Neighbours 10th July 2024-n

  • 3 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02The cinema's hosting a new memorial, I'll show you.
00:05Let me go back to you.
00:06You and Mel are vibing.
00:07She's got a date lined up with Dex.
00:09Why are you dressed like that?
00:10What are you doing here?
00:11I'm doing a short IT course.
00:13I'm not telling anyone.
00:14You keep my secret and I'm going to keep yours.
00:16I'm sure I had met him before.
00:18You have to talk to her.
00:20You keep telling people different things.
00:22No I don't.
00:23I understand what that kind of love is like
00:25and what it means when it's gone.
00:33Everybody needs good neighbours
00:37With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours
00:59become good friends
01:05How did you get in here?
01:10I found your keys.
01:11I was just putting them back.
01:12Why are you going through my things?
01:15I think the bigger question
01:19is why have you got David's clothes?
01:24I bought them.
01:26I thought Aaron might regret throwing them out.
01:30That's a pretty big assumption to make.
01:32I'm being a friend.
01:34If he doesn't want the stuff later
01:35I can always donate it again.
01:36There's no problem.
01:38Except you told Carl
01:39you were from two different places.
01:41Remy's sure she met you at a conference.
01:44Who are you?
01:45Who are you?
01:46Breaking into my place
01:47and accusing me of crazy stuff.
01:48I'm just trying to get an explanation.
01:49Look, I don't know why Carl is confused
01:51and I don't know what Remy's problem is.
01:53Everyone else is wrong because...
01:55I know you had an issue with Eden.
01:57Maybe you enjoyed the drama
01:58but do not try and make me the new him.
02:03What are you hiding?
02:07You're paranoid.
02:12I should go straight to the police.
02:14Do I need to do that?
02:23If it isn't already obvious, I quit.
02:25Stay far away from me, yeah?
02:39Hey, so are we still on for tonight?
02:43Oh, movie.
02:44Yeah, sure.
02:46Are you happy with Ghost in the Shell?
02:48There are other Oshie ones we could choose.
02:50Yeah, fine.
02:51Sounds good.
02:56Dude, what are you doing?
02:59Ma wants us to get some groceries and stuff.
03:01You came here to tell me that?
03:04If you get busted.
03:05I won't.
03:06Okay, okay, bye.
03:07Wait, wait, wait.
03:09I need to choose a movie to see with Del tonight.
03:11I thought she was interested in Ghost in the Shell.
03:13Angel's Egg.
03:14I've heard her talk about that one before.
03:17Dex, it is time for class.
03:24And you really shouldn't be here.
03:27I know, I had to see Dex about something.
03:31I guess I missed the place a bit too.
03:35Are you not wearing a ring?
03:38Oh, I took it off at home.
03:40We had printmaking today.
03:42Just forgot to put it back on.
03:44I'll swap you half a day of printmaking for half a day of paperwork.
03:49I don't think not.
03:50All right.
03:51Love you.
03:52Love you.
03:58Hey, hey.
04:00Hi, Bessie.
04:01Wow, you are slaying in that outfit.
04:04Yes, I am.
04:06It said at the student union that you can get a free beer here.
04:10I'm pretty sure it said one free beer on offer.
04:13I came to ask.
04:14There is a traffic light party next week.
04:16It's kind of a big deal at uni.
04:19Yeah, that's where we want to go.
04:22Yeah, like to show the relationship status.
04:25Like, you know, green for our singles, orange for, you know, maybe.
04:29Red for don't come if you're red.
04:31Want to cruise the lights with me?
04:33I'll check my roster.
04:35Roster says yes.
04:36Let me hear that beer.
04:38Thank you.
04:42She stole my keys and let us out.
04:45I don't know what you're talking about.
04:48She stole my keys and let herself into my place.
04:53That just doesn't sound like Mel.
04:55She also accused me of hiding something.
04:58And she wasn't completely wrong.
05:06Remember I said I know what it's like to lose love.
05:10I made the mistake of letting their stuff go too soon,
05:13and I didn't want that for you.
05:15Hold on.
05:16You bought David's stuff?
05:20I was trying to make sure you had no regrets,
05:23and then Mel made me feel like I was doing something completely inappropriate.
05:33She was so out of line, I ended up quitting.
05:37It was so hard giving this stuff away.
05:42I actually really miss this.
05:44Well, then I'm sort of glad I did it, despite what Mel said.
