Drama Pakustani Tv

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Drama Pakustani Tv
Masaledar Drama


00:00My heart is yours, I am yours
00:03What's the point of getting upset over this now?
00:07Tell me something.
00:11Why are you so sympathetic towards Qadir all of a sudden?
00:17And what joy do you get in this house?
00:21The reason and the status that you got,
00:24that's not happening anymore.
00:27If we thank God for the fact that the reason is not there,
00:30then it's not happening anymore.
00:32And if you insist so much, I will tell you.
00:34I have come to meet Qadir.
00:40so you are teaming up with him to humiliate me?
00:45Listen, understand one thing,
00:48if I am not able to get married to this Obia for some reason,
00:52I am not going to choose you again.
01:01Don't worry,
01:02I make a mistake only once,
01:04I don't repeat it.
01:06Even if she is asking for her destruction with her own hands.
01:13She doesn't know you, that's why.
01:16You know, you look exactly like a loser, like Qadir looks.
01:26I can't believe this.
01:27A loser is telling me these things.
01:29I mean,
01:32anyways, I wasn't even talking to you.
01:34I was talking to Obia.
01:36Being a woman, I was trying to make her understand that
01:40she is going to make a big mistake.
01:42You have stopped yourself from making a mistake, right?
01:45That's enough.
01:47Anyway, Obia doesn't need your advice.
01:49And you go,
01:51give consolation to that loser.
01:53A lot of time will pass, Jumil. Let it be.
02:27I am a loser.
02:44I am a loser.
02:47What has happened, Qadir?
02:49Don't you know Haris?
02:52He has poison in his heart.
02:53Who listens to him? Are you serious?
02:55No, brother. He is right.
02:59I am a loser.
03:01Control yourself.
03:04It's Haris, I mean…
03:06No, I am a loser.
03:08That's why she rejected me in the morning.
03:12I am also a loser.
03:13No, you are not a loser.
03:15You are a very good, very nice person.
03:17Look at yourself from my point of view.
03:18I am a loser.
03:19Qadir, you don't panic.
03:20Don't panic for no reason.
03:26Hello, Meera.
03:27Qadir, what happened?
03:32Meera, what happened?
03:33Aunty, look at Qadir. What is happening? There is blood.
03:35Qadir, what happened?
03:36What is happening to you, aunty?
03:38What happened, son?
03:40Mother, what is this?
03:41Haris is bleeding.
03:42Nothing happened.
03:43What happened, son?
03:44Call your mother.
03:45I will call her.
03:49Qadir, nothing happened.
03:50Come on.
03:51Take him to the hospital.
03:52Come on.
03:53Come, son.
03:54Come, son.
03:55Come, my son.
04:20Haris, Qadir is not well.
04:22We took him to the hospital.
04:23Everyone was crying.
04:25He fainted at home.
04:26He is in a very bad condition.
04:28Listen to me.
04:29There is no need to act.
04:31If he was in such a bad condition,
04:32you could have called us and told us.
04:34I am not talking to you.
04:36How are you talking to me?
04:38You are Qadir's real brother.
04:40That is why I told you.
04:41The rest is up to you.
04:43It is better if you stay in your limits.
04:46I am in my limits.
04:49I don't enter homes and spread my legs.
04:52Pick up your stuff and leave.
04:57What is the use?
04:58You get a lot of work.
05:00I will leave if madam fires me.
05:04By the way, Haris,
05:06you are not the owner of this house yet.
05:11Let her be.
05:13It is not her fault.
05:15She sees my status in this house.
05:16She will talk.
05:17She will talk.
05:19It takes you a minute to enter the complex.
05:50What happened to brother?
05:52Is he okay?
05:54Pray that nothing happens to my son.
05:56My Qadir is fine.
05:58Everything will be fine.
06:00Everything will be fine.
06:01Pray to God.
06:04Zara, how is my son?
06:06He is shifting to the ICU.
06:08But he has high BP.
06:10Why did you shift him to the ICU?
06:13Actually, he has been under stress for the past few days.
06:15And he has endured so much emotional trauma.
06:19He had a severe nervous breakdown.
06:21That is why I shifted him to the ICU.
