(8:1:24) Working on Korra Vid 3:4

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00:00:17Like being the contrarian because it's funny Wow
00:00:20It's fun to be the contrarian when you know, you're not gonna have to cut when you know that you're on all already going to
00:02:00All right, it's time to head to ilos
00:02:44I'll go finish a thing. Goodbye. I'll see you James. I hope you enjoyed this stream the stream
00:03:26We've got company have their sensors picked us up yet stealth systems are engaged unless we get close enough for a visual
00:03:33They won't have any idea. We're here picking up some strange readings from the planet surface
00:03:37Take us down Joker lock in on the coordinates
00:03:41Negative on that commander the nearest landing zones two clicks away
00:03:45We'll never make it in time on foot. Get us something closer. There is nowhere closer. I've locked
00:03:51Drop us in the Mako. You need at least a hundred. Let me know how the audio balance is
00:03:56I can find near sarin is 20 20 meters. No way
00:04:00We have to try find another landing zone. There is no other landing zone the descent angles too steep
00:04:08It's our only option. It's not an option. It's a suicide run. We don't I can do it
00:04:16Joker I can do it gear up and head down to the Mako Joker drop us right on top of that bastard
00:04:42Plenty of guests I want all the tech all of it
00:05:22We have to get inside this bunker before sarin finds the conduit
00:05:27There's no way we're getting past that door with
00:05:30Sarah found a way to there must be some kind of security override somewhere in this complex
00:05:35We'll have to find some way to get it up and running again
00:09:33To get Colossus have won a fight on this map or a terror. Oh, yeah. Whoa
00:11:19To get Colossus one map or a terror
00:11:21Yep, and here's the thing with each of these games with the with the exception of two
00:11:25I'm using mods that make these games way fucking harder
00:11:49What types of mods
00:11:50Well, the first one basically increases the damage that you and enemies do by a crazy amount like that's why I'm that's why I'm one
00:11:57That's why I'm like very quickly killing enemies, but I also die to like a fucking grenade
00:12:10And in Mass Effect 3 I use the retrofit mods
00:12:18This place still has power must be running off its own generator
00:12:21I bet this is the command center for the entire complex
00:12:26Stanton's troops must have sealed the doors from here after he went inside
00:12:30We'll have to figure out how to disengage the security lockdown if we ever want to get inside that bunker
00:13:40My people once tried to find this world we'd hoped we could settle here
00:13:44But we didn't know it would feel so unwelcome
00:13:52Yeah, the brutalism here is even more brutalist than usual
00:14:08People focus too much on the glass and not enough on the cannon. So I'm glad the higher damage dealing is reciprocal. Yeah
00:14:21This isn't your average everyday brutalism, this is advanced brutalism. Ooh
00:14:30The crossfire
00:14:33And the pulse rifle 9
00:14:41Hey, the pulse rifles great
00:14:47Sorry, it's not great. It's kind of neat
00:15:54Come on
00:15:56Seren's already got a head start. We have to go find him before he reaches the convoy
00:16:00Unless he's already found then we're just walking into a trap. That's a chance. We'll have to take
00:16:06Hold on something's happening
00:16:14No escape
00:16:16Sounds like some kind of message, but I don't recognize the language
00:16:19It's probably in Prothean. This recording must be 50,000 years old. No wonder we can't understand it
00:16:29Message is all broken up, but I recognize some of the words. It's a warning against the Reaper invasion
00:16:36Incredible the cipher must have transferred an understanding of the Prothean language into your mind
00:16:45Seek repute
00:16:48Inside the archives, what's it say? Can you make out anything you?
00:17:14Something about the conduit, but it's too degraded to help Shepherd looks kind of hot in this armor. Are you implying Shepherd doesn't always look hot?
