• 2 months ago
Synopsis: Respectable schoolmaster returns from work on the eve of a wedding anniversary holiday to find a strange man dead in their bathroom and his wife missing.
Genre: Thriller
Director: Peter Maxwell
Top cast: Peter Halliday, Ingrid Hafner, Patricia Burke, Joan Heath, Patrick Jordan, Barbara Lott, William Sherwood
00:06:51Who are you? What happened?
00:08:33Mr. Barnes?
00:08:36Mr. Barnes, are you there?
00:08:38Mr. Barnes?
00:08:40I just remembered something I thought you ought to know.
00:08:42Can I come up?
00:08:43No, you can't.
00:08:45I'm undressed. I-I'm in the bathroom.
00:08:47Oh, yes.
00:08:49Well, I-I just thought you ought to know.
00:08:51Just before your wife ran out, I thought I heard a scream.
00:08:54Oh, yes?
00:08:55It could have come from up there.
00:08:57In fact, I'm almost sure of it.
00:08:59I see.
00:09:01Well, thank you, Mrs. Jones.
00:09:04I just thought you ought to know.
00:09:06Is there anything I can do?
00:09:08Nothing, thank you.
00:09:10Now, if you'll excuse me...
00:09:12Yes, yes, of course.
00:09:13I-I'm sorry to barge in like this.
00:09:15Don't forget to come and say goodbye to us before you go.
00:09:18No, we won't.
00:09:20You'll let yourself out?
00:09:22Yes, of course.
00:09:24I hope your wife is all right.
00:09:26Your wife is all right?
00:10:12Is Jean with you?
00:10:14Oh, no, she's gone out somewhere.
00:10:16I thought perhaps you...
00:10:18No, Mother, everything's perfectly all right.
00:10:22Yes, all right, we'll be with you about 7 o'clock.
00:10:24Yes, goodbye.
00:10:38Well, hello there.
00:10:42Please sit down.
00:10:44Mrs. Jean Barnes.
00:10:49What terrible things have befallen you, Mrs. Barnes?
00:10:51I cut my hand rather badly.
00:10:53Well, let's have a look at it.
00:10:55How did you manage to do that?
00:10:57Look, hello.
00:10:59Seems to have stuck onto you, doesn't it?
00:11:01Grown into your hand, it has.
00:11:03Well, just go over there and see the sister, will you?
00:11:05Be very gentle with her, sister, will you?
00:11:07Of course.
00:11:08Accident in the home, Mrs. Barnes?
00:11:12I have to write all this down for the records, you see.
00:11:19Yes, that's pretty nasty, isn't it?
00:11:22Stitches, I'm afraid.
00:11:24Oh, no.
00:11:26Will it take long?
00:11:28I'm in a desperate hurry.
00:11:30Can't I have a clip?
00:11:31Not on the palm of the hand.
00:11:33And you don't want an ugly scar, do you, Mrs. Barnes?
00:11:35Right now, last question.
00:11:37Cause of accident?
00:11:40Broken mirror.
00:11:42I slipped in the bathroom.
00:11:45Seven years.
00:11:47Bad luck for the Barnes family.
00:13:37Any news yet, Mr. Barnes?
00:13:39Everything's all right, thank you.
00:13:41Oh, good.
00:13:42It wasn't her that screamed, then?
00:13:44I shouldn't think so.
00:17:55Good afternoon, Mrs. Barnes.
00:17:58Going to visit your son?
00:17:59Yes, and my daughter-in-law.
00:18:01Oh, I don't think she's in.
00:18:03Perhaps we can have a chat before you go.
00:19:32Just a minute, Mother.
00:20:05Didn't expect you, I must say.
00:20:07We're coming round to you, aren't we?
00:20:09Harry, what is going on?
00:20:11Nothing, why?
00:20:12A terrible noise in the drawn curtains.
00:20:14I was listening to some music, relaxing in the dark.
00:20:17Holiday time's here, no more papers to mark.
00:20:20Well, aren't you pleased to see me?
00:20:23Of course.
00:20:26You know, you don't look at all well, Harry.
00:20:29I feel fine, Mother.
00:20:35Yes, it's my fault.
00:20:37Where is she this time?
00:20:39Look, I hope you haven't come over for one of your little sniping sessions.
00:20:42I've told you a thousand times, I love Jean, I have a perfect marriage.
00:20:45I'm sorry that you have to live all alone, but that's the way of the world.
00:20:48You know, that has nothing whatever to do with it.
00:20:50I'm worried about you.
00:20:52You say you've the perfect marriage.
00:20:54Does she say that too?
00:20:55Well, you'd better ask her, hadn't you?