06:23How is his condition?
06:26What are you saying, Zara?
06:31pray for him.
06:33His mother's prayers have a lot of effect.
06:35God willing, he will be fine.
06:37Look, sister-in-law Zara,
06:38whatever you are,
06:40tell us clearly.
06:41Don't hide anything from us.
06:42I am not hiding anything from you.
06:43I am shocked myself
06:45that a smiling child like Qadir
06:47how did all this happen to him?
06:52I told you that his condition is critical.
06:55He is unconscious
06:57and the next 48 hours are very important.
06:59If he does not regain consciousness,
07:01he can go into a coma.
07:04But we should hope for the best.
07:07We still have 48 hours.
07:10That is why we shifted him to the ICU
07:11so that we can take good care of him.
07:13You people pray for him.
07:15God willing, everything will be fine.
07:18God willing.
07:19God willing.
07:22Take care.
07:25pray for him patiently, Kaikash.
07:42Why, Qadir?
07:44Why are you like this?
07:46Why are you so emotional?
07:49And he also went to the hospital
07:50because he was so emotional.
07:54What if something happens to him?
07:56If anything serious happens?
08:00No, no.
08:02What was the use of Sobia
08:06I shouldn't have thought like this?
08:12serve the food.
08:14It's Chinese.
08:16do you know anything about Qadir?
08:20How is he?
08:21Is he okay in the hospital?
08:24Why are you getting worried?
08:25He will come.
08:26It's not a big deal.
08:29I don't know about the people here.
08:33Anyway, I think
08:34Qadir and Hooram have met.
08:37What do you mean?
08:39I mean that
08:40Sobia used to be Qadir's sister-in-law
08:42and she used to do
08:43the same things as Qadir.
08:45If someone spoke against her will,
08:48she used to get sick and sit there.
08:51Now see, Qadir is also saying the same thing.
08:54And who shares it with him?
08:56Hooram shares it with him.
08:59Otherwise, you must have seen
09:00that in the morning,
09:02Qadir was absolutely fine.
09:05But as soon as Hooram went to the room,
09:08I don't know what happened
09:09but within 15 minutes,
09:12Qadir reached the hospital.
09:15They did all this together
09:18so that they can humiliate you
09:19in front of uncle and aunt.
09:22Otherwise, you tell me,
09:23what injustice has been done to Qadir?
09:26You don't know what happens
09:27to people these days.
09:30Maybe you are right.
09:34Anyway, Qadir never got attention.
09:40So maybe he is doing all this
09:41just to get attention.
09:43That's what I am telling you.
09:47You serve the food.
09:49I am doing it.
09:50It will come soon.
09:51It will cool down.
09:56Qadir, Qadir, Qadir.
10:00Bloody attention seeker.
10:01Bloody attention seeker.
10:09He only gets to know
10:10that I am happy
10:11and he remembers me
10:12at that very moment.
10:14What is it, mom?
10:17Don't you two have
10:18any realisation?
10:21Because of you two,
10:22Qadir is in this condition.
10:25Mom, you don't know anything.
10:27Nothing has happened to him.
10:28You leave it.
10:29You are saying
10:30that nothing has happened.
10:35Qadir is your own brother.
10:39How can you
10:40be so cold hearted?
10:42Enough, aunt.
10:44Don't you think
10:45you are talking too much?
10:46And I have never heard
10:47so much about my parents
10:48as much as you are.
10:52I know
10:53how I feel about my brother.
10:55You don't have to tell me.
11:01I apologise on behalf
11:02of mom.
11:05Are you satisfied now?
11:09Are you satisfied
11:10after ruining my happiness?
11:17Enough, mom.
11:25Go, my son.
11:26Go, my master.
11:30Say goodbye
11:31to these two children
11:34and bring my Qadir
11:35back home safely.
11:57don't worry.
11:59God willing,
12:00our son will be fine.
12:02Just pray to God.
12:04You will get tired.
12:05Just sit there.
12:07No, Kasim.
12:09I won't sit.
12:10At least from here
12:11I can see my son.
12:17How long will you stand?
12:19Sit down.
12:27please eat something.
12:28You have been like this
12:29since evening.