00:18:05We're almost at Mass Effect 2 that'll be fun
00:18:14I find that the classes don't really come into their own until Mass Effect 2 like
00:18:19Mass Effect 1 the classes are all kind of working from the same
00:18:22Framework, and then they just layer different they layer the same pool of abilities onto each other
00:18:27It's until Mass Effect 2 that like the idea of each class having unique gameplay
00:18:33Really comes into effect. I think I think the engineer and the Sentinel kind of get kind of
00:18:38Come into their own the most
00:18:44Where the engineer seems to be a lot about summoning and
00:18:47then it's just let and the Sentinel the Sentinel actually actually goes from being like a Jack a
00:18:54jack-of-all-trades to being a tank
00:19:15So my current pet project has been trying to fix Ruby I can't engage with the chat during a firefight
00:19:28Okay, first you go down let's talk back to my pistol my trusty pistol
00:19:37Engineers a summoner class
00:19:38yeah, there's a lot of drones and there's a lot like between drones and AI hacking and like turret hacking and shit like
00:19:45The the drones start like the engineer starts to come into the idea of being a summoner
00:19:53And then it like I said every class gets their own unique gameplay and then Mass Effect 3 is like okay
00:19:58Let's give you more fun doing it
00:20:53Literally the night after I started listening for their content
00:20:55They had a stream digging into the writing of it
00:20:57I've been dipping into what other people have been doing with it for inspo and turned out literally the night after I started
00:21:03To their content. They had a stream digging into the writing
00:21:06I see read like a thousand years ago at the end of a kind of crescendo in there
00:21:32They just deleted the only main character of color I wonder if those things are a coincidence
00:21:36Probably not
00:22:13Thought there was some kind of track
00:22:19Or we just haven't run into it yet
00:22:37What are all those things on the wall some kind of container
00:22:41They look like stasis pods the protheans probably tried to
00:23:22Don't think that ends behind us
00:23:41For Garris to be the only one who thinks Shepard's driving to make it was dangerous Shepard doesn't front-flip
00:23:46Screaming is just having a Korean song still pulsing even without the music
00:24:02Do you still hear it new blood
00:24:19You might be hearing my dehumidifier
00:24:25No, no, it's gone now, okay, so it's in the actual thing
00:24:42So I feel nope I feel no pulse now, oh wait it came back, okay
00:25:06Do you hear now
00:25:19No, okay, yeah, it's coming for it's coming from Mass Effect
00:25:46Oh, yeah, I hear it now
00:25:56Yeah, that's coming from the game
00:26:03You are not profiting but you are not machine either this eventuality was one of many that was anticipated
00:26:12This is why we sent our warning through the beacons
00:26:16Looks like some kind of VI
00:26:20Pretty bad advantage. I do not sense the taint of indoctrination upon any of you unlike the other that passed recently
00:26:28Perhaps there is still hope
00:26:32Wait a minute, how come I can understand you? Why aren't you speaking the profane language?
00:26:37I have been monitoring your communication since you arrived at this facility. I have translated my output into a format you will comprehend
00:26:46My name is vigil. You are safe here for the moment, but that is likely to change soon. Nowhere will be safe
00:26:57Did you bring me here you must break a cycle that has continued for millions of years
00:27:01But to stop it, you must understand or you will make the same mistakes we did
00:27:07The Citadel is the heart of your civilization and the seat of government as it was with us and as it has been with every
00:27:15civilization that came before us
00:27:18But the Citadel is a trap. The station is actually an enormous mass relay
00:27:23One that links to dark space the empty void beyond the galaxy's horizon
00:27:29When the Citadel relay is activated the Reapers will pull through and all you know will be destroyed
00:27:39The Reapers can wipe out the council and the entire Citadel fleet in a single surprise attack
00:27:44That was our fate. Our leaders were dead before we even realized we were under attack
00:27:50The Reapers seized control of the Citadel and through it the mass relays
00:27:57Communication and transportation across our Empire were crippled each stellar system was isolated cut off from the others
00:28:04easy prey for the Reaper fleets
00:28:08Over the next decades the Reapers systematically obliterated our people world by world
00:28:14System by system they methodically wiped us out
00:28:22Of you must have managed to survive
00:28:24Through the Citadel the Reapers had access to all our records maps census data
00:28:30Information is power and they knew everything about us
00:28:34Their feats advanced across every central region of the galaxy
00:28:38Some worlds were utterly destroyed others were conquered their populations enslaved
00:28:45These indoctrinated servants became sleeper agents under Reaper control
00:28:50Taken in as refugees by other Protheans. They betrayed them to the machines
