The Roar: Cardiff win reaction and striker hunt latest

  • 3 weeks ago
The Sunderland Echo's football writers Phil Smith, James Copley and Jason Jones discuss the team's Cardiff win.
They also take another look at the ongoing striker search.
00:00I think people are sleeping on him a little bit of how good he actually is as 18 just because he's not Jude Bellingham.
00:06You know, I think Lebris is well aware that he can't rely on Mayenda for 46 games.
00:11He needs to be in understudy, he needs to drop in and out, he needs to come in for cup games.
00:30Hello, welcome to the Raw podcast brought to you by the Sunderland Depot.
00:34My name is Jason Jones, joined by James Copley and Phil Smith.
00:39Pleasure to see you boys.
00:41Good start of the season for Sunderland, I think it's fair to say.
00:442-0 win over Cardiff City in Regis Lebris's first competitive match at the club.
00:50It goes from Lugo 9 and Jack Clarke sealing all three points for the Black Cats on the road.
00:55Phil, you were at that match, I mean, how impressed were you with Solon's performance on Saturday?
01:02Yeah, I didn't quite know what to make of it actually.
01:06I still don't to an extent in that it was just a completely different game and performance to what I was expecting.
01:13From both teams, obviously, having watched Cardiff for the last couple of years,
01:17and you know, Sunderland fans will remember from the games, they've always been quite direct in the past.
01:23In Sunderland, we kind of thought we're going to be back to being like really possession-based, high-pressing.
01:28And actually, the game was the complete opposite, really.
01:30Cardiff dominated the ball, they dominated the territory.
01:33And, you know, Sunderland were, you know, sitting quite deep, counter-attacking, but they did it really well.
01:39So that was the sort of encouraging thing, was that they were really well-organized,
01:43they rode the waves of pressure when they came really well, didn't concede many chances.
01:48Patterson made one really good save early on from, I think it was Gutas,
01:51when he flicked a header back from across after a corner.
01:54So it was like a completely different game and performance to what I was expecting.
01:58It was disciplined, controlled, with a little bit of quality at the end.
02:04So encouraging, not what I expected.
02:07And it's going to be really interesting to see how the next few weeks of the season goes,
02:11because I still don't really feel like I have a handle on what Sunderland are going to look like under Le Brice.
02:16It's certainly not the game he was expecting, he was pretty clear with me that after.
02:19So it was encouraging, but not necessarily in the ways I thought was going to be going into it.
02:25I mean, there's got to be a certain amount of positivity, James, about the fact that Sunderland were able to,
02:31as Phil says, you know, concede so much possession.
02:33But first of all, keep Cardiff at arm's length, and second of all, still pick up three points.
02:37I mean, it kind of had the feeling of a game that maybe last season Sunderland wouldn't have won.
02:43Yeah, I think there were positives to take from the game, obviously.
02:46I think it's a real boost, isn't it, when you've got a new manager and you come in and he wins his first competitive game.
02:53There's a lot of boxes ticked off in that performance.
02:56First clean sheet, first couple of goals, first win, first away win.
02:59I don't think you can grumble too much.
03:01I think it's positive that perhaps Sunderland weren't allowed to play the game that they wanted to,
03:06yet they still managed to adapt on the pitch and find solutions.
03:09I think that's good.
03:11You know, Cardiff, for all of their possession, didn't really have too many clear-cut chances.
03:16I know Paterson, I think, maybe tipped one over the bar, but that was about it, really.
03:20So there was a lot of bluster.
03:21I thought Chris Willock actually looked really, really bright for Cardiff,
03:24but saying that, he didn't actually manage to create too much because Hulme did so well up against them.
03:30So I was pleased.
03:31It's always tough away from home in the Championship, especially travelling that long a distance.
03:36A little caveat is that probably Cardiff had a fair few first-team players out.
03:42But, yeah, very pleased.
03:44And I think it's always important to get that first win, isn't it?
03:48Because if Sunderland had lost that, there's more importance on the Preston game,
03:53which you may well play a second-string team in.