12:30No, my child.
12:31There was no need for this.
12:33I am already ashamed
12:34that I remembered so late.
12:36There is a need.
12:37It's quite late now.
12:40Ameera, feed him some food.
12:43No, my child.
12:44I won't be able to eat.
12:46Aunty, I know
12:47you must not be able
12:48to understand anything right now.
12:51you have to take care
12:52of Qadir as well.
12:54If you don't take care
12:55of Qadir,
12:56who will take care of him?
12:57For Qadir's sake,
12:58eat something.
13:00What are you saying?
13:01Guram is right.
13:03Eat something.
13:06My son will be fine, right?
13:10God willing, he will be fine soon.
13:11You eat something.
13:19Should I get tea for you?
13:21No, my child.
13:22There is no need for anything else.
13:23Thank you, my child.
13:26Aunty, I will leave now.
13:28I will come tomorrow.
13:29But if you need anything,
13:31just give me a call.
13:33My child, come.
13:35Take Ameera home with you.
13:37No, mom.
13:39I am not going anywhere.
13:42Go, my child.
13:44In fact, I think
13:45you should also go with her.
13:47What will you do staying here
13:48all night?
13:49You will get tired.
13:50I am here.
13:51No, no.
13:52I will not go anywhere from here.
13:54I will stay with my son.
13:57I will also not go anywhere.
13:59I will not go until brother
14:00comes to his senses.
14:02Ameera, aunty is right.
14:04You go home.
14:06When you come back in the morning,
14:07aunty will go home to rest.
14:10If you people don't mind,
14:11should I take Ameera with me?
14:13You people will not be at home
14:14right now.
14:15Don't go alone.
14:17Go, my child.
14:18Take her.
14:20Go, Ameera.
14:23Keep this for me, my child.
14:26Eat this.
14:27Uncle, you feed her, please.
14:28Okay, my child.
14:29Okay, uncle.
14:53Greetings, sir.
14:55Sir, actually there is a
14:56medical emergency in my family.
14:59Can I take leave today?
15:00Can you please give me a leave?
15:04Thank you so much.
15:09Good morning.
15:11Oh, you are
15:12freshening up?
15:14Yes, I am freshening up.
15:15I have to go to work.
15:16I have to go to work.
15:17I have to go to work.
15:18I have to go to work.
15:19I have to go to work.
15:20I have to go to work.
15:21You freshen up
15:22and we will go to the hospital
15:23after that.
15:26I will change my clothes
15:28and tell Shano
15:29to make breakfast
15:30for mom and dad.
15:31No, no.
15:32You don't have to
15:33get into any trouble.
15:34I have told Fatima
15:35to pack the breakfast.
15:36You just go and change.
15:41There is no need for
15:42thank you in this.
15:43You change quickly
15:44and then we will go
15:45to the hospital to Kadi.
15:54How are you, Kadir?
15:58What happened?
16:00Why are you crying?
16:02Is everything fine?
16:05Yes, mom.
16:09I am fine.
16:11I am fine.
16:13I am fine.
16:15I am fine.
16:17I am fine.
16:19I am fine.
16:21I didn't have the courage
16:22because of my shame
16:25that I could call
16:27brother Qasim
16:28or sister-in-law Kesha
16:29and find out
16:30if Kadir is fine.
16:33But believe me,
16:35ever since Kadir
16:36went to the hospital,
16:38I have been busy in my prayers.
16:42He must be feeling better.
16:46No, mom.
16:48Kadir is not feeling well.
16:51Don't cry.
16:53Don't cry, my child.
16:55God willing,
16:56everything will be fine.
16:59What did the doctor say?
17:02The doctor is saying
17:05that if brother Kadir
17:06doesn't regain consciousness
17:08in 41 hours,
17:11he will die.
17:16No, no, no.
17:17This is not possible.
17:19Nothing will happen to Kadir.
17:20Nothing will happen to Kadir.
17:22Just pray.
17:24Nothing will happen to Kadir.
17:25God willing,
17:26he will come home
17:27smiling and happy.
17:32please pray for him.
17:35My son is praying
17:36for Kadir day and night.
17:39Don't worry.
17:44Are you going to the hospital?