00:20:57Well, it's easy to say, isn't it?
00:20:59Now, let's have a cup of tea.
00:21:01You sit down, I'll make you some tea.
00:21:03Let's have a cup of tea.
00:21:04You sit down, I'll make it.
00:21:06You don't look at all well.
00:21:10You know, the trouble is that you and Jean have never had a really good heart-to-heart talk.
00:21:14You still regard her as a rival.
00:21:22I think I'm the luckiest man alive.
00:21:24I've got a fabulous wife and she's rich too.
00:21:26What more could a man ask for?
00:21:28You should be happy for your only son instead of sniping all the time.
00:21:30You've no ambition.
00:21:32At your age, what are you? You're 32.
00:21:34Your father was already assistant headmaster.
00:21:36He worked hard.
00:21:38Yes, but you still had to scrimp, didn't you?
00:21:40Yeah, I think I've got the better deal.
00:21:43Money isn't everything, Harry.
00:21:45All right, she has money.
00:21:47She's no background.
00:21:50Now, wait a minute.
00:21:51You can't talk about background.
00:21:53All right, her father's a rich scrap metal dealer that comes from Walsall.
00:21:58You can't be snobbish about that.
00:22:00The world goes on.
00:22:01Oh, what an idealist you are, sadly.
00:22:04I'm a romantic too.
00:22:07I married the most wonderful girl in the world.
00:22:10There's nothing I wouldn't do for Jean.
00:22:13Nothing at all.
00:22:16For better, for worse.
00:22:20Come on, Mother. I'll take you home.
00:22:23I've got a lot to do before you feed us tonight.
00:22:25Oh, I know.
00:22:26Listening to screaming music in the dark.
00:22:31I'll say one thing for you, though.
00:22:33What's that?
00:22:34You can talk the hind leg of a donkey.
00:22:38Here you are, you better let me.
00:22:40Thank you, dear.
00:22:42With all that money, why don't you buy a better car?
00:22:47This I bought with my own money.
00:22:49I had to have something I achieved entirely on my own.
00:22:52Ambition, do you think?
00:23:01Bloody fool!
00:23:03Sorry, Mr. Jones.
00:23:17I can tell you it's the weirdest thing.
00:23:19She's not home yet.
00:23:21He's worrying himself frantic about it, poor thing.
00:23:25What's he asking me if I knew where she was?
00:23:27So I spent the entire day spying on my neighbors.
00:23:30Of course, I couldn't help seeing the way she ran down the road.
00:23:33As though the hounds of hell were after her.
00:23:35You think she saw you?
00:23:36Doubt it.
00:23:38Anyway, nice man though he is, he's been acting very strangely all afternoon.
00:23:43I hate to say it.
00:23:44Circling round the house.
00:23:45Out of the front door and in at the back.
00:23:47And vice versa.
00:23:49And enjoying the curtains and all that noise.
00:23:51And the music.
00:23:52Do you think the whole thing's gone to his head?
00:23:56Perhaps a nice cup of tea will put him right.
00:24:01Shall I take him over a cup of tea?
00:24:04Oh, why can't you be more neighborly?
00:24:06The trouble with you is that you just won't make friends.
00:24:09You won't put yourself out for anyone.
00:24:11Well, I do and I think I should take him a nice cup of tea.
00:24:14Just as you wish, Edna.
00:24:15But he's just driven off somewhere.
00:24:19I wonder where he's gone.
00:24:21Well, anyhow.
00:24:22They're very peculiar people.
00:24:23Both of them.
00:24:24I mean to say all those visitors almost every day.
00:24:26Weekdays, anyway.
00:24:28Come to think of it.
00:24:29They only come during the day when he's out.
00:24:32Perhaps he doesn't even know about them.
00:24:35I don't see many visitors in the evenings.
00:24:38Odd, isn't it, Arthur?
00:24:42I don't know.
00:24:43Odd, isn't it, Arthur?
00:24:47What do you mean?
00:24:48People say you spy on your neighbors.
00:24:51Sometimes you can't help it.
00:25:05Just a minute, sir, if you don't mind.
00:25:07A little bit of private business to finish.
00:25:10All right, I'll turn the car around.
00:25:11Thank you, sir.
00:25:13See what I mean, Huey?
00:25:16How can I have them electric blankets here?
00:25:18All the cigarettes and the rest of the stuff.
00:25:20I'm supposed to be a builder's merchant.
00:25:22Customers in and out all the time.
00:25:24I could get shopped in no time.
00:25:26No, Huey.
00:25:27That stuff stays where it is.
00:25:28And don't argue.
00:25:30All except the paint.
00:25:31That's okay.
00:25:32You bring that round any time.