05:49Mel should never have gone off at you or made you feel like you needed to quit.
05:53I was getting over the job anyway.
05:55It was never a long-term thing.
05:58Are we good?
06:01I'm going to go and tell Mel that she's gotten the wrong end of the stick.
06:05What about the clothes?
06:08Do you want to keep them after all?
06:11How about I help you decide?
06:17I'll catch you later.
06:18I'll see you in class.
06:24No, don't give me that.
06:27Parker is just a friend that you go cruising parties with.
06:31Obviously there's going to be no cruising on my part.
06:35Then I think you gave them the wrong impression.
06:41No, it's just when we first went clubbing, they assumed that I was younger and, you know,
06:46I kind of liked the whole image that it went with.
06:49A hot, young, single lady.
06:51Well, I am hot and, you know, I'm youngish.
06:56Do they at least know that you're a mum?
07:02Look, I know it sounds bad.
07:05Just think about how Andrew's going to feel when he finds out.
07:14So, this pile we give to the foundation to sell again and that pile we keep?
07:22Yep, yeah.
07:28You need to clear your head before you do this.
07:31You know, someone mentioned the Dandenongs.
07:34Yeah, yeah, the Dandenongs is a nice place to hike.
07:37Away from all the craziness.
07:39No one can hear you scream when you get lost.
07:43You know what?
07:44Getting lost for a few hours actually sounds really nice.
07:47Let's do it.
07:48Let's go tomorrow.
07:50I really don't want to make a big deal out of it.
07:52If you could have a word with him.
07:54All right.
07:55Thanks, Remy.
07:57Hello, Logan.
07:59I should get going.
08:00Want to go for a run tomorrow morning as a warm up?
08:02Yeah, yeah, let's do that.
08:04You're right.
08:05See you.
08:07Thanks again.
08:08You're right.
08:10A bit more trouble with JJ.
08:13Caught him at the school, which ironically is where he should be if things were different.
08:18No, it's just a sad situation.
08:26I read online that I should go to Flowers.
08:29That's a bit much.
08:30Maybe you can just tell her you like her.
08:34I just spoke to Jane.
08:36Okay, in my defence, I was only there for about five seconds to tell Dex about the groceries.
08:40See, we got him.
08:41We got the groceries.
08:42You can't be there.
08:43Full stop.
08:44I'm going to go get changed.
08:47Well, since you can't keep yourself away from school, we need to decide where you're going to go next.
08:50Can't I just keep working?
08:51That wasn't the deal.
08:53If I can't go to Erinsborough High, I really don't want to go anywhere else.
08:59Thank you.
09:03Did you speak to Logan again yet?
09:07Unfortunately, yes.
09:08Did he give anything more away?
09:12Before you say anything, I hope Logan told you that he bought all David's clothes.
09:17Yeah, he did.
09:18And thank goodness for that because I regretted getting rid of them.
09:21Mel, you can't just break into his cabin and start going through his stuff like that.
09:24What has gotten into you?
09:25I was trying to protect you.
09:27You were trying to protect me from what?
09:29I'm the one who brought him into our lives and we don't know anything about him.
09:34Not really.
09:35Mel, I know the important things.
09:36You do realise he's given different stories about where he's from.
09:39You must have misheard him.
09:41Aaron, he has latched onto you like nobody's business.
09:46Surely you can see that.
09:48I'm worried about you.
09:50I appreciate that but I promise you I am fine.
09:53I don't know why you're so fixated on this.
09:56Mel, whatever has happened between you two, he has been really supportive of me.
10:00He's been a good friend.
10:02So you need to back off.
10:16You didn't want to go full suit and tie?
10:19Is this not good enough?
10:21Nah, you'll be fine, man. Relax.
10:23You look good.
10:30Hi, darling. Come on through.
10:38Hey, nice fit but aren't we just chilling in front of the TV?
10:43Um, yes. I mean, no, just come this way.
10:55This is so cool.
10:57Like the movies.
10:58Yeah, Angel's Egg deserves the big screen experience.
11:01I thought we were watching Ghost in the Shell.
11:03Yeah, change of plans.
11:05We could order pizza and all join you.
11:07Or we could continue that convo about school.
11:10Now there's an offer we can't refuse.
11:14Come on, make yourself comfy.
11:16We'll send pizza your way when it arrives.
11:24Now, Mum and I looked over that list of schools and they're all comparable on STEM.
