00:00How was the doctors yesterday?
00:09She helped me book my 12-week scan.
00:11Oh, good!
00:12You're going to see your baby for the first time.
00:15Any idea why Harper's not picking up her phone?
00:16Yeah, she's sick.
00:17I ran into Dana.
00:18She told me what was going on with you.
00:20She told you?
00:21Funny, you don't look sick.
00:22Oh, the nausea comes and goes.
00:25A virus is going to be tricky like that.
00:28That's what Dana said you had.
00:29That's right.
00:32There was no brain activity apparent in any of our assessments.
00:35It's too hard to stand there and watch Felicity not be able to be a part of it the way I want
00:40to be a part of it.
00:41I still love her.
00:42And you have every right to be a part of it.
00:43I just have to accept that Felicity's...
00:44I'm sorry.
00:45Felicity is clinically dead.
00:46She looks like she's just sleeping.
00:47You can see her heart beating on the monitor.
00:48It's not her, Dana.
00:49It's the ventilator.
00:50Without it, there would be no heartbeat.
00:51It's not her.
00:52It's the ventilator.
00:53Without it, there would be no heartbeat.
00:54It's not her.
00:55It's the ventilator.
00:56It's not her.
00:57It's the ventilator.
00:59Is there any particular reason you're racing me to the surf park?
01:15Got to tell Tane the news.
01:17Well, here's your chance.
01:21How'd the assessment go?
01:22Well, turns out I'm not stupid after all.
01:23Well, that's good to hear.
01:24It's official.
01:25I'm not stupid after all.
01:27It's good to hear it's official.
01:29What'd they say?
01:30I'll tell you everything upstairs.
01:31Let's grab a drink.
01:32Are we celebrating?
01:33Yep. First round's on me.
01:35I'll meet you up there.
01:36That sounds like a plan.
01:37Let's drop this gear off here.
01:38Sweet as.
01:43Thanks for taking him to his appointment.
01:45No problem.
01:47How are you doing?
01:49Oh, you know.
01:50Second to last boot camp of the day, can't complain.
01:52I thought you might not have worked today.
01:56Got to get on with life, don't you?
01:59If you needed time off, no one would blame you.
02:01Nah, it's OK.
02:03Work's helping.
02:04How's Cash?
02:06Yeah, he wasn't great when I left him.
02:09We should check in on him.
02:10Is he still at the hospital?
02:13Eden said he's still convinced that
02:16Felicity might pull through.
02:20If you need to talk,
02:22I'm here.
02:26Hope you're not keeping this boy waiting.
02:30Just grab some more juices and I think we're almost done.
02:33Right-o, Willett.
02:35Don't tell me Leah's wrapped you into working here.
02:37No, mate, we're just putting together a care package for Cash and Eden.
02:40Yeah, it's the least we could do.
02:42Good idea.
02:43Yeah, I do think this is enough to keep them going.
02:45Looks like enough to feed an army.
02:47Yeah, I reckon that'll do.
02:48I'm on my way over to see him now.
02:50I could drop that in if you like.
02:51Ah, yeah, that'd be great.
02:52Thanks, Hal.
02:53Give them all our love, won't you?
02:55Yeah, will do.
02:59Yeah, I think I need to give VJ a call.
03:01Just tell him that I love him.
03:04I need to hear Chad's voice as well.
03:06I reckon we've all got a call to make.
03:12Well, don't keep me hanging.
03:13What happened?
03:14We're still waiting on the results,
03:15but the assessor thinks I might be dyslexic.
03:18Oh, okay.
03:20How did they land on that?
03:21I did a heap of tests.
03:22It was pretty full-on, but Harper kept me chill.
03:26She's good like that.
03:27So, apparently, my brain works differently to other people's.
03:31So, what's the next step?
03:33I may have zoned out by then.
03:36We've got a referral for a follow-up at Northern Districts
03:39and some recommendations for a tutor.
03:42They said he should go every week for a few months, maybe more.
03:46We'll see.
03:47Maybe this time.
03:48I'll always be there for you.
03:49You know that, right?
03:51If you ever need anything.
03:56Will you be okay to take me to the Aquarius?
04:09Everything all right?
04:12Yeah, I just need to make a call.
04:14That was weird.
04:16Is he okay?
04:18Yeah, I'll just...
04:19Give me a minute.
04:31Time out.
04:36I thought I was doing okay.
04:43I thought I was doing okay.
04:46It can't be easy being here.
04:48I mean, none of this is easy.
04:50I just need to figure out a way through it, you know?
04:56It's just not fair.
05:00She was so happy for Cash and Eden.
05:03She was really positive about her future.
05:07And we talked, you know, we talked.
05:10Things were finally good between us.
05:17Now she's gone.
05:23Did Brie talk to you about brief counselling?
05:26No, no, no.
05:27I can't get into that.
05:28I've got a period to think about.
05:32If you tell him what you're going through, I am sure he will understand.
05:36He seems really relieved about the assessment.