00:25:37Now then, sir.
00:25:39What can I do for you?
00:25:40Well, I need some sand and cement.
00:25:42Do you want it ready mixed?
00:25:43Would that save time?
00:25:44Oh, yes, sir.
00:25:45All you have to do is pour the water on.
00:25:47Well, ready mix, then, yes.
00:25:48Mortar or concrete?
00:25:50It's harder, isn't it?
00:25:51Yes, it is.
00:25:52How much?
00:25:54I don't know.
00:25:55I've never done this sort of thing before.
00:25:57What are you trying to concrete?
00:25:58Does it matter?
00:25:59If we're trying to find out how much you want, it does.
00:26:02Well, it's for a sort of hole.
00:26:08Six foot by two.
00:26:09Make a nice little grave, eh?
00:26:13Well, now.
00:26:14One bag of this one-two-four cement
00:26:16covers an area of, uh,
00:26:18yeah, ten feet by one inch deep.
00:26:21Oh, I should say start with three bags,
00:26:23come back for another one if you need it.
00:26:24Three bags.
00:26:25How much will it be?
00:26:26Will you take it in with you?
00:26:27Yes, in the car.
00:26:28It'll be twenty-eight-six altogether.
00:26:30I see.
00:26:31Uh, right.
00:26:32Uh, right.
00:26:40Could you do with some nice cheap white paint?
00:26:50What about a nice electric blanket for the missus?
00:26:52Very reasonable.
00:26:53Only four quid.
00:26:54Some other time, perhaps.
00:27:02Three pound ten.
00:27:03I can't say for you, can I?
00:27:05I'll ask her about it, uh, sometime.
00:27:07Twenty-eight and six, you said?
00:27:09Uh, George.
00:27:10Ah, there.
00:27:11Thank you, sir.
00:27:13I'll tell you what I'll do.
00:27:15Three nigger, the blanket,
00:27:16and a quart tin of paint thrown in.
00:27:19Some other time, perhaps.
00:27:20It's a double blanket.
00:27:23Oh, dear.
00:27:26Yeah, now I know where I've seen you before.
00:27:28You teach down at grammar school, don't you?
00:27:30Yes, that's right.
00:27:31First year boys.
00:27:33I knew that's where I'd seen you.
00:27:35My oldest boy goes to the grammar school.
00:27:37He's sixteen now.
00:27:38Wouldn't be in your class.
00:27:39Uh, no.
00:27:40Um, well, goodbye.
00:27:42What's your name, sir?
00:27:44Uh, Barnes.
00:27:45Hey, what's your name, sir?
00:27:48Uh, Barnes.
00:28:45Ah, do you know what he was doing?
00:28:47He was carrying some sort of heavy sacks
00:28:49or paper bags into his front door.
00:28:51His front door.
00:28:53What was in them?
00:28:54Well, why don't you go and ask him?
00:28:56Oh, don't be so silly.
00:28:57I can't do that.
00:28:58What was in them?
00:28:59Oh, why don't you go and ask him?
00:29:00Oh, don't be so silly.
00:29:01I can't do that.
00:29:02Oh, why don't you go and ask him?
00:29:03Oh, don't be so silly.
00:29:04I can't do that.
00:29:28I can't do that.
00:29:58I can't do that.
00:30:28BELL RINGS
00:30:39BELL RINGS
00:30:44BELL RINGS
00:30:48Good afternoon, sir.
00:30:49Good afternoon.
00:30:50Forgive us if we have disturbed you.
00:30:51We are collecting for repairs to the Abbey
00:30:53and we wondered if you would care to contribute.
00:30:56The Abbey, as you may know,
00:30:57was built about 1695
00:30:59and is a building of extraordinary beauty.
00:31:01Unfortunately, it is now falling into a state of disrepair
00:31:04such as we are unable to cope with.
00:31:06Naturally, we're anxious to preserve the building
00:31:09but our funds are quite inadequate to the task
00:31:11and therefore we must raise the money.
00:31:13I, um...
00:31:15Would you sign, sir?
00:31:16Oh, certainly.
00:31:19It's extraordinarily generous of you, sir.
00:31:21I do thank you most sincerely.
00:31:23That's quite all right.
00:31:24This will do much to relieve our anxiety...
00:31:32Good afternoon, sir.
00:31:33Good afternoon.
00:32:13Anyhow, I feel sorry for him.
00:32:15It must be terrible to be tied to a wife like that.
00:32:17Like what?
00:32:18How does he know what she's up to while he's out working?
00:32:21To know or not to know, that is the question.
00:32:26Let's do the washing up.
00:32:29I'll wash, you dry.
00:32:35No, you wash.
