Summer Solstice (2023)

  • 2 weeks ago
"Summer Solstice" (2023) is an atmospheric drama that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the haunting beauty of the longest day of the year. Set in a remote coastal town, the film follows Eleanor, a woman in her late 30s, who returns to her childhood home after a long absence to care for her ailing father. As the summer solstice approaches, the town prepares for its annual celebration, a time when the community comes together to honor the light and confront the shadows in their lives. Amidst the festivities, Eleanor reconnects with old friends, rekindles a past romance, and uncovers long-buried family secrets that challenge her understanding of herself and her past. The film's narrative weaves between the present and flashbacks, revealing the emotional scars that have shaped Eleanor's life and the healing that comes with facing the truth. "Summer Solstice" is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the passage of time, set against the backdrop of the natural world in its most luminous moment.

00:00:00The surgery. What can I say about it? Other than that, it changed everything. All it took
00:00:18was my whole life. All that pain. All that struggle. And 8 hours under anesthesia. I
00:00:35went from a caterpillar to a butterfly. And now, I'm me. Can't you see? I'm finally me.
00:00:53Can't you see me for who I truly am? What more do I have to do? Okay, thanks. That's
00:01:01enough. Uh, sorry. No, that was great. Thanks for that. Thank you. As you know, the casting
00:01:09call is for a transgender male or transgender female. Just for our records, which one are
00:01:15you? Oh, uh, um, trans man. Trans male. Trans man. Great, thanks. We'll be in contact.
00:01:26Hey, I just got out of the audition, which was a little... Yeah, uh, on that front. Bad
00:01:47news. Wait. They already passed? I was just up there 30 seconds ago. Yeah, sorry, Leo.
00:01:56They said they're going in a different direction. Different direction. Well, at least they're
00:02:02efficient. Onwards and upwards. Look, the real reason I'm calling is because you're
00:02:08confirmed. The callback? Yep, the callback. It's Monday, 2 p.m. at the production offices.
00:02:14They want you to read the same scene, so I'll send you the size. I already have them
00:02:18memorized. Wonderful. You're gonna kill it. Zip. Zah. Zah. Zah. Zip. Zah. Zah. Zip.
00:02:37Got it. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm just... Remember, Leo, you are a worm. You're not pretending.
00:03:07You're not pretending to be a worm, okay? Loosen up. So, I'm auditioning for this, like,
00:03:28teen movie. Vampire. Really? That's awesome. You're gonna be, like, a vampire? Um, I mean,
00:03:30I'm gonna be a human. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, so you just, like, go out of your way. Yeah,
00:03:36but I might turn into a vampire, like, later on, if it all goes well. Oh, that's so cool.
00:03:58Hi. Sorry I'm late.
00:04:28I feel like I came this close to booking. My agent said they pinned me. That's fantastic.
00:04:40It'd be fantastic to book, but... Yeah, how was your audition? They passed, but, um, I
00:04:50do have this callback for... The series regular thing? Yeah. Leo, that's great. Yeah, I feel
00:04:56really... Wait, do you see my shirt? Oh, um... Oh, there you go. Would you want to, um,
00:05:06go to this reading my friend's doing this weekend? Sure. But not, like, as a date, right?
00:05:17Totally. Because I don't want to ruin our dynamic. I think we work really well together
00:05:24as scene partners. I definitely wouldn't want to mess up our classroom chemistry. Good.
00:05:31I'm glad we're on the same page. What are you doing tonight? I've got a date. Cool.
00:05:46What are you up to? Uh, going to a friend's party, I think. Oh. Yeah.
00:06:04Hello? Surprise! Surprise!
00:06:16Squirrel! Squirrel. Ooh. You gorgeous creature. Ah, you look so different! A year in vitamin
00:06:28T will do that. Vitamin T? Testosterone. Oh my god, right. Of course, of course. Come
00:06:34on in. Okay. Yeah. You really don't have to roll out the red carpet. I'm only staying
00:06:44a night. That's fine. Well, thank you. So, what are you doing in New York? Just passing
00:06:52through. You know, living my usual nomad life during the summer. And when I realized that
00:06:58I'd be driving through the city to go upstate, I couldn't resist. And I think you should
00:07:05come with me. I couldn't. I'm not taking no for an answer. No, really. No, really. I
00:07:17can't. I really can't. I really can't. What? Eleanor. I am not going. I'm taking your car
00:07:35Oh, hey. Uh, you want me to clear out? Nah.
00:08:04We used to change in front of each other all the time, right? Great. Coffee? Ooh, yes,
00:08:19please. So I hear nothing for three weeks, and then out of nowhere, out of the blue,
00:08:26I get a call from a new number, and he said, oh, sorry, I dropped my flip phone. Flip phone!
00:08:31In a bucket of paint at an art gathering. Okay. What the fuck is an art gathering? And
00:08:37then I was like, but you were posting on Instagram, and he was like, yeah, I did it from my iPad.
