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यस्मान्नोद्विजते लोको लोकानोद्विजते च यः ।
हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैर्मुक्तो यः स च मे प्रियः ॥

He by whom the world is not agitated and who cannot be agitated by the world, who is freed from joy, envy, fear, and anxiety - he is dear to me.
Shrimad Bhagawad Gita (Chapter-12, Verse-15)

~ Who is dear to Krishna?
~ How to get rid of Fear and Anxiety?
~ What is Liberation?
~ What is implied by "He by whom the world is not agitated"?
~ What is truth?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Srimad Bhagavad Gita, chapter 12, verse 15.
00:14He by whom the world is not agitated and who cannot be agitated by the world, who is freed
00:21from joy and fear and anxiety, He is dear to me.
00:27The question asks, what is implied by He by whom the world is not agitated?
00:32All the greats have indeed agitated some people around them.
00:36Ram agitated Ravan, Krishna agitated Kamsa, Duryodhana etc.
00:44The greats had a need to appear in the first place because the world was in agitation and
00:58fever and turbulence.
01:00Otherwise, why did the greats have to assume a form in the first place?
01:12Greatness by its nature loves to remain latent and unmanifest.
01:23Greatness does not enjoy exhibition.
01:31Exhibitionism does not sit well with truth.
01:38Truth is quite a sleepy thing.
01:45It does not want to display itself.
01:51It just remains relaxed, sleeping, tucked away in some corner away from the public eye.
02:05Only when there is some great exigency that the truth wakes up and exhibits or manifests
02:18Otherwise the truth loves being a non-doer.
02:24Otherwise the truth maintains a hands-off approach.
02:35Krishna clarifies it.
02:36He says only when the world experiences a total fall in values and defeat of dharma,
02:52do I come over to save the sages and punish the evil ones.
03:05He qualifies it very clearly, yada yada hi dharmasse.
03:13Only when dharma experiences a decline or fall or attack, do I come over.
03:22So when dharma is not experiencing a decline or fall, then what does Krishna do?
03:28He sleeps.
03:30Truth is, as I said, quite sleepy.
03:32Truth is not exhibitionist.
03:34Are you getting it?
03:37So they came over only because these chaps, Ravana or Kansa or Duryodhana, they were creating
03:45a fair bit of ruckus in the world.
03:49They were causing commotion and disturbance and all kinds of upheavals.
03:56Therefore a Ram or a Krishna had to appear.
04:02They did not appear to agitate anybody.
04:05They appeared because of pre-existing agitation.
04:10And the result of their appearance was that the agitation subsided.
04:16So obviously they did not come to agitate.
04:19They came to become the agitation.
04:22Is that not so?
04:25Was the world more peaceful before Krishna than after it?
04:36Think of the environment in which Krishna took birth.
04:42So many of his elder siblings had been mercilessly slaughtered by Kansa.
04:52His parents had been imprisoned on mere suspicion.
05:01And then he had to be sneaked out of the prison cell and furtively carried away to
05:13some village across the Yamuna.
05:17Do you see how agitated those times must have been?
05:22The king that was dealing with Krishna's biological parents in this way surely was
05:28not dealing with the rest of population in a very benevolent way or was he?
05:33Was Kansa selectively cruel towards Krishna's parents?
05:41Obviously he was not.
05:43He was a cruel ruler in general.
05:48Therefore evil was ruling and therefore Krishna had to come.
05:54The ascendance of evil is necessarily accompanied by the arrival of someone to counter that
06:05It's a rule.
06:06It is as if evil carries within itself the news of arrival of a Krishna.
06:16If you find evil rising immeasurably then you should know that a special force is about
06:25to arrive to counter the evil.
06:26That special force will not always be in the form of a person but the force would nevertheless
06:32always arrive.
06:34As they say that it is darkest before dawn.
06:38If it is very very dark you must know that the sun is about to arrive.
06:44Are you getting it?
06:48So what's implied by he by whom the world is not agitated because by their constitution
07:01all human beings are configured, conditioned to only agitate the world.
07:08Rare is the one the net presence of the net effect of whose presence is that the overall
07:18agitation in the atmosphere comes down.
07:25If you look at any person in the world he would have only contributed agitation to the
07:34world by dent of his presence.
07:38It's almost like entropy.
07:40It only increases.
07:43Agitation I am talking of.
07:45A fellow is born and the fellow dies and there are 70 years between these two events.
07:54What did he do through these 70 years?
07:59Effectively he just agitated the world.
08:03The sum total of his life is agitation.
08:07The net effect of his presence on the world around him is agitation.
08:14That's what everybody does without exception.
08:17Now the one who comes to the world and leaves the world more peaceful than how he found
08:25it is called a Krishna.
08:28Are you getting it?
08:30He by whom the world is not agitated and he adds here Krishna.
08:37He by whom the world is not agitated and he who cannot be agitated by the world and these
08:42two necessarily go together.
08:44If the world agitates you then you will react to agitate the world.