00:32:37Now I've seen everything.
00:32:40You know what he's doing?
00:32:41He's carrying that great big tin bar thing, indoors.
00:32:45Arthur, what does it mean?
00:32:47What's going on in there?
00:32:49Oh, if I don't find out soon, I...
00:33:07I'll find out soon, I...
00:33:10Perhaps he's murdered his wife?
00:33:37BELL RINGS
00:33:49Back door was unlocked.
00:33:50Sorry I'm late.
00:34:46No, it's no good.
00:34:48I must have lost it.
00:34:50I'm sorry.
00:34:51I know I had it when I left home.
00:34:53Oh, I know, when I dropped my handbag.
00:34:56What am I going to do?
00:34:57If you haven't got your key, you can't open your box.
00:34:59But you know me.
00:35:01I'm a regular customer.
00:35:02I've had a box here for years.
00:35:04Couldn't you use your passkey?
00:35:06There is no passkey, madam.
00:35:08My key doesn't unlock the box.
00:35:10It's just a safety device without which you can't use your own key.
00:35:13Nobody can open any box without the right key.
00:35:15But I must get into my box today.
00:35:18Look, no offence, but do you have a superior here?
00:35:21I'm the custodian and I'm responsible for everything here.
00:35:23Well, there must be somebody, surely, who...
00:35:25There is, of course, a managing director.
00:35:27Well, would you please call him?
00:35:28But he'll only tell you precisely the same...
00:35:31Very well.
00:35:32Mr. Wrigley, please.
00:35:41Yes, the instrument is perfect at the end there,
00:35:43but there's a strange sort of resonance.
00:35:51I guess it's very unusual.
00:35:55There's something different in this room.
00:35:57There's something different in this room.
00:36:00Mrs. Barnes, is there something different in this room
00:36:03from the last time I came?
00:36:05I don't know.
00:36:06The carpet's rolled back.
00:36:07That may make some difference.
00:36:08Oh, it's Mr. Barnes.
00:36:09I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, Mr. Barnes.
00:36:11My name is Thatcher.
00:36:12How do you do?
00:36:13No, it's not the carpet.
00:36:14I realized the moment I stepped into the room
00:36:16that the carpet was rolled back.
00:36:18Oh, it's a...
00:36:19It's an echo of some sort.
00:36:22I wish I knew what made it.
00:36:34It's a cavity of some sort.
00:36:37A cavity?
00:36:39Let me see.
00:36:42It's a cavity of some sort.
00:36:44A cavity?
00:36:46Let me see.
00:36:47That's it.
00:36:52Yes, that's it.
00:36:54Definitely a cavity.
00:36:57I know.
00:36:58It must be the fireplace.
00:36:59There's always something in it.
00:37:00A screen in the summer.
00:37:01It's quite a big one.
00:37:02It's not there now.
00:37:03Yes, that's it.
00:37:04The open fireplace could be the cavity.
00:37:06You could get that put back for best results.
00:37:09Yes, we shall as soon as it's been repaired.
00:37:11When do you come next time?
00:37:12When is it, by the way?
00:37:13Six weeks.
00:37:14The fire screen will be back in place.
00:37:17Well, I must be on my way now.
00:37:21I'm behind schedule today.
00:37:24Give my regards to your wife.
00:37:26Oh, yes.
00:37:27A very charming lady.
00:37:28Always so very generous and kind.
00:37:30Oh, it's all right.
00:37:31I can find my own way.
00:37:32I ought to be able to after all this time.
00:37:34Tell my wife what nice things you've been saying about her.
00:37:51I can assure you most sincerely
00:37:52that it really isn't a question of not wanting to help.
00:37:55I should like to do that very much,
00:37:57but it's just impossible.
00:37:58Even though you know who I am
00:38:00and you're satisfied that it is my box.
00:38:02Really, what a ridiculous, old-fashioned system you have here.
00:38:05On the contrary, Mrs. Barnes, our system is the safest.
00:38:08Oh, it...
00:38:09If you lose your key,
00:38:10it may take time and formalities to break open your box,
00:38:13but at least the contents of your box and all the others
00:38:15are completely safe from any unauthorized person,
00:38:17including ourselves and our employees.
00:38:20Well, that seems to be that, then, doesn't it?
00:38:23That leaves me in the most terrible dilemma.
00:38:26I was going abroad early tomorrow morning.
00:38:29I just must have my money and my things tonight.
00:38:33If there was time for me to go home and find my key
00:38:35and get back here before you close,
00:38:37but I'm pretty certain I know where I've lost my key.
00:38:40Madam, we close at 6 o'clock.
00:38:42Burglar alarms are set and security service is informed.