00:28:56Within a few centuries the Reapers had killed or enslaved every Prothean in the galaxy. They were relentless brute and absolutely thorough
00:29:08You said you brought me here for a reason
00:29:14Is there another relay in dark space against us to the Citadel yes
00:29:18Just said that
00:29:21Isles was a top-secret facility
00:29:23Here researchers work to create a small-scale version of a mass relay
00:29:28One that linked directly to the Citadel the hub of the relay network
00:29:38What happened next we said that all communication with the outside and our facility went dark
00:29:44The personnel retreated underground into these archives
00:29:48to conserve resources
00:29:50Everyone was put into cryogenic stasis. I was programmed to monitor the facility and wake the staff when the danger had passed
00:29:58But the genocide of an entire species is a long slow process
00:30:03years past
00:30:06Centuries the Reapers persisted and my energy reserves were dwindling
00:30:16Began to disable the life support of non-essential personnel
00:30:20First support staff then security one by one their parts were shut down to conserve energy
00:30:28Eventually only the stasis parts of the top scientists remained active
00:30:32Even these were in danger of failing when the Reapers finally retreated back through the Citadel relay
00:30:42You just shut them down you killed them he couldn't let everyone die better to sacrifice some so others could live
00:30:48This outcome was not completely unforeseen
00:30:51My actions were a result of contingency programming entered on my creation
00:30:57But they didn't tell the non-essential staff about this contingency I saved key personnel
00:31:03When the Reapers retreated the top researchers were still alive. My actions are the only reason any hope remains
00:31:11When the researchers woke they realized the prothean species was doomed
00:31:16There were only a dozen individuals left far too few to sustain a viable population
00:31:22Yet they vowed to find some way to stop the Reapers from returning a way to break the cycle forever and
00:31:29They knew the keepers were the key
00:31:33Aren't they under the influence of the Reapers the keepers are controlled by the Citadel
00:31:38Before each invasion a signal is sent through the station compelling the keepers to activate the Citadel relay
00:31:45After decades of feverish study the scientists discovered a way to alter this signal
00:31:51Using the conduit they gained access to the Citadel and made the modifications
00:31:57This time when sovereign sent the signal to the Citadel the keepers ignored it. The Reapers are trapped in dark space
00:32:06Seren can use the conduit to bypass all the Citadel's external defenses
00:32:10Correct, and once inside you can transfer control of the station to sovereign
00:32:16Sovereign will override the Citadel systems and manually open the relay and the cycle of extinction will begin again
00:32:25I'll take sovereign down
00:32:29There's a data file in my console. Take a copy when you go
00:32:33Yeah, the protheans were hardcore
00:32:38It will corrupt the Citadel security protocols and give you a temporary control of the station
00:32:44It might give you a chance against sovereign
00:32:53Through the conduit follow Saren he will lead you to your destination
00:33:00Saren's got enough of a head start grab that data file and let's go if Javik is anything to go by. Yeah, there's space Romans
00:33:49Can see based on the open ones which ones vigil which ones vigil let out
00:34:02The sad part is that you actually run into what you in Mass Effect 3 you run into another
00:34:08Another preservation bunker like this and it failed just the same
00:34:34Tell you what, I don't like what I don't like is the
00:34:37Think about this think about just being any prothean like getting into your stasis pod thinking. This is it
00:34:43We're going to survive. We've outwitted the Reapers you go in you go into stasis you go to sleep. You never wake up
00:35:23Haunting honestly, yep
00:35:40Makes me think of like the nutty putty cave disaster
00:36:17There the conduit it's incredible we don't have time to admire the view we have to get through that relay and these guests
00:36:24I'm gonna make it easy on us
00:36:41Forgot about that God spelunking is terrifying. Yep. Oh
00:36:47And the worst part is like that guy passed out that guy passed out before he had credit before he died
00:37:07Returned with food and water. What did I miss? We're taught we're comparing we're comparing dying in a cryostasis chamber to dying in a cave
00:38:08Oh No
00:38:18Okay, don't fuck with the conduit
00:38:45Both sound completely awful. They are
00:39:05The Mako just got sent all the way across the galaxy it at warp speed
00:39:25Would you rather be in the plot of open water or or the descent she would never to open water I
00:39:36Am claustrophobic as fuck like yeah, okay here hang on you guys got to see this because it is fucking
00:40:10First of all
00:40:13This is the kind of thing that guy was crawling through in like in the nutty putty cave incident
00:40:18This is how big that tunnel was that he was crawling through when he got stuck
00:40:32And this is how he got stuck
