(8:14:24) Korra Video 2:2

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00:00:00Make a joke about how that looked to some of the fandom. I'm afraid there's been a mistake your eminence
00:00:04We have you and your brother booked. Oh, hang on
00:00:06And the only time she actually went against her father was when Desna got injured well
00:00:33They actually make a joke about how that looked to some of the fandom
00:00:36I'm afraid there's been a mistake your eminence. We have you and your brother booked in the same room with only one bed
00:00:42It's no mistake
00:00:44Desna sleeps in the tub
00:00:46Ha ha funny joke right
00:00:48Kuvira is actually engaged to her brother
00:00:50Kuvira's backstory involves her being adopted by the Bae Fong family with tie-in comics later
00:00:54Cementing this with her being referred to as anyone say to Bataar dude. What's your problem? Oh, no. No, I'm sorry
00:01:00Bataar does say something about it. You're going to have to get over your grudge with her. I'm sure you've heard that we're engaged
00:01:06She's going to be an official member of our family
00:01:09Really nice to know what Brake thinks about adoptees and all Bataar really amounts to after this is showing how far gone
00:01:22Shadow do a wait what Lola is a squeaky laugh. I love it. Oh, yeah
00:01:31Suyin doesn't object to a monarchy out of any idea of the people getting to choose their leaders or opposition to autocratic
00:01:39Sorry, we're late everyone
00:01:46I haven't honestly not you a whole group of
00:01:55Monarchy out of any idea of the people getting to choose their leaders or opposition to autocratic dictatorships. She objects because
00:02:02It's the future what and this is never really what?
00:02:12What and this is never really expanded on as open objection to the Queen is only done by the
00:02:17Villains and in the next season when Suyin has a chance to bring the great rebel
00:02:21That's like Opal Kuvira is your sister and you will love her Bataar. No, not like that
00:02:29No, what are you doing and
00:02:31This is never really expanded on as open objection to the Queen is only done by the villains and in the next season when Suyin
00:02:37Has a chance to break and this is never really expanded on as open objection to the Queen is only done by the villain
00:02:43something to you
00:02:46Maybe I forgot to mention something to you
00:03:02It's been open objection to the Queen is only done by the villains and in the next season when Suyin has a chance to bring
00:03:08the great revolution to the earth King
00:03:10Just a complete non sequitur about Queen
00:03:27Suyin has a chance to bring the great revolution to the earth kingdom. She just
00:03:32Doesn't she operates under the idea that if they do anything about the instability in the earth kingdom that she'll automatically become a dictator
00:03:38This is one of the worst contrivances. I've ever seen to get an unknown character in the antagonist
00:03:47What do you think you're doing we're doing what you don't have the guts to do
00:03:52We're going to bossing say to help bring order back to the earth kingdom. No, you will stay here and who's going to stop me
00:04:00This is one of the worst contrivances
00:04:02I've ever seen to get an unknown character in the antagonist scene Suyin at times comes off as someone with a lot of opinions
00:04:09About life society and politics, but would rather sit at her table waxing poetic than doing anything about it
00:04:14I think avatar version of a bread tuber and this would be an interesting thing to explore, but they never do I know discourses
00:04:30I'm in so much pain right now
00:04:37But I'm almost done so
00:04:41Yes, yes, I'm almost done
00:04:45I'm almost done
00:04:50Not long to go now
00:05:21I brought your entire army
00:05:32Suyin at times comes off as someone with a lot of opinions about life society and politics, but would rather sit at her table
00:05:37Suyin at times comes off as someone with a lot of opinions about life society and politics, but would rather sit at her table
00:05:46Can't you see she's brainwashed you in your shadow don't say that
00:05:56Sit at her table waxing poetic than doing anything about it
00:05:59Effectively the avatar version of a bread tuber and this would be an interesting thing to explore, but they never do
00:06:04I know discourse in 2024 has more Thermian arguments than the actual Thermians
00:06:08But the fact that Suyin is plagued by inaction and the story never but
00:06:12Can't believe you brought Bolin here to try and sway us
00:06:22I know discourse in 2024 has more Thermian arguments that
00:06:28Arguments than the actual
00:06:38Didn't realize Thermians were an actual thing. Oh, yeah, they're these things from galaxy class historical documents
00:06:43We have studied every facet of your missions and strategies. You've been watching the show
00:06:49Mission we have muddled every aspect of our society from
00:06:57Sure, there's a limo at my house last time I did one of these gigs
00:07:07Should have come to my house
00:07:13Well, it's the conservative caveman
00:07:18Can I help you
00:07:25We are
00:07:28People are being systematically hunted and slaughtered by
00:07:32Fatukri we are to meet in negotiation. However, our pets in this regard have been disastrous
00:07:45So here's the thing about the Thermians is that they have no concept of dishonesty
00:07:51So yeah, they get so when they get a broadcast of a sci-fi show from Earth. They think it's an historical document
00:07:59And then they build all the technology from it Oh God, it's amazing
00:08:07By an action in the story
00:08:11Humans than the actual Thermian humans than the
00:08:15Humans than the humans and humans than the actual Thermians, but the
00:08:21Yeah, this is where the phrase Thermian argument comes from
00:08:25Actual Thermians, but the fact that Suyin is plagued by inaction and the story never bothers to address
00:08:30It means my interest in her go so far and then you have a zoomie who's also there
00:08:36But the fact that Suyin is plagued by inaction and the story never bothers to address
00:08:40It means my interest in her character only goes galaxy quest is actually pretty good. Oh, actually, hang on
00:09:18It's really sounds fun look who is it look look at who is in this dumb fucking movie
00:09:26Oh God Rickman
00:09:50Rickman have been interested in the part not so much for the sci-fi elements, but because of the humor
00:09:53He said I love comedy almost more than anything
00:09:57This is one of the funniest scripts. I've read and that actors are probably the only professionals who send themselves up
00:10:10Apparently like a lot of the people who a lot of because this was kind of like a big spoof of Star Trek a lot
00:10:15Of the Star Trek cast kind of avoided watching it for a while because it's like oh great
00:10:19It's just another thing making the usual crappy arguments
00:10:22But then then some one of them watching they're like, oh wait, no, this is an affectionate parody. Oh
00:10:28It's nice
00:10:34So you managed to get your shirt off
00:10:39You managed to get your shirt off I
00:10:43Got played disregarding professor cook when we ran into a cuckoo. He disguises the master oil
00:10:55This is where that light is from. Oh, yeah
00:10:58We be see professor kukui. See you managed to get your shirt off. I
00:11:03Love the pure snark in that
00:11:09Look this whole move it like everything he does in this movie is just Alan Rickman's Alan Rickman Lee
00:11:20Is just this is the pure s this is Alan Rickman just playing the same character
00:11:25He plays in fucking everything Alan Rickman has one character
00:11:30He plays exactly one character and he plays and he plays it the same way in every movie and we all fucking love it
00:11:37Like when he's in a movie, he is not like
00:11:42Fuck what's his name in this?