03:56If Sunderland didn't get a result on that,
03:57suddenly you're looking at Sheffield Wednesday at home in front of a big crowd
04:00and the pressure's maybe just starting to build a little bit, obviously,
04:04with what happened towards the back end of last season under Michael Beale and then Mike Dodds.
04:09So I think for Reggie Slabry, for the club, for the players as well, hugely important win.
04:15Hopefully they can build on it.
04:16And I just thought Sunderland looked refreshed and energised.
04:19And it was a nice reminder, actually, that, OK, yeah, some of these players are good
04:24and they've had a pre-season and they've had a break.
04:26And this is a decent squad with some shortcomings,
04:30but the players out on that pitch on Saturday afternoon are very good.
04:36Absolutely. And you mentioned positives there.
04:40Some really decent individual displays as well.
04:43I mean, to start with Joe Bellingham, for instance, Phil,
04:46I think it was what most chances created, most duels won, most tackles won.
04:50Obviously instrumental in that second goal for Jack Clarke as well.
04:54A really energetic and solid performance from the midfield.
05:00Yeah, I thought you really benefited when the game opened up a little bit late on,
05:04which I don't think is a huge surprise because what we know about Bellingham is that
05:09he's got an unbelievable work rate, he's tactically very intelligent
05:13and he can run for as long as you need him to.
05:16And I think you really saw in those last stages, as you quite rightly mentioned,
05:20the goal absolutely sums it up.
05:22Not only has he got the energy to get back and tackle Colwell,
05:26who was a sub, by the way, so he had the fresh legs,
05:28nick the ball off him and then go again.
05:30It's actually him who then picks the ball up and carries it to the edge of the box to feed Clarke.
05:34I thought he was excellent.
05:36Like I said, particularly the second half, I thought he was outstanding.
05:38First half, I thought he probably took a little bit of time to get into it,
05:41but I wouldn't be too critical of that because, to be honest,
05:44it wasn't quite working for Sunderland in the first half.
05:47So you don't expect your attacking individuals to shine in that scenario,
05:50as Lebris himself said afterwards.
05:52So I think me and James spoke a little bit after the Marseille game,
05:55wasn't it, James, where we said there's a lot of debate about Job.
05:58After that game, we really felt we could see why Lebris had picked him for that role
06:03and why he was backing him.
06:04Because when Sunderland do press high and win the ball back,
06:07he's the absolutely perfect player for that position.
06:10A, because he can do the pressing in the first place,
06:12but two, he is so decisive and athletic and quick in those positions
06:16where you win the ball back.
06:17So I felt encouraged after that game coming into the season.
06:20I felt he was in a good place.
06:22Now, as it happened, Sunderland didn't really get the high press going at all at Cardiff,
06:25but I thought in that second half when there was space on the break,
06:28the way he carried the ball and picked the passes to Clark, to Roberts,
06:31obviously it was Job's pass for Meander's chance that he...
06:35Well, it was a good save from the keeper,
06:36but obviously Meander should have scored as well.
06:38So I thought he was really... I was really encouraged.
06:40Like I say, after the Marseille game, I really felt I could see why
06:43he was being backed in that role.
06:45And, yeah, there were loads of good performances, I think.
06:48Obviously, I gave him a man to match in my ratings and stuff,
06:50Dana Serkin in every facet of the game was just excellent,
06:55especially when you consider it was actually his first competitive game for ages.
06:59And the other one that I just wanted to shout out,
07:00because it went under the radar at the time,
07:02and I should have given him more credit,
07:04I thought Eliezer, given that he hasn't actually played a lot of football at centre half,
07:08you know, one of the big things I think we were all a little bit worried about
07:11coming into the season was Dan Ballard's injury because of how good he is.
07:15But actually, Eliezer defended really well, especially in the second half.
07:19So there were loads of positives.
07:21Alan Brown just did what we hoped Alan Brown would do.
07:23Always in the right place.
07:25Dangerous cross comes into the box in the second half,
07:27there's Brown to hook it away.
07:29Bit of pressure, there's Brown making a run in the channel,
07:31you know, to give the player an option.
