Married at first sight Australia S. 11 Ep.19

  • mese scorso


00:00:00Previously experiment five five two a woman I don't tell you would not be
00:00:08relaxed after that following Sarah and Tim's tumultuous start the pair's
00:00:18unwavering pursuit of true love sorry you're giggling like a little girl was
00:00:23on full display at the recent commitment ceremony we can kind of just get to know
00:00:28each other a bit more and have some fun and I'm really sorry but I wrote leave
00:00:33Ben that is you being put on notice after being given a seven-day
00:00:39ultimatum to turn his marriage around she's turning to you going all of this
00:00:44is a sham Ben disappeared on Ellie I don't even know where he is and it was
00:00:52the start of family and friends week the muzzle comment we need to unpack it I
00:00:57mean it's not the 1950s where Lucinda's dad intervened Wow you are a brick
00:01:03unsure do you think it's time maybe not to get pissed off so easily when he gave
00:01:08Timothy a wake-up call with some unique advice could be a one-night stand or
00:01:14could be anything but just try it
00:01:18tonight Cassandra's dad Maudie is back love love Maudie as family and friends
00:01:27week continues obviously I want all the goss the drama the tea but will Tim's
00:01:33friend are you feeling the tension do you need to relax undo all of Sarah and
00:01:40Tim's recent progress and welcome back Ben's shock return but can he sing his
00:01:53way into Ellie's heart I'm not sharing this place with you tonight he's just
00:01:59wasted my time before and I shouldn't and I've never had an issue with it I'll
00:02:05be right back to zero again a dramatic turn for one of the experiments
00:02:09strongest couples can their loved ones get them back on track I don't
00:02:15understand what's going on or is it too little too late and he's not into me at
00:02:21all anymore
00:02:36the experiment has reached its halfway point and for family and friends week
00:02:43our original couples have been meeting each other's loved ones it was good it
00:02:48was a good day I think you did really well she really liked you I would have
00:02:52been able to know if she didn't she would have told you which so far has
00:02:56helped strengthen bonds and given the couple's renewed confidence in their
00:03:01relationships you were stoked to see your coach yeah it was great when you
00:03:07walked away he said to me he's never seen you like that with anyone ever and
00:03:10I was like stop it oh I think we're in a good spot I think we're doing well but
00:03:16as many of our brides and grooms continue to grow closer
00:03:23Ellie and her husband Ben couldn't be further apart with Ben missing from the
00:03:32apartment Ben disappeared after the last commitment ceremony when Ellie finally
00:03:39took him to task for his inconsistent behavior I feel that I am NOT getting
00:03:47the authentic Ben we just can't have open conversations I can't get a
00:03:54straight answer out of Ben it's just made me question does he actually want
00:03:58to be here so I'm really sorry but I wrote leave Ben that is you being put on
00:04:07notice I'm so angry he's taken off I don't even know where he is he's
00:04:16literally wasting my time I feel cheated I've come into this experiment to find
00:04:22my person like I'm 32 years old and I do want a family the clock is ticking just
00:04:30don't want anyone to waste my time but once again Ben is not showing me he's
00:04:35in this relationship and that's what I want to see it's just constant up and
00:04:40down I don't see a way forward because he's not here right now I feel like I'm
00:04:46being shortchanged like where is he
00:04:53I see I actually like I I'm just laughing because I am in shock like I
00:05:00just if you don't laugh you cry right
00:05:16hi hi how are you I'm okay how are you
00:05:25tired but good to be home
00:05:31yeah yeah let's put this down
00:05:38having time apart has helped me absorb what she put out in the couch there's a
00:05:45wake-up call I needed you know I haven't been fully present or listening
00:05:53to Ellie and her her needs so I definitely want to spend the rest of
00:05:58this week restoring trust and faith and being the best supportive husband I can
00:06:03be John said you had seven days notice and then he took off I just felt like I
00:06:11just didn't care so it's good that you've come back so we can chat about it
00:06:17and you know try and see a way forward but like do you actually you want to be
00:06:21here I do want to make it work
00:06:28you know learning that the way I sort of behave and how that makes you feel that
00:06:35was you know an interesting mirror of reflection and actually makes me a
00:06:41little bit like emotional to hear that cuz I'm just so pleased like that you
00:06:45finally have seen that I feel like it took me a right leave to get you to say
00:06:50this there's a hard but welcome slap in the face yeah I'm trusting you now to
00:06:59show me that you know I'm still here but I'm not gonna make any guarantees
00:07:04like I just I need to see some change I'm happy you're back we'll be able to
00:07:11go that's all I will we can do it's what's about yeah I'm hopeful that the
00:07:17rest of the week might actually be positive but he's got less than seven
00:07:22days to turn it around and he's got to show me that you know he does care for
00:07:26me and that he wants to try so time is ticking thank you
00:07:39today more of our couples are coming face-to-face with their loved ones in
00:07:45family and friends week I'm actually really excited to see dad I'm really
00:07:51excited to see mom as well I'm sure they've got some words of wisdom for us
00:07:54as always and a little bit of trash talk and then they'll be fine couples
