Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 210

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00:00I have not managed to make him come to his senses. He has left without wanting to listen to me.
00:10Well, he shouldn't have allowed it. That he goes around knowing everything he knows puts us in danger.
00:16I told you I had suspicions. Don't try to blame me for all your mistakes.
00:21Enough of useless debates. What happens if he goes to the police station now to report us?
00:26He won't do it. Believe me.
00:28And why not? Have you seen how he looked at us?
00:32He is not so impulsive. He knows that would get him to a point of no return.
00:40With all the time he spends in this house, he knows that it is easy for the matter to get to him.
00:45How can he be so sure? Besides, with the friendships he has and the circles in which he moves, I'm sure everyone would believe him.
00:53Fabio is a very thoughtful man. He thinks a lot about everything he does. He's not going to tell us.
00:59If he kills my reputation, he will also do it with his.
01:03We'd better not. Because he spends all day talking about his morals.
01:08And if he does what he really thinks, I'm sure he'll be entering the police station now.
01:14I'll talk to him as soon as possible. He'll have to listen to me. I'll get him to dissolve. Listen to me.
01:20We'd better not. Because we are in his hands. And it seems he has decided to sink us.
01:51Good morning.
01:53Good morning.
01:54You get up early, don't you?
01:57I have no choice.
01:59I imagine you are waiting for Pietro to go to work.
02:04And you would like to stay a little longer in bed, right?
02:07The same thing happened to me when I was your age.
02:09Although tonight I have barely been able to sleep.
02:12So when it dawned, I was tired of going around in bed and I left early.
02:18I imagine it must be difficult to sleep and have a calm head with everything that is happening to you.
02:23Yes, a lot, really.
02:25Although, given the circumstances, I think I'm holding up pretty well.
02:30Well, it's normal, Lucia. You come from abroad, a strange country.
02:34And the shock of finding my husband about to marry another woman.
02:39I knew it wasn't going to be easy to find him.
02:42But I confess that I didn't expect this.
02:44That he was going to get married right now is bad luck.
03:20Good morning.
03:24You left early.
03:26Although you think I don't have my head in my place, I realized that we hardly had anything to eat.
03:32And I bought some snacks for breakfast.
03:34You're right.
03:37I should have been more attentive too.
03:40And although I could have taken advantage, no.
03:43I haven't bought any medals.
03:46I see you're still angry with me.
03:50I think I've already overcome that point.
03:52Rather disappointed.
03:54I understand you.
03:56But I need you to understand me too.
03:58This isn't easy for me.
04:00It's the first time I've seen myself in a situation like this and I'm lost.
04:05Everything I've done has been for you.
04:09For me?
04:11Or for you?
04:12Well, I think it would be better if we calm down.
04:16Because talking about being distrustful doesn't solve anything.
04:19You're right.
04:21And I have no interest in convincing you that I'm not crazy.
04:25Neither you nor Dr. Mendoza.
04:27Of course, you don't need my opinion to put a label on me, lock me up in a sanatorium and throw the key.
04:32It hurts me a lot.
04:34To hear you talk like that.
04:37Me too.
04:42And I understand, Antonia. Don't believe me.
04:44Everyone is kind to me.
04:47But I can't help feeling a little lonely.
04:50Has it ever happened to you to feel like a fish out of water?
04:55Well, yes, the truth is yes, Lucia.
04:57Life makes you mature suddenly.
05:00Look, Lucia.
05:01I have nothing against her.
05:03But understand me.
05:04For me, Antonia is like a second mother.
05:07All I want is for her to be happy.
05:09My heart will always be with her.
05:11Of course, Marta.
05:12I understand. Don't worry.
05:14And I don't want you to think that I'm going to try to convince you of something.
05:18But it's good for me to talk to you.
05:21I don't know.
05:22It seemed to me that you understand my situation.
05:25Well, yes.
05:26And I wouldn't like to be in his skin, really.
05:30I wish Pietro's life hadn't appeared this way.
05:34But it couldn't be anything else either.
05:37Que chivuefa.
05:38It is what it is.
05:41Although now all this situation...
05:43I don't know.
05:44It seems like a bad joke.
05:47Look, Lucia.
05:48Sometimes things happen that we can't control.
05:52Good morning.
05:53Good morning.
05:54Good morning.
05:57What are you doing up so early?
06:00It doesn't seem to me that today you have to clean in the bookstore, right?
06:03No, no, no.
06:04I don't have to.
06:05The only thing is that Mrs. Lázara had asked me to clean the first floor before opening.
06:08Because of the drugstore convention.
06:10Yes, yes, yes.
06:11Then let's go.
06:12I'll call you later.
06:14Goodbye, Lucia.
06:15Have a good day.
06:16Have a good day.
06:22Sit down, please.
06:24Sit down.
06:38Íñigo, I admit that very strange things are happening to me.
06:42For which I have no explanation.
06:45I know it's impossible for you to hear it, but when I hear it, it's very real.
06:49And I would like your first reaction not to question me, but to believe me.
06:54I understand you.
06:57What happens to me is that ...
07:00I don't understand how you can see and hear Carla, knowing that she is dead.
07:05I don't understand it either.
07:08But it happens.
07:10And there has to be an explanation that is not that I'm crazy.
07:13Which is the first thing women think.
07:17And I'm sorry, Íñigo, but I'm not crazy.
07:20It's just that I'm not.
07:22And it's not that I don't want to go to the sanatorium, it's just that I don't see the need.
07:25Because apart from these isolated episodes, my head works just as well as ever.
07:31I'm glad you don't have it so clear.
07:35And I don't see the need to keep seeing Dr. Mendoza either.
07:38Believe it or not, Dr. Mendoza has helped many people.
07:42Yes, Íñigo, but I think it doesn't suit me.
07:45And I think he's confusing us.
07:48And that's why I want to go to the consultation to say goodbye and to make my opinion clear about that medal.
