Married at first sight Australia S. 11 Ep.13

  • mese scorso


00:00:05Wait, that's not it
00:00:1018 singles across the country
00:00:15Met for the first time at the aisle
00:00:19Oh, well and married at first sight it was perfect. It was 10 out of 10
00:00:25Give me no passion. You give me nothing. He's giving me like
00:00:29Autopilot an intense intimacy week. He marks you. Yeah, I just didn't have a spark of I want to have sex with this girl
00:00:37I caught bull on that one led to the second dinner party. It's not a yes or no. It is
00:00:46Where Timothy Jackson sexual person it's not happening
00:00:50It's watching it nothing went hard on Tory and Jack. I'm just I'm wondering whether it's gonna last you don't even like you why?
00:00:58Well, that's that's a little bit cruel. Well, I didn't want to have a date with him
00:01:02I wasn't in a good place, but when Sarah cancelled three dates on Tim
00:01:11Their relationship imploded, can I please
00:01:21Wow, I have a big crush on data. It's the second commitment ceremony
00:01:26We have been really attentive and enjoying each other and love is in the air. There we go, honey
00:01:34You know, I love you guys in a bit before Sarah faces the firing line
00:01:39You were behaving in a really aggressive way your anger
00:01:44You're pointing as expert Mel applies the pressure
00:01:48We were in shock and asks the question
00:01:52Everyone wants to know what's the genuine reason that you cancelled on him three times?
00:02:01But it's not just Mel that will hold people to account
00:02:04Been that's as bad as it gets as expert John turns up the heat on Ben
00:02:10You're mocking her you have discussed you're a wrong match for me. So you got to come clean with me
00:02:15Do you really want to be here?
00:02:22You seem hurt
00:02:25It's a side to Lucinda. I was humiliated
00:02:29We've never seen before
00:02:31To stand by somebody that was very happy to point the finger and not be humble as she calls out
00:02:39Timothy for his recent tirade your
00:02:42On that in one of the most powerful sessions on the couch
00:02:48That's not my jam
00:02:50I'm not interested
00:03:06It's the morning of the second commitment ceremony and as our couples wake up
00:03:12They're still reeling from last night's drama
00:03:21Well, I'm exhausted I don't know about you mm-hmm
00:03:26Exhausted oh my gosh. Yeah crazy night last night
00:03:34Oh, hey, let's make your morning. Is that for me? So you had a big night last night. Hey
00:03:43How you feeling? Um, I feel like
00:03:48Emotionally exhausted. Yeah
00:03:51Tori and Jack's relationship was put under the spotlight last night
00:03:56When Timothy questioned their authenticity, why do you feel that their relationship is fake?
00:04:01What makes their relationship fake the sex thing? You know, it's not happening. I'm just I'm wondering whether it's gonna last
00:04:09Last night's dinner party was a circus with really badly trained
00:04:15Circus animals. I don't want to argue with
00:04:20Timothy he's the epitome of stupidity
00:04:23I'm exhausted from having the back-and-forth with Timothy and I feel super tired having to defend my relationship with Jack
00:04:31Just because you still haven't had sex. There's no credit there. I think he's just picking at us cuz
00:04:36We're younger and we're stronger and you handled him. No worries, babe. No worries at all. Thank you
00:04:42Last night was a lot, but I think Tori and I we were united
00:04:45So, you know, we get the floor we get questioned we answer it we come together and yeah
00:04:50It creates a really special bond and you can't fake that. Well, I was at the gym expending some energy
00:04:56So I thought I would write you a little letter
00:04:59You wrote me a letter little bit of a letter. I just wanted to do something for Tori this morning
00:05:04Let her know I'm thinking about her
00:05:08Things I love about Tori
00:05:12Go on I
00:05:14Love the way you make our bed. I love the way you put a grin on my head. I
00:05:20Love it when you cuddle me at night. I
00:05:22Love it when you put up a fight like last night. I
00:05:26Love the way you make me feel
00:05:29This is a crazy experiment, but our connection is real
00:05:34Most importantly, I love the way we're striving for our happy ever after
00:05:39And of course how we share that ridiculous laughter
00:05:43Don't ever change my baby
00:05:45I'm already so very proud of you. Did you really write this? I did babe
00:05:55That's very sweet, thank you
00:05:59I love this for us
00:06:01Moving forward. I feel like we're stronger than ever and I've got no questions about the foundation of our relationship and where we're heading
00:06:08So yeah, I'm feeling good
00:06:16Down the hall Lucinda and Timothy aren't feeling quite as united
00:06:21After Timothy was involved in much of last night's chaos
00:06:25You don't even like your wife. Oh
00:06:28That's that's a little bit bold. Are you open to this? I'm open, you know
00:06:34And and my last two relationship I didn't even look at them like they were relationship like they like 23 years old
00:06:42Look, let's not get into the finer details of it. All right
00:06:49Last night was so intense. I felt so uncomfortable. Did you yes?