00:07:59have been living in the bubble of the experiment so meeting up with their
00:08:03loved ones will be a great way for the original couples to get a fresh
00:08:07perspective reflect on their journey so far and identify and unpack any issues
00:08:13that have come up during their time in the experiment as they attempt to figure
00:08:18out if they have a viable long-term future one of the experiments most
00:08:25tumultuous couples Sarah and Tim have now found their groove and begun to
00:08:30relax into married life we're definitely in the best place that we have been
00:08:38we have the physical chemistry I'm ready to go okay I'll book an uber ride
00:08:47through the app we're just moving in the right direction a bit of a relief
00:08:51actually at the start of the experiment there was just this like tension in the
00:08:57air always tension it's not great you need a what from early on in the
00:09:04experiment small issues set them off now it's gonna say you need to relax oh yeah
00:09:10you don't say that have you ever dealt with women before they don't like to be
00:09:16told to relax and Tim found Sarah's fiery communication style I'm moving
00:09:21confronting so Tim does Sarah intimidate you yeah potentially yeah but the couple
00:09:30have moved forward I know that I can be quite an outspoken Latina and since
00:09:37regained their spark sorry you're giggling like a little girl oh we haven't
00:09:42seen this before it's lovely it's feeling really like easy now it's
00:09:48fantastic progress yeah okay cheers to friends and family night but there's one
00:09:58person who could derail their progress Tim's lifelong friend and provocative
00:10:04best man Ben this is the road best friend that says everything Tim had the
00:10:11idea to pack his own lunch but a four-day music festival in the middle of
00:10:16an Australian summer we sat in awe as he devoured rancid four-day old chicken and
00:10:23Sarah you can find solace in the fact rancid or not Tim will still eat you
00:10:32cut it I'm a little bit nervous about today I love Ben but it can be an
00:10:39acquired taste so I don't I only just getting to like an okay position now so
00:10:46hopefully he doesn't push status buttons in the wrong way and hopefully like that
00:10:50doesn't come back into our relationship
00:10:55what I've heard from Tim is there's been a couple of ups and downs yeah I'd like
00:11:16to get a more detailed picture I think hey you know if he's being restrained if
00:11:21he's well-fed
00:11:26and obviously I want all the guts the drama the team
00:11:37with family and friends week in full swing and Sarah and Tim finally in a
00:11:43good place again they're meeting with Sarah's friend Sharice and Tim's best
00:11:52man Ben how you been I've been very well more importantly how have you two been
00:12:00let's start from the honeymoon because I haven't I didn't seen you since the
00:12:03wedding it's been good I mean we're good we're like doing really well at the
00:12:08moment are you sure Tim said he was counting the days look on the wall on
00:12:16his side of the bed you see the tally
00:12:25look like we have done like we've come like so so far but we've had some some
00:12:33really rocky start yeah we got to the honeymoon we ended up kind of having a
00:12:44big blowout we took a shot of tequila and I made a face I was like oh yuck I
00:12:50hate that tequila and then Tim like decided to tell me to relax but should
00:12:58you have relaxed no you don't tell a woman to relax can you tell men to
00:13:11relax I never I would never tell someone to relax relax don't tell me
00:13:17relax but anyway we've had we had like a little speed bump a couple of speed
00:13:23bumps since then yeah like little tips about like me feeling like I want him to
00:13:30be a little bit more like assertive and like confident in like the social
00:13:34settings yeah I got things to say about that but you get it you get the idea can
00:13:39you say them blink twice our communication style is very different
00:13:49and my thing was more that I was struggling to get a voice across so I
00:13:54was feeling like you want to jump in
00:14:09it just feels a little bit childish this guy likes to relax it's just
00:14:16inappropriate like it's like you've come here to discuss our relationship
00:14:20like take it seriously you know like it's all fun and games like we can have
00:14:24a crack we can have a laugh but like when we're having a discussion about
00:14:27something serious like it just be nice to have him like listen as well are you
00:14:33feeling the tension I'm feeling a little bit
00:14:39Tim's groomsmen seemed a little bit on the juvenile side it made me a little
00:14:52worried because I think what's that saying birds of a feather flock together
00:14:58so I was just hoping Tim shuts this down and then you needed to relax
00:15:07drop the batteries
00:15:11like you need to relax on the jokes I had to put my foot down Ben can be a bit
00:15:19much sometimes we've definitely been like much more smooth sailing than it
00:15:26has been we've been trying to learn each other's communication styles as we go
00:15:31and like I feel like we've been moving getting there you know I love that she's
00:15:35very emotionally intelligent that far in us in the passion I love that I think
00:15:41I think we're in a good place now to actually just enjoy each other and like
00:15:44try and build something special together that was really sweet that's like things
00:15:49that I love to see I need my person to support me I have my back and speak up
00:15:55and yeah it was just like nice to see him do that for me so I'm very happy
00:16:01really good spot the vibes been good feels like we're just
00:16:07starting now and now we can actually like get to know each other and like