07:54And honey ...
07:58Do you really think it's necessary to face it like that?
08:02I'm just curious to know where he thinks I bought that medal.
08:06And in case I have to ask any dependent if he had a crazy face.
08:12Matilde, please.
08:14Do you know what hurts me the most?
08:18That my husband doesn't believe me.
08:22Íñigo, please tell me if you believe me.
08:25Tell me you believe me, please.
08:26And tell me you believe me when I tell you I didn't buy that medal.
08:29I believe you.
08:31I believe you, my love.
08:33And I promise you that deep down in my heart I know that something is escaping us.
08:48But I assure you that we will deal with it.
08:50Thank you, my love.
08:53Forgive me.
08:56Forgive me.
08:59Forgive me.
09:04Forgive me.
09:23What's the matter with you, Teresa?
09:25You seem less martial than usual.
09:27Because I'm tired.
09:29With Cañete's absence, I have to take care of his obligations plus my own.
09:34There are a lot of them.
09:36It's normal. We're not used to being without Cañete.
09:39By the way, I came from the upper room and I saw that Marta and you have left him...
09:43Great. He's like a goldfish.
09:45I wanted to thank you.
09:47Well, thank you for the compliment.
09:50Are you okay?
09:51Well, it's never too bad to recognize a well-done job.
09:54And not just the one from now, the one from always, which has much more merit.
09:58Have you seen if you have a fever or something?
10:00Leave that man alone, I'm serious.
10:03By the way, how is the cancellation of Miguel and Trini's wedding going?
10:07Regular, not decimal.
10:09I was already seeing myself as a godmother in the church corridor.
10:12And of course, I've been wanting to get married after Antonia's non-wedding.
10:16It's just that Marfario has the weddings here.
10:20Of course.
10:21Good luck, we don't have it here.
10:23What worries me the most is the state in which Trini is.
10:28What do you mean the state in which Trini is?
10:31Nothing, nothing.
10:32Esperanza, tell me.
10:37I have always suspected that Trini is in a state of good hope.
10:42Oh, no one has escaped.
10:54Fabio, thank you very much for coming.
10:56And for doing it as early as I asked you.
10:59Sit down.
11:04I know it hasn't been easy.
11:06And you're doing it with a grudge.
11:08But it's important that we have this conversation.
11:10I'm willing to listen.
11:12But of course I doubt that I will understand your motives.
11:15All this that has happened is unthinkable.
11:18Inaudible, I would say.
11:20With that attitude, Fabio doesn't seem willing to understand anything at all.
11:23But you know what? I don't care.
11:26After the hell I've been through, I'm not going to bow to his arrogance.
11:30Daughter, please, he has come to listen to us.
11:32But doesn't he realize, mother?
11:35He has already made a decision before coming.
11:37I don't know why he has come if he doesn't want to believe us.
11:40Fabio, excuse my daughter.
11:42As you will understand, the time she has been locked up has affected her emotional stability.
11:47Well, I see her very calm.
11:49You see, Fabio.
11:51Carla is absolutely innocent of all the crimes she is accused of.
11:56She hasn't killed Aguirre.
11:58And of course, she hasn't planned the accident of Íñigo, Matilde and the girl.
12:03Nor has she sent a hitman to her wedding.
12:06It's hard for me to say how ridiculous it sounds.
12:10A long list of accusations.
12:12Surely it has nothing to do with Aguirre.
12:14A long list of accusations.
12:16Surely it has nothing to do with any of those matters.
12:19Of course not.
12:21Everything is part of a plan that Íñigo and Matilde have plotted
12:24to blame Carla and thus ruin her life.
12:27I don't understand, Bárbara.
12:30Why would they want to do something like that to your daughter?
12:32Well, ask them.
12:35That in addition to being the victim of all this, I have to give explanations.
12:39This meeting is a waste of time.
12:41I've heard that before, that you're innocent.
12:43Well, it doesn't seem so.
12:45On the contrary, it seems that your anger moves you.
12:47You can see it in your face.
12:48You don't know what you're talking about.
12:50That's the best argument for you to create your version of the story.
12:54That you have considered that the only possible solution
12:57was to pretend Carla's murder and blame Íñigo.
13:15Look, I don't want to be indiscreet or get into where they don't call me, but...
13:20Are you pregnant?
13:23Me? Pregnant?
13:24Well, no.
13:25Let's see, I've eaten a little more than usual lately, but not pregnant.
13:29I see.
13:30You're a little chubbier.
13:31Yes, a little.
13:32I had noticed, but you have to be polite and you can't say those things.
13:38Yes, I already knew that what Esperanza had told me couldn't be true.
13:41That they are the typical rumors that arise when a couple wants to get married a little fast.
13:45You have to see how people are.
13:47I was thinking, Íñigo, it's impossible.
13:50Would you have told me something like that?
13:52Well, of course.
13:53And thanks for the trust.
13:54Well, I'm glad for you.
13:56That everything is always much easier if you get married without a gift.
13:59Of course.
14:01Well, I'm going to continue with the work and with so much work that Mrs. Lázaro has put on me,
14:04I'm not giving up.
14:06How is it with her?
14:09Well, bad, Trini.
14:11I hope things get better, but if they don't get better,
14:15maybe we all get a surprise.
14:17You're scaring me.
14:19Well, don't worry.
14:23God willing.
14:24Come on, get to work.
14:26I look at you and it seems incredible to me that you have not realized the gravity of what you have done.
14:32Even if it were only because it is impossible that you do not end up paying for it.
14:36Fabio, please.
14:38We have done nothing but save Carla's life
14:42and keep her out of jail for crimes she has not committed.
14:46Tell me, what will happen?
14:47What will happen when Íñigo and Matíles find out about all this?
14:50What do you mean?
14:52Isn't he threatening us, Fabio?
14:56No, it's just a warning of what could happen.
14:59And now I'm leaving.