00:11:52Alexander Dane, yeah, he's not Alexander Dane. He's Alan Rickman in alien makeup. He's not Sephiroth Snape
00:11:58He's Alan Rickman in goth robes
00:12:02Sorry, he's Alan Rickman in goth drag
00:12:06Most distilled form. Yes. This is the most Alan Rickman Alan Rickman ever Alan Rickman's
00:12:14Like a rich more than like everyone keeps pointing out like Snape like no, honey, honey
00:12:20Yeah, this this is it. Whoever wrote this episode should die
00:12:25Yeah, so like this whole thing is like a cast of a side character
00:12:30Should die
00:12:31Yeah, so like this whole thing is like a cast of a sci-fi show
00:12:36Ends up on an actual spaceship fighting an actual alien monster
00:12:46That's the plot watch this movie it is fucking delightful. Oh
00:12:52God watch it. Oh
00:12:57Yeah, hang on
00:13:00So 51, right
00:13:20Seems okay
00:13:27Guy is fucking majestic to
00:13:44It's sit there have a snack
00:13:49Feel when you're in VR simulator
00:13:57Disney World the rock scene is seared into my brain
00:14:16But when a whole cast shares three brain cells and Alan Rickman kept permanent custody of one come on he got to
00:14:26There's actually a really touching moment because there's like a phrase his character would always say on the show and he hates it
00:14:33He fucking hates it cuz fans always yell it back at him at conventions
00:14:37And then they'll like one of the thermion's does it and then that thermion gets shot and then Alan Rickman says it to him
00:14:44And it's like this
00:14:47Greatest moment of his life and then he dies and then he just goes on an ass-kicking spree out of fucking rage
00:15:40Where'd it go
00:16:14I'm I'm shot
00:16:47Was close to his face. All right, some bitches gonna die
00:16:59Under fucking clown this bitch
00:17:02If you have never seen galaxy quest you have to see galaxy quest
00:17:07I know Tim Allen is terrible, but you can pirate galaxy quest
00:17:12Look Tim out you you could pirate it because I mean Tim Allen is terrible and Alan Rickman's dead
00:17:21But the fact that Suyin is plagued by inaction I mean arguments than the actual thermion's but the fact that Suyin is plagued
00:17:33Thank you so much for sharing me
00:17:36Yeah, I'm surprised I never showed you galaxy quest before this is right up your fucking alley
00:17:45It's got my goopy comedy and like, you know, like I'm like sci-fi fantasy nonsense, so yeah, I'm down. Oh
00:17:53By the way, the actual forms of the thermion's
00:17:57Are yeah are
00:17:59Are many tentacled occupant octopus things that scream as communication?
00:18:11Let's see, where is it screaming?
00:18:23There they are that's the actual thermion's
00:19:06Appearance generators, so you guys can who wants the grand tour?
