00:00We talked about not knowing our cast as so often as the case in a first season,
00:04but we also don't know our department heads, you know, and we start, you know,
00:10a writer's room is often like a band, but the whole production is an orchestra,
00:14and we're actually finding ourselves like writing, you know, for moments to feature,
00:20you know, Ramin, our amazing composer, or like creating space for those department heads to shine,
00:26and which is very exciting, because last season, a lot of the time, it was like, well,
00:32we had our plan, and it, you know, when it breaks, the department heads step in and save our asses,
00:37and now we're kind of like, oh, let's build to that. Let's actually find moments to, you know,
00:41like, hey, this might not have to be a twisty, turny scene, because we've got Howard Cummings,
00:49you know, who is going to build an amazing set, and like just seeing it,
00:52it could very well be the button of a scene, entrusting that.