• 4 months ago
Team USA gold medalist, Tara Davis-Woodhall, shares how she centered herself for the Paris Games, breaks down why it’s important to remain true to yourself and gives flowers to her favorite Olympian.
00:00Okay, so I'm Tara not Tara don't mess her name up my name Sheree people mess my name up all the time
00:05So I know how it feels that's number one number two
00:07I really enjoyed your panel today
00:09And one of the things you talked about was authenticity and owning your space and owning a room which you did today
00:14My question for you is what has that journey?
00:17Towards authenticity like really being settled and secure in who you are and how you present. What has that journey been like for you?
00:23I've always been a little bit okay with being with myself
00:28There was a time in this last
00:31You know four years where I just didn't feel like I could be myself and I saw how that
00:38Changed me as a person but changed me as an athlete as well, and it wasn't until
00:442021 where I was actually able to just let go of all those comments and
00:50Being myself has just changed everything for me. It's changed my mind. It's changed my body. It's changed
00:57my day-to-day life
00:59You mentioned comments. You're huge on social media. I love we were watching your videos earlier for you
01:04Was it was that really a decision for you to decide to let fans and let people into your space in that way?
01:09And how has your social media presence really just kind of enhanced what you do outside of your sport?
01:14Um, I wasn't trying to become you know
01:18Sensation on social media. I think and I just happened organically and authentically which is why I try to be my most authentic self
01:26I don't want to put
01:28Something out there. That's not real. I think that's not okay. I don't think that that's how we should live
01:34And you know, it's I think that's why people can connect with me so much just because I am relatable
01:41I do go through things that anybody else goes through. I mean, I am an athlete, but I'm also a human being
01:48What has this prep been like for you, you know stranger to any of this
01:51But what does the prep work for this in particular been like? Oh, it's been insane. I've I've actually enjoyed every moment of it though
01:58so I'm pushing my body to every limit and
02:01There's endless possibilities of what I can be and do and it's it's so special to see
02:08Hard work being paid off
02:09What's one challenge that you faced within the last maybe a couple years that you've overcome that you're really proud of my commitment and dedication
02:18Not the best person to commit to things for a very long time. I kind of just lose sight and motivation of it
02:24And this year I've I've held on to that commitment. I've held on to that motivation maybe because it's a 2024
02:30It's an Olympic year. I don't know but I'm not questioning it
02:34I'm enjoying every piece of it and I'm just gonna hold on to it as long as I can
02:37Last question before I pass you to Kelvin
02:39Is there an Olympian that really has inspired you that you look at their career and their journey you say wow
02:45I really want to kind of be kind of draw from some of the great things they've done
02:49I mean, it's kind of insane. I was talking to her literally today. I was sitting right next to her like
02:55Baby, Tara's freaking out Sonja Richard Ross
02:58I mean she has been
03:00you know in in the sport for as long as I can remember and then she went to Texas and then I saw her at
03:05Texas and I saw her on the professional stage and
03:08Olympic gold medals left and right and I'm like, wow, that is true dominance. That is true power and
03:14It's just inspirational that someone could commit and dedicate their life that long and that
03:23for one goal, and I think that should be
03:27Seen anywhere and everywhere. It's like if you have a goal go for it. Don't let anything get in your way
03:32Don't let anything stop you and I think that's why you know
03:35It's hard for us to grow as humans is because we always think that our goals are too far out there
03:42And they're literally right behind the corner. I know yours what yours are in Paris and they're gonna be accomplished. So all the best to you