00:06:54But that is my uncomfortable zone what happened last night. I
00:07:00Tried and tested last night. I felt quite sensitive
00:07:06You know, I felt really upset I think Tim could have handled himself a bit better
00:07:11Everybody's flinging back and forward anything that you're into 23 year old son
00:07:17Sadful, I think Tim needs to humble himself a bit
00:07:21You know rather than pointing all the fingers at everybody else just nurture his own garden and what he's been given, you know
00:07:30You prove all the time how different we are rather than celebrating what is actually going
00:07:40Our relationship it's not where Lucinda would want it to be
00:07:45but my long-term relationships have always been a slow burn and
00:07:51Yeah, she's got to figure out whether she can do the time. We're the worst. What's that? Everybody's doing. All right, we're the worst
00:07:57Where we are the weakest link you and I
00:08:01Right now we're in friendzone. I mean at this point he's not even sexually attracted to me
00:08:07So, you know, I really like the guy but you know, there's another part of me that is in deep assessment right now
00:08:14You know, I'm here with you and I am grateful for that. I really am
00:08:19But sometimes it's really hard
00:08:22To be with me. Yeah, I know I think Tim and I are potentially on really different pages and
00:08:29I don't want to humiliate myself. I'm not gonna thrash on week on week going. Love me. Love me. It's just not where I'm at
00:08:38You know, I want to stay open. We have been paired for a reason, but right now I'm not really sure where to go from here
00:08:52With just hours until the commitment ceremony damn looking good. Thanks. Our couples are busy getting ready
00:09:00You sure it looks great dress. Yeah, you look all right
00:09:06You know where that's huh, I mean it's intimacy week
00:09:10Tonight they'll face the experts for the second time and reveal whether they want to stay in the experiment or leave their marriages for good
00:09:18You need me to do your coughs, that would be lovely. Thank you
00:09:22first one or second
00:09:24Yeah that one
00:09:26Going into the commitment ceremony tonight as always. I'm just gonna be myself
00:09:30I'm just gonna be brutally honest about how I'm feeling in this relationship
00:09:37Tried this one like I'm hoping that we have a good couch session get some good advice and then we can keep moving forward
00:09:47God that's a sign my wedding ring just fell off
00:09:53As the couples prepare to make their decisions
00:09:56They separate to reflect on their relationships and Ellie is feeling uncertain about where she stands with husband Ben
00:10:06so this morning, I'm feeling a bit confused and
00:10:10I'm actually
00:10:11emotionally exhausted
00:10:14Because I feel like it's just constant up and down with Ben and it's been like that from the beginning of this experiment I
00:10:22Just have a gut feeling but he might be here to promote his business. I
00:10:29Was my idea to have a date night
00:10:31but it ended in
00:10:34Mocking at the dinner and me feeling
00:10:37Disrespected he mocks you. Yeah, we went to bed and he was like, do you really think that I'm your match like we're not a match
00:10:43And then I just was like so hurt
00:10:47While Ellie has so far given Ben the benefit of the doubt the events at the dinner table last night are also weighing heavily
00:10:55On her mind after the group pushed Ben for an explanation regarding his behavior towards her. I
00:11:02Was nearly gonna walk out of the experiment really?
00:11:05Yeah, it's just just everything wasn't what too much. It was just the pressure of it, you know, and it had nothing to do with Ellie
00:11:14You told her you told her that she wasn't your match so it wasn't it wasn't not to do with Ellie so that's
00:11:26Last night I did have some concerns about Ben in our relationship
00:11:31You know the other girls and guys were questioning Ben's behavior and yeah
00:11:35It was pretty overwhelming and a bit confronting to hear everyone air their opinions on our relationship
00:11:42Yeah, now it's left actually a little bit of doubt in my mind
00:11:52Tim is also struggling with his decision after an argument erupted between he and wife Sarah last night over her
00:11:59Canceling three consecutive date nights that he had organized
00:12:03He actually didn't even plan anything like he didn't actually say we're going here and we're doing this
00:12:08He just said let's do something on Sunday. Like it's literally I was like you're booked out from 2 p.m. Where?
00:12:18The pair haven't spoken since the dinner party and are currently staying in separate apartments
00:12:24I raised my voice last night and I do regret that
00:12:28You know, I was a breaking point and I broke so I'm feeling a bit flat feeling a bit down to be honest
00:12:34Right now obviously my relationship is pretty rocky
00:12:38I'm not happy with the way things are that's for sure. Like it's not a fun time, you know on paper. We're a really good match
00:12:47So, I don't know I've got a lot in common and we've got a lot of shared interests and
00:12:51I really like her but
00:12:53She's not trying to let me in as a partner
00:12:56She's not trying to put any effort in to show me that she wants to just let it walls down and give it a try
00:13:03You know what we are
00:13:05we're in like a
00:13:07Shakespearean tragedy to star-crossed lovers are like we could be so good
00:13:12but then it's just like we're just crashing and just beating each other off and just like not
00:13:18seeing the potential in each other say I
00:13:22Don't know
00:13:28Yeah, I'm concerned
00:13:31I'm giving up my very best and I've been putting an effort and it just hasn't been reciprocated
00:13:36So, you know this decision tonight is a big decision
00:13:42Feel like I'm gonna be ashamed to just leave the experiment so early
00:13:46But on the other hand like I don't want to hang around someone who doesn't want to be around me
00:13:51Just wasting my time
00:14:10Greetings gents
00:14:27Hello ladies, you know grab a seat settle in
00:14:54Good evening everyone. Welcome to your second commitment ceremony
00:14:59We're landing here right after the finish of intimacy week, which I know has been a struggle for some of you
00:15:06But I also know it has been an opportunity for some of you to grow closer together
00:15:13We do know from last night at the dinner party that a lot has gone on it hasn't all been pretty
00:15:19It hasn't all been good
00:15:20but hopefully tonight we can unpack all of it get to the bottom of where you are and help you steer in the correct direction
00:15:28To make your connections and your relationships grow from here
00:15:33Our first couple up on the couch tonight
00:15:42Ellie and Ben
00:15:53Hello, hi
00:15:57So Ellie tell me how this week has been for you
00:16:03Yeah, this week has been very up and down it's like being like a roller coaster honestly I
00:16:10feeling very hurt
00:16:13from a night that I had with Ben and we went out on a date night and
00:16:18During the date he began to mock me and like a high-pitched voice
00:16:25I'm trying to imitate my voice and
00:16:28He was saying that I was like a bit naive and a bit silly
00:16:34So I obviously felt very hurt
00:16:37You know, I told him I did not stand for that behavior and I don't want to be spoken to like that
00:16:43So I went back to the apartment and then Ben arrived home soon after and then we chat about it and he did apologize
00:16:52But there is another story that happened on Friday night, please tell me about it
00:17:04He told me that I wasn't his match
00:17:12And I was absolutely horrified and just so hurt because I had let down my walls
00:17:18I was becoming vulnerable with this person and you know
00:17:21Putting my heart on the line and thinking that we were in like a pretty good place and then to hear that
00:17:27I was just thinking well
00:17:29How is this relationship going to continue if he's just told me he's I'm not his match like how are we going to come back?
