• 3 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,53 persen atau 39,51 poin ke level 7.449 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (16/8/2024).

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9,77 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,45 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 589.256 kali.


00:00Indica Rega Samkabungan
00:05The trading activity in the first session on Friday has been closed.
00:09I will try to give an update on the closing of trading in the first session today.
00:13Indica Rega Samkabungan managed to continue its strength at 0.53%
00:17and Indica Rega Samkabungan was closed at level 7449.018.
00:23The highest level today at 7459.749
00:28And during the first session, Indica Rega Samkabungan was not able to create its highest intraday record.
00:35Let's go to the first chart.
00:39I will try to convey the position of Samsam that has experienced significant strength from the top gainers.
00:48SADA TELCOM strengthened at 4.18% at 2.990.
00:52ANTAM strengthened significantly at 6.50%.
00:55Astra International also strengthened at 1.64%
00:58getting closer to level 5000.
01:00And ADARU also strengthened at 1.87%.
01:03Let's go to the next chart.
01:05Samsam experienced a significant weakness today.
01:08TPIA weakened at 2.39%.
01:11CMNT weakened at 2.78%.
01:14TOBA weakened at 2.94%.
01:16And GOTO was also stressed at 1.85%.
01:19Next is the sectoral movement rotation at the end of the second session.
01:23Industry led at 1.24%.
01:26Transportation and logistics strengthened at 1.16%.
01:29Property strengthened slightly after leading the strength in the previous day at 0.05%.
01:34And technology weakened at 0.25%.
01:37Updates at the end of the first session.
01:39And hopefully it can be a reference for you.
01:41Especially in dealing with trade in the second session.