00:16:10have that flirty playful vibe and yeah nice I mean that's a good positive sign
00:16:15I think Tim and Sarah's relationship good last if it continues on this
00:16:20positive trajectory and they look very happy but to make the relationship work
00:16:29better with Tim I think Sarah needs to relax cheers to relaxation
00:16:44despite still being in separate apartments Lucinda and Timothy are
00:16:49catching up following a positive meeting with their family and friends did you
00:16:55have a good chat to dad sounds like he made you giggle more than anything else
00:16:59he was he was interesting he just he cracked me up he'd go from scolding you
00:17:04to making you laugh like all in the matter of like that's very dad two
00:17:09seconds it was like yeah oh hey dad he did have a few things say like he didn't
00:17:20back down he's a fiery little guy oh you are a brick and shot you're a wall
00:17:26I'm more than a brick I can't you know it's boring yeah from my point of view
00:17:34you need to sort of not get your tits in a tangle maybe sometimes and put your
00:17:41finger out I do like your advice I sometimes can hold a grudge don't and
00:17:48hey it's not for me to tell you what to do but we'd love to say a little bit
00:17:52more sort of action on your behalf yeah could be a one-night stand or could be
00:17:57anything but just try it I've never actually had a father say
00:18:02just have a one-night stand with my daughter see where it goes like that has
00:18:06never happened to me like what were his tears like he just you know he just
00:18:15wanted me to make more of an effort yeah how does that sit with you yeah
00:18:25look I said that I would just drop being pissy or pissed and I'll be better
00:18:34yeah I think Tim and I have had a reset from this family and friend visage like
00:18:44a bit of healing and positive forward traction because Tim just livened up
00:18:50his whole energy field was open again
00:18:58dad's cool yeah he's a little peacemaker yeah I just want to put him on the top
00:19:07wedding cake I said still to come Cassandra's dad modi you can ask us
00:19:17whatever you want but pretty open books asks the big questions and later
00:19:24Stephen's emotional revelation this is probably the first time I've told anyone
00:19:30the reason why I'd guarded with every relationship in my life before a
00:19:38relationship on the edge from my point of view and he's not into me at all
00:19:53as our original couples meet with their loved ones for family and friends week
00:19:59our two newest couples are in the midst of crash course week which has been
00:20:04designed to help fast-track their relationships
00:20:08Jono not my type Tristan I love Tristan Jade and Ridge are undertaking the photo
00:20:15ranking task where they will reveal what they find attractive in the opposite sex
00:20:20and it seems at least one couple have figured out how to achieve marital
00:20:25harmony of course you would be first darling you've got the tan skin you've
00:20:30got the dark hair and as far as attractiveness goes it's a no-brainer
00:20:36for Ridge obviously you're number one by like a stupid mile like not even in the
00:20:43same level Jade needs to know that you know don't have any eyes for anyone else
00:20:49but her your best looking girl here you're nearly your own Ridge was very
00:20:54sweet I got really lucky with you I'd really like him a lot and I am excited
00:20:59to just keep getting to know him better and see how we go
00:21:05good job good job darling down the hall Michael and Steven are about to delve
00:21:14into one of the experiments most confronting tasks the confession letter
00:21:20it's time to dig deep and share something very personal with your partner
00:21:24sharing with your partner your innermost secrets fears memories and even regrets
00:21:29take courage but this level of honesty and trust can deepen your bond so be
00:21:33brave and let your partner in time to get deep yeah let's get into it I guess
00:21:41Steve and I just moved in together we haven't really been deep in our
00:21:47conversations so hopefully it's gonna help both of us understand each other
00:21:52more Michael and Steven have been slow to connect on a deeper level since
00:21:57Steven's walls went up when he discovered he was Michael's second match
00:22:03instantly I felt sick I just felt like this is not a genuine match then this is
00:22:09the really last minute you'll do but some timely advice from expert John gave
00:22:15Steven some perspective I personally gave him the worst news that he wasn't
00:22:23going to have the experience of married at first sight but I also told him that
00:22:29we'll do everything we can to find someone better and since then their
00:22:36crash course week has been an exercise in slowly bringing Stevens guard back
00:22:42down this is probably the first time I've told anyone the reason why I'd
00:22:47guarded with every relationship in my life I really want to open up to Michael
00:22:52I want to kind of give a little bit of clarity as to why I put my walls up my
00:23:02dad cheated on my mom when we were kids
00:23:07I grew up in a broken home and saw what cheating does one thing I've always
00:23:15struggled with my dad is the lying and the betrayal the disappointment yeah do
00:23:28you have a relationship with your dad now no I wouldn't have a relationship
00:23:45I'm getting baffled
00:24:02I've always been patient with me I've experienced a man who was supposed to
00:24:14love his family unconditionally up and leave
00:24:31well for so many years I have watched my family put themself
00:24:42you got this
00:24:49what what my family put themselves in vulnerable positions only to be
00:24:56disappointed and let down so slowly over time it became heaps easier to just shut