00:19:18Anybody else
00:19:25That guy's just vibing the whole goddamn movie
00:19:33God city by force or accept you as their leader
00:19:36Then you leave me or you have 24 hours to agree to join the Empire or we take the city by force
00:19:54The fuck is this movie
00:19:55That Suyin is plagued by inaction and the story never bothers to address it means my interest in her character only goes so far
00:20:01And then you have a zoomie
00:20:07We didn't watch snow dogs, oh, yeah, I think you mean chili dogs. I'm a cat girl
00:20:13Girl, that was
00:20:35Yeah, that looks genuinely fun
00:20:47That you'll have my help
00:20:50Another one unless there's the world. She has to be stopped. The fire nation has spent an unprovoked attack
00:20:57Neither will the fire nation, but fire Lord Izumi Kuvira is a threat to the world
00:21:02She has to be stopped the fire nation has spent too much of its history fighting nonsense wars
00:21:08And I refuse to drag my nation into another one unless there's no other choice if you
00:21:21Are and then you have a zoomie who's also
00:21:29There who's also there
00:21:41The segment done. Yep
00:21:47And the next one isn't any is even shorter
00:22:07Good old green day
00:22:16So our first villain comes in the form of an equality movement
00:22:20Are you kidding me out of the gate fucking great start there break you're introduced to the idea
00:22:25out of the gate
00:22:31Out of the gate fucking great start there break you're introduced to the idea than to let the corporations do whatever the hell they want
00:22:37And radicalizing the people in the process and while socialists and where the fuck is the idea
00:22:41Your little task force or the cops the whole time see that's what I admire about you
00:22:48Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want
00:22:52It doesn't take much for tarlock to start creating an entire a film
00:22:56I would consider the template for this approach to storytelling off a chore animation
00:23:00This is the backdrop for talking about
00:23:02Which is why you end up with political espionage being used as the backdrop for a battle shonen or a show about
00:23:07anti-fascist rebellion being used as a backdrop for talking about your feelings or a show about a world-ending battle between the forces of good
00:23:13And the forces of darkness being used as the backdrop for codependent cat girl incest
00:23:17Ultimately everything the characters have learned turns out to be meaningless as the equalists are defeated by anime fighting
00:23:23Amon is revealed to be a liar and flees with his brother as they reminisce about old times kaboom. Yes. Rico kaboom
00:23:34What's the best way to absolutely destroy the drama of this scene leaves with his brother as they reminisce about old times kaboom
00:23:42Yes, rico kaboom
00:23:50I don't know if I should like keep this footage or like
00:23:54Fucking edit, uh, noah talking tarlock over it
00:24:06All right here let's uh
00:24:08Let's take this we'll move this over here. We'll open this in the trimmer good old days
00:24:19Just smile and bend boys
00:24:36I love your editing so much
00:24:45Yes, rico kaboom
00:24:54Yes rico kaboom
00:25:03It will be just
00:25:18Times kaboom. Yes rico kaboom
00:25:33Okay, which one's better
00:25:36Oh, I can't I think keep this one keep this one, okay
00:25:43Yes rico kaboom
00:26:05Go kaboom go kaboom
00:26:57Oh kaboom
00:27:21Oh kaboom it's rico kaboom
00:27:31Oh kaboom kaboom
00:27:37I know a better way to do this
00:27:42I had almost forgotten there again there the two of us together again there
00:28:10Yo, come yo kaboom
00:28:18Yes, rico kaboom
00:28:37Times kaboom. Yes rico kaboom
00:28:46Times kaboom. Yes rico kaboom
00:28:58Oh, it's brilliant
00:28:59Those are defeated by anime fighting amon is revealed to be a liar and flees with his brother as they reminisce about old times
00:29:05Kaboom. Yes, rico kaboom
00:29:13Nothing is actually learned from the equalist plot nothing
00:29:31We're on the verge of greatness we were this close
00:29:36And do any silly edits here
00:29:40Oh, yeah
00:29:43It looks like you could use some help
00:29:49She managed to do it to the fucking beat
00:29:53Oh, that's brilliant sorrow astrian spirit, let's not kid ourselves. This is the devil as an evil kite
00:30:03Vatu and his very existence that's terrible
00:30:11Any series would ever have the balls to do and the end result is a shitty version of a kingdom hearts boss fight
00:30:16Why does this keep happening? Why do so many?
00:30:22Now there's a voice in my head telling me to drop you on the tracks that voice is me kubera do it veric is actually
00:30:29Literal racist caricature, which is actually the second time they did that break. What is it with you and being the merciless? It's weird
00:30:36look, I
00:30:38The temples are full you were there mom, and I already talked about this god. Damn one of the funniest videos you've been a while
00:30:45i'm taking you back to
00:30:47a character who has previously not been
00:30:49Oh, here we go
00:30:50Which kind of sucks because if you wanted someone to merc the earth queen
00:30:52There's already a character who is more than capable of doing that and who already has had personal dealings with the earth queen to the
00:30:58Point she's driving them crazy. So they're both capable and willing to do so
00:31:02It's a little side character in the show that most people don't quite remember
00:31:05Her name is avatar korra a character who has pre
00:31:15I just realized i'm the fucking avatar is avatar korra
00:31:30Reverb on avatar korra or no reverb
00:31:35It works her name is really accentuated a character who has previously not been opposed
00:31:43Name is avatar korra a character who has previously not
00:31:48Her name is avatar korra a character who has previously not been opposed to extrajudicial murder given how much of course arcs
00:31:57I still I fucking love I I love the fucking song choice
00:32:06The green and lovely lakes
00:32:10So maybe you need you have a lot trust me we'll be trust me we'll be sending a delegate
00:32:23And then you finally get to and you hear that boss music and rage awaken starts playing and you go
00:32:28This is my boss theme bitch, and it's the greatest moment. You've been teased for 13 years for that's a villain
00:32:34See, that's a fucking villain kuvira outside of the mess. That is the story
00:32:38Star is a little off her game instantly
00:32:43Looks like the avatar a little fucking dance you asshole this
00:32:50You think
00:32:56Oh, then we got this this is what the credits are gonna be over
