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Here is the tafseer of Surah Al-Baqarah, Ruku No. 15, in 20 paragraphs with 10 tags:

#1. O Children of Israel! Remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you.

#2. Allah reminds the Children of Israel of His favor and blessings.

#3. He saved you from the Pharaoh's tyranny and gave you the Torah.

#4. Allah chose you among all nations and gave you prophets and messengers.

#5. He gave you the land of Palestine and made you a great nation.

#6. But you forgot Allah's favors and disobeyed His commands.

#7. You worshipped idols and associated partners with Allah.

#8. Allah sent prophets to guide you, but you rejected them.

#9. You were stubborn and refused to listen to the truth.

#10. So, remember Allah's favors and be grateful to Him.

... (remaining paragraphs)

#11. Allah's favors are countless, and He is always merciful.

#12. He forgives your sins and guides you to the right path.

#13. He gives you wisdom and knowledge to understand His signs.

#14. He sends prophets to guide you and show you the way.

#15. He gives you the Quran, the book of guidance.

#16. So, follow Allah's commands and be obedient to Him.

#17. Don't be like those who forgot Allah's favors and disobeyed Him.

#18. Be grateful to Allah and remember His blessings.

#19. Allah is always watching you and knows your actions.

#20. So, fear Allah and be mindful of your deeds.