15:00I've heard too many inconsistencies for today.
15:03Fabio, for God's sake, wait.
15:09And now what are we going to do?
15:11I'm not going to tell you out there.
15:13I'm not going to tell you out there.
15:15I'm not going to tell you out there.
15:17I'm not going to tell you out there.
15:18I'm not going to tell you out there.
15:22He doesn't allow his class or his condition.
15:25And neither the bond that binds us.
15:28Well, I've heard a threat.
15:30And a very real one.
15:35Celia, is Laurita here?
15:39No, your brother has gone to see your uncle to talk about the new radio station.
15:43And then he told me that he would go home, that he works there with more concentration.
15:46She's always so busy.
15:48Yes, she needs to deliver it as soon as possible.
15:51And with the agitation of the store, she hasn't been able to advance much.
15:53Yes, yes, it's very dynamic, but then it's hard for her to get everything.
15:56By the way, how have you been with Mrs. Juanes?
15:59Laura told me that you have already finished the sessions.
16:01Yes, a shame.
16:03Mrs. Juanes is wonderful.
16:05She has opened my head in a way.
16:07It has been a before and after.
16:09Inés, I love to hear that.
16:11Yes, the truth is that meeting her has changed my life.
16:15Yes, yes, really.
16:19How are you?
16:21Your sister told me that your logopedas had to leave.
16:24Yes, a shame.
16:26But her sessions went very well for me.
16:28And I have regained my desire to sing.
16:30She has left me a table of exercises that I am going to fulfill.
16:34I am very happy that you are so determined.
16:36You already know that you are still my favorite to be the protagonist of the court of Pharaoh.
16:40By the way,
16:42I'm going to look for some recordings that I have of the play
16:46so that I can listen to them and serve as a reference.
16:49I would love to.
16:51And now I have to leave you because I have to go to work.
17:01I wanted to thank you for helping me try to keep Laurita.
17:06Really, I had kept the distributor and I was not doing well.
17:10But you can see that Laurita is not very receptive.
17:13She is not very up for it.
17:15Well, don't take it so seriously.
17:17Laura has had relationships that have not gone well for her.
17:20And it is normal that it is difficult for her to let herself go.
17:23If at least I could, I don't know,
17:25have a moment of intimacy with her, like a date.
17:28I'm sure I could convince her
17:30that I'm not going to let her down,
17:32that I'm a person who goes head-on.
17:34I think I just came up with a way
17:37for them to have that date.
17:47Don Fabio,
17:49good morning.
17:51What a joy to see you here.
17:53Don Fermín, I say the same.
17:55How are you?
17:57Too busy.
17:59But I prefer that to boredom.
18:01Sit down, please.
18:08And you?
18:10How are you?
18:12It seems somewhat restless.
18:14Well, it's just tiredness.
18:16Too many calls, too many meetings
18:18and very few hours of sleep.
18:20Then I celebrate that it is only
18:22the excess of work that is the reason.
18:24By the way, I wanted to ask you
18:26how you have managed the liquidation
18:28of the companies of Lupo Morcuende
18:30that you had planned to do.
18:31I'm sorry,
18:33but there is not much to tell about that right now.
18:36I prefer not to go into detail,
18:38more than anything,
18:40so as not to waste your time.
18:42By the way,
18:44are you in contact with Iñigo Peñalver?
18:46I called his apartment
18:48and I went through the Madrid-Cabaret,
18:50but I can't reach him.
18:52Maybe he's been here, I don't know.
18:54No, not today,
18:56but if something happens
18:58and I can help you in some matter.
18:59I wanted to say hello
19:01to tell you a few things.
19:03It's urgent and I don't care
19:05as soon as I pass the message.
19:07No, don't worry, you can wait.
19:09I don't think the man is having
19:11his best time
19:13because of the health problems
19:15of his wife Matilde.
19:17I don't know if he's okay.
19:19Not in detail,
19:21but enough to know
19:23that it is a very delicate situation,
19:25a very bitter drink for the couple.
19:27That's why I wanted to see you,
19:29to see how Matilde is evolving.
19:33Good morning, Mrs. Bárbara.
19:35Good morning.
19:37Bárbara, I didn't expect to see you here.
19:40I'm sorry I don't serve you
19:42as you deserve,
19:44but there are urgent matters
19:46that I have to take care of.
19:50What are you doing here?
19:51I want to know what you're doing here.
19:58It's not your fault.
20:00I hope it's not what I'm afraid of,
20:02asking for Inigo.
20:04Of course that's why I'm here.
20:06You won't expect me to sit back
20:08after what you've done.
20:10Listen to me, Fabio, listen to me carefully.
20:12You're making a mistake.
20:14It's not the first time
20:16they try to coerce me.
20:18What makes me sad
20:19is that this time it's you who does it.
20:21I warn you, don't challenge me.
20:23I don't care what you tell me.
20:25I know perfectly well what I have to do.
20:28And what are you going to do
20:30to put a stop to it
20:32and not stain your shoes with mud?
20:36For my daughter, I'll do anything.
20:38Don't make me prove it to you.
20:40If you don't give me another option,
20:42I'll do it.
20:49I'll do it.
21:13Good morning, Marta.
21:15How are you?
21:19I've put some books in the storeroom
21:21so that when you come in,
21:23you'll have it easier.
21:25Ah, well, thank you.
21:27You can't imagine
21:29how many books Miguel has.
21:31Well, one falls on your head
21:33and kills you.
21:35So you've decided to start studying.
21:40It's a bit hard for me with so much work,
21:42but I want to try.
21:46maybe yesterday I acted like an idiot
21:48and I hope I didn't make you feel bad.
21:50I know my opinion doesn't matter
21:52and that everything I say or stop saying
21:54doesn't matter,
21:56but I really think
21:58you're doing a great job studying.
22:00It's not easy for those of us
22:02who have it all against us.
22:04I never stop to think about it.