11:30You've just got to decide on arts and sports.
11:33I said before, I don't want to go to another school.
11:38How did you know I liked Angel's Egg?
11:40Um, me and you, I guess we just think the same.
11:46You know what I should have brought? Popcorn.
11:54See, we're in sync.
12:00You know what? Let's get started.
12:07Who's up?
12:09Two Hawaiians, two Chicken Supremes. Do you reckon that's going to be enough?
12:13We're not dropping the subject of you and school.
12:15Okay, um, done.
12:17Let's get out of here.
12:18Go, quick!
12:26Once the dust settles, Aaron will see you had his best interests at heart.
12:33Or maybe,
12:36Or maybe,
12:37Logan's right.
12:39Have I been handling this the wrong way because of Eden?
12:42Hang on, did Logan say that?
12:44He accused me of loving the drama, which I don't think is true.
12:49Maybe I am overly suspicious because of what's happened to me.
12:54Well, of course you're going to be affected by your experiences.
12:57But you've got to trust your gut.
13:00Aaron said I'm fixating. Am I?
13:03Well, you're obviously concerned. We all are.
13:06And we're sorry we spurred you on.
13:09You didn't encourage me to break and enter.
13:16How could it just collapse?
13:19I am so, so sorry. Someone could have got seriously hurt.
13:22Who did the build? Dodgy brothers and co?
13:25Uh, actually, yeah, it was my brother.
13:28And it seems like his workmanship was a bit dodgy.
13:30Uncle Shane. It was a big surprise for Aunt Dippy.
13:34Put up in record speed.
13:36So Shane wasn't a builder?
13:38He built the machine, the one that turns urine into water?
13:43No. No, he's not.
13:45Obviously, I feel responsible for this.
13:47No, look, this is on me as well.
13:49I should have taken a closer look when we bought the place.
13:51No, no, no, this isn't for you guys to fix.
13:53You should not be out of pocket.
13:54Okay, alright, alright, it's fine, it's fine.
13:55Why don't we just make safe and we can deal with it tomorrow?
13:58Sounds like a plan.
14:07Yeah, thanks, mate.
14:08Forget that.
14:14Um, actually, Dad would probably want us to go home after.
14:21Oh, but it's still early and we haven't eaten yet.
14:23Oh, Dexy, we might do it another night.
14:25I think tonight's a bit of a write-off.
14:42Shouldn't have had that last coffee before bed.
14:45Oh, yeah, that'll go to you.
14:53There something on your mind?
14:55No, no, no, nothing.
14:58Go back to bed. I'll be there soon.
15:24I wasn't sure you'd be up for it.
15:27I never regret a run.
15:29Well, you will when I kick your butt.
15:31Is that right?
15:37Are you hiding?
15:39You got me.
15:41What's going on?
15:42Long story short, I got all worked up about Logan and it backfired on me big time.
15:48Aaron is not happy with me.
15:50I can't stop thinking about when I met Logan in Burley Heads.
15:53I am certain he spoke to me about new cardiovascular treatments.
15:57Like any average waiter would.
16:00Our instincts aren't wrong. Something doesn't add up.
16:04Maybe so, but I have to leave this alone.
16:07I've caused enough chaos already.
16:13Good news is, I reckon I can do the rebuild myself.
16:16Didn't DIY cause this disaster in the first place?
16:20I've been in construction a long time. This is my wheelhouse.
16:23Yes, yes you have. Okay.
16:26Um, can I help with the grunt work?
16:30Sure thing.
16:31As long as we can just do it bit by bit around my other commitments.
16:34Yeah, sure.
16:35Well, I've got a couple of things to do, but I reckon I can make it to your place by 11 if that's okay with you.
16:40Um, can we make it midday? I've just got a staff meeting.
16:45It's a deal.
16:46See you then.
16:49Hey Wendy.
16:54We need to talk.
16:55No, we don't.
16:57Please, can you just let me explain?
17:01I was up half the night thinking about what you said.
17:05I was pregnant with Sadie when all my friends went out and they were partying at uni.
17:09Yeah, I was a young mum too.
17:11Yeah, I was a young mum too.
17:13So you know what it's like trying to fit back in.
17:17Finally met a group of people that I got on with and, you know, I just, I went for it.
17:23Is that, is that so evil?
17:25It's still not great.