00:25:06off the possibility of being hurt and stay out stay guarded I'm gonna do
00:25:15everything my power to work through this and give you my full trust
00:25:19Stephen ah I didn't realize that you really had that much weight on you feel
00:25:33like this was a good opportunity to kind of explain why I'm so shut off and
00:25:39guarded I was madly heartbroken listening to his letter and just seeing
00:25:45the struggle of him to push through it was a strong moment for him not too
00:25:50intense well no my part as a partner to carry that with you and make it lighter
00:25:58for you thanks I strongly believe that was a
00:26:05breakthrough moment for him and for our relationship moving forward I feel like
00:26:08we could build on that and get to know each other even better and deeper I just
00:26:15want to give you a big hug right now yeah
00:26:28after meeting with their loved ones for family and friends week Sarah and Tim
00:26:33are feeling stronger than ever I'm feeling good about Sara like I'm feeling
00:26:42like we had like a little bit of a I don't know potentially it could have
00:26:47been a bit shaky like with the friends coming through asking to rehash
00:26:51everything but it feels it feels good I'm in a good place you do a very good
00:26:56message though I'll tell you that so it's becoming more affectionate and I'm
00:27:00you know becoming more affectionate towards her as well how long do you know
00:27:04for mine was like 20 minutes we've been intimate again and that's been nice like
00:27:15I think that's actually helped a lot from the for the days made
00:27:24things are going really well I feel like we are making progress and like we're
00:27:29understanding each other more so I'm just yeah happy and basking in it
00:27:43it's a new day in the experiment and true to his word Timothy is taking a big
00:27:50step in his relationship with Lucinda and has moved back into their apartment
00:27:56I've got you pegged what for the whole game okay talking to Lucinda's parents
00:28:03especially a dad gave me a lot more hope with Lou and us and we came back from
00:28:08that just in a really good place I thought I had it one a minute ago
00:28:16Lucinda is a great girl and our time together is actually a lot of fun 15 and
00:28:24you got 14 but it's baby steps Tim has moved into a separate room Lucinda is
00:28:31calling the man cave I think he wants a little man cave where he can get a bit
00:28:37messy his ensemble of pants and undies on the ground I don't mind that he has a
00:28:46man cave I think that's good for us for now I reckon I've got 80 pairs of
00:28:50sneakers 80 pairs of sneakers I think we really have turned the page now
00:28:56actions speak louder than words and I just think we can get on with that now
00:29:01truly I'm happy to have him back that's good you know we have so much fun
00:29:06together oh my god I know that when the sparks fly gonna be a special moment if
00:29:16I'm so blessed how do you feel about like partner looking at phones that you
00:29:25care as one of our newest couples Jade and Ridge are about to undertake a crash
00:29:32course in trust with the phone swap task you know we got a search gotta see if
00:29:38tinder comes up tinder oh yeah that's not there
00:29:44right okay what's the other one hinge nothing you have done very well I'm very
00:29:52impressed good job good job Michael and Stephen are also going from strength to
00:30:00strength finding common ground in the values task and the last one I think we
00:30:08align on this one mm-hmm let's just put it down together as money as money
00:30:12doesn't matter this is like such a breeze of a challenge it was a blast
00:30:16yeah does it make you like me more yeah yeah does it makes me yeah feel like we
00:30:21are very in sync with what we're after
00:30:27whilst our most recent newlyweds hit new heights in their relationships down the
00:30:33hall after disappearing on Ellie following the commitment ceremony Ben
00:30:38has taken the first step to win back wife Ellie writing her a song
00:31:02music for me is excellent therapy it's one way I get out my feelings or my
00:31:09thoughts through melody through music it's very emotive
00:31:21when you get the mirror helped up to you and you go okay everyone else is seeing
00:31:26that but is that really who I am I'm just like whoa so that was that was
00:31:39so thank you having completed his original composition singer-songwriter
00:31:50Ben is now excited to premiere the lyrics to his brand new single to wife
00:31:55Ellie so they're not writing you a song so that was the lyrics so all these were
00:32:06just thoughts on what what you said on the couch bit that really stood out like
00:32:12I was unaware of my I think of even that song said one of my behaviors until you
00:32:18pointed me out the couch thank you thank you for communicating I don't know what
00:32:23I don't know sometimes but now I do know it really sat with me and I tried to
00:32:29summarize those key points the best I could I don't know it's just thoughts
00:32:33and then I just hang on those thoughts is now verse those thoughts are now
00:32:49you just came here which bit made you cry it's just really thoughtful it was
00:32:57sweet no one's ever done that for me so I feel really happy it kind of showed me
00:33:06that he was you know obviously thinking about this quite a lot which I'd
00:33:11appreciate like it's just showing me that he wants to make it work and he
00:33:15wants to try and make these last days the best if not better than possible so
00:33:19how many inclined to believe that bit of work maybe the sound good what's the
00:33:24name of the song stay or leave well and then I turned into the chorus so to
00:33:28start saying thank you Ellie I can't even remember the song I just
