Comedy_Jeff Schaffer_Social

  • 3 weeks ago
00:00Honestly, the only reason we ended the series is because the funniest version of this season's
00:07finale was if it was the series finale.
00:10That's it.
00:11They're like, oh, how did you feel about ending it?
00:14I've had so much practice ending the show.
00:18The end of season five was called the end.
00:20The episode was called the end, and that was not ironic.
00:22Every season is the final season.
00:24I've done this many times.
00:27But this one, we didn't start out thinking it was going to be the final season.
00:30All we knew was that Larry said, hey, there's this terrible law in Georgia.
00:34You can't give water or food to someone in line for voting.
00:36I want to get arrested for that.
00:37He said, OK, great.
00:38So we're going to start with that.
00:39And we knew there was this sort of floating, well, if you're going to get arrested, there
00:43might be a trial.
00:44But we didn't really want to go for trial because, obviously, because of the Seinfeld
00:50And only when we were in the middle of the season, we were literally just talking about
00:52a story.
00:53We were talking about a story where a kid throws a ball at Larry or does something that
00:57kicks him or whatever.
00:58And the mom's trying to teach him a lesson, wants Larry to be a part of the lesson.
01:01Larry doesn't want to be a part of the lesson.
01:02I don't need to be a part of your lesson.
01:04And as we were acting it out, he said, look, I'm 76 years old.
01:07I've never learned a thing in my life.
01:09And then it sort of dawned on me, oh, OK, let's just do this.
01:16This trial's been hovering around.
01:17Let's just admit, admit that you've never learned a lesson in your life and just steer
01:21the Titanic right back at the iceberg.
01:24And as I've said many times, I thought it was like, he's like, are you sure?
01:27And I'm like, no, we can't.
01:28We can't miss.
01:29It's like it's so ambitious and it's laziness that we can't, we can't fail.
01:35But that's the only reason.
01:36But it only works if it's the series finale.
01:40So that's why it's the end.