07:33Exactly what we hoped he'd be.
07:35So, yeah, I mean, I would like to see more in the coming weeks
07:38in terms of the all-round performance.
07:40But, yeah, there were positives all over the pitch,
07:42which was really nice to see.
07:44Just on your job point, Phil, I think you actually...
07:47You made this point a couple of weeks ago on the podcast,
07:49but if his name wasn't Bellingham,
07:51and he was Phil Smith from Highbarns who'd come through the academy
07:55and was playing for Sunderland at 18,
07:58I think he would almost be more beloved, wasn't he?
08:01I'm not saying he's not loved by Sunderland fans,
08:03because he clearly is, but he does seem to cop a little bit of criticism,
08:05perhaps because of the Birmingham City link,
08:07and obviously Speakman and Dodds.
08:09He's very much seen as their man.
08:11But in my opinion, he is very much there on merit,
08:14and that showed against Cardiff City.
08:16He was fantastic.
08:18A quiet first half, as you mentioned,
08:19but in the second half, he really grew into the game,
08:21progresses the ball so well.
08:23I think he could let it go a little bit earlier at times
08:25in the final pass, but I think that will come.
08:28But it was a brilliant performance,
08:30and that was borne out by the stats as well.
08:32He was top of the charts for most chances created.
08:35As you mentioned, the running he gets through,
08:37he never stops.
08:39For 18 years old, he's so impressive,
08:41and we're almost at a stage now
08:43where we're taking him for granted at 18 years old.
08:45It's crazy how good he is.
08:47Yeah, I think I agree with you.
08:49Or if he wasn't called Bellingham,
08:51would anyone even be talking about him?
08:53For me, as you mentioned there, James,
08:55I think it's the other way around.
08:57I think people are sleeping on him a little bit
08:59of how good he actually is as 18,
09:01just because he's not Jude Bellingham.
09:04Like you say, that's not to say he hasn't got improvement.
09:07Of course he has.
09:09He is a very different player, Pritchard, for example.
09:11I don't think he's going to create chances
09:13in the same way that Pritchard does.
09:15You know, picking passes in the final third
09:17and that little stuff.
09:19But I think he's unbelievably talented.
09:21My opinion is it's the other way around.
09:23I don't think he's getting the credit he probably deserves
09:25or the hype that is probably worth
09:27what he's actually doing at 18.
09:29And as I say,
09:31that's not to say that he's like the finished article,
09:33because he's clearly not.
09:35But I think he's going to have a massive season.
09:37I really do.
09:38Obviously you mentioned him there already, Phil,
09:40but I just want to speak about Dennis Serkin as well.
09:42Not just from his performance point of view,
09:44but just what he almost brings to Jack Clark's game as well.
09:48Just that extra dimension out on that left flank,
09:50a little bit more sort of natural support,
09:52the overlap and the sort of options for creativity
09:56that it allows Jack Clark.
09:59Yeah, I think that's a really big factor
10:01because, you know, it's hard enough to mark Clark
10:05and what teams generally are doing
10:06are putting two players on him.
10:08But that's really difficult when you've got
10:09a genuine left-footed left-back
10:11with good delivery who can go around the outside.
10:13And that is nobody's fault.
10:15Sunderland just didn't have that last season,
10:16and we talked about it loads.
10:17It was bad luck because we understood
10:19it was difficult from Sunderland's perspective
10:21because it's hard to sign another left-back
10:23when you've got two of, in theory,
10:25best in the league when fifth
10:26because you're just creating a logjam.
10:27But when they're both injured for most of the season,
10:29I mean, Sunderland suffered so much from it.
10:32And I think it's absolutely huge.
10:34And I think the other aspect is as well,
10:35which is really interesting
10:36because this is what Dan Neil was talking to us about
10:38after the match,
10:39is that there's a really nice balance there
10:40with Hume and Sirkin.
10:42Because as we've all seen,
10:43Hume can drift into midfield.
10:45He's really good in terms of using the ball.
10:47He picks nice passes.
10:48Sirkin's a lot more direct.
