The Ovilus didn't turn on at all.
26:42I don't hear anything.
26:49It's raining.
26:50No way.
26:55Oh, my God.
26:57It's like the sound we heard before.
26:59It could be ghostly noises of these things.
27:04What the hell?
27:06Okay, well, let's get back to the material room,
27:09get ready for the most terrifying night ever, alone.
27:13Watch out.
27:14Are you okay?
27:18Damn it.
27:19The ankle?
27:21I'm okay.
27:23This is probably going to be a bad run.
27:27Well, as I was saying,
27:30it's time to go to bed.
27:35We believe that when you're alone,
27:37you're much more scared,
27:39which attracts paranormal activity.
27:41We've all agreed to sleep in the four most terrifying places.
27:45First, we have Block AB.
27:48Then we have Block A.
27:50Whoever gets this, will be the first to see something.
27:53And Block A is so bad,
27:56that whoever gets this will have to sleep in a hard hat.
28:00Then we have the Punishment Block.
28:03For our final place to sleep,
28:06we have the tunnels.
28:08Tanner is going to write them on pieces of paper,
28:11and then we're going to throw them in the lock,
28:13and that's where we're going to sleep the rest of the night.
28:15Who wants to go first?
28:19I hope you get the tunnels.
28:26Block AB.
28:29I've never been there.
28:30I don't know what to expect.
28:32I think Alex should be next.
28:35Tunnels, tunnels.
28:44How do you always get them?
28:46I don't know.
28:47Can you change it for me?
28:49Well, Tanner, it's your turn.
28:50Okay, all right.
28:59Block A.
29:01Block A.
29:02It's your turn to wear a helmet.
29:03It's my turn to wear a helmet?
29:07We haven't been here before,
29:08and now I'm going to have a hard time.
29:10Chelsea, it's your turn to go to the Punishment Block.
29:12I didn't expect to return here.
29:14This is going to be the worst, guys.
29:18Also, guys...
29:19What do you mean, also?
29:21You can't come with those, man.
29:23Instead of sleeping tonight with flashlights...
29:27We are going to sleep with candles.
29:33Wait, that light is not enough.
29:35This is about amplifying the fear,
29:37intensifying it,
29:38by replacing the flashlights
29:40with the ones you can see
29:41until the end of the corridor
29:42with a candle
29:43that you can't see
29:44two meters away from you.
29:45But you'll only get one.
29:46Once you get to sleep,
29:47we'll light the candle.
29:49But it's better if it doesn't go out
29:50because I'll have the only lighter.
29:55All right.
29:56Come on, let's get out of here.
29:57If I don't show up in the morning,
29:58maybe it's because the building
29:59fell over me.
30:01But no, you're going to wear a helmet.
30:02Then I should be fine
30:03despite the collapse.
30:14I'm the lucky one
30:15who has a box of matches.
30:21instead of sleeping with two cameras,
30:22we'll sleep with three cameras.
30:24Two of the three cameras
30:25will record in night vision
30:26or infrared mode.
30:28But one of the cameras,
30:29the farthest one,
30:30will record with normal vision.
30:33The following events occurred in the course of the next four hours.
30:38You know what?
30:40I normally say I don't feel safe in a building because there's something evil,
30:44but this time it's something general.
30:46I don't feel safe.
30:47There's bricks bigger than my head on the floor that have fallen off the walls,
30:51and if one falls on my head, I'm totally done.
30:58I am 30 meters deep.
31:01I've been down here for over an hour now,
31:04and I can feel someone watching me.
31:08It doesn't help that all I have is this little light.
31:19What did you have to do to end up here in the punishment block?
31:26Well, I'm going to leave this here.
31:52What the fuck?
31:58My candle just went out.
32:14Dude, my candle just went out on my side when I was in the bed.
32:18You need to come here, please.
32:20Can you turn the candle on for me?
32:23But, Chels, the rule was that we couldn't turn it on again.
32:29I can't hear you.
32:32I can't hear you.
32:34Dude, please come here.
32:43Oh my God, I'm getting stressed.
32:45My candle just went out.
32:47It's not a joke.
32:49There's no wind, and...
32:51It's still here.
32:52My candle just went out.
32:53You can't tell anyone that I did this.
32:55I can't.
32:56Bring it.
33:01God, it's not a joke.
33:03It sounded like someone was doing...
33:06What the hell, Chelsea?
33:08If there's someone here, can you talk to us?
33:12Can you leave us a message on this device?
33:17Did you put out my candle?
33:23Okay, well, I'm going back to my place.
33:26We're not going to tell anyone.
33:28Good luck.
33:30Good luck.
33:32I find it very ironic that they say that the energy of this building is oppressive and dark
33:41and something put out my candle all of a sudden.
33:48I mean, this place is in ruins.
33:52I don't know how much longer this structure is going to be standing.
33:57This is where the riot broke out.
33:59They burned this place.
34:02And you can see that in the evidence.
