• 2 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02It's a bombsite.
00:03Well, I do need to clean it up.
00:05I've been meaning to thank you for the church fundraiser.
00:08I will get it right, this time. I mean, with you and me.
00:13I just saw him and Tess.
00:15I guess I can learn to share.
00:19Reece wants to sell her half of the hotel.
00:21We do have to discuss Krista, though.
00:24Discretion is essential for me, too.
00:26I think we should keep our eyes and ears open until we know exactly what she's up to.
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:14Glad you like your spa, Claire.
01:16It's not the only thing I like.
01:19It is the only thing I didn't take home.
01:23Do you have to go back to work?
01:28Yeah. Tess is probably wondering where I am, too.
01:33Do you think it's serious from her point of view?
01:36No. I'm just Tess' play toy.
01:40You're the one I want to be with.
01:44You know that, right?
01:46If I forget, I've got this to remind me.
01:59Hey, better up, better up.
02:10Where did you disappear to, huh?
02:12Where did you disappear to, huh?
02:14Uh, Sasha called.
02:17What did he have to say?
02:19There's one service left at the old church.
02:21Thought I might want to go.
02:23Is he going to be there?
02:24No, no, no. He was just helping back up.
02:26I guess he was just being a friend.
02:31I think I might go.
02:35Knock yourself out.
02:43See ya. Bye.
02:50What are you annoyed about?
02:53The fact that she's talking to Sasha?
02:55Or the whole church thing?
02:56The church thing.
02:57Didn't you help her with the whole fundraiser?
03:01It was important to her.
03:03What would have happened if you actually saved the place?
03:04I don't know. I hadn't gotten that far.
03:08We've just gotten over so many hurdles to get back together.
03:10Like, what if this Christian hurdle is the one that trips us up?
03:15What are you guys looking at?
03:17Email from the real estate agent.
03:19Oh, any prospective tenants for the nursery?
03:22None that we want.
03:24Storage facility.
03:26Paintball experience.
03:29Is that even legal?
03:32I don't even know why he's sending us stuff.
03:34I told him that it has to remain Sonia's nursery.
03:37Well, clearly he's not getting the memo.
03:40To be fair, he's hardly going to lease it in the state it's in.
03:44I'm looking for a company to clean it up.
03:47Why don't we do it?
03:49Oh, um, that's a pretty big job, mate.
03:52We could at least make a start.
03:54Yeah, you know what? I agree.
03:56I mean, we've got nothing on for the rest of the day.
04:00Uh, yes. Yeah, let's do that.
04:03Yep, good idea.
04:04Let's go get changed, mate.
04:11Are you sure you're up for this, sweetheart?
04:13Yeah, I am. It's just, you know, Dad's right.
04:16It's a big job.
04:28We don't want to overstep.
04:29No, we learned that lesson the hard way.
04:31Yeah, it's just that we hardly ever see Holly at home.
04:34Hey, how are you?
04:35When we do see her, it's always, you know,
04:37I'm good, I'm great, I'm awesome.
04:40If it's any consolation, I don't think she's out partying anymore.
04:44Oh, sweetheart, hi.
04:47How's your morning?
04:51Um, housekeeping asked me to drop these off.
04:53Thanks, Holly.
04:57I guess we've just got to trust that she's okay.
05:00If I see any reason to worry, I'll let you know.
05:03Okay, thanks. We'll see you later.
05:09How are you feeling?
05:12You mean now that I know that Tess is trying to shaft me?
05:15Why don't we get out of here?
05:17Because I have to work.
05:18It won't take long.
05:20It'll be worth it.
05:21It's worth it?
05:34Feeling better?
05:35I am.
05:38It's worth it.
05:40And if you look on the bright side,
05:42Dad had the chance to sell the hotel,
05:44but he's holding on to it to be loyal to you.
05:47Yeah, well I think you're a big part of that decision.
05:49He's a smart businessman, right?
05:51He wouldn't do it unless he backed you.
05:54We've come a long way, me and old Paul Robinson.
05:58No, we just need to figure out what that Tess is up to.
06:02It's obvious, isn't it?
06:05She's been pretending to support me
06:06while deciding whether or not to keep the hotel.
06:09With a stupid psychic following her around.
06:12Yeah, no one should even care about Heath's past.
06:14Just this whole thing's been an exercise in screwing me over.
06:44He's always wanted the hotel to himself.
06:47What about Reese?
06:48Do you think she'll sell on to Krista?
06:50She won't care.
06:51She never thinks about Krista.
06:53Or me.
06:55Can we skim money off the sale?
06:59It wasn't in the original plan, but...
07:04On top of what we're making at Warwi,
07:07and the other investments,
07:10we'll be set for life.
07:19Set for life.
07:21On that, I need you to go to Warwi for a few days.
07:25You need to make sure that nothing's left behind
07:27that would contradict our story of the business going sour.
07:30Why, can't Justin go?
