What is a Black Hole and how is it formed. Islamic & informative channel

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Islamic and informative video
00:00Friends whenever we talk about this universe
00:03means this universe
00:04then we start having a lot of questions in our mind
00:07like how did our universe come to be?
00:10how big is it?
00:11and what is it that this universe has kept hidden inside it?
00:15So friends, this universe has buried a lot of scary secrets inside it
00:20but the scariest thing we have seen is the black hole
00:23a dark place from where there is no way back
00:27We get to hear a lot of stories about black holes
00:30like this is the way to another universe
00:32which means after entering the black hole
00:34we will reach a universe
00:36where a different kind of life exists
00:39which is beyond time
00:40which means there will be no time
00:42and death will never come
00:44and some people even believe that black holes
00:46are the way to reach God
00:48but friends, these are just people's assumptions
00:52because till date only black holes have been seen
00:54they have not been observed
00:56like if nothing that goes inside black holes never comes back
00:59then it is difficult to say
01:01whether black holes give us death
01:02or a new life
01:04to find answers to such questions
01:06humans started studying the universe
01:08and when humans studied the universe
01:10then even the human mind was shocked
01:12so in today's video
01:14we will discuss the most dangerous thing in the universe
01:16black holes in detail
01:18so the video will be very interesting
01:20so keep watching it till the end
01:22I am Abdul Hanan
01:23and you are watching your own channel
01:56and to put it simply
01:58the most gravity of this universe
02:00is found inside a black hole
02:02its gravity pulls everything inside itself
02:05whatever comes in its grasp
02:06and whenever something
02:08goes inside a black hole
02:10it never comes back
02:11that's why black hole is called
02:13the point of no return
02:15means a path
02:16where there is no return
02:18or a dark night
02:20which has no dawn
02:21after entering the black hole
02:23physics does not work
02:25even Newton's laws of gravity
02:27fail inside the black hole
02:29that means black hole
02:30is a scary and gloomy face
02:32of our universe
02:33which is not easy to understand
02:35so this was the introduction of black hole
02:37what is a black hole
02:39so now if we want to understand black hole more
02:42then we will have to find answers to some questions
02:44like how does a black hole form?
02:47what will happen
02:48if our earth falls into a black hole
02:50and if our sun becomes a black hole
02:53then what will happen to our solar system
02:55so by finding answers to such questions
02:57we will be able to understand
02:58what is a black hole
03:00so now without wasting time
03:01let's start the countdown of our questions
03:04question number 10
03:05how does a black hole form?
03:07to find the answer to this question
03:09we will have to go 100 years back
03:11means in 20th century
03:12because people of 20th century used to think
03:14that there is nothing like a black hole
03:17for them all this was just a story
03:19in 1916
03:20there was a scientist
03:21whose name was Carl Schwarzschild
03:24he used Einstein's general theory of relativity
03:27that if we compress the size of anything too much
03:31then that thing will become a black hole
03:33now you must be knowing
03:34that when we compress something
03:36then its size becomes small
03:38so according to Schwarzschild
03:40whenever we compress a mass more than our hand
03:43then it will become a black hole
03:45means if we make the size of our earth too small
03:48then our earth will also become a black hole
03:51anyway at that time this theory was considered as a joke
03:53but when 1971 came
03:55then this theory became a reality
03:57because in 1971
03:58scientist saw the first black hole of this universe
04:02after seeing which we came to know
04:03that it was highly compressed
04:05that black hole was at a distance of 6000 light years from our earth
04:09and if you don't know about light year
04:11then let me tell you
04:12that a light year means
04:14where it takes a year to reach the light
04:16means if a planet takes a year to reach the light of the sun
04:20then it means that planet is at a distance of 1 light year from the sun
04:24so the first black hole that was discovered
04:26was at a distance of 6000 light years from our earth
04:29means if light is sent from our earth to that black hole
04:33then it will take 6000 years to reach that light
04:36and we know very well
04:38that light is the fastest thing in this universe
04:40Question number 9
04:42How many types of black holes are there?
04:44so friends from 1971 till now
04:46scientist have seen many black holes
04:48in which they have seen 4 types of black holes
04:52Miniature Black Holes
04:54Stellar Black Holes
04:55Intermediate Black Holes
04:57and Supermassive Black Holes
04:58now if we talk about Miniature Black Holes
05:01then this black hole is very small
05:03according to an estimate
05:05the size of this black hole is only as much as a single atom
05:08but still it is so powerful
05:10that it can easily swallow a big mountain
05:13the age of these small black holes
05:15is around the age of this universe
05:17so scientists believe that
05:19these small black holes
05:20were formed immediately after the Big Bang
05:23when space must have scattered some of its pieces
05:26after Miniature Black Holes
05:28comes Stellar Black Holes
05:29whose size can be 10 to 15 times or 20 times bigger than our sun
05:35these black holes are formed after supernova
05:37and supernova happens when a very big star dies
05:41this star can be at least 25 times bigger than our sun
05:45and when it dies
05:46then it explodes
05:47due to its explosion, so much light spreads
05:50which is billions of times more than the light of the sun
05:53and so much high energy is released from it
05:56that its light stays in a galaxy for many weeks
05:59this process of star's death is called supernova
06:02and after supernova, a stellar black hole is formed
06:05now at number 3 comes Intermediate Black Hole
06:08these black holes are formed
06:10when many stellar black holes merge into each other
06:13and form a big black hole
06:15and now the most dangerous and biggest black hole
06:18is a supermassive black hole
06:20this black hole is so big
06:23that its size is billions of times bigger than our sun
06:27this black hole is at the very center of every galaxy
06:30and it is so big
06:32that humans can't even guess it
06:34and a similar black hole
06:36is present at the very center of our galaxy
06:39which is called Sagittarius A star
06:41the size of Sagittarius A star
06:43is more than 4 million times bigger than our sun
06:47and these supermassive black holes were formed
06:50when galaxies were formed
06:52Question number 8
06:53what will happen if you fall into a black hole?