00:17:35from that
00:17:38So that's why it's been a pretty rough week
00:17:42Ben why did you say that Ellie is not your match?
00:17:53I don't know just came out
00:17:59Just I just was in this cloud of just
00:18:03Pressures of the experiment really getting to me
00:18:07Just want to get out
00:18:13Been you have discussed you're a wrong match for me and I'm out of here. So that's as bad as it gets
00:18:22You throw into the mix that you're mocking her. I'm thinking you don't want to be with her
00:18:33So you got to come clean with me here do you really want to be here
00:18:57Been I'm thinking you don't want to be with her
00:19:05So you got to come clean with me here
00:19:08Do you really want to be here
00:19:19Have asked you a very very straightforward question. I've asked you whether you're in or not. What's the answer?
00:19:31I'm in
00:19:35So she is someone that you see yourself that you might have a future with
00:19:44Then what's going on
00:19:47At least been nothing but amazing I
00:19:51Just wanted to get away from all the pressure that was on me and as didn't care who's in the path
00:20:01Who here is feeling pressure in this experiment raise your hand
00:20:09Everyone's under the same pressures, but regardless of how much pressure is going on
00:20:15You cannot mock and get sarcastic with your partner and that cannot happen. I
00:20:22Agree I regret it so much and do anything to not have done that
00:20:31I'm feeling for you right now. Ellie. I've actually got tears
00:20:39Been with someone and being treated the way you have and
00:20:44It's nothing to do with you quite often. They are insecure in themselves
00:20:48So they try and put you down and make you feel bad to make themselves feel better
00:20:52And I'm sorry to say that Ben. I don't know you very well, but that's my vibe. I'm getting I
00:21:02Wanted to say that I really you know kind of dragged you over the fire over the coals last night because you just need to be
00:21:08Like like really truthful with Ellie about do you want children because like her non-negotiable?
00:21:15She wants children and she wants to be with someone who wants kids and I feel like
00:21:18You kind of were just telling you what she wanted to hear
00:21:21And two days before that you said you didn't apparently I could be on here
00:21:25I want kids and the next day you don't and then you just I don't buy that
00:21:33So Ben, what do you say to that?
00:21:36so during the week, I was having a great moment not to talk to my sister-in-law and
00:21:42I could hear my niece and nephew in the background and they were
00:21:45playing up with her and
00:21:48She's got me frustrated, but it made me really laugh
00:21:50It was adorable hearing that and then there was no magic, you know fireworks or anything a bit
00:21:56It was such a I just remember it's like
00:21:58I'm ready for this
00:22:00I'm ready for that next stage of my life as far as settling down and having a family and then like I bought a bottle
00:22:08of wine and I was
00:22:09Telling you like I was like, I think I'm really ready for that and told you
00:22:14That day. Yeah
00:22:17So you can see where I'm feeling like I'm getting
00:22:21Yes, I'm in. No, I'm not and I'm feeling very like whoa, you know
00:22:30So early if you choose to stay in this experiment, what do you need from Ben I
00:22:35need Ben to try and just
00:22:40Stabilize his emotions. I just want him to maybe just take a moment
00:22:44Before he reacts, you know, you have to think before you speak. Yeah. Yeah
00:22:51And being if you choose to stay in the experiment do you think you've got that in you
00:23:00everything I can
00:23:04All right. Let's go to the decision
00:23:06Let's start with you stay or leave
00:23:11I'm absolutely going to stay continue on
00:23:25Ben what are you got stay or leave?
00:23:29Wrote stay and recapping on Friday. I do want to have kids in the future
00:23:40Ben what you've done Ellie over this week is you've really hit her below the belt with some very very
00:23:49Significant comments that have shattered the trust. So I want you to know
00:23:55You are really close to being dead in the water
00:23:59What you do from here on in will determine whether you can bring her back
00:24:05Get real turn up every day and let's see the authentic being that Ellie is wanting and
00:24:13Be very careful your words because they're very powerful
00:24:18Off you go back to the group. Thank you. Thanks
00:24:21Honestly like Ben Ben Ben, I'm just not buying it
00:24:26And still talking in circles and Ellie still making excuses for him. It's hard out there, isn't it?
00:24:34He's completely wasting your time and it actually just started to really piss me off to be honest
00:24:51Our next couple up on the couch
00:25:00Tori and Jack
00:25:07Hey guys, good to see you to the couch
00:25:18Did you guys find intimacy week
00:25:22We had a lot of fun during intimacy week we learned a lot about yeah, we can definitely say we're closer together absolutely
00:25:31She's a strong
00:25:33well-voiced girl and
00:25:36She gave Tim a bit of a rub up last night
00:25:41Timothy you had some opinions of Jack and Tori's relationship
00:25:48Yes, please share
00:25:58Well, I wasn't sure whether it was real or not
00:26:10Based on what though you couldn't answer that question an opinion is based on an observational
00:26:15How would you describe your relationship with Jack and Tori's relationship?