07:33He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
07:37Unlike you.
07:41You making fun of me?
07:43You making fun of me?
07:50Are we done here?
07:54I've offended you.
07:56I'm sorry.
08:01Why don't you show me how sorry you are?
08:13Ah, hi!
08:16What's happened? Is something wrong?
08:18I've come to show my support.
08:21I've come to church with you before.
08:22Yeah, it didn't exactly stick as a habit.
08:25I want to do things differently this time.
08:28Come on, we're going to miss the opening number.
08:30You mean the worship service?
08:31Yep, that's what I meant.
08:36Well, you were right.
08:38It certainly has gone to rack and ruin.
08:40We'll have it sorted in no time.
08:43You know, maybe we should call Rhett.
08:44Get him to pop down.
08:45Good idea.
08:46We can put a rocket up him.
08:49Where'd you learn that expression?
08:51From you.
08:54Does sound like something you'd say.
08:56Oh, shh, shh.
08:58Hey, you alright?
08:59Yeah, yeah, I'll call him now.
09:02What are they doing here?
09:05Well, Nell and I thought that we'd message some friends to come and help.
09:08Well, you called the cavalry.
09:10So, here we are.
09:15Oh, that sermon was so good.
09:17And I really liked that pastor.
09:19Too bad she wasn't there before.
09:20Yeah, she was alright.
09:22I feel like she, like, pushed a little, though, right?
09:25The music was very loud.
09:30Why did you actually come?
09:34I can't just make a little constructive criticism?
09:36You've liked services before, but you clearly didn't like that one.
09:39And now you're hating on the pastor?
09:41What's up?
09:48I am scared about history repeating.
09:53I'm never going to believe in God, and that is so important to you.
09:58And you're telling me that's okay now, but what about in five years?
10:04Fifty, because I'm in this for the long haul, and I don't want to lose you.
10:13Come on.
10:16Are we going to pray?
10:19No, we're going to talk about this.
10:21Otherwise, we may as well break up now, which I don't want to do.
10:25Well, I don't want that either.
10:27Well, then let's do what we said we'd do.
10:30Learn from our mistakes and communicate.
10:39What are you thinking about?
10:41What I meant to pack for war away, apparently.
10:45Buy yourself a new wardrobe.
10:47Outback style.
10:49Oh, so now I'm allowed to spend money.
11:00This was left for you at reception.
11:05Nice bling.
11:08You can go now.
11:29Hey, Tony.
11:31Are you okay with Therese inviting everyone down here?
11:35Yeah, it's fine.
11:36Yep, I'll get it.
11:39Hey, look, can you just, uh...
11:45So, I've been meaning to ask you, how's things going with JJ?
11:51Um, he's been really supportive.
11:54So, do you still like him?
11:57I can recycle that bike.
12:00More than ever.
12:02But it's complicated because of Dex.
12:07Well, maybe the first step to uncomplicate it is maybe talk to your dad?
12:13After everything that's happened, how do I say,
12:15oh, hey, Dad, guess what?
12:17But I really like JJ after all.
12:20You like JJ?
12:22You mean you?
12:26Um, I left something at home.
12:31Look, I'm sorry.
12:32I was put in a difficult position.
12:35She asked me to keep it a secret, and I wanted to respect that.
12:41Yeah, no, you're right.
12:44You did the right thing.
12:46Maybe you should go after her.
12:56Well, according to what I've found,
12:58Well, according to what I've found online,
13:00Tess was promoted to head of Asia Pacific three months ago.
13:04That makes sense.
13:06Yeah, I remember her buying a company in Adelaide last time she was here.
13:09Even so, I mean, I wouldn't really call it a promotion.
13:12I mean, she was always second in command to your father.
13:15I'm sure she's still in a pretty sweet deal.
13:18You know there is one way we can figure it out.
13:26Yeah, um, I think maybe we should wait just a little while, alright?
13:31You know what, I've got to grab Abby, so I'll see you soon, okay?
13:43This is really upsetting you, isn't it?
13:45The idea that Race could actually be involved in this deal.
13:50I just hate that I allowed myself to think that things are actually going well here.
13:53Oh, come on.
13:55You're doing brilliantly. You've done an amazing job.
13:57Well, no thanks to Brett.
14:00Now you have the opportunity to take full control of the hotel again.
14:03So why are you backing me?
14:04Because I realize what an asset you are.
14:12Maybe you should go to New York more often.
14:14Maybe I should.
14:16Kirsten, I'm not the man that I was when I left.
14:20I'm kind of looking at this as a whole new chapter.
14:24Was there anything you got out of church the last time?
14:26Yeah, yeah. I found some peace.
14:29It was just never going to be a thing that I did regularly.
14:34You want to break up, don't you?
14:36I don't want to break up. I love you.
14:38Well, you love God more.
14:39It's not mutually exclusive.
14:41My faith is a part of me the same way that Isla and Aaron are a part of you.