00:33:33don't know if I'd sing it and play it again and come out different again it's
00:33:38not having recorded it just I do like Ben it's it's pretty obvious that I have
00:33:45genuine feelings for him so it's good that it's finally getting a bit more
00:33:49consistent it makes me hopeful for our future yeah everyone gets a song named
00:33:57after you corny coming up someone's got to leave I'm not sharing this place with
00:34:09you tonight okay I'll happily go good that's fine
00:34:14Ben's ballad backfires chance real John's honest here I am
00:34:28your dad my mom coming down it's Cassandra and Tristan's turn to put
00:34:35their relationship under the spotlight and a meeting up with Tristan's mom
00:34:39Yalan and Cassandra's dad modi love love love modi the best father-in-law
00:34:53anyone could ask for and the wedding we connected he was so funny Tristan if she
00:35:09causes you trouble please don't come to me and Cassie this is serious now if he
00:35:19gives you trouble call her
00:35:31hi married it's been two months since my daughter got married I think they were
00:35:39on to a good start so I'm just hoping that they built up on that she can't hide
00:35:44much for me I've known her for 30 years I can pick up on what I could you know
00:35:51you know see I don't know I gotta be my dad always gets the truth the whole
00:35:59truth and nothing but the truth out of me and you know the truth is Tristan
00:36:03I've been rocky are we okay yeah I just think lately we've just been a bit of a
00:36:12rut the couple have really struggled to take their relationship out of first
00:36:17gear what is going on to you Tristan nothing's going on and that's the
00:36:21problem and it just frustrated because I need more intimacy with Tristan's deep
00:36:28insecurities surfacing throughout the experiment the thought that you aren't
00:36:33attracted to me scares me through our journey so far you understand I was very
00:36:37overweight during school for a long time I always thought that the only way a girl
00:36:42would love me about a six-pack when I would approach them or ask them out they
00:36:46would reject me and also then laugh and make fun of me just made me feel
00:36:50worthless I want you to know I am attracted to you Tristan is there a
00:36:57possibility that this is you getting in your own head she's shown you she really
00:37:05likes you no do you hear that yes I do and today the pair are hoping their
00:37:10parents can provide some much-needed words of wisdom how is it going
00:37:20money got an amazing human being here I call a perfect human cast she's the best
00:37:25person on the planet you've raised a good daughter there money you've done
00:37:28well we've had a lot of highlights we've had a couple of rocky times we're
00:37:34working through it so it's just good okay
00:37:39what are you being awfully quiet over there do you have any questions he's
00:37:42listening intently I'm watching your body language I'm watching what you are
00:37:48hiding you can ask us whatever you want but pretty open books
00:38:08he's being cheeky body turns around and ask the hardest hitting question
00:38:18completely caught me off guard here we go this is a bit weird tell my parents
00:38:24this but I do find it attractive and stuff like that we just kind of got
00:38:29stuck in the friendship zone and with that's kind of where we're like kind of
00:38:32getting out of that where you stuck in the friendship zone why I was struggling
00:38:38to make the first move so get really nervous why I mean when I was back at
00:38:43school and I was really fat and I used to ask out girls and I used to get made
00:38:46fun of and laughed at yeah and I'm struggling a lot on just kind of getting
00:38:51to that level just really lack self-confidence Tristan sometimes I
00:38:58think you have imposter syndrome where you think you don't deserve what you've
00:39:01got I continuously say to Tristan give yourself a break you're actually a
00:39:07really wonderful person always so hard on yourself please just have some faith
00:39:12in yourself I'm working on it right let's just take some time and it's
00:39:18obviously hard for Cassandra yeah I'm a big-time romantic so I was hoping for
00:39:23sparks and fairy tales and chemistry and everything that's what I was hoping for
00:39:28Tristan is like the most thoughtful consider as kindest person I've ever met
00:39:32other than the intimacy is everything I want in a man young people you are too
00:39:39much in a hurry to get there you are missing on the journey some people you
00:39:45know they come together and they go like it like it so fast so now lasting
00:39:53feelings take time no fire you gotta put logs of wood on this fire and the heat
00:40:00goes up and up which fills the whole house because you're putting in one more
00:40:04log of fire I know what it takes to build a really good relationship that
00:40:10lasts I was with a mother for 30 years and when I put so many logs the intention
00:40:19is there for both of them to be in this relationship all they need is a little
00:40:24bit more patient the simplest there you know especially Tristan putting more
00:40:29logs I'm starting to see maturity and the relationship maturing you know yeah
00:40:36yeah you're right part of the reason why I keep on shooting myself in the foot is
00:40:40that like I'm really like Cass and I'm starting to really invest myself into
00:40:44her you know never been this vulnerable with anyone before so I'm accepting that
00:40:48I've got to rev it up a bit as well and focus on the affection get out of your
00:40:53comfort zone really really try hard on this because this is the make-or-break
00:40:59Back at Sky Suites, things are tense for Andrea and Richard.
