Our Role Models || Acharya Prashant

  • 2 weeks ago
Full Video: Your hero is a scoundrel || Acharya Prashant, at IIT-Bombay (2022)
00:00Your role models are very unworthy people and they are role models
00:04Exactly because you find them consuming a lot and you all aspire to consume that much so they become your role models
00:10You say wow somebody asked a famous soccer player, and he says I have 20 cars all
00:15Luxury ones and that simply chance you so much wins you over 20 cars
00:20Five Rolls Royce he does not even want to own cheap thing like Mercedes not one
00:26But multiple private planes super expensive yards yards to take care of yards
00:31And that's what we all aspire for why that brings us to the point we started from our dualistic philosophy of life
00:38We all have been taught wrongly we have been trained wrongly life education
00:44We have been deprived of so all that you want through all that you do is consumption
00:50What do you live for consumption? How do you know a fellow is doing well in life?
00:54He's able to consume a lot when consumption is the ideal climate change is the result