10:50He'll carry the ball.
10:51And actually in the first sort of 20 minutes,
10:53when Cardiff were probably on top,
10:54which to be fair, you'd expect
10:55as the first game of the season,
10:56they've got a big home crowd,
10:58you kind of expect them to go out the traps.
11:00Sirkin was really effective
11:01at just carrying the ball,
11:02carrying out with trouble,
11:04getting Sunderland up the pitch.
11:05And so I think the balance of the side is huge.
11:08And as you mentioned,
11:09I think it gives teams a lot to worry about
11:12because if they've only got two on Clarke
11:14and they're worried about Sirkin on the overlap,
11:16and then all of a sudden you've got Patrick Roberts
11:18coming back to form on the other flank,
11:20I think there are definite positives there.
11:21I'm really careful in terms of not getting too
11:24carried away with the win on Saturday
11:26because like I said,
11:27there was some elements of it
11:28that concerns probably a little bit too strong,
11:31but clearly I think the performance
11:33wasn't anywhere near complete.
11:35And when you've just seen
11:36what Sheffield Wednesday did on Sunday,
11:38you sort of have this thing of like,
11:39okay, we're going to have a much better idea
11:41of where this team is at,
11:42I think after the next couple of games.
11:44In a hypothetical sense,
11:46do you think that Jebison
11:47or someone of that ilk
11:49could be a smart side of Sunderland this week?
11:51There's a lot of anger that maybe
11:52these players aren't proven
11:53and Sunderland aren't going for what we need.
11:57It was Elisa Mayenda who got the nod
11:59as we expected him to on Saturday, James.
12:02I mean, did you see much from him
12:04in terms of, you know,
12:06he can be the man to certainly see Sunderland
12:09through this tricky period
12:10until they can bring a striker?
12:12I like him.
12:13He's very young.
12:15It wasn't, I would say,
12:17the best game that I've ever seen.
12:19I think it was a very good game.
12:21I think it was a very good game.
12:24I would say the best game
12:25that I've ever seen a Sunderland striker had.
12:27I thought he was competent.
12:28I thought he put himself around.
12:29He kept working,
12:30which is hugely important.
12:32He did sort of create a few little half chances
12:35for himself.
12:37One went really wide
12:38and then another was at the keeper,
12:40but that chance in the second half,
12:42if he could have just put that away,
12:44I think as a striker,
12:45you've got to score.
12:46Phil mentioned earlier,
12:47it was a reasonable save by the keeper.
12:49Reasonable is probably unfair, actually.
12:50It was a good save by the keeper,
12:51but I think as a striker,
12:52going through there,
12:53he wasn't under really any pressure
12:55from any defender,
12:57so he's got to put that away
12:59and it's such a shame,
13:00because if he does,
13:02we're almost in dreamland as Sunderland fans.
13:06I think Lebris is well aware
13:08that he can't rely on Mayenda for 46 games.
13:11He needs to be in understudy.
13:12He needs to drop in and out.
13:13He needs to come in for cup games,
13:1520 minutes.
13:16He's definitely got something.
13:17He's obviously really, really fast,
13:18which is good.
13:21I think his control is decent,
13:23so it's just match practice
13:24and it's been around that first-team squad.
13:28I think Job,
13:29who was playing the furthest forward
13:31of the midfield,
13:33they weren't really on the same wavelength
13:35at times,
13:36but I think that'll obviously come.
13:38It's just very early days
13:39in his Sunderland career.
13:41You do feel for the lad,
13:42in a sense,
13:43because he was signed
13:45as an 18-year-old
13:47and he wasn't really what Sunderland fans
13:49wanted or needed at the time,
13:51which isn't really through any fault of his own.
13:53Obviously, Sunderland would have seen him
13:54more as a developmental signing,
13:56but it's just so happened
13:58that Sunderland haven't since managed
14:00to get that experience
14:01straight to signing over the line.
14:02The thing I would say about Mayenda
14:03is I think he's a real talent
14:05and I definitely think Sunderland
14:06have got one there.
14:07There's aspects of his game
14:08that are already pretty good.
