Donald Trump: Kamala Harris is talking a big game, but her game is bad

  • 3 months ago
Former President Trump calls out the vice president's campaign and recalls the assassination attempt on his life on 'The Ingraham Angle.

Donald Trump, Trump, Trump interview, Trump reader, Trump on Kamala Harris


00:00Moments ago, I sat down with former President Trump for a wide-ranging interview, telling
00:06me things that he has never told anyone in an interview before.
00:12Mr. President, first, I would like to say a belated congratulations for retiring Joe
00:18Biden, at least from the campaign.
00:21And now the polls are coming out for his replacement after a whirlwind positive press for Kamala
00:28The Real Clear Politics average shows you up at about 1.75 percent, 7 percent over her.
00:35But before the debate, Biden was 1.5 points behind.
00:41So you've actually slightly grown your lead on the national poll.
00:45So how do you keep Republicans positive and not buying into kind of the negative publicity
00:50that they're seeing?
00:51I think she's a worse candidate than him.
00:53She's far more radical left.
00:56She is younger.
00:58I mean, she's 60 years old.
00:59A lot of people — I didn't realize she was 60.
01:01I thought she was a little younger.
01:03But she's 60.
01:05She is talking a big game, but her game is pretty bad.
01:09I mean, she was the Bordasar.
01:10She's trying to pretend that she wasn't.
01:12You know, it's an amazing thing that's happened, too, because we've done a long
01:15time ago.
01:16But they're saying it's an evolution, Mr. President, that, yes, she, you know, was
01:20more progressive in 2020, but that she's moved to the middle on a number of these issues.
01:26And they're making a concerted effort to show kind of a new Kamala, Kamala 2.0.
01:31In politics, when you start off saying something, that's where you are.
01:35And she was for defund the police.
01:37She was for open borders.
01:38She was for having anybody come in.
01:40Now I notice that they're actually saying they want to have immunity for everybody that
01:44came into the country, and they want to have citizenship.
01:48She said that, and she said that she knows that Kamala Harris — she assumes Kamala
01:51Harris would support that.
01:53That means citizenship for 10 million, 15 million, 20 million?
01:57Or 20 million.
01:58What would that do to the country?
01:59Destroy the country.
02:00It's already — I mean, it's in such bad shape.
02:03Our country has never been in a position like this, in addition to which we could end up
02:07in a third world war, OK?
02:10But we have 20 million people that have come into the country.
02:13I would say by now it's — 20 is probably going over that number.
02:17We have another four months to go, but really it's another five months, five and a half
02:21months to go.
02:22So that number is going to increase very substantially.
02:24They're pouring in, and they're coming from prisons.
02:26They're coming from mental institutions and sane asylums.
02:29I always say that's a step above a mental institution.
02:33And we have a record number of terrorists coming into our country, and only bad things
02:37are going to happen.
02:38Nothing good is going to come out of it.
02:40A big news today is President Biden announcing reforms to the Supreme Court, which include
02:47not allowing immunity for presidents, and also ethics, new ethics rules.
02:53Now, a lot of us who used to clerk at the court believe that that's just a naked attempt
02:57to start knocking off conservative justices.
02:59It is.
03:00They didn't even consult Dick Durbin or the Senate Judiciary Committee on any aspect of
03:06What does this mean to you, what Biden is —
03:08Well, it's a typical Biden con.
03:10He doesn't want to give up immunity, because if he didn't have immunity, look at all the
03:14things he did.
03:15The $3.5 million from Russia, all the money he's taken in from China, all of the bad things
03:21and the evil things he's done, not to mention that thousands of people killed in the border.
03:27Look at the Afghanistan pullout, with the worst, most embarrassing day in the history
03:32of our country.
03:33All of the things he's done that are so bad, he desperately wants immunity.
03:37There's no way he would write off immunity for a president.
03:40But this is a really upending of our constitutional structure.
03:43Yeah, he's doing that.
03:44And a common criticism of you from the left is he's the chaos candidate, he's the chaos
03:50former president.
03:51Just the opposite.