00:08:43So? So I kept fucking him until he disappeared again. You really know how to pick them. I'm
00:08:51nothing if not consistent. Are you? At least I'm consistent in my inconsistency. But you
00:08:59and Will are good? Oh, yeah. I'm glad we got back together. He's less awful than the
00:09:06other guys I've been with. A glowing compliment. You know what I mean. What's he up to? He
00:09:13was on part of the road trip. We actually did a project together combining his drawings
00:09:18and my photographs. It was very romantic. What's the project? People and signage, speed
00:09:26limits, stop signs, public spaces, private life, all these little commandments everywhere.
00:09:34Still not fully formed yet. But yeah, how's life as a Broadway hoofer? Oh, you know. No,
00:09:40I don't. Give me all the juicy details. I do have this callback for a serious thing.
00:09:47Leo! That's huge! I hope so. I mean, it would feel really good to book something. And then
00:09:54I could say my oldest friend is the Leo Mark. Eleanor, stop. Don't forget about me when
00:09:59you're famous, okay? Right. I mean it. I won't. Good.
00:10:54Wow. It's lovely. Friends of friends in high places.
00:11:19Can you? And they're just letting us stay here? Yeah, I met her at an arts residency
00:11:26and Lila said I could stay here whenever she's not here.
00:12:28Sit with me. You should put on a bathing suit. The sun feels so good on my skin. I'm good
00:12:42as I am. Suit yourself.
00:12:59Hey, this is Will. You know what to do.
00:13:03I think we should go shopping. I've got the urge to splurge.
00:13:40Oh dear.
00:13:45Do you want to try anything on? I mean, it's a women's store.
00:13:49Ah, right, right. Sorry, sorry.
00:14:00She's cute. Yeah.
00:14:11Remember when we used to go to Savers? We'd get, what, ten pounds of clothes for ten dollars?
00:14:17I still have some of that stuff. Some really good shit.
00:14:25What do you think?
00:14:26It's nice.
00:14:30I'm not an expert on women's fashion. It is cute. Flattering?
00:14:36Sure, sure. Well, I like it. Will you check the tag and see how much it is?
00:14:50Woof. We're not in Savers anymore, are we, Toto?
00:14:55No, we're not.
00:14:59Should we steal it?
00:15:02We can put it in my bag.
00:15:03I don't know.
00:15:06I'm kidding.
00:15:08Right, right.
00:15:09I'm going to wear it out, though.
00:15:30Were you actually joking?
00:15:32Of course. We're not in college anymore. I can afford it.
00:15:47I mean it.
00:15:49You have family.
00:15:51Just because you refuse to see it doesn't mean it's not true.
00:15:54You don't have to be blood to be family.
00:15:57Our bond is deeper than biology.
00:16:01Whether you like it or not, we're both pretty connected.
00:16:08Was that for your callback?
00:16:11Dialogue's a little much, huh?
00:16:13I guess. I don't know. I think it's kind of nice.
00:16:20It's just nice to have a character that's not just, you know, talking about transitioning the whole time.
00:16:29Right. Well, whenever you want to practice, I am ready.
00:16:33I'm going to draw upon my long and storied career as a chorus member from my sixth grade production.
00:16:38I'm going to draw upon my long and storied career as a chorus member from my sixth grade production of Oklahoma.
00:16:45How could I forget? An acting legend stands before me.
00:16:49Don't be shocked when I act in circles around you.
00:17:02I think I should move.
00:17:06Again, again, again.
00:17:08But I thought you liked Durham.
00:17:10I do, but...
00:17:13I also don't like getting stuck places, you know?
00:17:17What about Will?
00:17:21Will is transportable.
00:17:23Oh. Sorry.
00:17:33So... moving?
00:17:36It's always a thought. You know me.
00:17:41Do the thing.
00:17:43What thing?
00:17:44You know.
00:17:46Squirrel! Squirrel!
00:17:48Oh, you learner.
00:17:52I never told you this in college, but you'd be holding court at some party and I would be hanging on the edge,
00:18:01wondering when you were going to figure out how much cooler than me you were.
00:18:06I would fantasize about doing something, I don't know, cool enough to keep your attention.
00:18:13Like what?
00:18:15Something impulsive.
00:18:18I don't know. Steal a car, go for a joyride, you know, throw caution to the wind.
00:18:24You never quite did that.
00:18:26No, I didn't.
00:18:27I do remember seeing you though at parties, at your most painfully socially awkward looking at me.
00:18:35I always wondered what you were thinking.
00:18:37Well, now you know.
00:18:39Yeah, but it makes sense.
00:18:41You're an actor, you're shy in real life, but on stage you're...
00:18:48Whereas with me...
00:18:50Well, everywhere you go it's theater.
00:18:58I think we should go out.
00:19:00Oh, really?
00:19:02Yeah, it's happy hour. We should hit the town, have a few drinks, have a few laughs.
00:19:08I haven't heard that one since college.
00:19:10Well, it's still true. The afternoon is young.
00:19:14Or old, but the night is still barely nascent.
00:19:18Yes, but I am very old now.
00:19:20Let's go, please. Please, please, please, please.
00:19:57Come on, loosen up.
00:19:59I am loose. I'm loose.
00:20:00We've been hooking up for a year.
00:20:26A year?
00:20:28Yeah, but we're just friends.
00:20:31Oh, really?
00:20:33Yes, really. I mean...
00:20:36If she wanted more, I...
00:20:42I respect her boundary, she wants to keep it professional.