00:41:12Richie and I just had our first fight and it's still going.
00:41:24The vibe between us is really bad and awkward we had a blow up over something
00:41:38stupid it's really annoyed him that I went and had a conversation with my
00:41:44three best friends on the phone last night I don't even know if it was two
00:41:50and a half hours but he says it was and that that ruined everything he woke up
00:41:59this morning just cold. It's a far cry from how the couple started the
00:42:06experiment with a bang. How would you describe it? Spontaneous combustion. But
00:42:15after a candid couch confession where Richard revealed intimate details about
00:42:21their relationship. We gazed, we hugged, we sucked. Oh my god. Andrea's guard went up. I felt
00:42:30like my bubble burst. And we've lost what we had because of what I said to her
00:42:36she's got a war and it's not the same. Despite both wanting to get back on
00:42:41track, Andy do you want to be as connected with Richard as you were
00:42:46previously? Of course, of course I do yes. Richard feels like Andrea's not making
00:42:50enough of an effort. There's nothing wrong with me talking to my people. Andy you do
00:42:58you're talking on the phone all the time every day and I never say a word. And you shouldn't. And I shouldn't and I've never had an issue with it.
00:43:07The issue is, it doesn't seem to me that you're trying. I thought this was a night
00:43:14where we should maybe spend time together and start you know reconnecting.
00:43:18That didn't happen. So I was just a bit you know let down.
00:43:25I'm not expecting another night with Andy in the room on the phone for two to
00:43:29three hours which happens a lot. That's not the real issue. The issue for me is
00:43:36there's something going on with her and there is a war. You know this has been going on
00:43:41for a while. The war up and nothing's shifting. I don't see that there's gonna
00:43:47necessarily be any shift in your feelings towards me or anything like
00:43:52that at all you know because I just don't I'm not sure you what's really
00:43:57going on with you in that way to be honest you know. I'll be right back to
00:44:00zero again.
00:44:03You know. No we're not back to zero. You're really like dramatize stuff like make it
00:44:10sound worse than it is. I'm trying. Okay that's fine. See we're clashing here.
00:44:20She believes that she is trying. Well where are you? Like you weren't present
00:44:26at all you know. I don't see any effort.
00:44:32The voice is saying you know no no no this is not good.
00:44:38What's actually going on here? This doesn't make sense.
00:44:44Following an earlier argument tensions are still high as Andrea and Richard
00:44:59prepare for a visit from their loved ones.
00:45:05Friends and family are coming today I'm like of course they have to come when
00:45:09we've just had a massive fight and not talking really.
00:45:23A little bit awkward but I actually think it's a good thing
00:45:28because our people know us so well. It might help us to get a bit of perspective.
00:45:37I like Andy so much you know and I want this to work. I'm just yeah just
00:45:47feeling upset.
00:45:50Feeling rejected and like very sad because I'm still not clear what's
00:45:56going on. I actually don't know.
00:46:00Joining them for lunch is Andrea's best friend of 30 years Kate Marie and
00:46:11Richard's daughter Roxy.
00:46:16Oh my god it's so good to see you.
00:46:29Okay? Yeah? I was walking in like super happy and excited and as soon as we
00:46:37hugged and I felt him crying I just like knew straight away like okay
00:46:40something's really up and he's really hurt.
00:46:49How's it going? How are you? How are we? How are you? How are both of you?
00:46:58We're okay. Okay. You sound sad. You look sad. Yeah I feel a bit sad.
00:47:09Why? It's been a tough day for both of us and a tough day for me. I think I think
00:47:19that I just want to say that
00:47:23like I'm hoping that having you guys here will be like a really positive
00:47:28intervention for us because you know Andy really well and Roxy knows me
00:47:33really well.
00:47:36And I don't know. Do you want to stop talking?
00:47:48We had a really big fight. We didn't resolve it. Okay so you're not in a good
00:47:55spot today. Can I ask what it was? Because maybe we can help you. Yeah. So we
00:48:07started off with like a bang. You know it was very intense. We started at a ten.
00:48:13Very passionate. Ten out of ten. Which is common. That's common in new relationships.
00:48:18Yeah it was a real high and then it sort of petered off you know. Andy
00:48:25admitted that that there's a bit of a wall when it comes to romance and
00:48:29intimacy with me. And that I'm more into her than she's into me. Okay.
00:48:38Like I don't I don't I just I mean I'm
00:48:48I don't understand what's going on.
00:48:53Why did it go from being so strong to what happened? Okay Roxy it's your dad
00:49:04and it's awkward. But the second commitment ceremony your dad said some
00:49:14very inappropriate things. He was really open with sharing our intimacy. The way
00:49:23he said some things I just went like that. I felt disrespected. So I think I've
00:49:32sort of put a bit of a block in. Put up a wall a little bit.
