• 9 hours ago
Full video: Do Indians respect excellence? || Acharya Prashant


00:00we are one of the most superstitious people. Look at the number of gurus and babas
00:03proliferating and prospering. Think of India's share in intellectual property generation.
00:09How much original work is happening here? But we love to copy. When it comes to plagiarism,
00:14we are second to none. Where is thought? Where is logic? Where is rationality? Where is reason?
00:19Where is critical thinking? Think of how we worship our leaders, political leaders.
00:24And if you want to critically analyze a particular leader, especially if he happens to be a darling
00:29of the masses, they won't listen because they don't want to think. They just believe.
00:33Our education must prepare the kid to question everything, to dare to inquire into everything.
00:40There should be no holy cows. There should be nothing so sacred that it cannot be questioned.