00:20:46Except when you're having sex.
00:20:49I just want someone to love me like Rita Wilson loves Tom Hanks.
00:20:56They famously love each other. A lot.
00:20:58I read a listicle.
00:21:00I don't know about it.
00:21:02Well, you deserve an epic look like that.
00:21:08I'd just be happy with something a little more stable.
00:21:18But, um...
00:21:20Yeah, I'm totally fine with the no strings thing.
00:21:31My own arts practice is really informed by being on the road.
00:21:35Not to get too Kerouac, but the freedom of the open road really frees me.
00:21:42I love Kerouac.
00:21:44Me too.
00:21:47Go to the bathroom.
00:21:48Oh, cool.
00:21:51So what's the longest you've ever driven in one go?
00:21:55Fifteen hours.
00:22:31No, come on.
00:22:33Come on.
00:22:38How do they compare to your boyfriends?
00:22:40I'm not gonna, you know, size-wise put you in competition.
00:22:47You both have beautiful artistic talents.
00:22:51I mean, I don't know.
00:22:53I don't know.
00:22:55I think I'm gonna head out.
00:22:59Sorry, he's my ride.
00:23:01I gotta go.
00:23:04Good to meet you.
00:23:08You know, you could have stayed if you wanted to.
00:23:10I know.
00:23:12I just hate Kerouac.
00:23:16I'm sorry.
00:23:18I'm sorry.
00:23:20I'm sorry.
00:23:22I'm sorry.
00:23:24I'm sorry.
00:23:26I'm sorry.
00:23:28I'm sorry.
00:23:30I'm sorry.
00:23:32I'm sorry.
00:23:34I'm sorry.
00:23:36I'm sorry.
00:23:38And I'd never cheat on Will.
00:23:40It's just nice to flirt a little.
00:24:09You want dinner?
00:24:11No, I'm good.
00:24:13I think I'm gonna just hang out here for a minute.
00:24:18Night, sweetie.
00:24:38I'm sorry.
00:25:28Whenever you're ready.
00:25:32If I hadn't come, what would you have done?
00:25:34Something desperate.
00:25:36No, seriously, what would you have done?
00:25:38I would have left quietly.
00:25:40These assholes are the only ones who want to turn it into a whole thing.
00:25:43You can't expect to just show up here and know nothing.
00:25:46I mean, you look like Holly Golightly for Christ's sake.
00:25:50Are you slut-shaming me?
00:25:52Maria, I couldn't turn up to my estranged father's funeral looking like shit, could I?
00:25:58I know that was a lot.
00:26:00What they did wasn't cool.
00:26:03Oh, threatening to have me arrested for trespassing wasn't cool?
00:26:06You know what I mean.
00:26:08That's not-
00:26:09Showing up here didn't fix anything for me.
00:26:12I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
00:26:16Why do you care so much?
00:26:21Because you're my family, Maria.
00:26:32I don't have any family.
00:26:33You're my family.
00:26:37I mean it.
00:26:40You have family in me.
00:26:42Just because you refuse to see it doesn't mean it's not true.
00:26:46You don't have to be blood to be family.
00:26:49Our bond is deeper than biology.
00:26:54Whether you like it or not, we're irrevocably connected.
00:26:57Ever since that day at the crash pad.
00:26:59We've been linked.
00:27:01Did I mess up a line?
00:27:03No, you read them fine.
00:27:07I just thought...
00:27:09Maybe you're being a little gentle.
00:27:11Like, where's the energy? The...
00:27:18Why don't you try the monologue again, but this time maybe like...
00:27:25Why would I be angry?
00:27:27Maria's kind of a bitch, right?
00:27:30Kind of?
00:27:31Right, she like doesn't listen.
00:27:33So you have to really get through to her.
00:27:36Like really shake her.
00:27:38I guess I just kind of was thinking about AJ as if he, you know, was a gentle person.
00:27:44Like when he's making a point he wouldn't be like in her face?
00:27:46Yeah, but I feel like at this point it'd be a really big breaking point for him.
00:27:51I think you want to wow the director so you should just try something different, right?
00:27:56Yeah, maybe I...
00:27:58Okay, try it angrier.
00:28:00Just the monologue.
00:28:01Just like, come on, like really give it to her.
00:28:03Come on!
00:28:05I'll give you the line leading in.
00:28:14I don't have any family.
00:28:19I mean it.
00:28:21You have family in me.
00:28:23You have family in me.
00:28:24Just because you refuse to see it doesn't mean it's not true.
00:28:28Whether you like it or not, we're irrevocably connected.
00:28:33Ever since that day at the crash pad, we've been linked.
00:28:37You're not perfect.
00:28:40Neither am I.
00:28:42But we're perfect in our imperfection.
00:28:45Two warped puzzle pieces that manage to fit just right.
00:28:52You fit me.
00:28:54And I fit you.
00:28:57So yeah, Rhea.
00:28:58You have family.
00:28:59It may not be those people in the church, but...
00:29:03You got family standing right in front of you.
00:29:08How was that?
00:29:12I think it's getting there.
00:29:14It felt so weird.
00:29:16We can keep working on it!
00:29:20Fuck, I really don't want to fuck this up.
00:29:21You won't!