00:38:44Just a moment.
00:38:45I think there is one way I could help, Mrs. Barnes.
00:38:47If you find your key, telephone me at this number,
00:38:50and then, provided it isn't too late,
00:38:52I can arrange for you to have access here tonight
00:38:54as a special favor.
00:38:55Will that help?
00:38:56Oh, yes, it would.
00:38:57Thank you so much.
00:40:27Back door.
00:40:38Oh, well, here's the cup of tea I promised you.
00:40:40It'll make you feel better.
00:40:41I feel fine, thank you, Mrs. Jones.
00:40:43Look, you shouldn't have bothered.
00:40:44I made it specially for you.
00:40:45We had ours some time ago.
00:40:47Here, take it.
00:40:50I reckon you deserve it.
00:40:51After your trying afternoon,
00:40:52you haven't had a moment's peace, have you?
00:40:54Mrs. Barnes not home yet?
00:40:56You must be worried to death about her.
00:40:58And I bet you haven't had a thing to eat since you came home.
00:41:01You must be starving.
00:41:03I have eaten.
00:41:05At school lunch.
00:41:06There, I knew it.
00:41:07Now, don't stand on ceremony and make polite excuses.
00:41:09I'm going to cook you something.
00:41:10Bacon and egg, for instance.
00:41:11No, please.
00:41:12I don't want you to bother.
00:41:13Look, I am not hungry.
00:41:14I couldn't eat anything if I tried.
00:41:15You're just trying to be polite.
00:41:17I'd be glad to do it.
00:41:18It's no trouble at all.
00:41:19After all, we are next door neighbours.
00:41:20Thank you very much for the tea, Mrs. Jones.
00:41:22Look, if there's anything I need,
00:41:23I won't hesitate to call you.
00:42:10I'll go to hell!
00:42:29What are you...
00:42:31Piano lesson.
00:42:34Oh, wait a minute.
00:42:38Charles, I won't keep you a minute.
00:42:40Just go and sit down over there, will you?
00:42:50Don't move.
00:44:24Put that down, Charles.
00:44:27Now get back on that chair and stay there.
00:44:33Stay there.
00:44:34Do you understand?
00:45:55All right.
00:46:01Come on, Charles.
00:46:03Right, there you are.
00:46:04Have you been doing your practice at home?
00:46:06All right, we'll try some of the scales we did last week.
00:46:09Just carry on.
00:46:12That's right.
00:46:16Now concentrate.
00:46:36Don't worry about what I'm doing.
00:46:37Think, boy, think.
00:46:40That's better.
00:46:43Very good, Charles.
00:46:55The law.
00:46:56Play it down, Huey.
00:46:58Well, well, Inspector.
00:47:01What can I do for you?
00:47:02Something to eat?
00:47:04What can I do for you?
00:47:06Sell you some bricks?
00:47:07Not building an extra cell, are you?
00:47:09Don't worry, Wally.
00:47:10There's always an empty one for you, you know.
00:47:12It'll be empty for a long time, then.
00:47:15Turned over a new leaf?
00:47:16I did that years ago when my boy went to grammar school.
00:47:18Can't let him down, can I?
00:47:20Glad to hear you're proud of him.
00:47:22There's hope for you yet.
00:47:24I want some information.
00:47:26Who's that fellow there?
00:47:28He's a van driver.
00:47:29Delivers stuff here and other places.
00:47:31Huey, Huey.
00:47:33Wally, I forgot.
00:47:34Huey, what's his surname?
00:47:35I got it.
00:47:37Huey Green?
00:47:38You're kidding.
00:47:39I guess a nickname.
00:47:40I think Tom Green's his right name.
00:47:43Have you known him for a long time?
00:47:47Do you know this fellow?
00:47:50Seen him this afternoon.
00:47:51His car's parked round the corner.
00:47:52You don't say.
00:47:53I thought he was a CID, not a traffic warden.
00:47:56Very funny.
00:47:57Do you mind if I have a look round?
00:47:58Not at all, Inspector.
00:47:59Not at all.
00:48:00As long as you've got a warrant.
00:48:08If you do know this chap, it's the biggest mistake you've ever made.
00:48:11I haven't got a clue who he is and that's a fact.
00:48:13What have you been doing all afternoon?
00:48:14Serving my customers.
00:48:15I ain't left the yard.
00:48:16How many?
00:48:17Eight or nine.
00:48:18Did you notice anything odd about any of them?
00:48:20Should I have done?
00:48:21Now look here, Singleton.
00:48:22I expect full cooperation from you for your own good.
00:48:24I think you know what I mean.
00:48:25Well, I don't know exactly what you want.
00:48:27Did you notice anything odd about any of them?