22:06In my life, I've given it my all.
22:08You're very lucky.
22:10Don't waste it.
22:12What's hard for me
22:14is to sink my elbows, you know.
22:15And look,
22:17my grandma always says
22:19that knowledge doesn't take up space
22:21and I think she's right.
22:23I like that phrase.
22:25I'm sure your grandma is very wise.
22:29And even though she's older,
22:31she always has a book in her hand.
22:36I'm ashamed to talk about all this with you,
22:40I don't know, you're a university student,
22:42you've studied so much.
22:46By the way,
22:48how much time do you have left to graduate?
22:50That's a good question.
22:52The truth is I don't know
22:54because I take it all very calmly.
22:56Now seriously, forgive me.
22:58I behaved like an idiot the other day.
23:00I've always had
23:02everything done in life
23:04and that's why I allow myself
23:06the luxury of wandering.
23:08Thank you for being so honest with me.
23:12I don't want to tell you my sorrows,
23:15Well, I've had to
23:17get my chestnuts out of the fire
23:19when I was very young.
23:21Well, then you have double the merit.
23:23Yes, I think we all should have
23:25as many opportunities
23:27to get a good education.
23:29But of course,
23:31it depends a lot on where you were born.
23:33Of course.
23:35Before judging someone,
23:37you have to take into account
23:39that not everyone has the same opportunities as you.
23:41Trying to study is the only thing
23:43that will make you prosper in life.
23:45And no one is going to give me anything
23:47and it won't be easy.
23:49That's something I've learned from the bad ones.
23:52So if I have to study
23:54and work at the same time,
23:56I will.
23:58And I think it will be worth it.
24:00You are a very brave
24:02and very brave woman.
24:04An example for a thug
24:06and a living person like me.
24:08Don't talk like that about yourself.
24:10I don't think that's the case.
24:11You're the one who sees me with good eyes.
24:14Well, forgive me
24:16that I don't want to waste your time
24:18or make you leave your work later because of me.
24:20I just want to tell you that
24:22I really like talking to you
24:24and I always learn something new.
24:42My God, if you look at them, they'll kill you.
24:47See? I was right.
24:49Mrs. Lázara looks at me that way.
24:51What have I missed, ma'am?
24:54You'll find out in due time,
24:56like the rest of your colleagues.
24:58Don't be like that, woman.
25:00You're worrying me with so much mystery.
25:02No, man, not you.
25:04Give her the glasses.
25:06Come on.
25:08With this wedding, you're all very clueless.
25:09Shut up, shut up.
25:11Don't talk to me about the wedding.
25:13It's a lot of work.
25:15My God, I don't get it.
25:17It seems that it affects you more than Esperanza.
25:19It can be affected,
25:21but never defeated.
25:23You have to fight for what you want, right?
25:25Well, I've put all my machinery in motion, Mrs. Teresa.
25:27But as you said,
25:29you'll find out in due time.
25:31Well, there's not much time
25:33because the wedding was today
25:35and the ceiling of a hermitage
25:37is not something that can be fixed so easily.
25:41So what?
25:43Look, I don't want to say anything.
25:45I don't want to give false hopes to people,
25:47but something is going to happen, Mrs. Teresa.
25:49Elias, Elias.
25:51Tell me what you're planning.
25:53Tell me now.
25:55Well, look, for me to plan something for real,
25:57the first thing I need
25:59is to get away from the hall for a while.
26:01Is that possible?
26:03Now? Yes.
26:05In the middle of the convention?
26:07Yes, but everything is organized.
26:09I just finished.
26:11Are you sure?
26:13Okay, Elias, but only for a while.
26:15You can't be out all day.
26:17Thank you, ma'am.
26:19It won't be long.
26:21I have a couple of things to take care of.
26:23Besides, it's a strange day and I think it's going to rain,
26:25so I'll be right back.
26:31Replace Elias.
26:33Take care of the clothes.
26:35I hope he didn't have the nerve to release Elias
26:37when we know that Cañete is releasing him.
26:40It's an important thing, Mrs. Lázaro.
26:42He won't be out for long.
26:44Not long.
26:46He's the one you have in this room.
26:48I don't think he'll be out today.
26:50I'm telling you that.
26:55You say a lot of things.
26:57Let's see if any of them are true.
27:05Breakfast, snacks and sensational events
27:08in the modern tea room.
27:10Quality and enjoyment always usual.
27:29Agustín, what are you doing here
27:31with the one that's falling from the sky?
27:32And without an umbrella.
27:34Are you looking for something you don't have?
27:36Well, more than looking,
27:38I've come to bring this to Inés.
27:40Even if she sees it,
27:42I might get pneumonia as a gift.
27:44These are the recordings from the pharaoh's court.
27:46I've tried not to get too wet, but...
27:48That's great.
27:50She's going to be very excited,
27:52but she could have waited for the rain to stop, right?
27:54She could, but as I'm a clarion of anticipation,
27:56I couldn't contain myself.
27:58You're the one who can't contain yourself.
28:00Well, maybe it's better
28:02if you don't go there.
28:04Please, make sure she can hear you,
28:06because if she gets wet, she won't hear anything.
28:08I've tried to protect her,
28:10but with the water curtain that's falling...
28:12Wait, why don't you go
28:15and we'll check it together?
28:17If she gets dry and drinks something hot,
28:19I can't let her leave like that.
28:21Of course, yes.
28:23Let's go.
28:25Come on.
28:32Excuse me, I'm going to put the house in a mess.
28:34No, don't worry.
28:38Should I put the box here?
28:46Here you go.
29:02Thank you very much.
29:04This coffee tastes better.
29:06It's wonderful to get married.
29:08Yes, especially because of Esperanza and Elias.
29:10I don't know what got into them
29:12about being godparents.
29:14Do you know how bad it would have been?
29:16No, I don't know and I don't want to imagine it.
