10 sets of twins join Twinverclyde

  • 3 weeks ago
10 sets of twins join Twinverclyde

TWIN count hits double figures for fourth consecutive year in ‘Twinverclyde’.

A total of 10 sets of ‘similar siblings’ are due to begin P1 on Friday 16 August 2024 in Inverclyde.

The area has become known as ‘Twinverclyde’ for its high rate of twins.

It is the fourth consecutive year that the twin count has hit double figures.

There has also been double figures in 10 of the last 12 years.

Six pairs from the class of 2024 gathered at St Patrick’s Primary in Greenock.

Provost Drew McKenzie said: “You know it’s back to school time when we start to see this year’s inductees to our ‘twinverclyde’ hall of fame.

“It has become an annual tradition to get our new P1 twins together and it is great fun for them and their family and friends and they all look so resplendent in their uniforms.

“For most, it’s a dress rehearsal for Friday when it’s back to the classroom for staff and pupils here in Inverclyde.

“After a summer of preparing to either start school for the first time, move into high school, or continuing with primary or secondary education, it’s an exciting time for everyone and I wish all our education staff, pupils and their families all the very best in the next academic year.”

Most of the class of 2024 gathered at St Patrick’s Primary in Greenock where two sets of this year’s twins will start primary one.

Kilmacolm and King’s Oak primaries will also welcome two pairs of similar siblings for the start of the new term.

The class of 2024 will take the Inverclyde twin count to 157 sets since 2013, which is an average of 13 sets each year.

Staff will head to the classroom tomorrow, Wednesday 14 August 2024, for two in-service days before pupils start the new term on Friday 16 August 2024.

Number of sets of twins starting in P1 since 2013

2013 12

2014 15

2015 19 (record)

2016 15

2017 13

2018 4

2019 16

2020 9

2021 15

2022 12

2023 17

2024 10

00:00I'm Margaret, this is my twin girls Demi and this is Nicole and they are my
00:12second set of twins. They've got twin brothers who are 15 and they are going
00:18to school this year. Primary one on Friday. I had one baby 17 years ago then
00:24we had a set of twin boys, non-identical twin boys. After they were born the
00:30consultant said that there would be a 98% chance of me having
00:34another set of twins so we thought right no more but ten years later we had a
00:41surprise of another set of twins which is amazing. They are very close, they're
00:47all very different so they have their own different personalities and they
00:54like different things although they're twins which is quite nice because
00:58they are their own individual self and they're very protective of each other.
01:02What do you like doing? I like playing the guitar. You also like trying to play the
01:11keyboard as well don't you? You like dancing and singing.
01:15They're very ready for school aren't you? Yeah I think keeping them in the same
01:20class and I think that's probably the best option. Are you excited about coming to
01:24school? Yeah. Do you know anyone that's coming? Charlie and Liam and they went to
01:32nursery with you didn't they? Yeah they're all friends and they always come to nursery with us but sometimes they're on holiday.