00:48:29Were there any strangers?
00:48:31There was a schoolmaster.
00:48:33He acted a bit peculiar, sort of nervous.
00:48:35He bought three bags of ready-mixed concrete.
00:48:37What's his name?
00:48:39He teaches at the grammar school.
00:48:42I don't know.
00:48:43I expect you'll find it in the phone book.
00:48:45That's all you know?
00:48:47You wouldn't know, for instance, where I could buy my wife a nice, cheap electric blanket.
00:48:51No, Inspector.
00:49:30You just keep your eyes on the music.
00:49:32Carry on.
00:49:38Where have you been?
00:49:43Everything's all right.
00:49:45Perfectly all right.
00:49:50Not over the phone.
00:49:52Not over the phone.
00:49:54Not over the phone.
00:49:56Not over the phone.
00:49:57Not over the phone.
00:49:58Not over the phone.
00:49:59Somebody in the house.
00:50:03Just come home.
00:50:04Everything's all right.
00:50:05Believe me.
00:50:29Oh, my God.
00:51:00I'd like to see Mr. Harry Barnes.
00:51:02I'm Harry Barnes.
00:51:04I'm Inspector Murray from the local CID.
00:51:06I think you may be able to help me in connection with some inquiries.
00:51:11May I come in?
00:51:12Please do.
00:51:15One of your infant prodigies?
00:51:17Not really.
00:51:18That's all right, Charles.
00:51:19You can go now.
00:51:20Oh, take the music with you and do some practice at home, will you?
00:51:25All right?
00:51:26All right?
00:51:31Now, run along.
00:51:32Boy, run along.
00:51:33We'll make up time next lesson.
00:51:44Inquiries against me?
00:51:45Oh, no, sir.
00:51:46Of course not.
00:51:47Well, in that case, I'll ask you to sit down.
00:51:49Would you like a drink?
00:51:50Oh, to tell you the truth, I'm tempted.
00:51:52I'm not supposed to.
00:51:53However, I'll have a scotch if you'll have some.
00:51:55Yes, we have.
00:51:56Would you like some soda?
00:51:57Yes, please.
00:51:59You married Mr. Barnes?
00:52:01That's her in the picture over there.
00:52:03She's very attractive.
00:52:05You're a very lucky man.
00:52:08I've always thought so, yes.
00:52:11And this is you when?
00:52:13Two years ago tomorrow.
00:52:16Well, that's a real excuse for a drink.
00:52:19Is your wife at home?
00:52:20No, but she's expected back any minute.
00:52:22Well, in case you're wondering
00:52:24where this matrimonial conversation is leading to,
00:52:27I'm soaking up atmosphere.
00:52:30I was a graduate of the college.
00:52:32We were taught to work slow and sure.
00:52:35This is rather a tricky inquiry.
00:52:38Loose floorboard, I think.
00:52:42More than one, in fact.
00:52:44I'm not much of a handyman.
00:52:47Do it yourself?
00:52:49Didn't you buy three bags
00:52:50of ready-mixed concrete this afternoon?
00:52:53That's right, I did.
00:52:54From Singleton's?
00:52:56Haven't used it yet, I suppose.
00:53:00I don't know why I ask you these questions.
00:53:04It's useless information
00:53:06because I usually forget about it.
00:53:09But some of it stays in there
00:53:10and it's likely to pop out at odd moments
00:53:12and complete the jigsaw.
00:53:14To business.
00:53:16Ever seen this chap before?
00:53:19Friend of yours, by any chance?
00:53:24Good for you.
00:53:25He's a really nasty piece of work.
00:53:26One of the worst.
00:53:28You've been seen in this neighbourhood
00:53:29quite a few times.
00:53:30The last time, today.
00:53:32His car's parked only a few streets away
00:53:33near Singleton's.
00:53:35Why'd you come and ask me about him?
00:53:36Well, I thought that you might have seen him
00:53:37as you were coming to and fro
00:53:38from the builder's yard.
00:53:40That's a long shot.
00:53:42But he's here, somewhere.
00:53:44This is such a respectable neighbourhood.
00:53:46This is probably just what he needs
00:53:47for his business.
00:53:48A respectable front.
00:53:50What was his business?
00:53:51Is his business.
00:53:53Oh, I mustn't tell you that, sir.
00:53:54But we'll get him and his group
00:53:56and his respectable front man
00:53:57in one go, I promise you.
00:54:00Trust me, I'm a school teacher.
00:54:01I wouldn't spread it around.
00:54:03No, sir, when I'm told to keep mum,
00:54:04I keep mum.
00:54:06Well, it's a pity you're so obedient.
00:54:08You might have helped me a lot.