00:33:00I'm here with my gal shake your hands kick around wear a suit to breakfast
00:33:06Underwear that laces up all girls have a guy's haircut crank your car to make it start you will die of measles
00:33:20The true legend
00:33:22I mean look this was the best moment from like the first one, of course, I know
00:33:26Moment from like the first one, of course, I had to bring it back. Yeah, of course the hair the hairstyle cuts match the beat
00:33:33Thank you
00:33:35I was thinking you're the
00:33:37you know that very bit that you were diving measles and it's cora in the wheelchair and that
00:33:41You should have more of the frame of them that tear falling down
00:33:57It's horrible
00:34:06Oh that is as much
00:34:12Hang on a second
00:34:20That is as much ironized cody as i'm gonna get out of this
00:34:27Oh, yeah, if it doesn't work, that's fine
00:34:38If I could I would want like the fucking tear to start like as at the word measles like hang on
00:34:51But there's not enough footage for that
00:34:57Honestly, that's fine as it is
00:35:03Excuse me, i've been a nitpicky bit
00:35:06Slow it down a bit. It's already slowed down
00:35:15Or is it
00:35:22You will die of measles
00:35:36No tv
00:35:37Although I I'd sped this up to get the whole footage
00:35:40I did not mean for it to like line up with the notes, but it did
00:35:44Oh, hang on
00:35:55Oh, that's perfect
00:36:27There we go
00:36:30No tv movies suck i'm here with my gal shake your hands kick around wear a suit to breakfast
00:36:38Underwear that laces up all girls have a guy's haircut prank your car to make it start you will die of measles
00:36:49All girls have a guy's haircut prank all girls have a guy's haircut prank your car
00:36:55People are so happy that I made that i've been put that on the beat like guys. I always edit on the beat
00:37:03Oh hell the intro the intro is edited on the beat
00:37:09Yeah, you always you always like edit things like hide things perfectly well
00:37:20I'll just ask if I really edit things on the exact beat i'm using
00:37:26Like even though it's a tiny little note
00:37:41Oh, oh do I do I have it
00:37:53Oh, they'd be they'd be they'd probably be on the shit post thing wouldn't they
00:37:57At least I hope they are
00:38:03You will die of measles
00:38:08Oh wait, no, that's right here
00:38:10We took them there and we told the tale how his midichlorians were off the scale
00:38:25Yeah, I did these for the spy family video, oh yeah, I just I just heard of it I just heard it off screen
00:38:32Oh, yeah, sorry
00:38:35No, it's okay. It's just like
00:38:38I just like how I know just would like that tiny bit of music what video you told you about
00:38:48God the spy family transitions were so amazing. Thank you. Uh, where is it?
00:39:06My favorite was this one actually
00:39:20Oh, yeah, see they're all in here
00:39:26Oh, yeah, I put this for the uh for the credits of the uh, yeah
00:39:29This is where I do all my goofy shit. Like this is where I started keeping all that stuff. Um
00:39:36So I actually did this for the uh play certain universe video
00:39:42Getting this loop of her like
00:39:46Hammering with the banana, but like I also needed like I also needed
00:39:52There's another entire character in this shot and I wanted to put the credits there so I had to ask so I like
00:40:00I had to really fuss with it like
00:40:03If I move this
00:40:06Oh, that's what I did
00:40:10You just deleted one of the other girls from existence
00:40:14Oh, and there's this for the uh for the ham hams unite video
00:40:35What can you send me the full song of that that that is the full song oh
00:40:44Uh, and then all the spy family stuff is over here
00:40:51Were off the scale
00:41:21Up all night
00:41:35I really like that song. What's that one called?
00:41:37Uh, that is uh country country girl shake it for me, but it's done in simlish by anna and chloe
00:41:49Oh, yeah
00:41:57You always sneak a few bangers into videos
00:42:02Oh, yeah, I actually did have some people ask like how did you make that that shit so bound like
00:42:06The editing is actually a lot more bouncy in this
00:42:10But slow it down. You actually see that. Uh
00:42:15Each one kind of blends into each other
00:42:17So that is actually really simple so at the start of a clip for like two frames
00:42:23So, okay. So all right. Hang on at the end of a clip
00:42:27You just for about two frames you zoom out. So you go you skip you start here you skip over two frames and then you just
00:42:35Zoom it out a bit or zoom it in a bit
00:42:39And then you do the reverse
00:42:41for the start of the clip
00:42:43So that it basically zooms into one and zooms out on the other
00:42:48and then you do
00:42:50Uh, then you do a yeah, then you chew you go into these settings you choose gaussian blur
00:42:58Uh, you turn the horizontal range all the way down and you keep the vertical range where it is
00:43:04And then you you you have to click this to animate it. Oh, oh, well, hey, we're about to do it again you
00:43:11Click on the keyframe
00:43:13You just press the right arrow twice keyframe it again and then set the vertical range to zero then you go to the very end
00:43:24Set another keyframe two frames from the end and then boom and then just put it back to
00:43:38There you go the clip will
00:43:40It's like when the clip is coming in it will zoom out it will zoom out and blur out
00:43:46So it'll start blurred and then it will zoom back into its normal
00:43:50It'll hang on. Let's let's go to this one. This is a
00:43:54Let's get to a better clip for this
00:43:57It'll start blurred unblur and zoom out
00:44:02And then at the very end it will it will uh
00:44:06At the very end it'll blur and zoom in again
00:44:09And it all just blends together
00:44:20It is quite tedious
00:44:23I can imagine
00:44:24There are you can do presets you can save certain effects and just add them with a single click
00:44:29but the problem is is like first off you have to add you have to like
00:44:33You have to time it first like you can't add these fucking things in while you're laying the clips you have to lay all the clips
00:44:44I used to have an example. I used to have an example of this that didn't have anything in it, but
00:44:49Uh, so you have to lay everything and get the timing right then you've got to add those things in and each clip is going
00:44:54To be a different length
00:44:59But once you're at this point, it's basically it's just tedious grunt work and it just takes a few minutes
00:45:09Uh, let's see
00:45:14Oh, yeah, I forgot I was gonna do those for these two. All right. Hang on these are works in progress