05:41I promised him I'd be there for him.
05:44So that's what I'm going to do.
06:01So, hopefully we can start that tutoring soon.
06:04Yeah, I'm sure we can make it happen.
06:11How'd you go in the city?
06:12Yeah, they reckon I'm dyslexic.
06:15That's kind of rough.
06:18Actually, it's kind of a relief.
06:19Now I can do something about it.
06:21When they told me I didn't really know what to do, I was pretty stoked.
06:25I might have even hugged Harper.
06:29But I guess that means I've got a lot of work to do, huh?
06:38So, what?
06:39We lost you for a second there.
06:41You alright?
06:42Yeah, yeah, fine.
06:44So, what were you saying?
06:46Doesn't matter.
06:48I'm going to crash.
06:49Well, hey, what about Dylan?
06:51I'll pass.
06:52You just brought all the stuff you said you were going to help.
06:53Changed my mind.
06:54Probably end up just speaking to myself anyway.
07:00What was that about?
07:04You haven't told me about Felicity, have you?
07:07No, and I'd like to keep it that way.
07:10I've just gone through this with Harper.
07:13Makes two of us who think you've made the wrong call then.
08:35Yeah, that's right.
08:36It's for the 12-week ultrasound.
08:41Actually, is there anything that I need to bring, or...
08:50Great, thanks.
08:56Hi, how's the water?
08:59Sorry you're running late.
09:00It's fine.
09:01Hey, how's the water?
09:04Sorry, you're probably sick of this question, but have you heard anything from the hospital?
09:08I, um...
09:09I checked in with Eden this morning.
09:12Cash hasn't left the flickside.
09:14I figured.
09:15He hasn't responded to 20 of my messages.
09:18Not that I expect him to respond right now.
09:21Guess that means he hasn't made a call when...
09:24You know, when to turn off the life support.
09:29I can't even believe she's gone.
09:36How'd you sleep?
09:43Not good, then.
09:45You might need this more than I do.
09:47Nah, I'll be fine.
09:49I'll be heading to work soon.
09:53You sure that's the best place for you?
09:56Can't sit around at home all day.
09:59It's not what I meant.
10:06And do what?
10:08Get in Cash's way?
10:10Well, support him.
10:11And Eden.
10:15I'll make you feel better.
10:18I've got a business to run.
10:20Got responsibilities.
10:21Yeah, I get that.
10:22But is that more important than what's going on right now?
10:25Hey Eden.
10:34Ready to go?
10:35Oh no, rush.
10:39You missed a decent feed last night.
10:41I'll survive.
10:46I know I wasn't there for you.
10:47It's fine, it's fine.
10:48No, no, no, it's not.
10:50I'm sorry.
10:52Is there something going on with you right now?
10:55Yeah, it's...
10:58It was just some work stuff.
10:59Something for you to worry about.
11:02You've got my full attention.
11:05I swear.
11:12Maybe we can take a look at our tutoring.
11:14For sure, yeah.
11:30Check this out.
11:32You were right.
11:33Ah, three words I will never get tired of hearing.
11:37I felt good painting it.
11:41Oh my gosh, this is amazing.
11:43You nailed this.
11:45You think so?
11:47These colours are sick.
11:49What have we got here?
11:50This is Marley's newest creation.
11:54What do you think?
11:56It looks pretty good to me.
11:58But I reckon my missus would be impressed.
12:00She's an artist too.
12:01Thanks, Mr Stewart.
12:03And thank you for pushing me to finish it.
12:06Ah, so next time I tell you to do something.
12:08Not a chance.
12:11I'm just glad you got out of your own way.
12:15So I thought about calling my dad and, you know, telling him the news.
12:18Oh yeah?
12:21You know, just to tell him that I'm not actually stupid.
12:25But then I remembered I'm never speaking to him again.
12:30The way I feel about you scares me.
12:33And how do you feel?
12:38I'm completely and utterly in love with you.
12:43I love you too.
12:49You're doing it again.
12:52Doing what?
12:53You're not listening.
12:55Sorry, mate. It's just...
12:57It's just those work issues and...
12:59Yeah, well, I work with you now.
13:01So does Bill.
13:04Look, you started this.
13:06You were the one who wanted me to get help for my reading.
13:09And I still want that for you.
13:10Are you sure?
13:11Because every time I bring it up, you tune out.
13:19Hey, where are you going, Piri?
13:20I forgot the cones.
13:26What's going on?
13:49Perfect timing.
13:50This is for you.
13:51Thank you very much.
13:56What's that look?
13:57Well, you know how you said you were happy that I pushed you into finishing your artwork?
14:04I'm just hoping you're ready to take it to the next level.
14:06What do you mean?
14:07I found this local art competition.
14:0915 grand prize money.
14:11You're serious?
14:12Yes, I'm serious. And it's amazing, right?
14:16What? Wrong?
14:17Wrong how? What's wrong with 15 grand?
14:20I'm not in it for the money.
14:22Okay, then do it for the validation.