00:49:39But I want to not have that up. And I was working on trying to pull it down. So
00:49:48I'm here I'm trying. Yeah. And Richie was cold to me and said to me that I wasn't
00:49:57trying. And I was like going out of my brain going I am. Why did you feel Andy
00:50:06wasn't trying? Because Andy said I'm here I'm gonna be present. I've shifted my
00:50:12mind and let's now start to build the intimacy and get that going. And then
00:50:17after that she basically spent the evening on her own doing her own thing
00:50:22and talking to friends. So I don't know what's different. Like it just seems to
00:50:30be the same from my point of view. Andy's not into me at all anymore.
00:50:50Are you okay?
00:51:02Are you okay?
00:51:07You okay?
00:51:16It's too much.
00:51:19It's too much.
00:51:23It's too much.
00:51:25It's too much.
00:51:30As someone who knows her really well, Drea definitely has a lot of baggage from past
00:51:43Like, I know she ended up with somebody who didn't love her enough and didn't treat
00:51:48her well.
00:51:51And so in the minute something comes up, she will react.
00:51:57She will shut down.
00:52:01She will retreat if she's not feeling respected.
00:52:07And even if you're not intending that, because I don't, I think you're a nice guy.
00:52:11You seem like a really cool guy.
00:52:13And you seem like you are very kind.
00:52:18She's coming in with all that baggage.
00:52:25It's not easy.
00:52:26I can see where he's coming from.
00:52:28I know that he's probably feeling a bit rejected and that she's quite distant at the moment.
00:52:34But I can also see why Drea has definitely retreated a bit.
00:52:39And that, unfortunately, is going to take her some time to come back out of that and
00:52:43then try again.
00:52:48I told you, didn't I, I said Richie's been nothing but kind and beautiful to me.
00:52:53I know that.
00:52:54And I told you I like him more because of it.
00:52:58Because I start to think I am that person.
00:53:00That's what happens.
00:53:01I'm a bad guy.
00:53:02You are not.
00:53:03And that's where I go.
00:53:06I know that you're not that person.
00:53:07I can see that.
00:53:10I think he's a good heart and he lives his life in his happy little world and he goes
00:53:16dancing and he kicks bottles around and he just plays and he just means no harm to anyone.
00:53:28He's such a good man and we have so much fun.
00:53:33I adore your dad and I want to fix it.
00:53:40It sounds like to me that throughout this whole journey from the beginning up until
00:53:46that fight, that he has been really patient and kind.
00:53:51It's been great.
00:53:52I think it's important to highlight that.
00:53:56I'm sorry that she's been through that really horrible stuff.
00:53:58No one should ever have to go through that.
00:54:00But, you know, my dad is not her ex.
00:54:03He's super, super kind and he is patient.
00:54:06So he would never be treating her like that, especially not her.
00:54:09He's really into her.
00:54:10He likes her.
00:54:11He's told me that.
00:54:14If last night is the only big fight that has happened, then that's really not bad.
00:54:18Bigger picture.
00:54:20Like trying to work on the good things and focus on the good things.
00:54:26I see so much potential between the two of them.
00:54:30Like I really, really do.
00:54:32I want, I see a future in this.
00:54:35I adore Andy.
00:54:37I'm here to be patient and to support Andy and do what she needs.
00:54:44What I like about her most is her, she's just kind of off-centred.
00:54:50She is a kooky girl.
00:54:51But I love her.
00:54:52I love that too.
00:54:54And it's like, you don't quite know what's going to happen.
00:54:56She falls over, literally.
00:54:58She loses stuff.
00:54:59She crawls over the carpet.
00:55:01It's weird, you know.
00:55:03But I like that.
00:55:07I feel really a good energy.
00:55:13I reckon you guys have a real, there's a real hope here.
00:55:16I can see it.
00:55:18I can see it.
00:55:22Richie and Drea, they still really like each other, which is so good.
00:55:27Drea has a lot of baggage.
00:55:29I hope that it's something she can work on and create a nice, healthy relationship.
00:55:34You're alright.
00:55:35You're a good man.
00:55:36I hope you all work out.
00:55:38There's always effort needed on both sides.
00:55:41I love you.
00:55:43Thank you for coming to my party.
00:55:45After having Kate, Marie and Roxy here, I do feel better.
00:55:48I've let go of the, ugh, that I had.
00:55:54And I do want to try it, because that man is a beautiful man.
00:55:58I feel ready to sit on the couch with Richie and snuggle up.
00:56:14As a successful Family and Friends Week draws to a close,
00:56:20our original couples have grown closer
00:56:24and gained a better understanding of who their partners truly are.
00:56:29Whenever I see half-priced Tupperware, I've got to buy it.
00:56:32You're going to need to get a truck to get all your Tupperware back to Melbourne.
00:56:37And Crash Course Week for our intruder couples
00:56:41It's so fun to see you smile and laugh a lot more.
00:56:44has helped to push their relationships forward.
00:56:47Come here, you clown.
00:56:49Alright, I'm tired. You made me tired.
00:56:52You're annoying me tonight.
00:56:55But as everyone winds down, a surprising turn of events
00:57:00has left one of our original couples at breaking point.