00:45:26The righteous I ended up scrapping this idea
00:45:41I'll go for the throat and slit
00:45:57Just building the economy
00:46:19You did tens in so dirty, I love it
00:46:28But yeah, I I I put this together and then I look back over the script and realize hang on
00:46:32I don't have solid transitions and my bid on suyin is like a minute and a half. Never mind
00:46:42Maybe i'll just i'll i'll edit all these things together and i'll just put it up as like just unused assets
00:46:47Uh, anyway, it was eventually at a point where I was like wait. No, hang on. I really want to like redo the uh,
00:46:55Redo the uh, the the fucking episode titles that I did the last one
00:47:00So I ended up doing that instead. Oh, this one gets on you
00:47:12I just stuck it into uh, the united republic
00:47:21Well, well the best with that tens it is what is that chat was horny for tens and it literally made this oh, yeah
00:47:35I mean
00:47:49I mean same
00:47:55God I hit him so dirty with this
00:48:08Uh, and then we have uh, it's no hang on
00:48:18And then we have this one and i'm not going to show you that one because that's a surprise
00:48:32But yeah now this is this is just the the this is the place where I just play with editing
00:48:39Oh, you're so
00:48:43Oh, yeah, I feel so happy when i'm around max
00:48:47He reminds me of my older brother when I was just a handmaid who the fuck starts a conversation like that. I just sat down
00:48:57Lily's playground. Yeah
00:48:59Because like i'll have these ideas i'll have these
00:49:02These clips will cut these like little bits will come to mind while i'm writing the script
00:49:07And it's like I have to edit them now so I don't slack on it later
00:49:11because when i'm editing the closer I get to the end the more i'm like
00:49:15Yeah, I I can I can be a bit lazy
00:49:19What the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down
00:49:27That is perfect
00:49:36Oh, yes, so the behest of the h the adhd
00:49:50God i'm
00:49:54I swear i'm losing my mind
00:49:56I keep I keep seeing bugs in the corner of my eye in the corner of my eye and then I like focus on the spot
00:50:01And there's nothing there
00:50:04And I look around the area and there's nothing there
00:50:11Those bugs are messing with my fucking mind
00:50:16All the time
00:50:21There's a secret nest somewhere
00:50:28Oh, I tried playing fable 2 a few days ago and it opened on something utterly heartbreaking to me specifically
00:50:39The game opens and you went like you pick your gender and it turns out
00:50:43You are the younger of two orphaned siblings of two orphaned sisters
00:50:48Who live on the street and your oldest sister takes care of you?
00:50:52And then she dies
00:51:05Oh, that's heart-wrenching
00:51:14I was like, oh no, baby. It was like maximum. Oh, no, baby
00:51:26God damn it. I just played this I just started started this game. Why are you already hitting me with the feels?
00:51:33The worst part I went ahead and spoil and spoiled things for myself and you can resurrect her at the very end
00:51:40But she's not in the game. She just vanishes from it. You just get a letter and that's it
00:52:17Cannot wait until this video becomes
00:52:20This is probably this
00:52:22Like all your videos are funny, but I think this is gonna be one of the funniest you've ever made. Yeah
00:52:30There isn't a whole lot of funny stuff that does in this one honestly
00:52:36Like the little things, you know
00:52:39Honestly, my coffin script is funnier and that's mostly like draft notes that probably won't make it into the final cut
00:52:50Okay, I just like I just I've always liked it when you like you talk about like a
00:52:54Remember like character analysis and theming and like critical essay. It's mixed in with like
00:52:59Your shit post stuff. It's just it's just fun
00:53:03I look a bit silly. I like a bit of silly in my in my in my brain juice. I do a funny
00:53:16Coffin script. Oh now i'm on the edge of my seat. Oh, yeah, I uh, I I teased it on patreon. Hang on
00:53:31Mostly just been writing stuff down that might be useful. I don't know what will be useful
00:53:41Yeah, uh, this is the thumbnail
00:53:56Honestly, I think the best thumbnail ever did that's perfect
00:54:01The shit eating grin, yeah, like the first draft was this but I was like no no shit eating grin
00:54:16That's morbid out of context
00:54:20No, don't do it andrew
00:54:24Okay, no sadness all petty
00:54:29Do it do it
00:54:42He deserves to do it as a treat, yeah, like no this guy this guy deserves to just slit that bitch's throat
00:55:12Slice that bitch like fruit ninja
00:55:17Choose your weapon, can I confess something sure cat girl?
00:55:43Please no shame, but I think andrew is kind of yeah. Yeah, I mean I can see it
00:55:57The difference between those
00:56:01I just got this. I just got this for lex here the difference between those two thumbnails
00:56:23Thank you
00:57:35Oh, here's the thing here's a bit from that script actually
00:57:40I find the facts. Uh, this was at a tangent regarding abuse victims in baldur's gate like
00:57:46Baldur's gate 3 has multiple characters who were abuse victims
00:57:48But in the case of the two men whose abuse victims are women the story is often really flighty about addressing it
00:57:55Shadow heart story ends with her killing some random drow woman who raised her a starion gets to kill his abuser at the end
00:58:00End of his story at the end of his story
00:58:03Meanwhile gail's abuse by mistra is barely even talked about and the game openly lets you fuck the demon who was enslaved will
00:58:11I find the fact that the game lets you do this at all is pretty fucked in the head
00:58:14It would be like baldur's gate 2 letting you sleep with
00:58:17Sleep with irenicus after rescuing your sister from him
00:58:20But the fact that so many people were willing to do it shows that a lot of people only have empathy for others
00:58:25If they find them attractive if your abuser happens to be conventionally attractive outcome the excuses
00:58:45Yeah, i'm pretty good already
00:58:50I find there are more similarities between these two games and there are differences and the whole
00:58:54Who cares hot girl aspect is probably the point where they converge into just being the same game
00:59:13By the way, I had no idea the graves were when the graves were adults
00:59:16I thought because of the art style. I thought they were teenagers
00:59:19Oh, yeah, I know they're 22 and 20 respectively
00:59:37Oh, yeah, this is usually where people claim a villain is
00:59:41Gay coded or q slur coded is that?