29:18No wedding, no worries.
29:20Yes, well, don't worry so much
29:22because at some point we'll have to get married,
29:24and rather soon.
29:26I think we're messing it up a lot with the hermit thing.
29:28I don't know, we'll have to think of an easier wedding.
29:30Well, we'll think about that.
29:32All we have to do is rest.
29:34It's been a very intense couple of days.
29:36I got up and the first thing I thought was
29:38how we're going to see the godparents today.
29:40Do you want to make a plan for tonight
29:42to celebrate our new wedding?
29:44Yes, please.
29:46A movie, a play, what do you want?
29:48Whatever you want, but you'll tell me later.
29:50If the vampire sees me here talking, she'll kill me.
29:59Thank you very much for your patience,
30:01but above all for saving me from pneumonia.
30:04What's the matter with you?
30:06How could I let you go so calmly?
30:08I mean it.
30:10In any case, I don't want to steal your time.
30:12I imagine you'll have things to do, right?
30:14I said it as if you weren't busy.
30:16And I think getting a play is a lot of work.
30:18And money.
30:20But you know what?
30:22That's my dream.
30:24The first time I read The Court of Pharaohs
30:26I thought,
30:27I have to produce this wonder.
30:30And you'll do it.
30:32Because when someone has something so clear
30:34and puts so much effort,
30:36everything comes out.
30:38You know,
30:40I don't really agree with that,
30:42but I'm going to keep trying.
30:44That's the reason I get up every day.
30:46You know, there are people
30:48who want a palace
30:50or fast cars.
30:52What I want
30:54is to do that play in such a way
30:56that people come out with their mouths open.
31:00It's very important to have dreams.
31:02Otherwise, life would be very boring, don't you think?
31:05I completely agree.
31:07We have to fight for them
31:09to make them come true.
31:14And I don't know what these things have
31:16that, even if they get complicated,
31:18it's very difficult to give them up.
31:21It's like...
31:23Like poison.
31:25like a poison.
31:43As I told you
31:45the Boticarios match is going amazingly,
31:47I'm sure that if there were a second one,
31:49it would be here.
31:51I'm glad, Mrs. La Zaragiu.
31:53But for now, I decided
31:57Bueno la verdad es que quería hablar con usted sobre el tema de los despidos
32:02No sé si es un momento
32:04Para hablar de ellos y para llevarlos a cabo no creo que éste sea el día para cesar a nadie no le parece
32:10No sé qué se refiere
32:13No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie tenemos una convención en marcha cañete no está y si sus comentarios van referidos a
32:19Teresa la acabo de ver en el piso superior
32:22Desviviéndose porque todo funcione a la perfección
32:24Perdóneme don Fermín pero creo que me he expresado mal
32:26Yo en ningún momento he dicho que Teresa sea una mala profesional todo lo contrario
32:28Entonces no entiendo donde quiere llegar
32:30Disculpe mi franqueza
32:32Pero me refiero a sus celos enfermizos
32:34A la ligereza con la que trata a ciertos empleados
32:36Y he de decirle que por mi experiencia
32:38Cuando empiezas con un trato de favor al final se suben a tus barbas
32:40Así que creo que la verdad es que no podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie no le parece
32:42No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:44No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:46No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:48No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:50No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:52No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:54No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:56No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
32:58No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:00No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:02No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:04No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:06No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:08No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:10No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:12No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:14No podemos permitirnos el lujo de despedir a nadie
33:16No, creo que no lo he entendido bien, o a lo mejor yo no me he explicado bien
33:19Me refiero a una conversación entre ella y yo
33:25Discúlpeme, pero...
33:27Sinceramente creo que su autoridad podría quedar...
33:31No sé, mermada
33:33Lo veo, ¿por qué?
33:34Al fin y al cabo, soy el dueño del salón
33:36Y Teresa es una de mis mejores y más antiguas empleadas
33:38Y me gustaría hacérselo saber
33:41En persona
33:42Es una cuestión de educación
33:44Si me permite, don Fermín, yo misma le trasladaré sus palabras
33:47Siento insistir, pero creo que como gerente es mi deber aligerarle de estos trámites
33:57Muy bien
33:59Confío en usted para evitar el despido de Teresa
34:03Esperemos que ella colabore
34:05Y acabemos de una vez con esta situación
34:08Lo mismo digo
34:10Pero en caso de que no colabore...
34:12De ser así, y sólo de ser así, no me quedará otra que cesarla
34:18Hablaré con ella entonces y me esfuerzaré al máximo para que mantenga su puesto de trabajo
34:24Se merece otra oportunidad
34:25Lo sé
34:27Y ya le he dicho que confío en usted
34:44¿Por qué al final terminas por aprenderte de memoria cómo el periódico?
34:48Bueno, es que esto hay que hacerlo con tiempo
34:50Además, ahora que he decidido alargar mi tiempo de descanso
34:53Voy a exprimir hasta el último segundo
34:55Sí, pues como don Salvador entró por esa puertecita
34:58Se llevará una grata sorpresa
35:00Verá a su hijo a cargo de su negocio
35:10Se llevará a su hijo a cargo de su negocio
35:12¿No ves que Salvita tenía que encargarse de la arvilería durante la boda?
35:15¿Y ahora que no nos casamos, lo tienes ahí al muchacho?
35:18¿Onda que no eres listo ni nada tú?
35:20Por estas cosas te casaste conmigo
35:23Muy bueno
35:28¿Estos qué están tramando?
35:30Pues no lo sé
35:35¿Qué creo que viene?
35:37¡Se mola!
35:41Elías, ¿estás empapado?
35:43Sí, obvio, Miguel
35:44Pero bueno, en estos momentos es lo menos importante
35:47Venga, date prisa, que tenemos muchas cosas que hacer
35:49Bueno, lo intentaré, doña Teresa
35:51Pero bueno, ya le digo yo que las piezas no son buenas consajeras
35:54Y si no, que se lo pregunte la trinidad a Miguel
35:56¿Y qué pasa con nosotros?
