Venezuelan Attorney General exposes criminal network financed by far right

  • 2 weeks ago
*Venezuela | Tarek William Saab revealed criminal network linked to far-right opposition.
*Uruguay | March in Montevideo commemorates student martyrs' day
00:00On Thursday, in Venezuela, the Public Prosecutor's Office denounced the outbreaks of violence
00:05after the elections of July 28, promoted by groups of the extreme opposition of the country.
00:10In this sense, the Attorney General Tarek William Saab revealed that the wave of violence
00:15unleashed, orchestrated by the fascist right wing, was materialized by people with criminal
00:21backgrounds previously drugged and aimed at attacking state institutions.
00:26Saab, for his part, offered evidence of the investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office,
00:31which according to the Attorney General, in coordination with the military police of the
00:35criminal courts, were able to dismantle and stop the bloodbath in Venezuela.
00:50That wave of violence that was unleashed, that was instrumentalized by the ill-named
00:54comanditos, who used, as we said, people with criminal records, whom they previously
01:05drugged, whom they used to burn educational units, health center units, integrated diagnostic
01:10centers, CNE headquarters, mayor's office headquarters, but the most serious thing,
01:21and our investigation shows it, is that these individuals outside the law who wanted to
01:25bathe the country in blood, to cause a civil war, were not able to dismantle and stop this
01:36action due to the quick action of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the auxiliary justice
01:41agencies, the police, the military, the criminal courts, etc.
01:45The high official repudiated the violent acts financed by extremist opposition sectors which
01:56resulted in the murder of 25 people including Venezuelan state officials.
02:00After three weeks of this unfortunate violent event, not a single complaint has been made
02:13by any family member of any victim linked to any state security agency to open the corresponding
02:24If so, not a single one, all the victims have unfortunately been killed by this extreme
02:29right-wing factor that even among 25 people killed, unfortunately also killed two officers
02:40of the Bolivarian National Guard.
02:44On Thursday, the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, denounced the far-right
02:49plans made with foreign organizations that attempt against the lives of sympathizers
02:54of Chavism.
02:55Today I received some information, I am sure that those who are here will understand it,
03:01it has to do with Petare, but I received the information that there are people coming from
03:05outside who are being paid off, notice that one of the letters says it clearly, that they
03:10have contact with people from outside, it talks about Uribe, groups of hitmen, so, see
03:16what they are preparing, this information, see what they are preparing, and I denounce
03:22it because, ladies and gentlemen, we told you before the elections, take care of your
03:27children, do not allow them to be manipulated, they have prepared the murder of young people
03:32for Saturday, therefore, they are looking for people to generate violence and kill other
03:37people of their own.
03:42Furthermore, Diosdado Cabello recalled that the far-right fugitive from Justice Julio
03:47Borges requested further U.S. and European Union sanctions against the country in 2019,
03:53and he is repeating the formula again this year.
03:58Borges calls for skyrocketing international pressure on Maduro's regime in 2019, and in
04:03August 2024, Julio Borges stated that the international community needs to further press
04:07Maduro to achieve a political transition in Venezuela.
04:11Borges stressed the need that the U.S. and Europe put more pressure and forcefulness
04:14on Venezuela, so that Latin American countries could force a political transition in Venezuela.
04:19Is there a difference?
04:20No, it's the same strategy.
04:22Meanwhile, in Uruguay, students and social organizations march along the streets in commemoration
04:28of the Day of the Student Martyrs, as every 14th of August, the Union marched through
04:33the streets of Montevideo in memory of those who were victims of the police repression
04:38in 1968, and also of the students who were disappeared by the military during the last
04:44civil military dictatorship.
04:46In the activity, there were also demands for a bigger budget at all levels of education.
04:51The day commemorates the assassination of River Arce, a student of the Faculty of Dentistry
04:58who was shot by the police during a student demonstration in 1968, in protest for the
05:04student's lost ticket.
05:08Ideally, what we have been asking for for many years, at least since 2018, is 6 percent
05:16for education.
05:17Today, there is a huge budget for the military, but education is only going down.
05:24Scholarships are needed.
05:25The University of the Republic needs to continue to develop in the interior.
05:29The conditions need to be maintained and improved.
05:32The hours and salaries of teachers and civil servants need to be increased.
05:36And for all this, we need a budget.
05:38Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUS in English,
05:43where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and more.
05:46We'll be right back, stay with us.