00:54:12Well, you see, I'm not only a teacher,
00:54:14I also write.
00:54:15Short stories, detective stories
00:54:17and that sort of thing.
00:54:19But I am terrible on plots
00:54:21and a genuine case like this
00:54:22is just what I need.
00:54:24We must have a chat about it sometime.
00:54:26Is there any money in it?
00:54:27Not very much, I'm afraid.
00:54:29I'll be on my way.
00:54:31It's a pity you didn't see him, you know.
00:54:33It would have helped.
00:54:34My boys are still here.
00:54:45Unless I'm very much mistaken,
00:54:46here comes the lady
00:54:47from your wedding photograph.
00:54:54Come and meet her in the hall.
00:55:01Hello, Gina, had a hectic day?
00:55:03Oh, I don't want to hear
00:55:04the gory details now.
00:55:05Well, I must be off.
00:55:06Goodbye, Mr. Barnes.
00:55:07Bye, Inspector.
00:55:08Goodbye, Mrs. Barnes.
00:55:09Nice to have met you.
00:55:12Yes, please, Inspector.
00:55:13You came to see me?
00:55:14You came and asked about that man.
00:55:16What man?
00:55:17The dead man.
00:55:18He died soon after I got home.
00:55:20Harry, what dead man?
00:55:21What are you talking about?
00:55:23I don't think he's driven off yet.
00:55:31It's all right, he's gone next door.
00:55:33I don't think he suspects anything.
00:55:38He came and asked about that man.
00:55:39Who is he?
00:55:41Harry, I really and truly don't know
00:55:42what you're talking about.
00:55:44What man?
00:55:45And why is he dead?
00:55:46Tell me.
00:55:47Look, you don't have to pretend to me.
00:55:48You can trust me.
00:55:49They can't possibly find him now, anyway.
00:55:51Harry, have you gone out of your mind?
00:55:53What has been going on here?
00:55:55I honestly don't know.
00:55:59Don't say I did it all for nothing.
00:56:01Look, Gina, when I came home this afternoon,
00:56:03I found a dead man in the house.
00:56:04And blood all over your apron
00:56:05and your scissors.
00:56:07Are you mad?
00:56:09Look, I buried him
00:56:10and all the evidence over there.
00:56:12Well, why did you bury him?
00:56:14I never made you do that.
00:56:15I thought you killed him.
00:56:17I thought he was blackmailing you.
00:56:21It means nothing to me.
00:56:22Why should anyone blackmail me?
00:56:24You sure you haven't made all this up?
00:56:27I'm not a complete fool.
00:56:29Mrs. Jones heard us scream.
00:56:31I cut my hand, look.
00:56:32And she saw you dash out of the house
00:56:33and run down the road.
00:56:34It was deep.
00:56:35It bled a lot.
00:56:36I panicked a little.
00:56:37And when I came back in the afternoon,
00:56:38the front door was open
00:56:39and all that gory mess all over the place.
00:56:40I've just told you, I bled an awful lot.
00:56:41There was even a burnt pie in the oven.
00:56:42Yes, I just forgot about that.
00:56:44Where did you go?
00:56:45Why didn't you come back?
00:56:46I had to get my hands seen to.
00:56:47I went to the hospital.
00:56:49All this time?
00:56:51No, and then I went to the travel agents
00:56:52to pick up our tickets.
00:56:53We're going on holiday tomorrow, remember?
00:56:57And then I tried to get into my safe deposit box.
00:57:00But I've lost my key somewhere.
00:57:06Yes, it all ties up.
00:57:08I jumped to the wrong conclusions.
00:57:09I'm sorry, darling.
00:57:11The only thing you can accuse me of
00:57:14is burning that pie.
00:57:16You know what I've done, though?
00:57:17I've buried a man under there,
00:57:18a complete stranger.
00:57:20What are we going to do?
00:57:22I don't know.
00:57:24But who killed him?
00:57:26How did he get in here, even?
00:57:27Well, the front door was open, remember?
00:57:29Yes, that was my fault.
00:57:32Harry, have you thought?
00:57:35You know, we can't go on living here anymore.
00:57:37Well, I mean...
00:57:38Well, we'll just have to sell up and move out.
00:57:41We can't do that either.
00:57:43Well, suppose they move the floorboards for some reason.
00:57:46Underfloor heating, or anything.
00:57:49We can't afford to take that chance.
00:57:51Darling, I've had it.
00:57:52I can't think anymore tonight.
00:57:54I'm worn out.
00:57:57And you did it all for me?
00:58:02All on your own?
00:58:04You carried him all the way to the hospital?
00:58:07I carried him all the way down from the bathroom
00:58:10and dug a hole under there.