00:26:21Have a deep understanding of the relationships that we have
00:26:26The fact that we're very close
00:26:29I'm very open about our relationship
00:26:32I'm very open about our relationship
00:26:36Based on what, though? You couldn't answer that question.
00:26:38An opinion is based on an observation of something.
00:26:41That's all it's based on.
00:26:43But what is your observation?
00:26:45Because they haven't had sex, that's what he wrote.
00:26:47Yep, yep.
00:26:48You know, it's...
00:26:50I just...
00:26:52Me, myself, I just can't line it up, and that's it.
00:26:58So, from your observations of Jack and Tori,
00:27:01you find it difficult to gauge or understand
00:27:03whether they are really into each other or not?
00:27:07Yeah, like, I'm just a little...
00:27:09Like, I'm a little more pessimistic.
00:27:11I don't take everything on face value.
00:27:14I don't believe everybody.
00:27:17Do you feel good about the interaction you had with Tori?
00:27:26It was passionate, you know? Yeah, it was.
00:27:29It's not an attack personally on you.
00:27:32It was just a difference of opinion.
00:27:37We've had a day to reflect, though. How do you feel about it now?
00:27:44I don't regret anything I said.
00:27:47And that's it.
00:28:03Getting back to Tori and Jack.
00:28:06The body language all says that you're very much together.
00:28:12You seem very comfortable,
00:28:13and we know that you had not been intimate sexually.
00:28:16Has there been any progress in that direction?
00:28:20I think we maintain where we're at when it comes to being intimate.
00:28:24Yeah, we haven't had sex, but I think she knows I'm into her
00:28:27and I'm showing her, I'm proud of her,
00:28:29and I'm still wooing the girl as well.
00:28:32I wrote you a little letter today.
00:28:35It's like a poem.
00:28:36Yeah, I wrote a little poem today.
00:28:39Yeah, so...
00:28:40It was very cute.
00:28:41And delivered it with a coffee, and I was like, OK.
00:28:48I am actually really curious.
00:28:50At this point, how do you feel about one another?
00:28:57Yeah, I think she's a babe.
00:28:59I think she's amazing.
00:29:03Tori, how are you feeling about Jack?
00:29:06I really like Jack.
00:29:08I don't ever feel like I've been in, like, a healthy relationship before.
00:29:13I think they're always quite toxic,
00:29:15and I feel like I've always been the one to kind of take the reins,
00:29:19and it's just not the dynamic that I ever wanted.
00:29:23But with Jack, I feel like you're, like, the perfect amount of, like, dominant.
00:29:33I'm kind of like the calm to her storm, I feel.
00:29:35Yeah, absolutely.
00:29:37Like, I trust him wholly, and I've just never had that.
00:29:43So, yeah, I feel...
00:29:44How funny am I?
00:29:45You're a bit funny. You are a little bit funny.
00:29:47Our jokes are getting really good.
00:29:49Our jokes are getting worse and worse by the minute.
00:29:53Tori, where do you see this relationship going?
00:29:56I see it going, like, a long, long way.
00:30:00And that's something that I had in my vows.
00:30:03I did want longevity,
00:30:05and, yeah, I absolutely see that with Jack, for sure.
00:30:08That's nice to hear, babe. I didn't know that.
00:30:10You didn't know that?
00:30:13You're welcome.
00:30:14What about you, Jack?
00:30:16Yeah, I see a future,
00:30:18and, yeah, I think it's because I'm setting us up for success,
00:30:22like, the most success we can have together.
00:30:24I'm here for the real deal, so, yeah, I'm blessed to be matched with Tori,
00:30:27and I say that weekly.
00:30:31We're going to go to the decision.
00:30:39This week, I wrote...
00:30:43..Stay, with an XOX.
00:30:46Good handwriting.
00:30:47Thank you. Thank you.
00:30:51Tori, I wrote Stay as well.
00:31:03Thanks, guys.
00:31:04Have a good week.
00:31:07I wasn't really listening to what Timothy was saying.
00:31:10I'd kind of, like, wanted to drown it out as much as possible.
00:31:15His mouth moves, and I'm like, oh, it's bullshit, cool.
00:31:19What Timothy's going at us for is for being happy,
00:31:22and if that's a crime, then kill me.
00:31:26Tori and Jack.
00:31:29Yeah, no.
00:31:31I'm still not buying it.
00:31:33Jack's not into Tori.
00:31:35He's being fake.
00:31:36So, like, I'm not sorry for anything I said.
00:31:42It's an opinion, you know?
00:31:45Good luck to your six-month relationship.
00:31:48And that's about all it's going to last.
00:31:51Still to come, love is all around.
00:31:54I'm head over heels.
00:31:56It's pretty obvious she knows that.
00:31:58Tells me every day.
00:32:01We have been really attentive and enjoying each other.
00:32:04Like, this is a beautiful man.
00:32:06Also, Lucinda lays down the law.
00:32:09I'm not interested to be traversing alongside somebody
00:32:14that's just so up you to the world.
00:32:19And later, Sarah gets called out.
00:32:23Why didn't you apologise to Tim when you sat down here tonight?
00:32:28He yelled at me.
00:32:43Our next couple, up on the couch.
00:32:53Lucinda and Tim.
00:33:00Hello, you two.
00:33:06Right, let's get into this.
00:33:10Last night at the dinner party, what was your take on it, Lucinda?
00:33:13Um, yeah.