00:29:23We'll get there.
00:29:27And then I say...
00:29:29We fit, I guess, in our own misshapen way.
00:29:33And now you're supposed to put your palm against my palm and we interlace fingers.
00:29:52It might not be those people in that church, but you have family standing right in front of you.
00:30:05Yes, honestly.
00:30:07Why are you yelling?
00:30:08I have literally no idea.
00:30:10My friend gave me all these directions and now I'm totally lost.
00:30:14You were fine before.
00:30:17Look, just get out of your head and don't run lines with me.
00:30:19Look, just get out of your head and don't run lines with her again.
00:30:26I kind of wish it was just you and me up here.
00:30:30Oh yeah?
00:30:34That's sweet.
00:30:37Is everything okay?
00:30:39I'm happy to run lines and stuff, but the guy that I've been dating, he wants to be exclusive.
00:30:47Oh, yeah.
00:30:50That's... I mean, I'm cool with that.
00:30:53Neither of us wanted anything, right?
00:30:57But I guess now I want something with this guy.
00:31:03I hope that's okay?
00:31:06Of course.
00:31:07Thanks for being so chill.
00:31:08And seriously, run lines by yourself this weekend.
00:31:40You okay? You look like someone died.
00:31:44No, I'm good.
00:31:47Farm store?
00:32:08Ooh, these are gorge.
00:32:14It's like a tapestry.
00:32:15Potted plant, so...
00:32:17Put it in your hair.
00:32:24How are vegetables so expensive?
00:32:32Just, this person from acting classes here.
00:32:35Don't look, Eleanor.
00:32:37Why can't you say hi?
00:32:39Because he's on a really big show right now.
00:32:42And he's really good on it.
00:32:48Hi! It's so good to see you.
00:32:51It's been a minute.
00:32:52So, what are you doing here?
00:32:55I'm just up here for the weekend.
00:32:57Oh, Joe's parents have a house up here, so we're here, like, all the time.
00:33:01Oh, this is my friend Joe.
00:33:03Nice to meet you.
00:33:05You too.
00:33:09And I'm Eleanor.
00:33:11Sorry, this is my friend Eleanor.
00:33:16Hi, Eleanor.
00:33:17So, how are you?
00:33:20I'm good.
00:33:21I just, I should say, congratulations on Sanford House.
00:33:24I've been watching the show and you're so wonderful in it.
00:33:28Thank you. You don't have to say that, though.
00:33:30Leo was just saying how good you are in it.
00:33:33It's just a great show.
00:33:34Wait, wait.
00:33:35I'm having, like, a brain blast moment.
00:33:37Oh, yeah?
00:33:38Okay, no pressure at all, but you two should totally come over to my place
00:33:42for, like, snacks.
00:33:43I mean, we came here for cheese and crackers. It'd be so lovely to share.
00:33:46I think we have, um, afternoon plans.
00:33:48They're easily changeable.
00:33:49Okay, so change them.
00:33:51Look, we'll stay in the store a little bit longer, buy a few things,
00:33:55and then we'll meet you outside?
00:33:57Hell yeah.
00:33:58Alright, cool.
00:33:59Amazing! Okay, see you!
00:34:03What is your problem?
00:34:05I guess I...
00:34:07He just was, like, the only other trans guy in our acting class,
00:34:10and we weren't that close, and it kind of felt...
00:34:14I don't know, like there was some competition.
00:34:16Well, you're not in class now. No need to be competitive.
00:34:21Are you annoyed with me because I seized the moment?
00:34:23If you don't want to go, we can back out.
00:34:25No. No, no.
00:34:26Actually, thank you.
00:34:28Let's do the socializing thing.
00:34:31See? Serendipity. Adventure.
00:35:06Are we here already?
00:35:07Yeah, it's over by the park.
00:35:14Oh my God.
00:35:15Thank you, Joe!
00:35:16That is yummy.
00:35:17Don't mind if I do.
00:35:19That looks beautiful.
00:35:23I mean, I think a lot about, you know, art's ability to create meaningful change, right?
00:35:29I'm an actor because I believe movies are powerful engines for empathy,
00:35:34but sometimes I wonder what actually meaningfully change is.
00:35:38I don't know, can you think of a movie that has changed the course of history, really?
00:35:43Uh, Cruising.
00:35:45You know, responsible for a huge homophobic backlash against queer men.
00:35:51Oh no, Joe!
00:35:53I love that movie.
00:35:55I mean, Al Pacino doing poppers in those tank tops?
00:36:01I don't know that one.
00:36:04But I'm sure it's better than what you've been auditioning for.
00:36:07Am I right?
00:36:09I guess.
00:36:10You haven't saved me.
00:36:12AJ, come on, Leo.
00:36:14That's not what I...
00:36:16Showing up here didn't change anything for me.
00:36:18I just wanted to make sure you're okay.
00:36:22You know the lines?
00:36:24Yeah, uh, I auditioned.
00:36:28That is, yeah, it's just so crazy.
00:36:30We went in for the same part.
00:36:33Oh, they already passed on me.
00:36:37I'm so sorry.
00:36:39It's fine, I'm actually really glad that you're up for it.
00:36:43When Leo first read it he was so quiet, but I'm trying to work with him and, you know, try to get him to be a little angry, you know?