35:58Ahora ya nada, Miguel
36:00Como dicen las sagradas escrituras
36:02Pedid y se os dará, buscad y hallaréis
36:04¿Pero qué dice este hombre? Yo creo que tiene fiebre
36:06Bueno, fiebre de la unión
36:08Trini del matrimonio, de lo más bonito del mundo
36:11Y eso es lo que he venido yo, a anunciaros
36:13Prepararos, que con tanta boda estoy capaz de anunciaros que se casa también
36:17Que no, que lo que he hecho ha sido remover Roma con Santiago para que estos dos tengan una iglesia
36:23Te lo agradecemos, pero...
36:25Pero no lo has conseguido, ¿no?
36:30Sí, sí, la... A ver, no es la ermita de Santa María del Venado
36:34Pero es la única que os casaban rápidamente
36:36¿Cómo de rápidamente?
36:37Mucho, Miguel, mucho
36:39Si ya lo tengo todo arreglado, he quedado mañana con el cura para llevarle vuestros documentos
36:43Así que no os olvidéis, me los tenéis que dar
36:45Ya, bueno, a ver, es que el día...
36:47Sí, Trini, lo sé, no hace falta que me deis las gracias
36:50Que yo esto lo hago con todo el corazón, ¿eh?
36:52Esto lo hago por vosotros
36:53No, yo creo que el teatro es una disciplina mucho más complicada para el actor
36:58Es más cansado, inmediato
37:01Mire, por cuestiones de la vida y por alguna que otra casualidad
37:05He podido asistir a rodajes
37:06Y créame, son mucho más agotadores
37:08Muchas horas esperando a que monten el decorado
37:11Más espera entre toma y toma
37:13Pero mejor me lo pone
37:14Más tiempo para preparar la secuencia
37:17Eso en el teatro no existe
37:19No hay tiempo para preparar la escena, ¿entiendes?
37:21A eso me refiero con la inmediatez, ¿entiendes?
37:24No, no entiendo a qué se refiere
37:26En el teatro, todo lo que pasa en el escenario es único
37:30No hay una función igual a otra
37:32Todo ocurre en el momento
37:34¿Entiendes? No hay espera, no hay margen de error
37:39Bueno, yo he visto a más de un actor equivocarse
37:42Pero eso es precisamente lo que convierte a esa función en algo único
37:48Ese error es lo que convierte a esa obra en irrepetible
37:52No, nada de funciones únicas e irrepetibles
37:54Eso es meter la pata hasta el fondo
37:56Pero míreme a mí
37:57Yo he salido de casa sin paraguas
37:59Y gracias a eso estamos aquí hablando, usted y yo
38:02He cometido un error
38:07Bueno, voy a ver si su ropa está seca
38:18Esto está casi, casi
38:23¿Quiere que le sirva más café?
38:25No, no, no quiero molestarla más
38:28No, no, no me molesta
38:30Es verdad, ha sido un rato espléndido
38:33Pero creo que es mejor que me vista y que me marche
38:37Está bien
38:41Oiga, ¿todo lo que hay en esa caja son grabaciones para mi hermano?
38:47No exactamente, las grabaciones de la corte de faraón son estas
38:55Y la caja es más bien para usted
39:01¿Para mí? ¿Un regalo?
39:05¿Pero qué es?
39:07Es un regalo
39:08¿Un regalo?
39:09¿Un regalo?
39:10¿Un regalo?
39:11¿Un regalo?
39:12¿Un regalo?
39:14¿Pero qué es?
39:20Pero si es una linterna mágica
39:23Agustín, esto es un regalo maravilloso, muchas gracias
39:28¿La probamos?
39:36¿A que no se figuraba usted que los boticarios dieran tanto trabajo?
39:41Pues no, Esperanza, y mira que hemos tenido eventos en el salón
39:44Pero vamos, tan agotadores como este, ninguno
39:47Que estoy deseando irme a mi casa
39:49Pues está cayendo un aguacero, de aquí te espero
39:52Con lo bien que amaneció esta mañana
39:56Dios quiera que en la boda de Miguel y Trini haga bueno
39:59Segunda boda en dos semanas
40:02Ojalá esta sea la buena, que me lleve un disgusto con la otra
40:05Bueno, seguro que todo sale bien
40:07Solo sea por las molestias que se ha tomado Elías
40:11Menudo elemento
40:13A veces tiene cosas de peón caminero
40:15Pero cuando algo se le mete en la mollera, no para
40:18¿Qué te son?
40:20Mujer, quítese los zapatos y descanse
40:22Que con el trajín de arriba y la señora gerenta que la tiene tomada con usted
40:28Ya, si usted misma me lo dijo
40:31Que desde que no está Cañete, doña Teresa para arriba, doña Teresa para abajo
40:37Bueno, no se preocupe por mi trabajo, Esperanza
40:39Que dentro de poco voy a tener tiempo de sobra para descansar
40:45Esperanza, por favor, déjenos solas
40:49Sí, ahora mismo
40:58Es importante, porque si no, preferiría hablar con usted después de la convención
41:04Bueno, si valora en algo su puesto de trabajo, entonces sí
41:07Esta conversación es importante
41:09Mire, doña Lázara, aunque me vaya a despedir, me he esforzado al máximo en esta convención
41:15Como he hecho siempre
41:18Tan asumido tiene ya su despido
41:20Pues sí
41:21Pero sepa que antes de irme voy a poner al tanto a don Fermín de cómo es usted
41:26Y también va a contarle que ha estado en mi vecindario preguntando por mí
41:30O que ha ido a mi antiguo empleo buscando trapos sucios
41:34Digo, porque ya apuestas a contar cosas, ¿verdad?