08:50Therefore a Krishna has to be someone who is not excitable.
08:56The world will not mean much to him.
08:58Victory and defeat will not mean much to him.
09:01You cannot lure him.
09:02You cannot tempt him and you cannot threaten him.
09:06You cannot display your power and bow him down into submission.
09:10At the same time you cannot display your weakness and arouse his pity.
09:18He is not there to exploit you and he will not allow you to exploit him.
09:22He is himself.
09:23He is firm.
09:24He stands at his place.
09:26That is Krishna.
09:27Are you getting it?
09:29He neither excites someone nor is excitable.
09:33He neither threatens someone nor can be threatened.
09:37He neither exploits someone nor can be exploited.
09:42Only such a person leaves the world in a better shape than how he found it.
09:50Are you getting it?
09:56In between obviously you will find that Ram is embroiled in fierce battle against Ravan
10:05and thousands are being killed and you will say, is this what you call as arrival of peace?
10:14Is this person, Shri Ram, the harbinger of peace?
10:19There was no battle.
10:21There was no battle at all.
10:23Lanka appeared a peaceful city and a country by all means and see what is the effect of
10:29Ram's arrival on Lanka.
10:31So many are being killed.
10:34You are looking at the smaller picture.
10:40You are looking only at a period of let's say 10 days or 2 months.
10:44In that period you will find lot of agitation.
10:48But when you will take the net result, when you look at the bigger picture, then you will
10:52find that that battle was necessary, that agitation, that excitement was necessary in
10:58order to bring down the overall agitation and tension in the air.
11:04So do not misjudge and we have misjudged.
11:10Krishna has been for example accused of being very very violent.
11:15He has been accused of instigating a war.
11:18Arjuna was trying to somehow peacefully drop his weapons.
11:23He was saying, no no I don't want to fight, I am ready to run away and all that.
11:28There would have been either a surrender from the side of Pandavas or some kind of
11:34an armistice.
11:35Krishna didn't allow that to happen.
11:38Krishna said no you have to fight and when the fight happened then a large number of
11:43people lost their lives.
11:45So it has been said that you see Krishna is responsible for the war and for the bloodshed.
11:51That's not true.
11:52You are looking at the smaller picture.
11:56What if the war hadn't happened?
11:59What if the Pandavas had surrendered meekly?
12:02What if Duryodhana had obtained the throne?
12:08Think of what would have happened.
12:09The king used to be an absolute autocrat in those times.
12:17Absolute authority would be vested in the king and if someone like Duryodhana would
12:23be sitting atop the most powerful kingdom of those times, that would have meant very
12:35bad things for the entire Indian region.
12:41Krishna could not have allowed something so inauspicious to happen.
12:46Therefore the war had to happen.
12:47Yes a lot of lives were lost in that war.
12:51But we fail to imagine how many lives were saved because of the war.
12:58Therefore we sometimes call Krishna as violent or something.
13:03Are you getting it?
13:08If you have a tumor that keeps bleeding within you, you will probably not realize how much
13:21blood you are really losing, or would you?
13:25You have a tumor and the tumor keeps bleeding.
13:30You would probably not realize how much blood you are losing on a daily basis.
13:37And then the surgeon operates on you.
13:43And when the surgeon operates on you, there is a visible loss of blood, correct?
13:49And you start accusing the surgeon, oh because of you I lost so much of blood, you see.
13:58It's been a really bloody surgery.
14:03So much of blood.
14:04I can see all this blood.
14:06You are talking of all this blood merely because you can see it.
14:11What about all the blood that you are losing without even seeing?
14:19So that's the kind of analogy that will help you understand why wars are necessary sometimes
14:26to avoid bloodshed.
14:30And this is not an endorsement of wars.
14:35It's just that in life, everything is alright at its proper place.
14:45The intention has to be right.
14:47And if the intention is right, then everything is alright.
14:52If the intention is to establish dharma, then war can sometimes be right.
14:59But only when the war is honestly and sincerely being fought to establish or defend dharma.
15:06Otherwise not.
15:08Wars obviously bring about a lot of misery.
15:11Wars are to be avoided to the maximum extent possible.
15:14And that's exactly what Krishna too tried to avoid the war.
15:20He went to the extent of offering Duryodhana a deal in which he had to concede just five
15:28villages to Pandavas.
15:31But Duryodhana was not prepared to give up even on five villages.
15:37And then Krishna knew that there is no way out except a big holy fight.
15:46The war had to happen.
15:50Therefore, agitations, disturbances, turbulences are obviously something we have to avoid because
15:58the mind's final destination is peace.
16:03But it just so happens sometimes that if you are to reach peace, you have to pass through
16:10a lot of turbulence.
16:12And you have to be very manfully prepared for it.
16:17You cannot buckle down.
16:20You just cannot give up at that moment.
16:26And you cannot start saying that if I want peace, if peace is my ultimate aim, then why
16:32am I fighting?
16:34Sometimes it's important to fight for peace.