00:36:49I kind of thought of AJ as a sort of gentle guy.
00:36:58Joe, remind me of the name of this cheese?
00:37:01Uh, Camembert.
00:37:03Do you eat this?
00:37:06Yeah, you can.
00:37:10Why didn't we talk about this kind of stuff when we were in class together?
00:37:14I don't know, I mean, we should have just been doing this the whole time.
00:37:18Yeah, right?
00:37:19Leo said you guys were a little competitive with each other.
00:37:23No, it's true.
00:37:24We were.
00:37:25I mean, we were competing for, like, the scraps of rose they were throwing our way, but it all feels really stupid now.
00:37:34It does.
00:37:35Well, we're talking now.
00:37:40Oh my God, this pool is everything.
00:37:42It was, it was, it was actually a little traumatizing.
00:37:45Maybe I'm not ready to keep this conversation going.
00:37:49Eleanor, we've totally been ignoring you.
00:37:51What about you?
00:37:52What do you do?
00:37:53I'm a photographer.
00:37:54I teach during the year and I travel every summer.
00:37:57Okay, that's enviable.
00:38:00It's nice to be free in that way.
00:38:02So, what college do you teach at?
00:38:06Oh, Eleanor teaches, like, at this really amazing high school.
00:38:08Oh, that's so cool.
00:38:10I mean, it must be really interesting to work with people that age.
00:38:14Eleanor has been living in Durham for, like, two years now, has this really cool boyfriend who's also an artist, and they went on this road trip together.
00:38:22Okay, how was that?
00:38:23Really romantic.
00:38:25He painted and I photographed.
00:38:29Why, I thought he was drawing.
00:38:31Oh, drawing.
00:38:32Yeah, he usually is a painter, but because we were on the road, he was drawing because of the supplies and stuff.
00:38:38I was just texting him yesterday and he said he was really happy to be back home with his materials.
00:38:42Yeah, drawing.
00:38:46Uh, would anyone like some wine?
00:38:48Yeah, yeah.
00:38:49Oliver, do you want to come with me?
00:38:50I can help.
00:38:51No, no, no, you're good.
00:38:52Got it.
00:38:57You're being weird.
00:39:01I just feel like you're not being yourself.
00:39:04And what is me being myself, Eleanor?
00:39:06It just seems like you're performing.
00:39:09Maybe I'm just having a good time and feeling loose with them.
00:39:14Then why don't you like that with me?
00:39:18I have to pee.
00:39:19I am.
00:39:40Hey, this is Will.
00:39:50You're right, I was being weird.
00:39:54Good thing you know my love language.
00:39:56Let's just have fun.
00:40:09Come on, Leo.
00:40:15Are you serious right now?
00:40:17Okay, what's with the t-shirts?
00:40:20What do you mean?
00:40:22I feel like you're going to drown with all those clothes on.
00:40:31I'm wearing a shirt because I'm binding.
00:40:35Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
00:40:38It's fine.
00:40:41Why didn't you tell me?
00:40:48More wine?
00:41:23Seriously, I have to stop laughing because my stomach is hurting.
00:41:27No more dirty knock-knock jokes for us.
00:41:30Is there more wine?
00:41:32Do you sure you want more?
00:41:37I guess I'm driving.
00:41:39That would be great.
00:41:41Does anyone else want more?
00:41:43What is that?
00:41:46Big girl laugh.
00:42:06I told the entire auditorium I was bisexual during my campaign for student body president.
00:42:16And of course I lost.
00:42:18Oh my god, why?
00:42:20Yeah, thank you.
00:42:21I don't know why I thought the revelation would help my chances of being student body president in 2008 in Chatham, New York.
00:42:33I thought you were gay.
00:42:35No, bisexual, queer, both.
00:42:41Oliver, what are you?
00:42:43I'm queer.
00:42:45Everyone's queer.
00:42:47Except for Leo.
00:42:51I'm not straight.
00:42:53You're not?
00:42:54I'm queer.
00:42:57Didn't know that.
00:42:59Well, I'm just grateful to be able to live a genuine queer life, that part.
00:43:07Sometimes I wish I was queer.
00:43:09Oh, really?
00:43:10But do you think, like, maybe I'm queering heterosexuality, maybe?
00:43:20Well, maybe I am queer.
00:43:23Maybe you are.
00:43:25You would be the one to know.
00:43:26Well, remember when we hooked up, squirrel?
00:43:30Well, do you?
00:43:36Making out for less than a minute before you passed out, drunk?
00:43:39So what? It doesn't count?
00:43:43I guess it counts.
00:43:46I guess you're queer.
00:43:47See? I'm queer.
00:43:48I'm queer, too. Like, why the fuck not?
00:43:51I just want to be, like, in the club.
00:43:54I want to get naked.
00:43:59Is she going to be okay?
00:44:01Yeah, she's going to be fine. Just a little too much day drinking.
00:44:05Need a little help in here?
00:44:07Well, we should head out. Thanks again.
00:44:22Did you have fun?
00:44:24I did, actually.
00:44:30Oliver's kind of a blowhard.
00:44:37I thought he was nice. I thought him and Joe were smart.
00:44:41Yeah, they talk about ideas.