41:38Si es así, puedo decirle, Teresa, que don Fermín ya está al tanto de todo y que no va a creerla
41:47Bueno, eso ya lo veremos
41:50Témblese, mujer
41:53¿Puede usted decirme, Isa, si don Fermín ha puesto en mi mano su despido, por algo será?
41:59Y créame que no me va a temblar el pulso cuando llegue el momento
42:03Bueno, mire, si ha venido a despedirme, hágalo y acabemos con esto de una vez
42:07No he venido a despedirla
42:09He venido a informarle de que tiene usted una segunda oportunidad para mantener su empleo
42:13¿Una segunda oportunidad?
42:16¿Por qué?
42:18Todos merecemos una segunda oportunidad, incluida usted
42:22Así que no solo le ofrezco mantener su puesto de trabajo, sino tener un poquito más de manga ancha con usted
42:28Siempre y cuando deje de investigarme y de perseguirme
42:36¿Tenemos trato?
42:43Debería irme ya
42:49Debería irse ya, sí
42:57Debería irme ya
43:27Estoy a punto, Brígida
43:29Pensé, si va a ser un ingreso puntual, bueno, pero...
43:32Pero luego lo pensé mejor y no puedo permitirlo
43:34Porque ingresarme, aunque fuera solo unas horas, sería como decirle al mundo que estoy loca y yo no estoy loca, es que no lo estoy
43:40Por mucho que el doctor Mendoza se empeñe
43:43¿Qué quieres decir con el doctor Mendoza?
43:46¿Tú te preguntas?
43:57¿Tú te puedes creer que va diciendo que hago cosas para aparentar que no estoy loca?
44:00Es que es el colmo, es el colmo
44:02¿Y se hace llamar doctor?
44:04A mí no me parece mal médico
44:06De hecho me va bien con él
44:08Pues a mí no me gusta cómo está actuando conmigo
44:10¿Entonces para qué vienes a la consulta?
44:13Para despedirme
44:15Se acabó
44:16No pienso volver
44:18El doctor Mendoza es quien debería ingresar, no yo
44:21Es la verdad
44:23Está diciendo cosas muy feas sobre mí
44:25Menos mal que Íñigo ha reaccionado por fin
44:27¿De verdad?
44:29¿Le ha dicho algo al doctor?
44:30No, me lo ha dicho a mí
44:32Se ha sincerado conmigo esta mañana
44:35Me ha dicho que me cree, que en el fondo sabe que tengo razón
44:39Y que hay gato encerrado en todo esto
44:41Así que se acabó, Brígida, por fin
44:43Se acabó todo
44:46¿Qué pasa?
44:47¿No te alegras por mí?
44:49No sé, Matilde
44:51Por un lado sí, pero por otro...
44:53Al final el doctor Mendoza no es tan malo
44:57¿Pero todo lo que te he contado es cierto?
44:59No lo dudo, pero quizás estás juzgando duramente al doctor
45:04¿Pero tú de verdad crees que ese doctor es una persona buena y cualificada?
45:09Ya te digo que si no fuera por él yo no estaría tan bien
45:12Yo estaba muy mal, Matilde
45:14Y mi vida dio un cambio a mejor y todo fue gracias a él
45:18Bueno, supongo que lo que le funciona bien a una persona no le funciona bien a todas
45:22Y discúlpame, Brígida, pero es que nuestras circunstancias son completamente diferentes
45:27Y yo no niego que estas enfermedades sean muy duras, pero es que yo no las padezco
45:31Ya, ya, pero tú...
45:33Tú sigues...
45:35Oyendo las voces
45:39¿Tú también?
45:43Brígida, que esas voces existen
45:45Que existen
45:46Alguien me habla, ¿lo entiendes?
45:49Doña Carla es alguien que se está haciendo pasar por ella y también he visto a esa mujer
45:53¿Cuántas veces tengo que decirlo?
45:55Yo lo siento de verdad, Matilde, yo no quiero que te enfades conmigo, solo quiero ayudarte
46:00Yo pensaba que eras diferente, que tú me creías
46:03Pero bueno, da igual
46:05Porque esas voces existen
46:07Es gente de verdad
46:09Estoy segura
46:32No, por favor
46:37No me hagan daño
46:51No, que no he hecho nada
46:55¡Lucía! ¡Lucía!
46:56¡No! ¡Oh, Dios!
46:57Tranquila, ¿eh?
46:59Soy Pietro
47:02¿Qué ha suceso?
47:09¿Qué está pasando?
47:11Estabas teniendo una pesadilla
47:16¿Quieres un poco de agua?
47:18¿Estás bien?
47:19No, Pietro
47:21Me asusta
47:23Tengo miedo de que me hagan daño
47:27Tranquila, ¿eh?
47:31Nadie te va a hacer nada, tranquila
47:38Lo pueden ver con sus propios ojos
47:40Este albarán demuestra que Matilde compró
47:44Como bien pone ahí la medalla de San Cayetano
47:48Pero eso no puede ser
47:49Es que no puede ser, esto es mentira
47:51Íñigo, esto es mentira, yo no compré esa medalla
47:54Lo sé, mi amor
47:58Lamento decirle que no sabemos qué tipo de validez tiene esto
48:05¿A qué se refiere?
48:06Es una factura a nombre de su mujer
48:08A mí me parece algo bastante evidente
48:10Sí, sí, sí, se lo entiendo perfectamente
48:12Pero eso ha podido fabricarse a posteriori
48:14¿No es así?