14:09I think his movement's half decent.
14:11We've seen at times
14:12he's got a really powerful shot.
14:14There's a lot to like about him.
14:16The bit about his game
14:17that I don't think I'm being unfair,
14:18I think the bit about his game
14:20that isn't yet
14:21a championship standard
14:23is hold-up play.
14:25At the moment,
14:26and that's not really a criticism,
14:27he's a 19-year-old lad
14:28and you're asking him to play
14:29against Callum Chambers
14:30with however many Premier League appearances
14:32and Gutas,
14:33who's a really imposing centre-half,
14:35he's just not ready to hold the ball up yet
14:37and to win those battles
14:38and get his back in
14:39and make it stick.
14:41I raise that because
14:43if he's going to play
14:44for the next couple of games
14:45while this striker drags on,
14:47then someone needs to make sure
14:49that they're using him properly
14:50because there were times in the game
14:52where they were inviting pressure
14:53on themselves
14:54because they were going along
14:55and, to me,
14:56they were under pressure
14:57and he's just not ready to do that yet
14:58and so the ball was just coming back
14:59and someone was getting pinned back.
15:01So I like Mienda.
15:03I don't really...
15:04Yes, he probably should have scored.
15:05Yes, this makes his game
15:06a bit better.
15:07I think there's positives
15:08to be taken from the progress
15:09he's already made in the year
15:11and I actually think
15:12he's got a bit of a part
15:13to play this season
15:14but definitely we saw
15:15that he's centre-forward
15:16but his centre-forward play
15:17isn't yet at championship standard.
15:19I wouldn't expect it to be
15:20so Sunderland either need
15:21to get that striker soon
15:23or it's something
15:24that in their reflections
15:25on that game
15:26they need to have a think about
15:27and need to work on
15:28because they're going to
15:29invite pressure
15:30if they're going to try
15:31and use him like a champion,
15:33like a key for Mo,
15:34which he definitely isn't yet.
15:37I mean, we also saw
15:39a brief cameo from Nasrussen
15:41coming off the bench.
15:43One of the things that Sunderland
15:44sort of became almost infamous for
15:45last season was rotating
15:46that centre-forward
15:47when it wasn't quite
15:48working for anybody
15:49and it felt like
15:50players were getting
15:51a couple of games
15:52and then dropping out of the team,
15:53getting three and then
15:54dropping out of the team.
15:55I mean, do you think that
15:56Le Bris will persist
15:57with Maénda
15:58or could you foresee
15:59a situation in which
16:00Nasrussen maybe is
16:02giving the nod against
16:03say a Burnley for instance?
16:05Yeah, I don't know.
16:06Yeah, it's hard.
16:07I think he'll stick
16:08with Maénda for now.
16:09I mean, Russen will play tonight
16:10so that's on reason
16:11to try and deliver something
16:13and put his...
16:14The thing is that
16:15I do quite like Russen
16:16as an impact sub
16:17at the moment.
16:19I think that fairly well
16:20seems to suit his game.
16:22He did it really well
16:23against Marseille, didn't he?
16:24He came on and won that penalty
16:25which was a really nice bit
16:26of centre-forward play
16:27and I thought actually
16:28he brought some
16:29fresh legs on Saturday
16:31and without doing anything
16:32huge in the game
16:33I actually thought he helped
16:34prevent him a bit.
16:35Well, he actually made
16:36a little run in the box
16:37for Clarke School
16:38just to create
16:39a tiny little bit of space.
16:40I mean, it wasn't
16:41really groundbreaking
16:42but it was a nice little run.
16:43Yeah, I thought
16:44it was...
16:45I thought the subs were good
16:46on Saturday
16:47if a little bit late.
16:48I was like
16:49in my head like screaming
16:50from about 55 minutes
16:51like, come on
16:52you need to change this
16:53you need to change this
16:54because it's, you know
16:55it's only going one way
16:56at the moment.
16:57It took a little bit longer
16:58to make the subs
16:59than I would have liked
17:00but I thought the two were good.