00:44:47I have an idea.
00:44:49What is it?
00:44:54I forgot.
00:45:16You may enter.
00:45:23Are you alright?
00:45:25Never better.
00:45:28Anything I can do to help?
00:45:38Do you still like me?
00:45:40Of course I do.
00:45:42Because I was a terrible brute tonight, wasn't I?
00:45:46I still like you.
00:45:51That's good.
00:46:03I think I left my phone at their house.
00:46:07I'll pick it up in the morning.
00:47:11I have her phone.
00:47:13Thank God.
00:47:15Do you want some coffee?
00:47:22I'm not much of a hiking guy.
00:47:24No, you should definitely.
00:47:26I mean, the path is pretty clear on the property.
00:47:29You just have to, like, look out for the trail markers.
00:47:32And you should be good.
00:47:34Are you sure?
00:47:36Yeah, I mean, we're leaving today, but we're gonna have to go.
00:47:39I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:41I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:43I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:45I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:47I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:49I'm not sure if I can make it.
00:47:50Yeah, I mean, we're leaving today, but I know Jo would be happy if you swung by for just a little hike.
00:47:56Maybe we will.
00:47:58I have to think of something to do with her.
00:48:01Oh, I'm sorry about yesterday. She's... a lot.
00:48:06It's all good. Really. I mean, she's maybe a little territorial.
00:48:15Over you.
00:48:17Protective, too.
00:48:20I think in kind of a sweet way.
00:48:23If a little...
00:48:25A little...
00:48:27A little...
00:48:29I just... yeah. I still am sorry for all the on-hint stuff she said.
00:48:33You know, I don't really mind her chaos.
00:48:36Oh, really? Well, then maybe you and I should switch places for the weekend, because...
00:48:42Oh, she's exhausting.
00:48:44Maybe that's why she's your friend.
00:48:48Maybe you like a little bit of dysfunction.
00:48:52Okay, um... former classmate, now my psychoanalyst.
00:48:58For the record, I like simple. I... I like boring.
00:49:04That's... that's good.
00:49:08Is it?
00:49:10Yeah, because... I'm boring.
00:49:15You absolutely are not.
00:49:18I don't want to...
00:49:23I'm usually a lot smoother than this.
00:49:27But, um...
00:49:29Can I... can I kiss you?
00:49:34Yeah, you.
00:49:36Are you and Joe...
00:49:39Oh, no. We're just friends.
00:49:49I've been wanting to do that since that terrible, terrible class.
00:49:57Yeah. And I'm glad to know that you like boring, because I'd very much like to do something boring with you sometime.
00:50:18Can I call you this week?
00:50:22I would really like that.
00:50:25Cool. Me too.
00:50:28So, you should stick around, enjoy the pool, hang out.
00:50:33I'm gonna head back up. We gotta head out soon.
00:50:40Have fun.
00:50:44Thanks for the coffee.
00:50:46Thanks for the kiss.
00:51:04You were gone for a while.
00:51:07I was getting your phone, remember?
00:51:10Ah, thank you, my hero.
00:51:14I got you a nice coffee from that place down the road. It's a little melted, though.
00:51:19I just had a coffee.
00:51:21But it's my peace offering.
00:51:32I'm sorry about last night.
00:51:35Apology accepted.
00:51:37But maybe, don't you think those guys are just like a tiny bit pretentious?
00:51:42Eleanor, seriously, you know you sound like Colton Colfield.
00:51:46Fine, fine. I am sorry for getting so drunk last night.
00:51:50I honestly don't remember much, but I'm sorry for whatever happened.
00:51:54Okay, thanks.
00:52:08You have family in me.
00:52:11You have family in me.
00:52:14Family in me.
00:52:21What time is it?
00:52:23Time for our big hike.
00:52:33Are you okay?
00:52:34Are you okay?
00:52:36You seem weird.
00:52:38Just tired.
00:52:41Do you want to run lines when we get back?
00:52:44Oh, no. I mean...
00:52:46No, thank you.
00:52:48Just appreciated, though.
00:53:26I thought of a movie that changed history.
00:53:29Oh, yeah?
00:53:31The Thin Blue Line.
00:53:32Errol Morris literally solved a crime that exonerated an innocent man.
00:53:37Huh, okay. What happened afterwards?
00:53:41He made a lot of money doing computer and beer commercials.
00:53:44The Death Row guy?
00:53:46Errol Morris.
00:53:50Which way?
00:53:52This way.
00:53:54I don't see any trail markers.
00:53:57Trust me.
00:53:59Can we just stick to the trail?
00:54:05This is the trail, silly.
00:54:29Can we take a little break?
00:54:35We're having fun, right?
00:54:37I never go on hikes.
00:54:39That's your whole problem.
00:54:43You have such a rigid view of yourself.
00:54:45You say you never go on hikes, but here you are, going on a hike.
00:54:48You just don't try anything new unless someone pushes you to do it.
00:55:15You know, maybe what you think of as me being a coward...
00:55:20I never said you were a coward. actually me just having a little structure in my life.
00:55:26Because my whole life is a risk.
00:55:29And I don't need to act out like some theater kid just to prove a point.
00:55:35So everywhere I go is theater, right?
