Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,53 persen atau 39,51 poin ke level 7.449 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (16/8/2024).
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9,77 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,45 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 589.256 kali.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9,77 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,45 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 589.256 kali.
00:00Indica Rega Samkabungan
00:05The trading activity in the first session on Friday has been closed.
00:09I will try to give an update on the closing of trading in the first session today.
00:13Indica Rega Samkabungan managed to continue its strength at 0.53%
00:17and Indica Rega Samkabungan was closed at level 7449.018.
00:23The highest level today at 7459.749
00:28And during the first session, Indica Rega Samkabungan was not able to create its highest intraday record.
00:35Let's go to the first chart.
00:39I will try to convey the position of Samsam that has experienced significant strength from the top gainers.
00:48SADA TELCOM strengthened at 4.18% at 2.990.
00:52ANTAM strengthened significantly at 6.50%.
00:55Astra International also strengthened at 1.64%
00:58getting closer to level 5000.
01:00And ADARU also strengthened at 1.87%.
01:03Let's go to the next chart.
01:05Samsam experienced a significant weakness today.
01:08TPIA weakened at 2.39%.
01:11CMNT weakened at 2.78%.
01:14TOBA weakened at 2.94%.
01:16And GOTO was also stressed at 1.85%.
01:19Next is the sectoral movement rotation at the end of the second session.
01:23Industry led at 1.24%.
01:26Transportation and logistics strengthened at 1.16%.
01:29Property strengthened slightly after leading the strength in the previous day at 0.05%.
01:34And technology weakened at 0.25%.
01:37Updates at the end of the first session.
01:39And hopefully it can be a reference for you.
01:41Especially in dealing with trade in the second session.