00:57:04Someone's got to leave. I'm not sharing this place with you tonight.
00:57:07Okay, I'll happily go.
00:57:10That's fine.
00:57:11I need your help.
00:57:20John's real. John's honest.
00:57:23Here I am.
00:57:33What's just happened?
00:57:34You've done it.
00:57:35You've done it.
00:57:36You've done it.
00:57:37You've done it.
00:57:38You've done it.
00:57:40What's just happened?
00:57:41You've missed hours. I'm sorry.
00:57:43And you're not going to get it.
00:57:45What the f***?
00:57:49I'm so confused.
00:57:51Not so long ago, Ben was writing songs in all kindness and positivity.
00:57:56And then all of a sudden, Ben sat me down for two and a half hours.
00:58:00And listed everything that he has not enjoyed about this relationship or me.
00:58:06It was literally just like nitpicking at me.
00:58:10I expected that, to be honest.
00:58:12What did you expect from him?
00:58:13I told you to get emotional.
00:58:15I actually had like a little glimmer of hope this afternoon.
00:58:18But now, I feel cheated, actually, from this experiment.
00:58:25He's just wasted my time.
00:58:35I'm not sharing this place with you tonight.
00:58:37Okay, I'll happily go.
00:58:40That's fine.
00:58:54Someone's real.
00:58:55Someone's honest.
00:58:56Here I am.
00:59:01What's just happened?
00:59:02You've missed hours. I'm sorry.
00:59:04And you're not going to get it.
00:59:07Ben sat me down for two and a half hours.
00:59:10And listed everything that he has not enjoyed about this relationship.
00:59:14It was literally just like nitpicking at me.
00:59:17I requested that we got to talk about the relationship.
00:59:21Because I think it's been focused on me for a while.
00:59:24And I wanted to be honest.
00:59:26And I was just telling her how I feel.
00:59:28The best I possibly can.
00:59:30And it just didn't sit well, obviously.
00:59:32And, you know.
00:59:34What do I do?
00:59:37Give me some examples of what he was mentioning.
00:59:39So, do you mind if I just grab my book?
00:59:41So, I took notes.
00:59:43He didn't like that I applied makeup.
00:59:48Because he's used to dating girls that don't wear a lot.
00:59:54He didn't like the fact that I was 32 and he's 39.
00:59:59He reckons there's a generational gap.
01:00:02He didn't like the fact that I was from the Gold Coast.
01:00:07He didn't like that I was sensitive or emotional.
01:00:11And he would also like good conversation from me.
01:00:14Apparently he's not getting good conversation.
01:00:17I think he wanted to highlight everything that he's been feeling in the past five weeks.
01:00:21And, yeah.
01:00:23I don't know what the purpose was.
01:00:25It's just so hurtful.
01:00:27I'm sorry, like, telling me that he's not used to dating girls that wear makeup.
01:00:32What is that going to achieve?
01:00:34Except make me feel shit about myself.
01:00:37It's unfortunate.
01:00:39I mean, I expected that, to be honest.
01:00:41What did you expect?
01:00:43For her to get emotional and not want to...
01:00:45It's okay to get emotional.
01:00:47But time...
01:00:49How do you have a good conversation?
01:00:51It is quite challenging.
01:00:53I want to finish my dinner.
01:00:56I haven't eaten much.
01:00:58Because I've had this tooth removed.
01:01:00So I'm only just starting to eat.
01:01:02So it's horrendous timing.
01:01:06I actually feel stupid.
01:01:09I so badly wanted this to work.
01:01:11I literally sat in this apartment all day today.
01:01:14And then the other day as well.
01:01:16To try and save this relationship.
01:01:21A big disappointment.
01:01:23You know.
01:01:25Because I was hoping to find love.
01:01:27And I'm doing a f***ing joke.
01:01:31Can you see the annual anchoring?
01:01:35No, I'm not coming back from this.
01:01:37I'm not doing it to myself anymore.
01:01:39I'm so done.
01:01:41I literally have...
01:01:43I'd rather be single.
01:01:45Than spend another night with Ben.
01:01:48Boys want attention.
01:01:50Men want respect.
01:01:52And legends don't give a f***.
01:01:58My relationship is near perfect.
01:02:00Call me in three years.
01:02:02Are about.
01:02:04Because I'll be all over you.
01:02:06Like a pit bull on a poodle.
01:02:08To clash.
01:02:10That's why I'm asking the questions.
01:02:12You've always been a grand slain.
01:02:14Cowboys out with their guns.
01:02:17This dinner party.
01:02:19I mean this with all my heart.
01:02:21Tim is an awesome person.
01:02:23Yeah, we've heard it.
01:02:25One minute. I haven't finished.
01:02:27Pulls no punches.
01:02:29There's a food chain here.
01:02:31And you are not at the top.
01:02:33Shut up.
01:02:35The truth is.
01:02:39She's completely blindsided.
01:02:41It was like an absolute car crash in slow motion.
01:02:43And it was like.
01:02:45Tomorrow 7.30 on Nine.
