Michael Harvey clip - Amazon Prime 'Fallout' Master Craft Conversation | Variety FYC Streaming Room

  • 2 weeks ago
Michael Harvey clip - Amazon Prime 'Fallout' Master Craft Conversation | Variety FYC Streaming Room
00:00Michael, what about your process for the makeup of it all?
00:03Because again, that is such, to Yoni's point, it is such a big part of the show.
00:10We were told to use the game and the characters in the game as reference, never to actually mimic
00:17or completely copy somebody out of the game and put them on screen. So there was a lot of room
00:23to play, but there was always that, you know, just be careful, don't go too far with this,
00:28or don't go too far with that. And, but also Jonah really liked to keep things real. Meaning
00:34if somebody was really out in the sun for too long or irradiated or tired or hungry or dehydrated,
00:41he wanted it to look real, but still lean into the game in such a way that same thing, you want to,
00:47you want to lock in the preexisting fans with the existence of what they already know.
00:52So there's already kind of a tall order. You don't want to fall short with the fans,
00:57but you want to keep it in that real world that Jonah was creating. And it,
01:01it was a challenge in some aspects. I mean, we did several makeup tests to kind of land
01:07in a specific realm, especially for Lucy's character and Aaron's character, you know,
01:12Lucy had to go through this journey and this transition from this, you know, pure,
01:19innocent vault dweller going out into this world and exiting super duper Mart,
01:25like completely transformed into this kind of, I'm gonna call it bad-ass. I mean,
01:31Jonah was very specific on making sure we didn't lose Lucy's innocence, but you know,
01:38then they say travel into the world of she's having to, you know, fend for herself and survive
01:44and be more weary of her surroundings. And, you know, all of the people that she met along the
01:49way all were challenged. There was nothing like this has ever been attempted at this scope. It
01:56was television and such a way that, yeah, it was a movie. Every episode was shot like a movie.