00:33:19I was a little bit humiliated.
00:33:24Humiliating the 23-year-old.
00:33:29Humiliating to stand by somebody that I've been matched with
00:33:34that last night was very happy to point the finger
00:33:38and not be humble with their own experience.
00:33:46Like, what do you actually want to be projecting, you know,
00:33:49in your frequency?
00:33:51Do you want to be the guy that's making everybody laugh,
00:33:54which you're so good at?
00:33:57Or do you want to be the one that's going,
00:33:59your shit, bullshit on that?
00:34:01Because I'm not interested to be traversing
00:34:05and journeying alongside somebody
00:34:09that's just so up you to the world,
00:34:12you know, pointing all these fingers.
00:34:14That's not my jam,
00:34:16and that's not something I really stand by.
00:34:22Well, I mean, from where I'm sitting,
00:34:25it just, it looks like you've lost a little bit of your spark.
00:34:30But you seem hurt.
00:34:32Yeah, I am a little bit hurt.
00:34:35It has been quite hurtful, a lot of this experience.
00:34:41It's had moments of deep humiliation.
00:34:45I've got to keep, you know, forgiving and resetting
00:34:48and, you know, coming to the fore with an open heart.
00:34:51And this week, I just have been in the observation seat,
00:34:59sort of watching and seeing what it is I would be signing up for.
00:35:05You know, am I signing up for minimum affection?
00:35:11Am I signing up for somebody
00:35:13that can't share their feelings and emotions?
00:35:16Am I signing up for somebody
00:35:18that has sex right down the bottom of their values?
00:35:25Am I signing up for somebody
00:35:27that expects me to do most of the housework
00:35:30and wants to watch television all the time?
00:35:33Like, I, you know, there's just sort of, like, qualities
00:35:37that I'm just like, oh, you know,
00:35:39you don't brush your teeth before bed, like...
00:35:43A lot of it is a misalignment for me.
00:35:47And I think it's just a bit of a shield's gone up
00:35:50or a bit of armour, potentially.
00:35:54So, watching the dinner party last night,
00:35:57Timothy, anyone that came into your crosshair,
00:36:01you took them down, or at least attempted to.
00:36:06And so I guess the difference between you and Lucinda right now
00:36:11is that she's got quite an open heart,
00:36:14whereas you're very guarded and defensive.
00:36:20100%. Yeah, you're completely right.
00:36:26I've got walls up everywhere.
00:36:30You don't want to get hurt, you don't want to get used,
00:36:33and you don't want to be made out of full.
00:36:37You know, in relationships,
00:36:41when I've shared parts of me that I generally don't share...
00:36:49..they run a mile.
00:36:53What are you afraid that they might see
00:36:56if they see the real Timothy?
00:37:00Yeah, I'm a disaster.
00:37:06I've got more baggage than Qantas.
00:37:09There's a lot of stuff.
00:37:11I'll just put a lid on it, and then I'll move on with life.
00:37:17Lucinda wants to unpack that, and I don't.
00:37:21I want to leave it in the past.
00:37:26And that's just how I get by.
00:37:30Lucinda, what would happen
00:37:32if Timothy decided to go there and unpack it all,
00:37:36lay it out on the table, let you rummage around in it?
00:37:42Let's just bless this mess.
00:37:44Let's get in there.
00:37:46You'd roll the sleeves up and dig in.
00:37:48Absolutely. Let's excavate.
00:37:52Timothy, I've got to ask,
00:37:54you're looking at Lucinda, the person in front of you now.
00:37:57You know, she's kind, open-minded, emotionally very intelligent.
00:38:01I'm trying to think, you know,
00:38:03could you possibly find anyone better equipped
00:38:07at dealing with whatever it is that's the baggage that you carry?
00:38:16No, you actually couldn't.
00:38:18She's incredibly sweet.
00:38:20She's got a big heart.
00:38:22She thinks of everybody.
00:38:24She loves everybody.
00:38:26But she looks for the good in people,
00:38:28and she looks for the good in every situation.
00:38:31Unfortunately, I sort of, you know, I look at things differently.
00:38:35I look for the negative.
00:38:39So what do you want then, Lucinda, from this man beside you?
00:38:46I mean, at this point,
00:38:48I would need to see some effort
00:38:52and something that I'd want to be part of
00:38:54that's hunky and spunky
00:38:57and, you know, has got it going on.
00:39:00Like, at this point, it would have to come from him.
00:39:04I mean, I can't even guarantee
00:39:06that I'm going to reciprocate at this point.
00:39:09It's about Tim's willingness.
00:39:15Timothy, are you willing to get on board?
00:39:18Yeah, I am.
00:39:22We have a ton of fun,
00:39:24and that's where it sort of starts for me.
00:39:31All right.
00:39:33Let's go to the decision.
00:39:36Why don't we start with you, Lucinda?
00:39:38Stay or leave?
00:39:42I do have some hope for Tim and me.
00:39:46I can't help but still have a little lantern, you know, for us.
00:39:51So I've done a little bit of an ambiguous Dr Seuss stay.
00:40:02Timothy, I've written stay.
00:40:09Now, bottom line is Lucinda's asked you
00:40:11some very simple things coming into this week
00:40:14that she wants you to do.
00:40:16You said you're willing. Can we count on that?
00:40:19For sure.
00:40:21All right, well done. Off to the group.
00:40:28I do hope that Tim opens and becomes available to this process.
00:40:35You know, let me in and, you know, listen to the experts.
00:40:40Because I do feel that it would be lovely
00:40:43to tickle the possibility and the potential of us.
00:40:48I'm very interdated. I have a big crush on dating.