17:01I thought playing Rigg
17:02off the right
17:03in that game situation
17:04was a really, really good move
17:05because obviously
17:06he didn't want to take Job off
17:07because of, you know
17:08the athleticism he's got
17:09but I thought Rigg just
17:10picked up nice positions
17:11and did really well
17:12and I thought
17:13Roosan was a good sub.
17:14So at the moment
17:15I think
17:16and I would think
17:17it's a good thing
17:18if he just sticks
17:19with that little
17:20I think Neanderthal start
17:21and giving him a chance
17:22to build some rhythm
17:23but having Roosan
17:24as a bit of an impact sub
17:25I think is probably the way to go.
17:26Some pretty heated comments
17:28from French journalists
17:31over the weekend
17:32you know, perhaps suggesting
17:33that Sunderland
17:34aren't being serious
17:35about their valuation
17:37with their bids for Mendy.
17:38I mean, is there
17:39any sort of update
17:40on where the Blackhats
17:41stand with this
17:42or is this one
17:43that's just going to roll
17:44and roll and roll
17:45until it doesn't
17:46I suppose?
17:47Yeah, I think
17:48it's going to roll.
17:49Yeah, I think
17:50to be fair
17:51I think the one thing
17:52that's pretty obvious
17:53is that things have shifted a bit
17:54because of the takeover.
17:55I think, you know
17:56when I
17:57when the first broke
17:58during that game
17:59I think it was against
18:00Nottingham Forest, wasn't it?
18:01And I said like, look
18:02you know, the player
18:03might want the move
18:04and that's great
18:05but it's not done yet.
18:06Having said that
18:07you know, clearly
18:08there's been positive talks
18:09otherwise that story
18:10doesn't come out
18:11even if there was
18:12a lot of work to do.
18:13It does seem like
18:14the takeover of the club
18:15has pushed things
18:16backwards a little bit
18:17both in terms of
18:18just delaying it
18:19but obviously
18:20maybe the goalposts
18:21have moved a little bit as well.
18:22So I think that
18:23I think there's a bit
18:24of a game of chess
18:25at the moment going on
18:26whereas Sunderland
18:27don't want to move
18:28on anything
18:29and lose out
18:30on something else
18:31that they've got lined up
18:32and I think there's that
18:33really interesting question
18:34is that
18:35at what point
18:36do you just have to say
18:37we need to get this done
18:38and we just need to move
18:39on once some of these
18:40loan options that
18:41they're looking at.
18:42You know, we spoke to
18:43Labreze yesterday
18:44and he said
18:45you know, we are looking
18:46at Premier League loans
18:47as a possible avenue.
18:48I think it's fair to say
18:49that there's an added
18:50layer of complexity
18:51to that just because
18:52the Bursle thing
18:53did not work out
18:54last season
18:55and you know
18:56that proved to be
18:57more of a hindrance
18:58than a help really
18:59and you've got to be
19:00really, really careful
19:01if you go down
19:02that road again
19:03that you don't make
19:04the same mistake
19:05and assume that
19:06a strong record
19:07in under-21s football
19:08and under-20s
19:09plays really talented.
19:10So I think at the moment
19:11and I think
19:12maybe the slightly
19:13frenetic reporting
19:14that you're seeing
19:15about all these
19:16different kinds of plays
19:17I think that reflects
19:18the fact that
19:19there is a lot happening
19:20there are a lot of
19:21irons in the fire
19:22but Sunderland
19:23are sort of
19:24trying to be careful
19:25to not go too soon
19:26on one,
19:27miss out on the other.
19:28So yeah,
19:29I don't know
19:30I hope to be
19:31proved wrong
19:32but I think we've got
19:33a little bit of
19:34time to wait
19:35on that one still.
19:37I mean,
19:38you mentioned there
19:39all these names
19:40that have been thrown
19:41about potential
19:42loan signings
19:43and there's been
19:44a real flurry
19:45in recent days,
19:47I mean,
19:48one that sort of
19:49came and went
19:50within about 25 hours
19:51was Dane Scarlett.