14:48I saw you gushing over that pasta.
14:51Okay, I don't want another Sasha situation.
14:54I promise I'll always be open with you about that.
15:00Am I still allowed to make fun of the music when I think it's over the top?
15:05There was a lot of acoustic guitar today.
15:07Babe, there was so much acoustic guitar!
15:10Acoustic guitar!
15:14I love you.
15:17I want to make this work.
15:19So do I.
15:30Going to church really gets you in the mood, huh?
15:41Hey, why didn't you answer your phone?
15:43Why do you think?
15:45You said you were fine with being non-exclusive.
15:47Yeah, I know.
15:48Then why are you acting like this?
15:49It's more challenging than I thought.
15:52I told you, it's not forever.
15:56I know that too.
15:57Okay, then how are we going to get through this?
15:59Because all hell is going to break loose if Tess finds out.
16:01I'm not going to tell her.
16:03Yeah, but if you keep acting weird, she's going to know something's up.
16:10Okay, I'm sorry. I guess I just need to avoid you two when you're together.
16:17So we're good?
16:21We're good.
16:34Yeah, look, I'm sorry for reacting that way.
16:38No jollies.
16:42Because I know you kind of took off a bit dramatically.
16:46Don't worry about it.
16:48That's my job.
16:50Because I'm your dad.
16:52Yeah, but I don't want to fight about this.
16:57And I know you'll say you won't, but every time Jojo's name comes up, you get upset.
17:05I'll try not to.
17:13He was with me when I found the nursery was a mess.
17:19Was he?
17:21See, you're mad, aren't you?
17:25Even though he was only there as a friend and was really supportive.
17:32No, I'm not upset.
17:35I'm really glad that you had a friend with you when you found the nursery like that. Truly.
17:46So, if you're hanging out with Jojo, why is Dex being all weird with you?
17:51I don't know.
17:55Does he like you too?
18:00Oh, Nelly Fish.
18:01Nelly Fish.
18:04It's been a bit awkward.
18:12So you're not upset?
18:16I'm upset that you feel like you can't talk to me about this stuff.
18:20That's my doing. That's not on you at all. Okay?
18:25I'm glad you got Therese to talk to.
18:30I love you.
18:32I love you too.
18:36And look, I know you want to do your own thing with JJ, right?
18:43But just for what it's worth, considering everyone's feelings, maybe you should just not rush into anything. Okay?
19:02You're getting big, aren't you?
19:16Hi, Brett. Hi, Therese Rebecki. Look, Toadie's just popped home for a minute.
19:21Of course. I just wanted to catch him before he went too overboard with the repairs.
19:25Listen, I'd love to know if it's alright, what we're up against.
19:31You said you're finding it hard to lease the place as a nursery.
19:34Yeah, I feel like I've dropped the rent to rock bottom.
19:38I don't want to speak out of turn, but I might need some help convincing him to try an alternate business.
19:51Where'd you get that?
19:53My mum.
20:00Alright, it's from Eith.
20:02You're still seeing him?
20:05Even though he's with Tess?
20:08We talked about it. He likes me more.
20:10How do you know that?
20:12Well, he gave this to me, not her.
20:15Oh, yeah. Babe, relax. I've been in open relationships before.
20:18Is it open if one person doesn't know about it?
20:20Don't be so judgy.
20:22He's a convicted corporate fraudster who's sleeping with his boss and cheating on her with you.
20:29He's giving Aiden vibes.
20:31No, it's not. Besides, I'm completely in control here.
20:35Don't look now.
20:39Hello, Krista.
20:41Hi. I saw the report from the mystery shopper company.
20:44Really? I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
20:47They gave some interesting recommendations.
20:48Good work.
20:50Well, it was your idea, so really I should be thanking you.
20:54Actually, thank you for everything.
20:59You've been really great since Paul got back.
21:01Yeah, you could be throwing me under the bus, and you're not.
21:05I really appreciate it.
21:07You're welcome.
21:19Just the person I want to see.
21:23Going up, I presume?
21:28Good news.
21:30Lassiter's has been identified as a potential asset to divest.
21:35So does that mean you've spoken to Reese?
21:37She's left the decision up to me.
21:39Get your finances in order.
21:41Because when it happens, it could happen quickly.
21:45It could happen quickly.
21:54So you don't think I'm being too unrealistic?
21:57No, I think that's a fantastic idea.
21:59Oh my goodness, I've got goosebumps just thinking about it.
22:01Hey, guys, I have had a brainwave.
22:04Irene Rising could take over the lease of the nursery
22:07and we could use it as a garden for the residents.
22:10That's a great idea. I think they would love it.
22:12Yeah, that sounds like a real win-win for everyone, doesn't it?
22:14And we could start on the lease agreement this afternoon.
22:17No, no, no, no, just no.
22:23Get out.
22:27Get out! Go!
22:44Get out!