48:17Mire, doctor, no queremos que piense que desconfiamos de su palabra, ni mucho menos
48:22Pero, desgraciadamente, contamos con la ánima adversión de ciertas personas
48:26Personas que son capaces de hacernos cualquier cosa
48:30Mucho más que un simple varán, no sé si usted me entiende
48:34Lo cierto es que no, señor Peñalver
48:36Lo que mi marido quiere decir es que
48:38La misma persona que hizo eso es la persona que nos puso el pájaro muerto en la cama
48:44Miren, siento decirles esto, pero voy a ser franco
48:48Creo que están pintando una situación demasiado rocambolesca
48:52Y ahora bien, no seré yo quien les convenza de lo contrario
48:56No quiero convencerle de nada, doctor
48:59Lo único que quiero es decirle la verdad
49:02Y es que yo no compré esa medalla
49:08Es una pena que no quieran confiar en mí para este proceso
49:11He curado a muchos pacientes a lo largo de mi carrera y sé que podría ayudarla, Matilde
49:18Pero tal vez he hecho algo mal con usted para que no quieran contar con mis servicios
49:24Así que supongo que le debo una disculpa
49:27No se disculpe, doctor
49:29Hay alguien detrás de todo lo que me está pasando
49:32Mi marido y yo estamos convencidos
49:35Además, sé de buena tinta, por brígida, que usted es un gran profesional
49:42¿Quién es Brígida, mi amor? Nunca me habías hablado de ella
49:46Es una paciente suya, doctor
49:48Una mujer de mi edad, más o menos
49:51Coincido con ella a veces en la sala de espera o en el jardín
50:01¿Qué pasa?
50:03Mire, Matilde, yo no tengo ninguna paciente que se llame Brígida
50:08¿Cómo que no?
50:10Pero sí he coincidido con ella antes de entrar a consulta
50:13Sí casi me convence de ingresarme
50:16No, yo no conozco a ninguna mujer con ese nombre
50:19Y más le digo, en esta clínica somos muy escrupulosos con el tema de las citas
50:23¿Pero está usted seguro de lo que está diciendo, doctor?
50:26Por supuesto
50:28Además, a mí no me gusta que ningún paciente coincida por esos pasos tanto en las consultas
50:34Pero eso no puede ser
50:36Pero eso no puede ser
50:39No puede ser
50:41Tiene que tener una paciente que se llame Brígida
50:46Si no, a lo mejor, no sé, no se acuerda o...
50:48Tranquila, mi amor
50:50Estoy seguro que este error se podrá explicar, ¿a que sí, doctor?
50:54Siento decirles esto
50:56Pero sospecho que esa persona es otro producto de su imaginación, Matilde
51:07Espero que no sigas con la idea de querer delatarnos
51:11Lo que habéis hecho es gravísimo
51:13Por la amistad que nos une
51:16Taparlo me convertiría en una persona sin escrúpulos como vosotras
51:19Y no nos parecemos
51:21Tus sentimientos hacia mí también eran fingidos
51:24¿Y Lucía? ¿Cómo está?
51:26Me ha querido sacar el tema de la pesadilla
51:28Pero entonces, ¿habéis hablado de algo o...?
51:32Lucía sufrió mucho
51:34Lucía sufrió mucho
51:36Y aún le quedan heridas, aunque esté mejor, ¿no?
51:40¿No sabes la que ha liado Salvita para encontrar los dichosos libros estos de la maestra?
51:45¿De verdad?
51:46Bueno, con decirte que de tanto buscar se conocen mejor las estanterías que yo
51:50Pues muchas gracias, no hacía falta
51:52Con la señora Juanes yo lo hacía todo
51:54Pero desde que se fue, pues no tengo muy claro que esto vaya a ir bien
51:59Inés, ¿sabes que el camino es largo pero que vale la pena?
52:02Hay que ir poco a poco y, sobre todo, no te abandones
52:06No sé cuántas veces ni de cuántas maneras habrá que decírselo para que entienda que no nos queremos casar ahí
52:11Bueno, si lo hemos logrado una vez, volveremos a lograrlo
52:14Se lo diremos con claridad para que lo entienda
52:16Dejaré de fisgar en sus asuntos, doña Lázara
52:19Quiero oírselo decir
52:21Si usted no se mete donde no la llaman, yo no promuevo su despido
52:25Lo siento, pero yo le propuse despedirlos y usted no estuvo de acuerdo
52:29He conseguido que Estrellita Castro venga a la tienda a firmar discos
52:32¿Estrellita Castro?
52:33¡Suegra, qué sorpresa! ¡Deme un abrazo!
52:36¡Uy, qué cariñoso estás con lo despegado que ha sido siempre!
52:39¡Hija mía! ¡Qué guapa!
52:42El plan con Laurita salió de maravilla
52:44Muy bien, me alegro mucho
52:46Cuando estaba en la puerta a punto de llamar, con las grabaciones y empapado por la tormenta
52:50Yo pensé, ¡esto no va a salir bien!
52:53La verdad es que fue precioso
52:55Qué bien, pero había más detalles
52:57Pues, se molestó en venir para traer las grabaciones de la corte de faraón y la linterna mágica
53:05Te mereces a alguien que te trate así de bien
53:07Cuéntame más
53:08Señorita Castro, bienvenida
53:11¿Por qué no me hace una de esas fotografías tuyas que tengo yo muchas ganas de conocer tu arte?
53:16Eso está hecho
53:17Es un honor y un placer inmortalizar a una estrella de su talla
53:21No puede fiarse de lo que ella dice, su percepción de la realidad está distorsionada
53:24Debería ingresarla ya
53:26Creo que la van a ingresar en un sanatorio
53:28¿Qué me dicen? ¿Un sanatorio?
53:30Así que su estado está en boca de todos
53:32No sé si eso es positivo, teniendo en cuenta la gravedad del asunto
53:35El doctor me ha llamado después de hablar con Íñigo
53:38Está todo en orden
53:39¿Qué significa eso?
53:40Significa que hay gente que la está siguiendo
53:42Están esperando un ingreso inminente
53:44Patil dice lo de Carla eran unas alucinaciones
53:46Lo de Vígita también ha podido serlo
53:48Y eso no quiere decir que estás peor, solo que estás afectado
53:51¿Piensas que estoy loca?
53:52Tómese, lo regalo
53:54Muchas gracias
