Duke With Benefits Part 6 (Last Part)

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Duke With Benefits Part 6 (Last Part)


00:00I don't ever want to see you again but Taylor I love you I love you
00:20you love me? Yes. How can I trust anything you say? This was real for me. It is real. I swear. Yeah, but just for me.
00:41God. Travis. What are you doing here? God, you're starting to speak like a peasant. I will not have you marry one. You need to come home, Travis. No fucking way.
01:04You need to come home, Travis. No fucking way. Don't talk that way to me. Boy, the royal family has arranged for this engagement. You will not back out. I thought we had something special. We had a drunken one-night stand in Ibiza. You begged your father to threaten the king that if I dumped you, you would destroy our country's relationships. That is not true. I would never. I'm sure it isn't, my dear. If you don't come back to England with me, I'm kicking you out of the royal family myself.
01:35My dear. Did I ruin your American dream? That you want to marry this sad little small-town girl? Do you love her? Do you love her? Fuck off. You lied to her. You're not my fiancée and you never will be. I had something special with Taylor and you just showed up and ruined it.
02:02Grow up, Travis. You're gonna be a fucking duke one day. And in case you've forgotten, I'm the princess of Denmark. You belong with royalty and not some naive American baby.
02:14So, you're here to what? Manipulate me into proposing to you? Sorry. No, that's not gonna happen.
02:23You know what kind of power I have. You're not choosing her over me. I already have. By the way, I do love her. I'll make bloody sure she knows it.
02:47I mean, this whole fucking time he had a fiancée. How could I be so stupid?
02:56You're not stupid, babe. Travis' feelings for you were real. I mean, I saw it. Miles saw it. Hell, everyone saw it. Why do you think all the bitter bitches at school have been trying so hard to tear y'all down?
03:12Yeah, well, if his feelings were real, then why did he do this to me, huh? I mean, why did he tell me he loved me?
03:21Girl, you know I love the royals, but they can be fucking crazy. So, if he's saying that his dad is forcing him to marry Eloise, I believe it. And as for the I love you thing, he said it because it's true.
03:37No, truthfully, I'm a royal, so who I marry isn't really up to me. No, it's all about power plays and diplomacy.
03:52And if I had to guess, I'd say you love him, too. And if I had to guess, I'd say you love him, too.
04:08Don't go falling in love with me, okay?
04:10Just roommates, just friends. Deal?
04:19You were jealous I was dancing with that guy, weren't you?
04:23Why would I be jealous? I'm the one taking you home tonight.
04:28If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous.
04:31I'm not jealous. You can date whoever you want.
04:34Remind me again why we decided to just be friends.
04:38I can't remember right now.
04:43Fine, yeah, I do. I love him. What am I supposed to do about it?
04:51Seriously? You go get your man.
04:58Travis, Tra-
05:05Travis, Tra-
05:11The famous Taylor Young.
05:13Eloise? Where's Travis?
05:16Oh, he didn't tell you? I thought you two were close.
05:21I know you're trying to intimidate me, but it won't work. Travis told me the truth about you.
05:27Oh, I bet he did.
05:30Did he also tell you that his dad came here tonight?
05:34Or did he tell you that the Duke himself threatened to kick him out of the family if he didn't jump on a plane immediately?
05:46I'm sorry, Taylor. He went back to England.
05:59How'd it go? Did you tell him yet?
06:08Listen, shh, shh, shh, shh.
06:10Not yet.
06:11What? What do you mean?
06:12Where are you?
06:13Um, I'm kind of on a plane to London.
06:18Like the Queen?
06:19What? What about the open mic? It's tomorrow.
06:22I know, but-
06:23Try to give me a souvenir.
06:25I have to follow Travis.
06:29Oh, I gotta go. We're about to take off.
06:32Call me as soon as you land.
06:35Damn, that's crazy.
06:36I know!
06:39Why is your clothes- oh.
06:41Why is your clothes- oh.
06:45Um, hi.
06:47Um, have you heard from Taylor?
06:49Dude, she's on a plane to England, bro.
06:51What do you mean she's on a plane to England?
06:53She thought you left. She went to your house to tell you.
07:03Taylor, please pick up.
07:04Pick up, pick up, pick up.
07:09Well, if you hear from her,
07:13tell her I'm on my way.
07:20Duke Harrington!
07:21Taylor Young.
07:22You and I, we'd love a little chat.
07:26Taylor, it's lovely to meet you.
07:30What are you doing to my son?
07:32Uh, nice to meet you.