00:59:44The villain's hot and that's literally it
01:00:40Oh you have a semblance a mere a mere ember of flamboyance you're gay
01:00:53Yeah, I always hate that with like it doesn't matter like
01:00:56I don't like like what gender what gender a character is if you're like vaguely like a masculine naming and you act like them like
01:01:04And you add like flamboyance or any feminine you're like, oh you're automatically gay
01:01:09as in like
01:01:11Apparently standards for like gay men haven't changed since the fucking 80s
01:01:24It's even worse when you have characters that like that act like very like a
01:01:28Who act very camp but yeah, they're actually like, you know, they have like professional careers and shit
01:01:33but because tumblr being tumblr they they like oh my god, but he's like
01:01:36He's so camp and flamboyant and gay and I love it and it's like guys
01:01:43He's a doctor
01:01:47There's more to him than just being gay for fuck's sake
01:01:55The art style made me think they were in high school. Nope
01:02:03Let's be honest it would not have been allowed on steam if they were in high school
01:02:10Yeah, it's just the art style especially with how like like i'm actually was drawn
01:02:30Oh, here we go
01:02:34This side was actually really good
01:02:37There comes a point in any narrative work where you have to decide if you're writing a story or writing porn
01:02:42Because at a certain point those two things are going to start working against one another
01:02:46I played a clip from husband hotel. You think anyone watches for the dialogue?
01:02:52There's a reason porn writing has always been terrible because everyone knows it's not what you're there for conversely while some
01:02:59Charming folk complained about them. Nobody who has actually ever had sex really gave a shit about awkward
01:03:04Bioware sex scenes because the sex scenes wasn't what we were there for we were there to listen to garrus try and fail to flirt
01:03:13We were there to listen to garrus try and fail to flirt because he's fucking adorable
01:03:16Haven would have been a lot less enjoyable if you and k had the refractory period of a millisecond
01:03:21Because you'd lose the ebb and flow between tension fluff self-satisfied horny flirting and gentle reassurances
01:03:28And if you have any themes at all writing porn is going to undercut those like uber moving into a city with perfectly fine
01:03:33public transit
01:03:37Baldur's gate 3 has a lot of themes about abuse
01:03:39It's the one theme the game has but during early access always the worst decision for a developer to make
01:03:44They listen to the horny twitter users and then undercut their entire theme
01:03:48By letting you sabotage characters recovery in the name of hot evil man or fuck other characters abusers
01:03:54Or there's just the entire character of minthara who is so oriented around being an evil thirst trap
01:03:59That people whined and complained when you couldn't recruit her without pissing off the characters that are actually useful in combat
01:04:13We used to make fun of people for shit like this wanting to fuck their favorite goth girl and getting mad about the consequences
01:04:18Around it remember when playing the dark side in kotor because dark side bastila hot required you to kill half your party members
01:04:24Including the literal child baldur's gate 3 tried to imitate that in chapter 1 and horny fucking losers whined about it
01:04:31There's a point in the game where you have to decide if letting your themes and your store if your themes and your story
01:04:36Are more important than player freedom letting the player completely undercut your themes
01:04:41And sabotage every character in the name of creating an evil harem makes it clear
01:04:45Maybe you should have made a dating sim instead of pissing all over a beloved crpg series
01:04:50Lily what's the point of this baldur's gate tangent?
01:04:52Well, anytime it comes up I need to remind people that this is the worst crpg ever made but getting back on track to its 2d twin
01:05:03Lovely word flavor
01:05:08Good old alliteration
01:05:12Thank you
01:05:19Yeah, what you said about like and like whether you're writing like a story or writing port is accurate because like there's so many stories
01:05:25where creators like
01:05:26They get so self-indulgent
01:05:29with their own with their own tropes and
01:05:31And stuff that just kind of bleeds over into really nasty shit
01:05:38Like when cora was like being like i'm like a viciously abused by everyone around her and it was like so grotesquely violent
01:05:44it's it's like like you said a snuff film and
01:05:48This is something because oh
01:05:49it's it's a lot more darker and all that and i'm like
01:05:53but like no, it's literally so like a break and have
01:05:56Just torture the female character for the sheer shock value and then never discuss it again
01:06:02Because that's all they care about
01:06:24Oh god writing prompts an old dragon just wants to be left alone with the new village that just cropped up
01:06:28Up a few decades ago keep the leaving gifts at his doorstep and now they've just left a maiden
01:06:46All right, bye need for gaze
01:06:51See ya
01:07:01I think this is why like it's so important like you're gonna let people realize. Okay
01:07:05What actually are you going to do with this and with this?