14:24I'm not in it for that either.
14:25Okay, then whatever it is you are in it for, I've already filled out most of the entry form.
14:31So you can thank me later.
14:35Listen to me.
14:36This is not my thing.
14:37Marley, I hate to break it to you, but art is your thing.
14:42You're an amazing artist.
14:43Why not see where that takes you?
14:45Do I have to spell this out to you?
14:46Yes, actually you do.
14:48Now is not the time to enter a competition.
14:51Why not?
14:53Because we have just lost a friend.
14:56And how does it look if I'm busy filling out a form to enter an art competition trying to win prize money?
15:05I don't see it like that.
15:08I do.
15:10So can you just drop it?
15:16It's not fair to keep him in the dark like this.
15:21Just leave it alone, Harper.
15:23He deserves to know.
15:25I'm doing him a favour by not telling him.
15:28Really? Because now he's just confused and angry.
15:31I know.
15:32Which is the complete opposite of how he was yesterday when we got back from the city.
15:36No, I've screwed that up.
15:38He just has to understand where your head is at.
15:41Talk to him, Carney. I can be there with you if you want me to.
15:44I can't talk to him about it.
15:46Because it's too much.
15:50Everywhere I look I'm flooded with memories of her.
15:52Every time I close my eyes I see her and it hurts.
15:57I can't.
16:04So now he's just ignoring me?
16:06Of course not.
16:07Have I done something wrong?
16:09I'm not making this up. He's being weird.
16:12Being weird?
16:13It's just complicated.
16:16I feel like he doesn't even want me around.
16:18Hey, that's not true.
16:20I must have stuffed up.
16:22I've completely stuffed up and I don't even know how.
16:25You haven't, okay?
16:26I don't have to do the tutoring and stuff if it's too much.
16:28Perry, listen to me. It's not about you.
16:30What is it about?
16:32Just tell me.
16:37What are you doing?
16:38What does it look like?
16:40Wait, wait, wait. We can just...
16:42We can hang it up here.
16:43I don't want to hang it up.
16:45Okay, I get the whole competition thing.
16:48But what's the big deal?
16:50It's none of your business.
16:52Okay, well how about we get a second opinion?
16:54Let's not.
16:55Alf, I was just talking to Marley about how great his painting is,
16:59but he doesn't want to enter a competition.
17:01Even though he should.
17:02So is it okay if he hangs it up here?
17:04Hang on a minute.
17:06I mean, why don't you want to enter this competition?
17:09I just don't think it's the right time.
17:11It's always the right time to put a bit of good stuff out there in the world.
17:15I mean, look at the designs on your boards.
17:17And I've never seen anything like that on canvas.
17:20Thank you, Mr Stewart. I appreciate it.
17:23But I still don't see why I have to enter some competition.
17:26Well, what's wrong with giving it a shot?
17:28See, we could all do with some good news around here.
17:32I understand where you're both coming from.
17:34And I'm glad you rate my work.
17:36Please don't say it.
17:39It's still a hard no from me.
17:45Hang on.
17:46I think it's best if we let this one go through to the keeper.
17:52Why didn't you just tell me?
17:54He was protecting you.
17:56I'm not a kid. I could have handled it.
17:58I agree.
17:59You know he's not going to be happy that you told me.
18:01I can deal with that.
18:03You know, I feel bad for going on about my learning assessment.
18:06You didn't know.
18:08Still, I knew something was up.
18:12So Felicity's his ex?
18:14Yeah, they separated a while ago.
18:16But they were going to get back together.
18:19What makes you say that?
18:21It makes sense, doesn't it?
18:23Why else is he going through such a hard time?
18:27I don't know what they were planning.
18:30I know they'd been through a lot.
18:34I think she was the love of his life.
18:58Hello, this is Anna Matheson.
19:00I've missed your call. Leave a message.
19:03Dana, I really need you right now.
19:36I'm really sorry about your ex.
19:39You could have told me what was going on.
19:41You know that, right?
19:44I thought I was doing the right thing.
19:46By ignoring me?
19:51It's just too hard to talk about.
19:53I'm scared it would make it more real.
19:58Felicity's on life support, right?
20:03I'm not sure for how much longer, though.
20:06It's pretty grim.
20:08Then what are you doing here?
20:12You should be at the hospital with her.
20:17It's not that simple.
20:21When Mum died,
20:25I didn't get the chance to say goodbye.
20:28And I thought about that a lot.
20:32This is different.
20:36She's got her family with her.
20:38And her friends.
20:40She's my ex-wife.
20:42We're not together anymore.
20:44But you still love her, don't you?
20:51Tell me.
20:54You need to go and say goodbye.
20:58Trust me.
21:00If you don't, you'll regret it.
21:11How long do you plan on sitting here, Kash?
21:13Till she opens her eyes.
21:15It's not gonna happen, mate.
21:17I'm not ready.
21:19I know. But it's time.
21:24I can't believe she's gone, Rip.
21:26I'm never gonna see her again.