03:52And so what does that do to separation of powers, if the executive branch can come along
03:55and say, oh, no, no, even though we have constitutional provisions governing the court, that we're
04:00just going to do this, or this is what we stand for?
04:02It's going nowhere.
04:03They need 75 percent, and it's going nowhere.
04:06He can't get it.
04:07He knows that, too.
04:08It's just — I think, look —
04:09Is it a bone to the left?
04:10Hard left.
04:11They staged a coup against the president of the United States.
04:14They went in and they told him, you're leaving, you're way down in the polls, 17 points, I
04:19You know, it's like you're in a fight with somebody and you're really winning, and they
04:22take him out and they put somebody else in.
04:24Nobody ever heard of this before.
04:26This is a coup.
04:27They took him.
04:28They said, even though you got 14 million votes, you're out.
04:31And he said, I'm not going out.
04:32But you're saying that's what they're kind of doing with the court as well?
04:36What they're doing is they're keeping — they took him out.
04:39He was losing badly.
04:40They took him out.
04:42He wants something to say.
04:44He's sitting there with nothing to do, nobody to talk to.
04:46They threw him out.
04:47This was a coup, the first one, of the president of the United States.
04:52But Harris endorsed this Supreme Court proposal.
04:53They said, you're leaving.
04:55She endorsed this Supreme Court proposal.
04:56Oh, yeah, she did.
04:57She's a radical leftist.
04:58Every two years, this is going to change justices?
04:59Well, they're also — the one thing they didn't say, they want to pack the court.
05:02What they really want to do more than any of it is pack the court.
05:05They want to put in — so I've heard as many as 27.
05:08They've gotten up to 27.
05:09That's not in this proposal.
05:11But this is a response to their losing on a number of high-profile cases.
05:14I mean, not every case has gone your way or Republicans' ways.
05:18Did Republicans ever put forward a series of these types of radical proposals?
05:22I don't recall.
05:23They have intended to.
05:24And we've been behind also.
05:25We've been behind in justices.
05:28And they don't do this.
05:29Actually, FDR did it a long time ago, which was interesting.
05:32But it hasn't really happened like this.
05:34It's never going to happen.
05:35I'll tell you, if I'm president, it doesn't happen.
05:38We keep it the way it is.
05:39And that's — it's been working very well for a long period of time.
05:42I mean, basically, they want to create another Congress.
05:45They want to have so many people.
05:46Let's just go to another Congress.
05:49I haven't seen you since the assassination attempt on your life.
05:52How are you feeling?
05:54How are you doing?
05:55I feel good.
05:56New information keeps coming out about how this could have occurred, including text messages
06:01among some of the local law enforcement and the SWAT teams that were in place.
06:06Most recently, we found out that a local SWAT team member actually spotted Crooks 90 minutes
06:13before that first shot went off.
06:15And they kept tracking him.
06:17They even saw him at one point, maybe 45 minutes before — half hour before the shot was fired,
06:23with the rangefinder pointing it toward the roof.
06:26What's your reaction to this?
06:28Look, I can tell you this.
06:31Once the bullets started coming at me, and I got very lucky — I really — I have to
06:37attribute it to God, because if I didn't turn to the right — and there was no reason
06:41to turn to the right, except I dropped a big sign on how — what a great job I'm doing
06:45on immigration, right?
06:46So the signs come down, and I go like this.
06:49And it went pew.
06:50If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking to you right now.
06:52You shouldn't have been on that stage.
06:54You shouldn't have been allowed to get on that stage.
06:55But I just want to say one thing about Secret Service.
06:59They were very brave, because they were coming, and bullets were flying over me, because I
07:02went down.
07:03Bullets were flying.
07:04And they were — they were on top of me.
07:06I had a lot of people on top of me, a lot of very big, strong people on top of me, I
07:10want to tell you.
07:11And they were very brave.
07:13I have to say that.
07:14OK, with that being said, there should have been somebody on the roof.
07:17There should have been communication with the local police, which there wasn't.
07:20So that's a bad thing.
07:22And they were seeing this guy, who was a very disturbed person.
07:25And they were seeing him around.