34:06Charred wood.
34:09And now I'm sitting here with a candle in my hand.
34:16I just feel like that's bad karma.
34:20Something's not right.
34:35So, this is the A-B block.
34:38I don't want to experience anything that people have experienced in here.
34:43The shadows.
34:46Just everything that has to do with this is terrible.
34:50I feel like there's a lot of places here that are scary.
34:54But the story of the three figures that become one massive one,
35:00which happened to be here.
35:05What the hell was that?
35:07I just heard the noises that we heard earlier.
35:12The loud noises that came from outside.
35:21I'm sure I just heard those noises again.
35:26They sound like cannons.
35:30I don't know what those noises are or what's causing them,
35:33but I just heard the same noises as before.
35:40There's a lot of places here that are scary.
35:43But the story of the three figures that become one massive one,
35:49which happened to be here.
35:54What the hell was that?
35:55I just heard...
35:57What the hell?
36:00I don't know what that might be.
36:09That almost sounded like the explosions that we heard earlier.
36:21That came from outside.
36:23Which means that if it's outside the building,
36:26Chelsea must have heard it.
36:35That was really scary.
36:57No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
37:02Oh, the damn candle just went out.
37:05Are you kidding me?
37:07I don't know how it went out.
37:09There's no breeze down here.
37:12I'm a little petrified.
37:16Without Alex knowing, the infrared camera light went out.
37:22Without Alex knowing, the infrared camera light went out.
37:34No, no, no, no.
37:40No, no, no, no, no.
37:43How is this possible?
37:45This is terrible.
37:48It's incredible.
37:53Well, now it's starting to rain,
37:56and I'm in a building that is crumbling,
37:59which means that the conditions here are even worse.
38:04I'm afraid for my safety.
38:26What is that?
38:28It almost sounds like a fucking drum.
38:37Is there someone down there?
38:41What the fuck is that?
39:02Oh my God, oh my God.
39:04It's coming from this fucking room.
39:12Is there someone in there?
39:18I don't even know what it could have been.
39:20There are a few beds.
39:21It's like a bedroom.
39:24Okay, I'm going back to my seat.
39:32I hate that it's coming from down there,
39:34because it's the only part where I can't see anything.
39:39I heard it over there,
39:41and I heard it right outside the door.
39:45Okay, fuck it.
39:47I'm out of here.
39:48It's over, it's over.
39:50I'm out of here.
39:54Hey, Chelsea, are you kidding me?
40:00Did you just move something in my building?
40:03No, I'm sitting next to my candle.
40:06I'm not moving anything.
40:08I'm not moving anything.
40:10I'm not moving anything.
40:12I'm sitting next to my candle.
40:14I'm not moving anything.
40:24I don't know what that was.
40:26It was a very loud noise.
40:30Without Dakota knowing,
40:32the door at the end of the corridor was locked,
40:34opening and closing behind him.
40:39And I heard it right behind the door.
40:42And I heard it right behind the door.
40:46And I heard it right behind the door.
41:07I'm not going to go there.
41:09I'm like paralyzed.
41:13I'm like paralyzed.
41:21I've been staring at that corridor
41:23for the last half hour.
41:29Chelsea, this is Dakota.
41:31I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to pick up
41:33and I'm going to get out of here.
41:35All right, I'm coming down.
41:37I'm going to pick up.
41:43All right.
41:45We did it.
41:50Spike Island is a hell on earth.
41:52Normally, we're sent to abandoned places.
41:54But this time, we were the abandoned ones.
41:56We only had ourselves,
41:58and we had no other option
42:00but to face our fears
42:02and overcome the night.
42:04The entire island was active.
42:06I couldn't tell if I was more terrified
42:08by the buildings themselves
42:11or the terrain that surrounded them.
42:15We have been in a lot of prisons
42:17on our travels,
42:19and none of them compare to this one
42:21because this place has seen hundreds
42:23and hundreds of centuries of death
42:25that's been accumulating
42:27and creating different layers
42:29of paranormal activity.
42:31I was hoping to experience
42:33only the part related to the prisoners,
42:35and that's not what happened.
42:37We heard explosions, gunshots.
42:39It was like residual noise
42:41from when this was a military base.
42:43Dakota took us out of our comfort zone
42:45by taking us to a country
42:47with such an extensive history,
42:49and it really showed us
42:51that we can support the past
42:53of some of these countries.
42:55I chose to come to Ireland
42:57because I wanted to see
42:59if the paranormal energy
43:01actually intensifies over time
43:03or if it fades away,
43:05and up to me,
43:07now that we've come out
43:09of the United States,
43:11we don't know where we're going
43:13to go from here.
43:15Now the world is ours,
43:17and the opportunities are endless.
43:19I'm going to be looking
43:21for places like this
43:23in the confines of the Earth.
43:25Holy sky, what have we gotten ourselves into?
43:27I feel like we've reached
43:29a new level of fear,
43:31and it's going to be hard to go back.