00:40:51Nope nope. Nope. It ain't behind beating that. Oh, that's yep
00:41:19Yeah, like the tight squeezes in caves are like fucking crazy
00:41:38They are nightmarish
00:41:42You could not pay me to go into a cave
00:41:45I didn't fit think it was claustrophobic, but I didn't think I was claustrophobic, but thinking of that is making me claustrophobic
00:41:52See a little funny thing is a lot of some people have suggested that like claustrophobia
00:41:56We have claustrophobia for a reason, and I'm gonna guess like some ancient caveman
00:42:04Some ancient caveman was like
00:42:13Some ancient caveman was
00:42:16Going through the deep part of a cave remember we used to live in caves
00:42:20So they went deep into the cave
00:42:23Got stuck died and the rest of the the rest of the tribe was just like nope
00:42:29Fuck that nope
00:42:41One of the Internet's oldest horror stories Ted's caving journal actually had someone make it into a full video series of actual cavers at an
00:42:46actual cave
00:43:26It's just a little box I can barely fit my chair, but man
00:43:29It's the being upside down in there that's really messing with me like well
00:43:34Yeah, there's small spaces, and then there's like a long tunnel
00:43:4018 inches wide
00:44:07Sharon's lost the elevator suit up. We're going outside
00:46:37I was playing the engineer so far well. It's Mass Effect 1, so it's the same as playing every other class
00:48:06Out there
00:48:23You go
00:48:51Whoops I didn't mean to do that
00:52:31Gotta say this mod sure makes firefights of this game tense if short
00:53:01Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
00:53:23Ha ha ha have fun with that turret everybody
00:53:36Fuck your face out fuck your face out so I can neural shock you oh
00:53:44Fuck I had been bamboozled by the Krogan
00:55:12The only downside is that it makes firefights really tense boss fights not so much
00:56:40Was afraid you wouldn't make it in time
00:56:44Had to wipe out a few hundred of your followers along the way
00:56:47Sorry, if I kept you waiting you've lost you know
00:56:52In a few minutes sovereign lab will control all the Citadel systems the relay will open the Reapers will return
00:57:04I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve. You survived our encounter on Vermeier, but I've changed
00:57:11improved sovereign has
00:57:13upgraded me
00:57:17You let sovereign implant you are you insane you don't understand Shepherd
00:57:22There is a place for organics in the new order the Reapers need men and women of action people like us
00:57:30Sovereign recognizes your value you've impressed it
00:57:36Surrender to the Reapers and you will be spared
00:57:39Join us and we can find a place for you
00:57:48Sovereign's controlling you through your implants don't you see that?
00:57:53The relationship is symbiotic
00:57:55Organic and machine intertwined a union of flesh and steel
00:58:00the strengths of both the weaknesses of neither I
00:58:04Am a vision of the future Shepherd the evolution of all organic life
00:58:09This is our destiny join sovereign and experience a true rebirth
00:58:18I'd rather die than live like that. Then you will die and your companions
00:58:25Everyone, you know and love everyone you ever met. Don't you understand? You will all die
00:58:34The Reapers can't be stopped not by the Protheans not by you the cycle always continues
00:58:42I'm done arguing with you. Let's end this
00:59:37Harmony of flesh and steel let's put a lot of steel into that flesh quick open the station's arms
00:59:42Maybe the fleet can take sovereign down
00:59:45See if you can open a communications channel
00:59:56The council is on board Normandy to the Citadel
01:00:06You were expecting someone else
01:00:18Are you sure about this Shepherd human casualties will be very high if you send your fleet in now
01:00:24This is bigger than humanity sovereigns a threat to every organic species in the galaxy
01:00:30True, that's why you can't waste reinforcements trying to save the council
01:00:35You must hold them back until the Citadel arms open up and the human fleet can go after sovereign
01:00:54I'm opening the relays now Joker. We need to save the Ascension no matter what the cost. I
01:01:00Hope the council appreciates this
01:01:07Alliance ships move in save the destiny Ascension. Oh, hey Leo
01:01:15How are you doing
01:01:19Commander we're picking up reinforcements. It's the Alliance. Thank the gods
01:01:46Destiny Ascension you are all clear
01:01:49You are all clear the Citadel's opening all ships move in concentrate on sovereign
01:02:09Make sure he's dead
01:02:38He's dead
01:03:06And that sure is some explosive radiation
01:03:18A sovereign harbinger has more class than you do
01:04:19Damn it
01:05:18Sovereign's too strong we have to pull back
01:05:22Negative this is our only chance take that monster down no matter what the cost
01:05:44Are we stuck
01:06:18Children out now's our chance
01:06:41Yeah members this bitch dies today attitude
01:06:44I don't think I don't think there's a single person who plays this game who doesn't
01:06:48like Admiral Hackett
01:07:47Captain Anderson, we found them here
01:07:52Take it easy, it's over you're safe now, where's the commander?