00:58:14You know, I think...
00:58:17Harry, are you all right?
00:58:19You've been lying to me, haven't you?
00:58:21You do know something about that man.
00:58:23What do you mean?
00:58:24How do you know I carried him down from the bathroom?
00:58:26I've never even mentioned the bathroom.
00:58:28But Harry, isn't it obvious?
00:58:29Why should it be obvious?
00:58:31Well, that's where I cut my hand, in the bathroom.
00:58:34That's where he must have found all the blood.
00:58:35And your scissors. He was killed with your scissors.
00:58:37Look here, Harry.
00:58:38You've explained every clue I've told you about,
00:58:39all except those scissors.
00:58:41I don't know anything about...
00:58:42That's just the sort of things a woman would use to stab a man.
00:58:45How did they get into the bathroom anyway?
00:58:47There's something very strange,
00:58:49very odd about this whole business.
00:58:51You know, he said something to me before he died.
00:58:54Oh? What?
00:58:58What did he say?
00:59:00Just one word.
00:59:03Now, what could he have meant by that?
00:59:06I haven't the slightest idea.
00:59:08You see, you're too innocent.
00:59:10Almost anybody who's ever read a paperback
00:59:12knows that drugs, cocaine, are called snow.
00:59:14But not you.
00:59:17I'm not going to argue with you, Harry.
00:59:19That's ridiculous.
00:59:21Just because I don't know the meaning of the word snow,
00:59:23you jump to all kinds of horrible conclusions.
00:59:25What else are you going to accuse me of?
00:59:27Once you get your teeth into something,
00:59:28you just don't give up.
00:59:30That's right, I don't give up.
00:59:31Look, let's suppose this man was dealing in drugs.
00:59:34He's got to sell them, hasn't he?
00:59:36He's got to find a distributor.
00:59:38What the inspector calls a respectable front.
00:59:40Harry, you've gone out of your mind.
00:59:42You must be mad.
00:59:44You think that I...
00:59:46Oh, Harry.
00:59:47Well, it is possible, isn't it?
00:59:49How do I know what you're up to when I'm away from home?
00:59:51How do I know where you get your money from?
00:59:53I've never even met your people.
00:59:55You know, the more I think about it,
00:59:57the more I think it's possible that ever since the first time we met,
00:59:59that you...
01:00:00You're quite right.
01:00:02I'm going out of my mind.
01:00:04Please forgive me.
01:00:06I don't know.
01:00:08If we're going to have all this suspicion from now on.
01:00:20I'll go to the police.
01:00:22At least they'll be able to find out what really happened.
01:00:25No, you can't do that.
01:00:26You'll be in terrible trouble.
01:00:27It's the only way, isn't it?
01:00:28We'll at least wait till after the holiday.
01:00:30It won't be much of a holiday, will it?
01:00:32It's our anniversary.
01:00:34It's going to be our second honeymoon.
01:00:36We can still go.
01:00:39I can't leave...
01:00:46No, I'll have to cancel everything.
01:00:49I'll see what I can do about these tickets.
01:00:51Leave us alone.
01:00:52What's the matter with you?
01:00:53Look, I only want to have a look at these...
01:00:54Harry, let go.
01:00:55What are you trying to do?
01:00:56Harry, let go.
01:00:57What are you trying to do?
01:01:09Where's the other one?
01:01:21But you're taking your jewels with you.
01:01:26You killed him.
01:01:28And you're leaving me here with him, weren't you?
01:01:33Happy anniversary.
01:01:34Harry, I was going to put my jewels in the safe deposit box,
01:01:36but I've lost my key.
01:01:39What about the other ticket?
01:01:44Well, I couldn't swear to it in court.
01:01:46And for the last 20 minutes, I haven't noticed anything.
01:01:48Right, thank you very much.
01:01:49All I wanted to know is if you recognize the photograph.
01:02:24Hello, Inspector.
01:02:25Mr. Barnes, is this what your wife was looking for?
01:02:27I've just found them by the front gate.
01:02:29She did say she'd lost her safe deposit key.
01:02:32While I'm here, could I ask your wife a question?
01:02:34Yes, go on.
01:02:41Mrs. Barnes,
01:02:43just one question to make my inquiries neat and tidy.
01:02:46Do you know this man?
01:03:24Now, we know that this is just the sort of area he needs for his business,
01:03:26a respectable front.
01:03:27And we know that he's here this afternoon.
01:03:37Mrs. Barnes, I must ask you the question again.
01:03:39Do you know this man?
01:03:47You'd better tell me everything from the beginning, please.
01:03:54No, we won't be able to make it for dinner this evening.
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