17:27You know, whatever the reason, it's disloyal to Andrew and Sadie.
17:31They mean more to me than anything.
17:33Except you're literally denying that they exist.
17:37I'm just trying to find a balance, Cara.
17:42I honestly, I just, I don't know how to be fun, uni Wendy and boring old mum who works at the bar at the same time.
17:55But you know what, you're lying to people as much as I am.
17:59Am I?
18:01You don't have a staff meeting today.
18:03You've got uni.
18:04Not quite the same, but okay.
18:06A lie is a lie.
18:10It's alright, I'm not going to say anything.
18:13But this is a two-way street.
18:17Oh, and less of the judgy eyeballs would be nice.
18:20Thank you.
18:27Tony feels so bad about the sunroom.
18:29We can't believe it happened.
18:32Sorry, a sunroom disaster, check.
18:34I don't know, wifey's on it.
18:36It's our firstborn son that's the bigger problem.
18:39I'm sorry I had to evict him from the school.
18:41Is there nothing else we can do to repeal the enrolment decision?
18:44No, the meeting with Lana sealed it.
18:47The one that Judge A didn't turn up to.
18:50But the court saw that he's not a bad kid, that's why they put him on the diversion program.
18:54You know, and he's doing so well at our reunion bridal.
18:56The court saw that he's not a bad kid, that's why they put him on the diversion program.
18:59You know, and he's doing so well at our reunion bridal.
19:01Doesn't that count for something?
19:03I actually agree with everything you're saying.
19:05It's just, I don't see how it changes anything.
19:10Oh, sorry, it's an old colleague.
19:12I have to take it.
19:13If there's anything else you can think of...
19:19Thanks for calling me back.
19:35Thanks for meeting me.
19:36You made it sound like it was life or death.
19:39I know you wanted to leave it, but I just spoke to a colleague who was also at Burley Heads,
19:43and they remembered Logan being there too.
19:46How can they be sure it was him?
19:48I sent a photo of him.
19:49His real name is Dr Logan Chambers,
19:52and he practiced at Liverpool West Private Hospital in Sydney.
19:56Are they absolutely sure?
19:59So we were right.
20:03Why would someone lie about being a doctor?
20:05He obviously has something to hide.
20:07And he was the one who made out that I was some kind of a nutter.
20:11He's smart.
20:12Whatever his agenda is, he's getting away with it.
20:14He's obsessed with Aaron.
20:17I got the number of someone who worked with him at Liverpool West.
20:19I could give him a call if you want to listen.
20:21Oh, yeah.
20:26And Miss Steinmore needs to change from normal butter to local estrol.
20:30Thank you.
20:31I also noticed some of the residents don't go to the cafe in the afternoon.
20:34Maybe we could throw on a few sun umbrellas in there?
20:37Oh, yeah.
20:38Good thinking.
20:39We'll get on to that.
20:41Oh, Miss Belmont.
20:45That's sweet.
20:52I'm Miss Harris.
20:53JJ, before you go, I have an idea that might help your cause.
20:58I've been thinking about all of the great work that you do here.
21:01And while there are certain members of the staff who are willing to write you a reference,
21:05I could go back to Lana at the Education Department.
21:07You mean I might get back into Aaronsborough High?
21:10Well, maybe.
21:11Hey, I'll do it.
21:12Well, you'll have mine by lunchtime.
21:14You can ask the residents too.
21:15I'm sure Harold will say yes.
21:16Oh, I think they'd all say yes.
21:18You've become very popular around here.
21:20There are no guarantees.
21:22Well, I wouldn't want your mums to get their hopes up either.
21:24But it's worth a shot.
21:28Thank you.
21:29Thank you all so much.
21:35Why aren't you answering your phone?
21:38I didn't take it with me.
21:39Aaron, you really need to listen to me.
21:41You really need to hear this.
21:42Mel, if you're going to have another go about Logan...
21:43Logan is seriously unhinged.
21:45I am choosing to spend the day with him and I do not want you spoiling it.
21:48I just found out things about him and David.
21:56Logan knew him.
22:02Coming up on Neighbours.
22:04This trip with Mike's, there's been no end date.
22:07Jan, if you have any concerns,
22:09don't you think you owe it to both of you to talk to Mike about it?
22:12Just tell me this.
22:13Why do you think he would go and do something like that?
22:15But he wouldn't have gone to all this trouble
22:17if he didn't have an agenda, right?