00:40:54Oh, there we go, honey.
00:40:56I love you guys to the best.
00:40:58Oh, good students.
00:41:05You were behaving in a really aggressive way.
00:41:08We were in shock.
00:41:12I have a question for Tim.
00:41:15Are you maybe afraid of her a little bit?
00:41:19Cass, I'm sorry, but you haven't seen us in a relationship
00:41:22in the privacy of our own home.
00:41:24So don't go saying that...
00:41:25It's just such a shift.
00:41:37Our next couple up on the couch...
00:41:40...Cassandra and Tristan.
00:41:45How's the week been?
00:41:47Oh, this week was good.
00:41:49He is really trying, but I would like just a bit more touches
00:41:53and kisses and stuff.
00:41:55Like, last night after the dinner party,
00:41:57he gave me a massive hug and he said goodnight and we went to bed.
00:42:00And it was, like, the best hug ever that he's done this whole time.
00:42:04Did it feel good?
00:42:07It did, but intimacy's hard for me.
00:42:10And that's the biggest thing I struggle with
00:42:12and what I'm trying to work on.
00:42:13A fantastic technique here is to listen to the feedback
00:42:16that she gives you.
00:42:17Yeah, listen in, listen in. There we go.
00:42:19She's telling you, take it at face value and do more of that...
00:42:22Yeah, OK. what she's saying.
00:42:25We're going to go to the decision.
00:42:26I put stay.
00:42:28Yeah, yeah, you did.
00:42:33There we go.
00:42:34You guys are bored now.
00:42:37I'm just wondering, because, you know, we're in an experiment and all,
00:42:40if we could do a little experiment right now.
00:42:43What if you had a big hug right now?
00:42:45Oh, yeah, that's easy.
00:42:47Oh, there we go, honey.
00:42:50I love you guys. You're the best.
00:42:52Oh, Tristan.
00:42:54Did you hear that?
00:42:57Thanks, guys.
00:42:59Well done.
00:43:01Our next couple up on the couch, Eden and Jayden.
00:43:12How are you guys?
00:43:13We're good. How are you?
00:43:14We're good.
00:43:15This week's been really good.
00:43:17Really fun.
00:43:19How do you feel about one another?
00:43:21I'm head over heels.
00:43:26I think it's pretty obvious she knows that.
00:43:28She tells me every day.
00:43:32I'm very into Jayden. I have a big crush on Jayden.
00:43:36The respect for me is amazing, and I just love how he always checks on me.
00:43:39All right, let's go to the decision.
00:43:41I adore Jayden, so obviously I'm staying.
00:43:46Not even a question.
00:43:47I also wrote, do you love us?
00:43:50Very big love card.
00:43:56Our next couple on the couch, Andrea and Richard.
00:44:03So why don't you tell us about Intimacy Week?
00:44:07You go.
00:44:08I'll go.
00:44:10We did Intimacy Week the week before Intimacy Week.
00:44:17We gazed, we hugged, we f***ed, we f***ed.
00:44:20We did everything.
00:44:21Oh my God.
00:44:31Oh my God.
00:44:33We did the whole lot.
00:44:35So when Intimacy Week came along, you know, we cruised all the exercises.
00:44:39Like it wasn't a big deal for us.
00:44:41It was like, yeah, cool, like here we go, okay.
00:44:43Good students.
00:44:46We have been really attentive and enjoying each other.
00:44:50And Richie likes kissing.
00:44:52I love kissing.
00:44:53So I think we're closer after Intimacy Week.
00:44:58I agree.
00:44:59Like this is a beautiful man.
00:45:05We're going to go to the decision.
00:45:10Of course I'm staying.
00:45:13And Andrea.
00:45:14I am staying.
00:45:20She stayed alive.
00:45:21Well done, guys.
00:45:27Our next couple up on the couch.
00:45:34Lauren and Jonathan.
00:45:43How has this week been for you guys?
00:45:49Intimacy Week definitely highlighted the issues for the two of us.
00:45:55I feel like Jono feels like he's not heard or like I don't want to hear him.
00:45:59And he's right in saying that.
00:46:01Not that I don't want to hear him,
00:46:03but I do give off body language at times that says I'm not interested.
00:46:10What does that look like?
00:46:14It looks like looking at my phone or looking down or not responding.
00:46:20I am very aware that I'm doing that in the moment.
00:46:23And every cell in my body is saying,
00:46:27respond or smile.
00:46:30And it's just like something in me.
00:46:31I just shut down.
00:46:33What do you think about his personality?
00:46:41I think I've used the word boring.
00:46:45Too nice.
00:46:48I've actually said that I find him robotic.
00:46:52It just seems like he doesn't feel any real like fire or passion
00:46:56about anything that's going on in the experiment or between us.
00:47:03I want to know what Jono feels when he's on the receiving end of that.
00:47:07What impact's that going to have on him?
00:47:09It's going to make him feel like shit.
00:47:15Why would you want your romantic love interest to feel like shit?
00:47:36I want to know what Jono feels when he's on the receiving end of that.
00:47:40What impact's that going to have on him?
00:47:42It's going to make him feel like shit.
00:47:48Why would you want your romantic love interest to feel like shit?
00:47:59My brain and my logic tells me that I never would,
00:48:02so I can't really compute inside of me why I would want to do that.
00:48:10Jonathan, how are you feeling about all of this?
00:48:17I hadn't heard the boring one yet.
00:48:20That sucked.
00:48:24And that's not me.
00:48:27But I think I can be really confident until I'm not.
00:48:35Do you think it's because of how you've acted that you feel not confident?
00:48:46I think probably hearing some of those things just gets the confidence down a bit.