07:27I mean, it's like, how about the people, the Trump fans, the Trumpsters, the woman
07:31in the red shirt that was screaming, he's got a gun, that guy's got a gun?
07:35But this information, Mr. President, demonstrates via text messages in real time that they spotted
07:41this individual, the local SWAT team members spotted him.
07:44They lost track of him.
07:45They saw him again.
07:47But then we find out there was no preplanning done between the Secret Service and the local
07:51SWAT teams, which is common, which is customary, in addition to the drone flying ahead.
07:55Oh, there was no communication.
07:56Yes, there was no communication.
07:57So they didn't speak to each other.
07:59They actually didn't speak.
08:00That just came out.
08:01Look, it's a terrible thing.
08:04Should have been somebody up there.
08:06Now, the Secret Service shooter, the Secret Service sniper, it was amazing what he did
08:14with one bullet.
08:15He took him out.
08:16And that was an amazing shot he made.
08:17I heard it was like an incredible shot much further away.
08:21It would have been good if it was nine seconds sooner.
08:24You know, we lost one great person, and two people were very badly hurt.
08:27And now they're doing OK, and we're in communication with them.
08:30They're doing pretty good.
08:31They're doing very good.
08:32I thought they were going to die.
08:33I thought both of them were going to die also.
08:35But you agreed to an interview with the FBI.
08:39It's called a victim's interview in a situation like this.
08:40They're coming in on Thursday to see me.
08:43And I thought I would.
08:44I'm so disappointed.
08:45You know, if you took a poll of the FBI, I bet I'd get 95 percent, but not at the top
08:51level, not at the people, the political people.
08:54Why do people not trust the upper echelon of the FBI at this point?
08:57Well, they've had a bad period of time.
08:58I mean, they raided Mar-a-Lago.
09:00That's not so good.
09:02And I guess we bring a suit.
09:03You know, we won that whole case, and we won it the right way.
09:05We won it because we won it.
09:07We won it in court.
09:08It was a big thing.
09:09Hardly got any publicity.
09:10All they did was talk about the documents.
09:11I was allowed the Presidential Records Act, but we won the case.
09:15And the press hardly reports it.
09:17Now with Biden, he really was convicted of that case.
09:21He was let go of that case.
09:23And by the way, you're talking about many more, and he didn't have Presidential Records
09:27Just one thing, Laura.
09:28They said he was incompetent, and therefore he can't stand trial, and yet he would have
09:32been allowed to be president.
09:33Think of that.
09:34So he sort of semi-won it.
09:36Of course, you don't want to have that kind of a victory.
09:38You win because you're incompetent.
09:40But he actually was guilty.
09:42What was Melania's reaction, if you don't mind my asking, I know this is very personal,
09:46when she learned about what happened on that field in Butler?
09:49She was watching.
09:50Oh, she was watching in real time?
09:51She was watching live.
09:52It was all over the place.
09:53It was on television.
09:54It was on your network.
09:56But it was all over the place.
09:57And she was watching.
09:59I asked her that.
10:00I mean, I wasn't there.
10:01I was on the ground.
10:03And when the world started to, like, you could talk to people, I said, so what was your feeling?
10:12And she was, she can't really even talk about it.
10:17Which is OK, because that means she likes me.
10:18Well, she loves me.
10:19She still likes you.
10:20That's good.
10:21I mean, let's say she could talk about it freely.
10:23That wouldn't be, I'm not so sure, which is better.
10:24But she either likes or loves me, and that's nice.
10:28But I will say this, look, she was, when I went down, she thought the worst had happened
10:34because I went down and I grabbed my, and I saw it was, my hand was loaded up with blood.
10:39You see it in slow motion, instant replay.
10:41You know, we had hundreds of press there.
10:45So this was covered live.
10:46They would have had instant replay and everything else, which they already do in this.
10:51But supposing the worst happened.
10:52You know, one man, Corey, was killed, hit horribly, horribly in the head.
10:59And you know, to guard, he was guarding his family.
11:02That's why, how important it is to get to the bottom of why this was allowed to occur.
11:05He died.
11:06He died.
11:07You almost died.
11:08He died instantly.
11:10He was dead immediately.