00:55:38Yep. Just without stage.
00:55:41I'm a photographer.
00:55:43Oh, right. And where's the camera?
00:55:46Why are you being such an asshole?
00:55:48If you don't want to keep hiking, then go back to the house.
00:55:49Why am I being an asshole?
00:55:52Go back to the house. Where the hell are we?
00:55:56I think we're lost.
00:55:58Yeah, no shit.
00:56:00No, we're like lost. Metaphorically lost.
00:56:05And actually lost.
00:56:09What are you doing?
00:56:11I'm going to navigate us out of here.
00:56:13Not just metaphorically.
00:56:14I don't have service, do you?
00:56:16Don't worry about it.
00:56:18Can you check if you have service?
00:56:45I only have 3% battery.
00:56:48I think we're close.
00:56:50Oh yeah, Eleanor. Where are we?
00:56:52See? We're on the trail.
00:56:54Yeah, but do we even know if we're going in the right direction?
00:56:57It's a loop.
00:56:59Okay, my phone just died.
00:57:06Are you texting right now?
00:57:10If you are texting Will with our source of life—
00:57:12I'm not texting Will. I haven't texted Will all week.
00:57:14I'm texting him all weekend because I'm trying to be present with you.
00:57:17You haven't texted Will all weekend?
00:57:19Let's just try to get out of here, huh?
00:57:21So you haven't texted him at all?
00:57:28Is that like normal for you guys?
00:57:30And weren't you just saying that you were texting him yesterday?
00:57:33Okay, busybody. We broke up, okay?
00:57:36What the fuck, Eleanor?
00:57:38So you've just been lying to me all weekend?
00:57:40Well, you hide shit from me.
00:57:41You didn't want to take your shirt off and get in the water.
00:57:44Why? Because you didn't want me to know that you had neck top surgery, am I right?
00:57:47That is completely different, Eleanor.
00:57:49Oh, is it?
00:57:51You're so fucking clueless.
00:57:53I'm not clueless. You just don't clue me in.
00:57:57This isn't about me.
00:57:59This is about you lying to me all weekend.
00:58:01What do you want me to say?
00:58:03Just tell me why you're not telling me shit.
00:58:08We were on the road trip for two days and I picked some stupid fight about directions and he just fucking left, okay?
00:58:15He hitchhiked back home.
00:58:17I mean, why should I admit to you that I'm 29 fucking years old and I can't seem to keep a relationship for longer than three months?
00:58:25And you have your head so far up your own ass with your shitty little callback for your shitty little TV show and all you care about is impressing pretentious assholes that you don't even like.
00:58:34Wow. Eleanor, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's shitty.
00:58:41It's not like we're in college anymore.
00:58:43I don't need to follow you around and just mirror back all your thoughts and opinions.
00:58:48Okay, that's not...
00:58:50I know I'm probably not supposed to say this because it's problematic or whatever because I'm not allowed to have any feelings about your transition, but I miss how things were.
00:58:59When you...
00:59:00When you...
00:59:03Who you were before.
00:59:08You really aren't allowed to have feelings about that, like...
00:59:16At all.
00:59:18So fucked, Eleanor!
00:59:24I miss you.
00:59:27I just feel so distant from you now.
00:59:31It's not because I'm trans.
00:59:33It's really not.
00:59:38I don't know. I don't know what...
00:59:40I shouldn't be here.
00:59:42I shouldn't be in the fucking Tick-infested Blair Witch Woods fighting with you.
00:59:50The house.
00:59:52Are you sure?
00:59:54Yes, I'm sure. Just tell me you didn't lose the car keys.
00:59:58I didn't.
01:00:09I love you.
01:00:12No, you don't, Eleanor.
01:00:16Kind of ironic, I guess.
01:00:18Seeing as it was me keeping secrets all those years being in love with you.
01:00:24And you pretending you didn't know.
01:00:26Although, I mean...
01:00:28You knew. You must have known.
01:00:30I didn't...
01:00:35I mean, I didn't know...
01:00:40You liked having me around as your little lapdog and...
01:00:46I'm done.
01:00:48I am done.
01:00:51That's so unfair.
01:00:54Is it?
01:01:00Can you...
01:01:34I mean it.
01:01:36You have family in me.
01:01:55Are you okay?
01:02:04Let me help.
01:02:14It's our last night?
01:02:18It is.
01:02:23You shouldn't be drinking alone.
01:02:28I know.
01:02:37I heard you.
01:02:41Like, I heard you.
01:02:42I was fucked up.
01:02:45But can I say something?
01:02:48Maybe less fucked up?
01:02:54I miss us.
01:02:58You're the best friend I've ever had.
01:03:01Like, my best, best friend.
01:03:05And I feel like...
01:03:09you haven't been acting that way...
01:03:12or something.
01:03:15Or like you were my best friend...
01:03:17and now you're just...
01:03:20someone else.
01:03:23I don't know.
01:03:25I'm still me, Eleanor.
01:03:29Definitely still me.
01:03:32That's good.
01:03:34Maybe it's just...
01:03:38I wish I weren't still me.
01:03:42Maybe if you just...
01:03:44accepted you a little more it would help.
01:03:47I mean...
01:03:49I always liked you as you are.