00:48:56So, Lauren, is Jonathan enough for you?
00:49:02Jonathan's definitely enough for me.
00:49:04He's got every attribute that I've ever wanted in a man.
00:49:06Everything that I've said in past relationships, you know,
00:49:10you're not doing this, I want this, and now I've got it,
00:49:13and now I'm like, well, what is wrong with me?
00:49:17I just go into this, like, self-sabotage mode,
00:49:19and I just have done it in every relationship, and I don't know why.
00:49:26What are you so afraid of when it comes to intimate relationships?
00:49:31I just feel like I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
00:49:35When something's really good, it's like,
00:49:37oh, this is too good to be true.
00:49:39Maybe something bad is going to happen.
00:49:41Some revelation.
00:49:42I'm going to find out he's got, like, some family in Asia or something.
00:49:45I don't know.
00:49:47So you're ultimately afraid of being rejected?
00:49:55By picking him apart, you're going to keep him at arm's length.
00:50:03So now you know how you're sabotaging that.
00:50:06What would you suggest you do here to change it?
00:50:11I think what I want to do is to focus on the good things,
00:50:15and there's so many of them.
00:50:18He's so caring, he's so nice.
00:50:20He's just, like, the most thoughtful person,
00:50:22and that's definitely what I need in my life.
00:50:26And what about you, Jonathan?
00:50:28How do you think you can move forward?
00:50:31For Lauren, it's so important to have banter, to have good chat,
00:50:34and at the moment, I'm not giving her that.
00:50:38So that's what I want to work on.
00:50:43All right, let's go to the decision.
00:50:45Lauren, what have you got?
00:50:49It's easy for me. I really want to work on this.
00:50:52I think Jono's an amazing person, so I would say...
00:50:57Love that.
00:51:01It was easy. Stay.
00:51:07All right, so you know how to do this this week.
00:51:11Put the sarcasm away, the negative comments, the criticisms.
00:51:16Replace it with, I'm scared.
00:51:18Bring them close and talk it through,
00:51:20and you'll be a different couple next week.
00:51:22OK. I hope so.
00:51:23Well done.
00:51:26Good work.
00:51:28Jon was diving in on me, and I was pretty vulnerable,
00:51:32which is not something that I'm used to being.
00:51:35I literally had, like, a dry mouth and, like, clammy palms.
00:51:39I was, like, dying.
00:51:43Like, shaking.
00:51:44Like, every second was so hard.
00:51:46I think it was good.
00:51:47It was good to open up that other side of me,
00:51:50cos I'm usually pretty sarcastic and dry.
00:51:53I really like Jono,
00:51:55so it's good that we have things that we need to work through.
00:52:00Our last couple on the couch tonight...
00:52:05..Sarah and Tim.
00:52:16Now, look, let's cut to the chase.
00:52:19Watching the dinner party last night,
00:52:21clearly the two of you were at loggerheads.
00:52:27You were arguing, and things were gridlocked.
00:52:32I just want to say, actually...
00:52:37..I'm embarrassed at how...
00:52:42..I'm embarrassed at how...
00:52:45..I'm embarrassed at how...
00:52:48..we aired our dirty laundry in front of everybody.
00:52:53So I apologise for the scene that was caused last night.
00:53:00That's not ever how I want to deal with any situations
00:53:03in any partnership, so just want to say that.
00:53:07I'm really curious, Sarah.
00:53:10As soon as you sat down here, do you remember what you said?
00:53:15I said I feel embarrassed, and I apologise.
00:53:23To who?
00:53:25To the group...
00:53:28..for causing a scene.
00:53:30To the group...
00:53:33..for causing a scene.
00:53:36But not to Tim.
00:53:47He yelled at me.
00:54:01I'm really curious, Sarah.
00:54:04As soon as you sat down here, do you remember what you said?
00:54:08I said I feel embarrassed, and I apologise.
00:54:16To who?
00:54:18To the group...
00:54:21..for causing a scene.
00:54:24To the group...
00:54:27..for causing a scene.
00:54:31But not to Tim.
00:54:42He yelled at me.
00:54:58You were behaving in a really aggressive way
00:55:02throughout the night.
00:55:05You were shouting for quite a length of time.
00:55:10We were in shock,
00:55:12watching your anger.
00:55:16Your pointing.
00:55:19Your body language was so alarming.
00:55:23We watched Tim...
00:55:26..control himself throughout the night...
00:55:30..until you pushed him to the point that he exploded.
00:55:35And for the first time, Tim, we saw you find your voice
00:55:39and express yourself to Sarah.
00:55:44I raised my voice last night, and I do regret that,
00:55:47and I did apologise to Sarah for it,
00:55:49and, you know, I don't... I never want to be in that position,
00:55:52you know, cos it just makes me feel bad about myself.
00:55:57..I've just got to the breaking point for me
00:56:01I've just got to the breaking point for me.
00:56:06Why didn't you apologise to Tim when you sat down here tonight?
00:56:16To be honest, I guess I didn't... I didn't see it.
00:56:20But now that I am being called out...
00:56:25..I apologise.
00:56:32From your perspective,
00:56:34what was it that you were hearing Tim say
00:56:37that was getting you so riled up?
00:56:39Oh, Cass mentioned something about me cancelling the three dates,
00:56:43and then he said he planned something,
00:56:46and I said,
00:56:47oh, you didn't plan anything the first two weeks,
00:56:50and then that's when he went, yeah, I did.
00:56:54So, what's the genuine reason that you cancelled on him three times?
00:57:02So, the first time, I actually messaged him and I said,
00:57:05I'm not in a good place, I need to take some time to myself.