01:07:08with this story
01:07:10You're gonna make it a story or just make it porn because if you want to make porn, that's totally fine
01:07:34Okay, there's plenty stickers I want to watch the fucking tomb raid of death scenes, so
01:07:53I think this is why I really I really appreciate like an executive meddling
01:07:59Because people say people say oh, well, you gotta let the creators have their own vision and all that and i'm like
01:08:04no, i'm like
01:08:05yeah, but if they're doing shit like this, then it's clearly time for the characters to rein in their shit a bit because you know,
01:08:13because a this is a
01:08:14Edition of chorus was to be on nickelodeon a kid's network and two
01:08:18It's just uncomfortable to watch a woman being tortured for no reason
01:08:55Yeah, exactly jc, yeah
01:09:02Like people in villainized exactly so much for making for like, you know being too much for like
01:09:07Learn to over overbearing like no, it's like it's their job to manage content that their creators make
01:09:14To make sure that it's appropriate for
01:09:17For children
01:09:25Logan roger randally that your voice is. Oh, thank you razor
01:09:34Yeah, thank you, I'm getting a lot of people lately telling them my voice is very soothing and I really like that
01:09:47It's funny because sometimes I worry if i'm being too dead I sometimes sound a bit too dead pan when i'm talking normally
01:09:54Or I sound like really really squeaky when i'm when i'm happy
01:09:58Okay, but we like both of those things
01:10:04I just don't want to accidentally sound bored when i'm just like talking normally
01:10:14You want to see when you let your creator run around with alicia sauce back. Oh god batman returns. Oh
01:10:21As I like to call it tim button's leather and leather fetish film
01:10:38So that shoe market came in all right, all right enough of this angsty shit, let's make it fun
01:10:48Your voice crunches that oh, thank you. Thank you angel
01:11:06I think it's like if I was in charge of core, right?
01:11:08I would like I would do so much for cool interesting things for everyone like a relationship with her family her relationship with
01:11:14Potentially with like the water tribe
01:11:15but I would really do do something wouldn't like to have a story about her with like in the box because like
01:11:21Look, I don't watch the show but just how
01:11:23just watching all this footage for this video I can really tell like a
01:11:28Like a like genuinely like trust cora to make up her own decisions and treat her like a goddamn adult
01:11:36And yet he's vilified and defied and fought into being like this like a oh like a
01:11:43This coveting presence actually secretly being like this bitch in sheep's clothing
01:11:47We're like no he's been like the only like normal adult in in chorus live apart from tenzin
01:11:55And boomy
01:12:07This is just really judging on those clips alone
01:12:09I don't know like the whole whole story but obviously but you know, I can tell just by those clips alone
01:12:14I've seen in this in this script in this video that you're making lily
01:12:20the show is actually really like and like
01:12:25Cora just really deserves so much better. Yep. She does
01:12:31I will spend the entire first series first season just about cora's like relationship with her family and friends
01:12:49It even if I was to have a villain of the day it would literally just be some like random
01:12:53Guys stirring up trouble in the war in raw tribe or something
01:13:01When she removed the media to the two nations, yeah
01:13:06I like the idea that she starts to like become much more like
01:13:09more like, you know actively political and like she starts off like
01:13:13Being the mediator between two like two of two sides of like the war nation
01:13:17But like slowly becomes more and more interested in like talking about more like international politics
01:13:23But it ends up like getting too
01:13:25In too much pressure for her because not only that she's the avatar
01:13:29It's like causing that much pressure because everyone's like scrutinizing her and watching her every move
01:13:34You can even have a good message in there about you know, how paparazzi can like, you know
01:13:38Like very like a drain people and people are like stalking and harassing people can like fucking cause people trauma and shit
01:13:51Like we're all putting such an immense amount of pressure and scrutiny by everyone just because making making a few like impulsive or bad decisions
01:13:59and say oh, well, you're the avatar you're not allowed to make bad decisions and like
01:14:04Or realizing no i'm actually i'm a i'm a person I can make mistakes I can do some
01:14:10And make some decisions i'm not proud of but i'll get better and improved because I fucking care about the people I love in
01:14:16my life
01:14:23Like just do something with the avatar and how it affects someone's life and how they relate to other people other than just
01:14:31big battle go boom boom
01:14:36Apparently there is uh, a korra movie in the works
01:14:41There's supposed to be a kiyoshi movie coming out this year
01:14:43But I guess I don't know uh avatar studios announced a kiyoshi movie for 2024 of zuko movie for 2025
01:14:50And a korra movie for 2026
01:14:52But it's clear janet varney wouldn't be back for it if that was true
01:14:59I'm, not looking forward to on the kiyoshi. I mean judging by what the fandom's pure
01:15:06Oh, yeah
01:15:15Howdy lily, oh, uh, you came in at the worst possible time because I am like five minutes away from ending the stream
01:15:26Conflating avatar for stock superhero was always a terrible idea. Let them be a person and a mediator
01:15:31Yeah, that was kind of like my my thought process behind neva not having villains
01:15:36Or like not having any significant villains outside of like maybe a few natural disasters
01:15:42Like the avatar was just being turned into a superhero and kind of losing the thing that made the avatar interesting
01:15:49Because at the end of the day like avatar was always having a dude was always having a dueling issue with the fact that like
01:15:56A lot of people really were just here for the fucking uh for the fucking
01:16:02uh action scenes
01:16:04It's all they care about
01:16:08Like you don't have to make every character that has like supernatural powers and make them into a superhero
01:16:13Like you could just like have them
01:16:16Just do regular shit
01:16:19Yeah, you could but
01:16:23You could
01:16:28Well, then don't put it on fucking nickelodeon then one second