01:03:52It's like...
01:03:54when you're not happy being you that you become a little bit...
01:03:58too much of you or something.
01:04:03I liked following you around in college.
01:04:08You led me out of the hole I was in.
01:04:11And you still do.
01:04:25I think you're confused.
01:04:31I am confused.
01:04:35I'm confused.
01:04:38I'm confused.
01:04:40I'm confused.
01:04:41I'm confused...
01:04:44by you.
01:04:50You are...
01:05:11You are...
01:05:41You are...
01:06:23Can I?
01:06:42Can I?
01:07:01Are you?
01:07:03No, yeah.
01:07:11Could you maybe, um, a little to the left?
01:07:28My hand's cramping.
01:07:30Oh, um, that should be...
01:07:32Maybe if, um...
01:08:12Did you just fake it?
01:08:34I guess I should probably go.
01:08:58Oh my God, Leo. I'm so sorry.
01:09:02That was so horrifying.
01:09:06Have you ever had worse sex?
01:09:09No, even the first time wasn't this bad.
01:09:17At least it was brief.
01:09:22And now we know.
01:09:23We really know.
01:09:24And it will never happen again.
01:09:26Unless we're stuck in a cave or on a deserted island.
01:09:29Or on a long cruise ship trip.
01:09:32Or if they make another Avengers movie that's three hours long and we're stuck in the last row.
01:09:36We run out of popcorn.
01:09:45So, I didn't ruin everything?
01:09:56I just...
01:10:00I did the thing where I sabotage a good thing.
01:10:06And I've just been driving around for the past couple weeks aiming my camera aimlessly at shit and not pressing the shutter.
01:10:14And you have a whole life that I know nothing about.
01:10:19And I know it's not your fault.
01:10:24I am a little clueless.
01:10:27But I'm learning, right?
01:10:29We're all learning.
01:10:32We're all learning.
01:10:42You want to know something weird?
01:10:46Another secret?
01:10:48Kind of.
01:10:52You know how much of a loser I feel like I am?
01:10:55You're not a loser.
01:10:57No, don't try to make me feel better.
01:10:59But here's the thing.
01:11:03I'm a fucking good teacher.
01:11:08Like, I'm bizarrely good at it.
01:11:11And my whole life plan was like, no, I'm an artist.
01:11:16And I was somehow embarrassed that I became a high school teacher.
01:11:21But I admit it.
01:11:25I fucking love my job.
01:11:33That's awesome.
01:11:35Pays shit.
01:11:38It's exhausting.
01:11:40The principal's a scumbag.
01:11:42That sucks.
01:11:43Did I mention the pay?
01:11:46You did.
01:11:51I'm so sorry for blowing everything up.
01:11:54I'm sorry too.
01:11:57I'm sorry too.
01:12:04Why do you care so much?
01:12:13Because you're my family, Raya.
01:12:22I don't have any family.
01:12:25I mean it.
01:12:29You have family in me.
01:12:32Just because you refuse to see it doesn't mean it's not true.
01:12:38You don't have to be blood to be family.
01:12:43Our bond is deeper than biology.
01:12:48Whether you like it or not, we're irrevocably connected.
01:12:54Ever since that day at the crash pad, we've been linked.
01:12:59You're not perfect.
01:13:02Neither am I.
01:13:05But we're perfect in our imperfection.
01:13:11Two warped puzzle pieces that managed to fit just right.
01:13:20You fit me.
01:13:23And I fit you.
01:13:28Yeah, Raya.
01:13:31You have family.
01:13:34May not be those people in that church, but...
01:13:39You have family standing right in front of you.
01:13:46I was wrong. That's how you should do it.
01:13:55You're really good, Leo.
01:14:09You're welcome.
01:14:39You're welcome.
01:15:09You're welcome.
01:15:39You're welcome.
01:16:09You're welcome.
01:16:39I wouldn't want it any other way
01:16:44There's not much I could say
01:16:48A lot of things have changed
01:16:52It isn't quite the same
01:16:58I thought about you every night and day
01:17:04Now talking's pretty strange
01:17:08We're on a different page
01:17:12It's healthier this way
01:17:17But when I look at you I see an old friend
01:17:21I see an old friend passing through
01:17:26And when I think of you I wanna be friends
01:17:30I wanna be friends with you
01:17:36With you
01:17:40Will you marry me?
01:17:51Will you marry me?
01:18:02Years pass and I pick up the phone
01:18:08To see where this could go
01:18:12How could we ever know?
01:18:16So let's just take it slow
01:18:21Tears fall, it seems that we've outgrown
01:18:28What kept us on our own
01:18:33It's really come to show
01:18:37There's nowhere we can go
01:18:42But when I look at you I see an old friend
01:18:46I see an old friend passing through
01:18:50And when I think of you I wanna be friends
01:18:55I wanna be friends with you
01:18:59But when I look at you I see an old friend
01:19:03I see an old friend passing through
01:19:07And when I think of you I wanna be friends
01:19:12I wanna be friends
01:19:29I wanna be friends
01:19:33I wanna be friends
01:20:00I wanna be friends
01:20:08I wanna be friends
01:20:17I wanna be friends
01:20:25I wanna be friends
01:20:29I wanna be friends
