• 2 months ago
Having pride in the good deeds of your child shall bring a reaction to the wrongdoings by them in the form of a bad name. As a remedy to these, we must neither take pride in their good deeds nor scold them for their wrong deeds. This shall help you have control over your feelings and maintain true love for the child. Show love and true guidance when they do something wrong and this would bring oneness and high respect for you in the children's hearts for a lifetime. Otherwise, If you react, the guilt they had shall not remain and they might end up showing you your faults. Most care should be taken that parental viewpoint difference advantage is not taken up by the child to fulfill their wishes.
00:00Sometimes you take pride of your children, so much pride, so be prepared when they do
00:07something wrong, then your opposite of pride you are going to get, bad name, oh, Jayshree
00:18son is doing this wrong and this and that.
00:20So this is all reaction, duality is always there.
00:24So this thing is going, don't take pride.
00:27He has done good, fine.
00:29He made good, he may do something wrong tomorrow, be prepared for that.
00:35So you get very good control over Jayshree's feeling which is, which are all reactionary
00:43and which are missing your true love.
00:47So when he is doing, your son is doing wrong, that time also your love must be the same.
00:54Suppose that your son has done something wrong and you don't shout, on the contrary you
00:58say, don't worry, now take care, don't do it again, don't worry.
01:04With full of love if you say, then you will be, your son will be one for lifetime to you.
01:15He will have a high respect for you.
01:17When he is doing very wrong thing, still you are with your son and giving good guidance
01:25to your son.
01:26You understand?
01:27Or on the contrary, if you shout, see some, suppose your son has, same the car accident,
01:37when he is coming to you, then you will ask first, oh, don't worry, are you safe?
01:41That's, millions of cars are not important for me, rather than your safety.
01:48Don't worry, we will have new car.
01:52Your son will be one for lifetime.
01:55You understand?
01:56Only this thing, and see how we are losing, and on the contrary, if you say your son,
02:03you shout, then, see when your son is coming to you, he will feeling, guilty feeling is
02:09all there.
02:12But if you shout, that guilty feeling will be go away, will go away.
02:17And on the contrary, your son will tell you, mom, you also did the same car accident to
02:22two years back.
02:25See how you are changing the feeling, the understanding of your son by your mistake.
02:33You have to observe.
02:34See, your children can read your parent's psychology, because they are very smart.
02:40But parents cannot read the psychology of children.
02:45And that too, the difference of, between parents and father and mother's differences
02:52regarding their parent's issue, that is very bad.
02:57That will spoil your children.
02:59They will, they are selfish, they will take advantage, from whom I am taking, I can get
03:04my thing to be done.
03:07So they will be in one, this side.
03:12If mother is towards son's side, he will take your, disadvantage from you.
03:18If father is at the side of son, son will take disadvantage from the father.
03:24And you will both remain quarreling, quarreling and quarreling.
03:28And he will take advantage.
03:29So you don't allow to do this.
03:32You always remain one in front of your kids, never two opinions.
03:38If you want different opinions, even with grandma also, if, even with two opinions,
03:43you discuss amongst yourself.
03:46And take only one, one opinion which should be out.
03:50Inside hundred opinions, no problem, but that, that should be within two, you two only.
03:57But, and only one opinion should come to the, your kids.
04:01That is very important.
04:03If you go by this understanding and psychology of kids, see, you will find peace inside you
04:11and children will also happy.