07:35Um, is Travis here?
07:37He's still in America, dear.
07:40He refused to come back to England.
07:42He was willing to give up his place as lord as part of the royal family.
07:46All because of you.
07:48So what is it?
07:50Are you blackmailing him?
07:51You want money?
07:53I'll give you anything.
07:54Not at all.
07:58Duke Harrington, with all due respect,
08:01I love him.
08:09I love him.
08:18I love you.
08:20I love you, Taylor.
08:21Did you really come all the way here just for me?
08:24You should have known I never would have left your side.
08:31this is what I want.
08:32This is why I couldn't leave America.
08:34And exactly why I couldn't propose to Eloise.
08:38You can't be with Taylor and become a respectable duke, Travis.
08:42Well, why not?
08:44You did, didn't you?
08:48Yes, but...
08:49But it was hard. People were cruel.
08:51And we got through it.
08:53Just like Taylor and Travis will.
08:56For what it's worth, you have my blessing.
09:00Thank you, Mother.
09:03I want to take over for you one day.
09:05I want to marry,
09:07become the duke,
09:09I have to do it on my own terms.
09:12Would you let me?
09:14Would you let me?
09:19I have to do it on my own terms.
09:22Would you let me?
09:29Yes, you may.
09:32I can see that this love is real.
09:37Who am I to tear that apart?
09:40Welcome to the family, Mother.
09:47is that me?
09:52So, what are we waiting for?
09:54We have to go.
09:55What? Where are we going?
09:56Back to America.
09:57The open mic is tonight and we can't miss it.
09:59How would you know about that?
10:01How do you think?
10:05Well, let's go. Let's hop on the private jet.
10:10You can't do this to me!
10:11You can't break up with me!
10:13She's nothing and I'm the fucking princess!
10:16I'm sorry, Eloise.
10:17It was never going to happen.
10:19And by the way,
10:21sounds made up.
10:31Run backstage while Park can follow you in.
10:37Taylor, wait.
10:38Caleb, what the hell do you want now?
10:41I miss you so much, Tay.
10:44I'm so sick of being stuck with Grace and her whiny friends.
10:48And I know you miss me, too.
10:52Sorry, bro.
10:55Not gonna happen.
10:58that ship has sailed.
11:00Goodbye forever now.
11:01Goodbye forever now.
11:12I wish I was a fucking Duke.
11:15Hey, OU babes.
11:16Major news from across the pond.
11:19Lord Travis kicked the princess of Denmark to the curb.
11:23Like, literally.
11:24And then he ran off into the sunset
11:26with none other than Taylor Young.
11:31She gets the hottest royal alive,
11:32and what do we get?
11:34She's probably a shitty singer.
11:36At least we get to watch her choke tonight.
11:38Travis is going to be so mortified
11:40that he dumps her on the spot.
11:43Excuse me.
11:44That is my son's future wife you're talking about.
11:48Duke Harrington.
11:51We were...
11:53We were just...
11:54We were joking.
11:55No, like, Taylor...
11:57We're old friends with Taylor,
11:59so we joke around like that.
12:00Like, all the time.
12:02Duke Harrington,
12:03it's an honor to meet you.
12:05My father will be delighted we met.
12:07He's got the legacy.
12:11I don't give a rat's ass who your father is.
12:16If you two don't leave my sight,
12:18I will personally have you kicked out of the school.
12:24If you two don't leave my sight,
12:26I will personally have you kicked out of the school.
12:36How does it feel to piss off the royal family?
12:40You won't believe what happened to me.
12:43I'm done being your punching bag, Grace.
12:48It's over.
12:51Are you kidding me?
12:53Get out of here.
13:01Break a leg, love.
13:11This one goes out to Travis Harrington.
13:14Love of my life.
13:30Shine, you make me shine
13:38I just won't be looking back no more
13:45Yesterday is not an open door
13:53Chains that used to hold me back
13:57Falling at my feet
14:01Darkness tried to take me down
14:04But don't have a hold on me
14:10Shine, you make it shine
14:18Shine, you make me shine
14:24Shine, you make me shine
14:37Bloody hell.
14:39I knew you were talented, but that was brilliant.
14:42I love you so much.
14:44I love you.
14:48I, um, wanted to ask you something.
14:50Taylor Young.
14:53Would you do the honors of marrying me?
15:01Are you sure?
15:03More sure than I am of anything in this world.
15:07I think we can really work.
15:10Once I become the Duke, I want you right by my side.
15:15What do you say?
15:16What do you say?