Mactan Cebu International Airport, may mga bagong kagamitan para mabawasan ang carbon emission sa mga lalapag na eroplano

  • 2 weeks ago
Mactan Cebu International Airport, may mga bagong kagamitan para mabawasan ang carbon emission sa mga lalapag na eroplano
00:00The Mactan-Cebu International Airport has a new use.
00:04This is to reduce the carbon emissions of the flying airplanes.
00:08Jesse Atienza has the details.
00:15This is the Bridge Mounted Equipment or BME.
00:18A technology that was first launched in the country by officials of Mactan-Cebu International Airport
00:24and Avoites Infra Capital.
00:26This will replace the trucks that carry the generator sets
00:30on each airplane that will fly
00:32to provide the power supply.
00:34Experts explain that
00:36the machines of the airplanes are turned off after they fly.
00:40Here, the power supply is needed to restock
00:44in cleaning the seats
00:46and maintenance of the airplane.
00:48But with the help of BME,
00:50the power supply and air conditioning
00:52of an airplane
00:54will be restored from the airport.
00:56This is a big help to the environment
00:58because the trucks that carry the generator sets
01:00don't need to use fuel anymore.
01:24This is a new equipment that will provide
01:26the electrical source
01:28for the aircraft.
01:30So, no longer
01:32are we going to use DC generators.
01:34So, we have a much lower
01:36carbon footprint.
01:38This also has a big impact
01:40on passengers, especially tourists.
01:42It's like an AC.
01:44If you have your car,
01:46your engine is on if you want your AC
01:48and power right.
01:50But here, since you're talking of an aircraft,
01:52so they turn off their engine
01:54but they still have their AC and power inside.
01:56So, that's how simple it is.
01:58So, imagine how much fuel you are saving
02:00in terms of turning off an aircraft
02:02and having an AC
02:04and also electricity
02:06which also gives a bit of comfort
02:08to our passengers.
02:10You know very well that our strategy here
02:12in Mactan Cebu International Airport
02:14is embracing the fact that we are a tourism destination.
02:16So, it means to say that
02:18customer experience is our top priority.
02:20And since no longer
02:22are generators being used,
02:24the aircrafts in the MCIA
02:26are also expected by officials
02:28to lower the cost of each airline company.
02:32The cost of
02:34keeping the
02:36aircons on and the electrical system
02:38on will reduce
02:40substantially by
02:42at least 40%.
02:46hopefully, that will result in
02:48cheaper fares
02:50or the fares may not
02:52increase as much.
02:54So, we are telling the airlines
02:56to please pass on the savings
02:58to the consumers.
03:00BME projects are just a part
03:02of Paliparan's innovation and sustainability programs
03:04that aim to help
03:06the environment.
03:08We are being accredited as
03:10customer experience level 1, level 2
03:12and now we are also an ACA
03:14accredited level 1. So, there's a lot of things
03:16that we can also extend to the public
03:18that, yeah,
03:20our aviation industry in the Philippines
03:22is really up to that level
03:24of best practices internationally
03:26and I think we've proven that.
03:28Recently, the MCIA
03:30awarded a 4-star rating
03:32of Skytrax,
03:34a UK-based consultancy firm
03:36that gives 1 to 5-star
03:38ratings to airlines and airports.
03:40From PTV Cebu,
03:42Jesse Atienza,
03:44for Pangkangbansang TV in the new Philippines.