17:48With whom?
17:50Khurram is coming there.
17:54Okay, fine. Go.
18:21What are you made of?
18:25There is chaos in the house.
18:28And you are standing here
18:29in front of the mirror,
18:32What do you mean?
18:34All this is happening
18:35because of me.
18:37I didn't know
18:38he would fall sick.
18:40And when the problem
18:41is between two brothers,
18:42then is it necessary
18:43to drag me into everything?
18:45I don't understand
18:46what you are saying.
18:47When the problem is between
18:48two brothers,
18:49then is it necessary
18:50to drag me into everything?
18:52Because you are
18:53equally responsible.
18:55That innocent child
18:56is between life and death.
18:59You are as guilty
19:00as Haris is.
19:02Mother, don't start
19:03blaming me early in the morning.
19:05Did his nervous breakdown
19:06happen because of me?
19:07No, right?
19:08Did I force him
19:09to get engaged to me?
19:11He wanted to do it himself.
19:12It was his own decision.
19:13And let him make his own decisions.
19:15Should I not make
19:16my own decisions
19:17when I have
19:18such a good option?
19:22I didn't want to do it.
19:23I didn't want to get engaged.
19:24I broke it.
19:26I didn't know
19:27he would become Majnu.
19:29And please,
19:30you have already
19:31ruined Haris's mood.
19:32Don't ruin my happiness.
19:34He is a very different boy.
19:35He won't tolerate all this.
20:19how is Kadir now?
20:21He hasn't regained consciousness yet.
20:25Yes, mom.
20:27What's wrong with you?
20:28He will regain consciousness.
20:31You people haven't eaten anything.
20:33Have this breakfast.
20:34Horam will get it for you.
20:35I don't feel like it.
20:37I don't have tea.
20:38I will get it from the canteen.
20:40No, no, dear.
20:41You don't need these things.
20:43You will feel fresh.
20:44It's just a matter of two minutes.
20:45You people carry on.
20:46I will be right back.
20:54you should have come with the driver.
20:56He has to go to the office
20:57if he doesn't feel comfortable.
21:00Mom, Haram has taken a day off.
21:02He and I will stay here.
21:04You people have been awake since last night.
21:05You people just have breakfast
21:06and go home.
21:07No, Ameera.
21:08I won't go anywhere.
21:09I will stay here.
21:11she is right.
21:13Go and rest for a while.
21:15you might fall sick.
21:17You will come back, right?
21:21I will show you the breakfast.
21:33Make a light meal in the evening
21:34and send it to the hospital driver.
21:37Okay, fine.
21:40Greetings, mom.
21:44take care of him
21:45and throw him out right now.
21:47I can't tolerate him in this house.
21:50What did he do?
21:52He misbehaved
21:53with Sobia.
21:55And anyway,
21:56he has no right to interfere in our matters.
21:58I can't tolerate him even for a moment.
21:59Throw him out right now.
22:02And you are here
22:03to listen to your fate.
22:05Go and do your work.
22:14I will decide
22:15whom to keep
22:17and whom not to keep.
22:19No one will interfere.
22:24You are giving me this respect
22:25in front of a servant.
22:27Are you in your senses?
22:30Are you even a member of our family?
22:34Don't you feel ashamed?
22:36You are arguing with your mother.
22:39You are not even a member of our family.
22:41You are arguing with your mother.
22:46But I am so sorry, mom.
22:49My son
22:51is struggling
22:52between life and death.
22:55He is your brother too.
22:59There is no guarantee for his life.
23:01The doctor said
23:02that his condition is very critical.
23:05Anything can happen to him.
23:08Instead of asking about his condition,
23:10you are talking about firing the servants.
23:13That too because
23:14he insulted Sobia madam.
23:16No, mom.
23:17I swear, I didn't know
23:18that his condition is so critical.
23:21Then why didn't you realize?
23:23Is the hospital a place of mourning
23:25where all your family members
23:26are dying?
23:30if anything happens to Kadir,
23:33I won't be able to forgive myself.
23:37Your dad is right.
23:39I have done all this
23:40with my own hands.
23:44Because of me,
23:45there is a tension between
23:46both of you brothers.