19:52He's gone to Oxford United
19:53so Sunderland
19:54definitely aren't
19:55signing him.
19:56One that broke
19:57last night
19:58was Daniel Jefferson,
19:59Keith Downey
20:00from Sky
20:01suggesting that
20:03are looking at
20:04the Bournemouth striker.
20:05That's obviously
20:06happening according
20:07to some sources.
20:08It's all very confusing
20:09at the moment
20:10but in a hypothetical
20:12do you think that
20:13Jefferson or someone
20:14of that ilk
20:15could be a smart
20:16signing for Sunderland
20:17this summer?
20:18I think so.
20:19I think obviously
20:20when these links
20:21break and the type
20:22of profile these
20:23players are,
20:24obviously Scarlett
20:25and Jefferson
20:26don't have
20:27huge goal scoring
20:29The two players
20:30are in slightly
20:31different points
20:32in their careers
20:33but I'll come on
20:34to Sunderland
20:35and sort of
20:36going for
20:37what we need
20:38which is experience
20:39and somebody with
20:40a proven track record.
20:41I think actually
20:42what it shows to me
20:43is that they've got
20:44that Alexandre Mendy
20:45in the fire
20:46and they're probably
20:47trying to use
20:48the loan market
20:49as well.
20:50Now as Phil mentioned
20:51last podcast,
20:52they may run
20:53into difficulties
20:54with a player
20:55like Jefferson
20:56because if they're
20:57going to sign
20:58somebody like Mendy,
20:59can they guarantee
21:00Jefferson the game time?
21:01He's going to want
21:02a player.
21:03Jefferson might not
21:04be an option.
21:05I think where the
21:06Scarlett type
21:07player comes from
21:08is that understudy
21:10I hope whoever
21:11comes in is better
21:12during the Sunderland
21:13career but a
21:14Mason Burstow
21:15type profile
21:16sort of signing.
21:17So for me it actually
21:18obviously I'm
21:19frustrated with
21:20the lack of
21:21signing in that
21:22striking area
21:23but far from
21:24being frustrated
21:25I think for me
21:26it actually shows
21:27that they're looking
21:28possibly at two
21:29players in that
21:31Another name that's
21:32coming up is
21:33Will Langshir,
21:34a young Tottenham
21:36very much sort of
21:37unproven at
21:38senior level.
21:39I mean is
21:40that a bit of a
21:41gamble to bring
21:42in a player like
21:44Should someone
21:45perhaps be looking
21:46for a player
21:47who's maybe had
21:48a year or two
21:49at EFL level
21:51Well again
21:52James raises a
21:53really good point
21:54and the thing I
21:55would stress again
21:56is it depends
21:57how much you
21:58need to do
21:59because if the
22:00squad stays the
22:02you're not
22:03going to
22:04see a
22:05lot of
22:07in that
22:09Now if
22:10for example
22:11Clark was
22:12to go,
22:13if for
22:16was to
22:17go out
22:18on loan,
22:20now that's
22:21very unlikely
22:22at the
22:23moment because
22:24he's playing
22:25but let's
22:26say for
22:27Argument State
22:28you get a
22:29good loan
22:30and it's
22:31a good
22:33I think
22:34what we're
22:35seeing at
22:36the moment
22:37is the
22:39of the fact
22:40that Sundlund
22:41are trying to
22:42prepare for
22:43every scenario.
22:44One of
22:45those scenarios
22:46is that Clark
22:48they have a
22:49settled team
22:50and they
22:51need to
22:52add an
22:55to that
22:56to a
22:59be looking at purely through the prism of Sunderland need one striker, who's it's going to be.
23:03There's actually still a lot of variables between now and the end of the transfer window and it's
23:06Sunderland's job, it's the recruitment team's job, to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.
23:11I think that's probably all we've got time for this week. Thanks for joining me, James and Phil,
23:16thank you for watching along of course. Luke and I and the Sunderland Echo for all things
23:20Sunderland and the Raw will be back next week. Plenty of reflection, plenty of analysis
23:25and hopefully some striking news as well, lads. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
23:31Well, I want to hold my breath.