00:57:10I said, let's do next weekend.
00:57:13The next day, I said to him,
00:57:15our groceries are going to go off in the fridge,
00:57:17should we just cook that instead?
00:57:20And then the following week was,
00:57:22I went out with my girlfriends on Saturday
00:57:24and I wasn't feeling great on Sunday.
00:57:26I was hungover.
00:57:30So, what does that choice say to him?
00:57:38I guess that he's not a priority,
00:57:40but that's not really how I meant it.
00:57:43That he's not a priority.
00:58:00Is that fair to say to him?
00:58:03It's definitely how it feels.
00:58:07It feels like there's kind of a lack of effort
00:58:10and a lack of commitment from side R
00:58:15to this whole experiment.
00:58:17I have been really trying to put in energy and effort,
00:58:22and it's exhausting, you know,
00:58:25just constantly putting this effort in
00:58:27and not being heard or seen.
00:58:34I do feel a little bit rejected.
00:58:39I have a question for Tim.
00:58:44It's just that when you're with us,
00:58:47you're a different Tim.
00:58:49But then when you're with Sarah,
00:58:51you're like a colder version of the Tim
00:58:53that I've gotten to know.
00:58:55And I just...
00:58:56Are you maybe afraid of her a little bit?
00:59:06Cass, I'm sorry,
00:59:07but you haven't seen us in a relationship,
00:59:09in the privacy of our own home.
00:59:11So don't go saying that...
00:59:12It's just such a shift.
00:59:13We all have our issues here.
00:59:15We all do,
00:59:16but we don't know what happens behind closed doors.
00:59:18So please, do not insinuate that he is scared of me.
00:59:24Like I'm some crazy person.
00:59:26I'll answer Cass's question,
00:59:28because it's a fair enough question,
00:59:30because I'm pretty high energetic with everyone.
00:59:34We have been struggling.
00:59:38So I feel like I'm, you know,
00:59:41dimming my energy a bit.
00:59:46I definitely am hesitant with my communication with you
00:59:49because of creating issues in the relationship
00:59:52that I don't want to have.
01:00:04Tim, what do you need from Sarah
01:00:07to help you to feel more like
01:00:09you really matter in this relationship?
01:00:17I feel like just a bit of warmth, you know?
01:00:21And I feel like just,
01:00:23why don't we just give it a crack, you know?
01:00:27Just try it out and see what happens.
01:00:30Make an effort.
01:00:31Exactly, make the effort and try and make it happen.
01:00:33And if it doesn't, then it doesn't.
01:00:35That's cool, but like the ball's in her court in my eyes.
01:00:42why do you think you're finding it so hard
01:00:44to really engage here with Tim and to make him your priority?
01:00:51Um, to be honest,
01:00:56I just don't feel like I am at a point with Tim
01:01:00that I want to have the times on the weekends
01:01:05like going on dates with Tim.
01:01:09So I guess I'm kind of waiting
01:01:11to have that urge to want to do those things.
01:01:17Yeah, I guess that's where I'm at.
01:01:26Let's go to the decision then.
01:01:27Let's go with you first, Tim.
01:01:34Obviously been a challenging week.
01:01:50And I really want to at least know
01:01:52that I've given it every single last ounce of my effort and energy.
01:01:57So I'd stay.
01:02:00I'd stay.
01:02:02I'd stay.
01:02:04I'd stay.
01:02:06I'd stay.
01:02:08I'd stay.
01:02:10I'd stay.
01:02:12I'd stay.
01:02:14I'd stay.
01:02:15I'd stay.
01:02:16I'd stay.
01:02:18I'd stay.
01:02:19I'd stay.
01:02:31And what about you, Sarah?
01:02:33Stay or leave?
01:02:44Yeah, I guess for me...
01:02:47I still want to give this a chance.
01:02:53I feel like it's too early on
01:02:55and that's just not the kind of person I am.
01:02:59So I wrote stay as well.
01:03:19Come on, bring it in.
01:03:29Here we are.
01:03:42This week, if you do not make each other
01:03:45number one priority,
01:03:47you're dead in the water.
01:03:49Go and do it.
01:03:52Thanks, guys.
01:03:55Alright, go back to the group.
01:04:05I don't know, it's tough to get a read
01:04:07where we're at at the moment, to be honest.
01:04:10I'm going to give her the week to try
01:04:12and if she is genuinely sorry,
01:04:14then she will make an effort.
01:04:15So hopefully we can turn things around.
01:04:24A whole new wave of love...
01:04:27You might meet the love of your life.
01:04:29I know. here.
01:04:32Over two huge nights,
01:04:34three new weddings.
01:04:36We were determined to find Michael another match.
01:04:39The groom who finally gets his man.
01:04:43It'd be an ick if he was really cocky.
01:04:46And clear the aisle.
01:04:48Don't want to tell me how good looking I am.
01:04:50I tell myself every day,
01:04:51I don't need two people telling me that.
01:04:52For love.
01:04:53I'd say I was kind, caring, compassionate,
01:04:55and gorgeous,
01:04:56but that's just scratching the surface.
01:04:58I am a psychic medium.
01:05:00Reads people's thoughts.
01:05:01I'm getting married.
01:05:02To you!
01:05:03The new weddings.
01:05:05I accept you, and I love you.
01:05:10A lot?
01:05:11Will sweep Australia away.
01:05:14It all starts tomorrow, 7.30 on 9.
01:05:18And the experiment...
01:05:20It's degrading. about...
01:05:23I'm not talking to you, Lauren.
01:05:25To be rocked.
01:05:26There's things you can't say,
01:05:28and that is one of them.