23:50While giving you this opportunity,
23:51I never thought
23:52what Kadir
23:53has in his heart.
23:55What is he thinking?
23:57Is he getting hurt
23:58because of my behavior?
24:02But when I realized,
24:03it was too late.
24:04It was too late.
24:07Mom, I am really sorry.
24:08I didn't…
24:10pray that
24:12nothing happens to my son.
24:16you will lose your mother.
24:34I am sorry.
25:05Pray that
25:07nothing happens to my son.
25:11you will lose your mother.
25:35What happened, Meera?
25:36Has Kadir regained consciousness?
25:38He hasn't regained consciousness yet.
25:40Don't worry.
25:41Kadir's condition is better than before
25:42and his blood pressure is stable.
25:44If Kadir's condition
25:45is better than before,
25:46then why isn't he regaining consciousness?
25:48God willing, he will regain consciousness.
25:49You just have to be strong.
25:52you go home now.
25:54You must be tired
25:55since morning.
25:56You must be tired.
25:57You must be tired.
25:58You must be tired.
25:59You must be tired.
26:00You must be tired.
26:01You must be tired.
26:02You must be tired.
26:03You must be tired.
26:04You are already tired.
26:06No, uncle.
26:07I am not tired.
26:09I didn't do anything.
26:11I did what I should have done.
26:13Thank you, dear.
26:15I will go home now.
26:17I will come back when the time is right.
26:18Are you coming with me?
27:20Ameera, a few hours ago, you…
27:21I think something bad is going to happen to us.
27:23Have patience.
27:24Everything will be fine, God willing.
27:26Let's ask Zainab when she comes out.
27:28Ameera, take care of your mother.
27:48Sarah, what happened?
27:52Why aren't you saying anything?
27:54Kaikusha, all I can say is that
27:56Kader's condition is very critical.
27:58Please pray that she regains consciousness by morning or else...
28:01Or else what?
28:03It's not the right time to say anything right now.
28:05Have faith in God.
28:07Let's see if she regains consciousness by morning.
28:15How are you, Kader?
28:18I'm fine.
28:21What are you doing here?
28:23Why did you come?
28:29And why did you bring him here?
28:31Dad, he's in the hospital.
28:33Please take care of him.
28:35And he's my brother.
28:36So I came to see how he is.
28:49Do you have a brother?
28:54Dad, please.
28:55Don't do this.
28:59And even if I didn't come to ask about his condition,
29:01you would've complained to me.
29:02You're mistaken.
29:06If you hadn't come here,
29:08I would've been happier.
29:10Otherwise I would've never complained to you.
29:13My son...
29:16is in the middle of life and death right now.
29:20I'm sorry.
29:26And all of this...
29:28happened because of you two.
29:31You two have hurt him.
29:34You two have broken him.
29:37How dare you...
29:39come all the way here to face us?
29:50Remember one thing, Haris.
29:55If anything happens to my son,
29:59I won't spare you.
30:10I'll have only one daughter.
30:14And you'll be gone.
30:20And you'll be gone.
30:26And don't get the wrong idea
30:29that you have a right over my business, my property, my house, anything.
30:34I'll give all my property to an orphanage or a trust.
30:37I won't even give you a penny.
30:49Pray that nothing happens to Kadir.
30:52That he comes to his senses.
31:01you'll leave my orphanage.
31:28Did you see what he said?
31:31How he was talking to me.
31:33He won't say anything now.
31:41Haris, enough.
31:43Look at the situation your family is in right now.
31:46Think about it.
31:47Who are you to come between our family?
31:49This is our family matter.
31:51Stay away.
31:52I know this is your family matter.
31:54But what you're doing is wrong.
31:57You're very selfish.
31:58But please, for now, I beg you
32:00to leave without creating a scene.
32:04Your family is already in a lot of pain.
32:06Their pain increases when they see you.
32:09Everyone is worried because of Kadir.
32:11Don't add to their worries.
32:17I'm leaving right now.
32:18But remember one thing.
32:21You're pretending to be good in front of my family.
32:25It's all temporary.
32:28I'll always be their eldest son.
32:32And Kadir will be the youngest.
32:47I love you.