Trump attacks Harris over US border policing – was it her job? |BBC news | BBC news live | news

  • last month
From its opening line, Donald Trump’s first television advertisement blasting rival Kamala Harris took aim at what his campaign believes is her biggest weakness - immigration.
“This is America’s border tsar,” a narrator said, over images of the vice-president dancing, “and she’s failed us.”.


00:00From its opening line, Donald Trump's first television advertisement blasting rival Kamala
00:05Harris took aim at what his campaign believes is her biggest weakness, immigration.
00:10This is America's border czar, a narrator said, over images of the vice president dancing,
00:16and she's failed us. A series of statistics followed, illustrating what the Trump campaign
00:22says took place under Ms Harris, who was given a role in dealing with the border crisis by
00:27President Joe Biden soon after his inauguration. The figures in the video ranged from 10 million
00:33illegal border crossings to 250,000 fentanyl-related overdose deaths. The voice concluded,
00:40Kamala Harris, failed, weak, dangerously liberal. The Harris campaign responded that the former
00:47president was running on, his trademark lies. It comes as little surprise that the Trump campaign
00:54took its first big swing at Ms Harris as the failed border czar, blaming her for the high
00:59numbers of undocumented immigrants at the US southern border. Americans have consistently
01:05said in polls this year that immigration is a top problem facing their country, and it will
01:10weigh on many of their minds when they cast ballots for the next US president in November.
