Rencana Pemindahan ASN ke IKN

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Rencana pemindahan Aparatur Sipil Negara atau ASN ke ibu kota Nusantara pada September mendatang, masih menunggu kepastian. Presiden Joko Widodo meminta, pemindahan ASN ke IKN tidak dilakukan dengan terburu-buru.


00:00What is the plan for the transition of the civil government or ISN to the capital city of Nusa Tenggara in September?
00:04The plan for the transition of the civil government or ISN to the capital city of Nusa Tenggara in September is still waiting for confirmation.
00:11President Jokowi Dodo asked that the transfer of ISN to the Indonesian Republic of Indonesia is not done hastily.
00:16According to Jokowi, the transfer of ISN must wait for the infrastructure readiness in the capital city of Nusa Tenggara.
00:21If the condition of the capital city of Nusa Tenggara is not ready, the target of the transfer of ISN can be postponed.
00:26Jokowi also does not want to force the ISN to fill the Indonesian Republic of Indonesia if the condition of the capital city of Nusa Tenggara is not really ready.
00:38What is the plan for the transition of the civil government or ISN to the capital city of Nusa Tenggara in September?
00:42The plan is still in September, but we also see the readiness here.
00:46Once again, we do not want to force it.
00:51If the condition of the capital city of Nusa Tenggara is not ready, the target of the transfer of ISN can be postponed.