06:56so the answer is
06:57that the black hole has the most gravity in the universe
07:00it pulls everything with so much gravitational force
07:04that either it explodes
07:06or it gets too much stretched
07:08that means if you go inside a black hole
07:11then you will become a noodle
07:13and when you will be away from the black hole
07:15then you will feel the time dilation effect
07:18for example
07:19if you go near a black hole
07:21and video call your friend
07:23who is on earth at that time
07:24then you will see your friend moving very fast
07:29but at the same time
07:30you will see him moving very slow
07:33which is very scary to hear
07:36by the way this has never happened to anyone
07:38because black holes are so far away
07:41that it will take thousands of years
07:42for a human to reach there
07:45but friends many scientists
07:48have seen black holes tearing the big stars
07:50they swallow those stars
07:52and destroy their light
07:55Question number 7
07:56if black holes are black
07:58and there is a lot of darkness in them
08:00then how are they visible?
08:02so the answer is
08:03that black holes are invisible
08:05they are not visible at all
08:06there is only one way to see them
08:09and that is the accretion disk around them
08:11which is formed
08:13when black holes swallow a lot of stars
08:15then the remaining dust and gases of those stars
08:18start accumulating around the black hole
08:21friends there is an accretion disk around the black hole
08:24but the part inside the black hole
08:26which is completely dark
08:27it is called event horizon
08:30which cannot be seen at all
08:32and nothing going there comes back
08:35it is like a blind well
08:38Question number 6
08:39what will happen if our sun becomes a black hole?
08:42will it destroy our solar system?
08:45so the answer is
08:46that the sun can never become a black hole
08:48because the sun is a very small star
08:50it does not have the energy to make a black hole
08:53when after 5 billion years
08:55the life of the sun will be complete
08:57then our sun will turn red
08:59and it will become a red giant star
09:01and then finally our sun will become a white star
09:04and it will become completely cold
09:06but still we assume
09:08that our sun has become a black hole
09:10so friends this will not affect our solar system
09:13all the planets will start revolving around that black hole
09:16like they revolve around the sun
09:18but then the problem will be
09:20that we will not get the light of the sun
09:22which will end our life on earth
09:25Question number 5
09:26if black holes are so dangerous
09:29that they do not leave anything around them
09:32then can it ever happen
09:34that black holes eat our galaxies?
09:36so the answer to this question is no
09:38I agree that black hole is very powerful
09:40but it is not so powerful
09:42that it eats the whole galaxy
09:44a galaxy is very big
09:46and black hole is not even visible in front of the galaxy
09:49Question number 4
09:50if our earth falls into a big black hole
09:54then what will happen to our earth?
09:55so the answer to this is
09:56that our earth will go inside the black hole very easily
10:00in the beginning we will not feel anything
10:02but as soon as we go inside the black hole
10:05then our earth will break into small pieces
10:07because the gravity of our earth
10:09cannot compete with the gravity of a black hole
10:12and after entering the black hole
10:14the only consequence will be death
10:16and those who say that
10:18black holes are the way to reach God
10:21so I think they are telling the truth
10:23because after death we will all reach God
10:26Question number 3
10:28is there any way to escape from the black hole
10:29or to get out of it?
10:32so the answer to this is not at all
10:33because the gravity of the black hole
10:35cannot save the light from getting out
10:38so if we have to get out of the black hole
10:41then we will have to be thousands of times faster than the light
10:44and this can never happen
10:46Question number 2
10:47if the black holes are so far away
10:49that it takes thousands of years for the light to reach them
10:52then how do scientists see the black hole from so far away?
10:56so the answer to this is
10:57that NASA has so many powerful satellites and telescopes
11:01which can see many things in space from far away
11:05and if we talk about NASA's most powerful satellite
11:08then NASA's most powerful satellite
11:11is the James Webb Telescope
11:13which is also called JWST in short
11:16this telescope is revolving around the sun
11:19which means it is one million miles away from our earth
11:23which is more than 16 lakh kilometers
11:26you can guess the power of this telescope
11:28you can also guess from the fact that
11:30it can also see the galaxies and stars outside our galaxy
11:34Question number 1
11:35if the black hole is the most dangerous thing seen in the universe
11:40then is it possible that something is more dangerous than the black hole
11:44and is still hidden from human eyes
11:46so the answer to this is
11:48white hole
11:49which can be more dangerous than the black hole
11:51white holes have not been seen yet
11:53but they have been estimated to exist
11:56like before finding the black holes
11:58it was estimated that there were black holes
12:00now how can white holes be
12:02and how dangerous can they be
12:04I will do research on this and explain it in the next video
12:08and don't know how many dangers are revolving in our space
12:11it is impossible for us to even think about them
12:16so friends now I hope you liked today's video
12:20it takes a lot of research to make these videos
12:23and it takes a lot of time in editing
12:25so do like this video
12:27and if you want to see more videos like this
12:29then subscribe to my channel info family
12:32so that you and I can stay connected
12:34so see you in the next video
12:36till then Allah Hafiz