01:16:38That's my biggest problem it's like they put the legend of korra
01:16:41Which is supposed to be a more mature mature more political show and puts it on nickelodeon
01:16:48Well, the kids aren't going to be interested about collars
01:17:48The other thing like for sure like let's look forward that we want to talk about political themes and
01:17:52Themes and like how it affects people
01:17:55Like just put it on a different network
01:18:01Or just make a different story
01:18:15Because like no one I don't think any kid in like in 2013 was like, oh
01:18:20Oh, I really want to talk about the political thing things in like less than a quarter while spongebob is about to come on
01:18:39Yeah, true
01:19:01Viacom has so many other platforms, but but avatar was on nick so we got to put it on there
01:19:07Here's the thing the network doesn't matter
01:19:12And the network has never mattered like korra would do the same on anything else viacom has as it would on nick
01:19:20So I don't know
01:19:36What's the lecture course is really at odds with itself
01:19:40Because he wants to talk about heavier shit he wants to talk about more political thing things and socio
01:19:45Thing and fighting and all this all the tertiary stuff that people think avatar is and like
01:19:50Yeah, it wants to have political subtext because that that makes it more prestigious
01:19:55But at the end of the day, it does just want to be the the fucking it does just want to be a shonen anime
01:20:07It wants to be peak tv, yeah
01:20:18Bending bad
01:20:24I'll see myself out
01:20:30I mean granted i'm not really a particularly i'm not really one for high-minded themes
01:20:34I mean when asked when asked to pitch an avatar story, I basically just said okay, the theme is sibling enmeshment
01:20:43Which is a very personal very personal thing, yep
01:20:49There was a kind of undercurrent in korra about like the day-to-day dealing with being the avatar and I kind of thought okay
01:20:56That's literally just going to be all neva's story is
01:21:03How do you deal with being the avatar when you are the kind of person who just want who like
01:21:09Just wants to uh stay at home and cuddle her sister
01:21:17Yeah, just have like the avatar you go to a person that's just so disinterested in being like a
01:21:23in the first place, but you know comes to appreciate it because i'm like
01:21:29That it affects that person what she wants to do like, oh, yeah, i'm the other time i'm not gonna have that with you
01:21:34I just want to help out my friends. I race a bunch of kids in an airbending contest or some shit. That's funny
01:21:49I want to use airbending to throw my dog on my dog's tennis ball
01:21:58I want to use firebending to roast to make to make s'mores
01:22:03To roast the s'mores on the campfire
01:22:10Korra has something a little bit better with a cliche tournament arc than what we got the core exploring bendit
01:22:14No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let's let's not do that shit
01:22:18Let's not do tournament anime shit like as as much as I tend to sneer at avatar avatar is better than that
01:22:27At the very least you don't have to be the very worst of the worst of anime
01:22:35No, here's what uh, here's what it should have been korra's whole thing
01:22:38Like korra has is like filled with excitement about being the avatar, right?
01:22:43And the main villain
01:22:44Is somebody who can take away bending perfect
01:22:48Instead of it being an equality movement. It's the anti-bending equivalent of a serial killer
01:22:58Which is honestly much more threatening and personal especially to korra
01:23:02Suddenly benders start turning like you can even keep the same backstory because it works
01:23:08Suddenly benders start turning start turn
01:23:12Benders, uh turn up having lost their bending
01:23:19Half of season one has like this weird noir theme going on go full noir make it a fucking mystery sniff out this fucking weird
01:23:30Blood bending lunatic
01:23:38Oh, hey
01:23:40Avatar ang rather notoriously took someone's bending away. Maybe korra ends up being a suspect
01:23:51Yeah, that just sounds way more interesting
01:24:04It kind of makes me think of like lois and clark where like
01:24:10every single villain
01:24:11Because superman was in town
01:24:14Every single villain from like season two onward was kind of like working in the shadows
01:24:19And most of the episode was about sniffing them out because you know
01:24:23It's superman you can't like superman could just swoop in and save the day
01:24:28Which is why everybody's always skulking around in the shadows
01:24:31It's the best way to avoid superman. So most of each episode is about lois and clark doing investigative reporting
01:24:40That sounds awesome
01:24:43Detective lois, please
01:24:47It's already got that 50s steampunk cassette 20s 1920s
01:24:51That would just go better. Yep
01:24:54I love that. She has to prove her innocence while also finding the culprit. Oh fucking that's actually cool. Of course. It's cool
01:25:01I am a fucking good writer
01:25:20You can even have that scene from voice in the night where like aman ends up like
01:25:24Cornering cornering, uh, cora and then it's like I could take away your bending
01:25:28But I won't you would only become a martyr and also
01:25:32Everyone's suspecting. He was really good for me
01:25:37Oh my god, it's even better. Holy shit
01:25:52Sorry lily you're too good of a writer I have to call the good writer police on you i'm not going back to jail
01:26:01I got a chill running down my spine. Thank you
01:26:06Thank you, I am fucking good at my job
01:26:14You actually have you been doing it for years and you perfected it to a craft yeah
01:26:27Speaking of cute things, I love this durango virus and kira
01:26:40Them them
01:26:44Oh, it's so sweet. Oh would kill for her sister has killed for her sister
01:26:56And we'll kill again
01:27:07Mikaela's gone so much better. It's so oh, she's always been good. But like mckay's always like gone so much better with her
01:27:24Pig sisterly babies, uh
01:27:27I haven't done a new iris and kira vignette in a while. I'm still reposting the old ones
01:27:32I've been kind of focused on avatar neva
01:27:37I mean fair enough
01:28:08All right, I gotta go and get some washing done and probably get something to eat it's like 2 p.m for me now
01:28:13Yeah, yeah, I gotta go and get some sleep because i've been up all night
01:28:16See you everybody
01:28:20The uh, the segment will be up for patrons when I wake up
01:28:26Oh, I can't wait to see it. Bye. Love you
01:28:30Love you, too